September 5, 96 A.D., 9:50

The silver-haired man was standing nervously at the gate of the White House ruins in the New Town at this time, and he was preparing to complete a task that Deep Blue had delivered to him, a task called Trust.

Last night, Deep Blue knocked on his door.

Beginning to suspect the point that it takes too long to go out to eat at night, it is deduced step by step that the position of the silver-haired man is very likely to change, and explain that in the next time, what they want to eat, Deep Blue will arrange for the white house personnel to go out to buy and then deliver the meal to their room.

In short, he was grounded, which can be said to be a very blunt demonstration of Deep Blue's distrust of the silver-haired man, and used this as a reason to give him an extremely important task.

She said that if the silver-haired man could finish it successfully, Deep Blue could trust his position, otherwise...

This task is very simple, at ten o'clock in the morning on September 5th, a group of foreign White House personnel will come to hand over an important item, and this item is related to the success or failure of this whole event.

What the silver-haired man needs to do is also very simple, sign for it normally, and ensure that the items are transported to Deep Blue's hands without damage.

However, there was a long distance from the door of the white house to the dark blue room, and this distance took enough time for the silver-haired man to do many things.

And at this time, the white house is still being rebuilt, the monitoring equipment is not perfect, in addition to a few important places to install monitoring, many places are in the monitoring dead end, which is why the white house guard needs to be strictly reviewed.

If it is really mixed in by some lawbreakers, then what serious consequences will occur at that time, and it is very likely that you will not even know why.

After all, no one can sanction something that hasn't happened, can they?

The silver-haired man looked at the time on the smartphone in his hand, and the white Arabic numerals used to display the time jumped stiffly from 9:59 to 10:00

At this moment, a group of white-room personnel wearing white masks appeared from the silver-haired man's field of vision and walked slowly to the silver-haired man.

The White House personnel led by them took out a special device and compared it through the photos on the device, and from the appearance, it was probably the recipient they were looking for.

"Hello, is it the captain of the 102 Tuner Squad?"

Isn't that too punctual? Surely this is not for me?

The silver-haired man was half-convinced, but the body still admitted it very honestly.

"Okay, then please cooperate with us for identity authentication first, if the verification is successful, we will deposit the items in your hands, this is a necessary step, so sorry, offended."

Saying that, the white house officer raised his right hand, and the white house personnel behind him immediately raised the guns and weapons in his hands and surrounded the silver-haired man.

The silver-haired man subconsciously raised his hands, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, is this verification step serious? Hey, hey, hey! The one on the far left, don't think I didn't see it, put away your grenade, I'm scared.

"Drip, fingerprint verification successful; drop, iris certification successful; Drip, blood verification successful, identity authentication successful. After

seeing that the values matched, the White House personnel nodded, then poked a few times on the electronic screen and handed the device to the silver-haired man.

"Please sign."

The silver-haired man signed his code name at the signature.

After handing over their items, the White House personnel immediately put away their weapons, did not make the slightest intention of staying, and left the White House.

The silver-haired man naturally no longer paid attention to the departing White House personnel, but focused his attention on the silver-white lockbox, but it was precisely because of his distraction that he did not notice the back of those White House personnel leaving.

But if he looked at it a few more times, he could find a sense of familiarity in the backs of those people in the white room.

That's right, those White House personnel are the same people who were previously arranged to kidnap middle-aged women.

However, it was not Luo Li who made them competent for the task of submitting this time, but Deep Blue.

After this operation, this group of White House personnel will take a sum of money given by Deep Blue and remain anonymous from now on until the end of this battle.

The name is to go on a confidential mission, but in fact, it is just a reason for Deep Blue to excuse them.

And these white room personnel were also selected by the crow woman from a bunch of white room personnel based on her memory of the video.

Deep Blue knew that something was definitely wrong with this group of people, and if they continued to stay in the White House, there might be worse results.

But she did not order the execution of the people, but let them leave with the money.

First, because Deep Blue doesn't know if Luo Chen has made any marks on these people, and hastily executed, there may be unknown results, so they can only find a way to let them be as far away from the white house, and it is best to cut off the connection directly;

The second reason is that Deep Blue is not a person who will kill innocents. If the necessary sacrifices can avoid greater sacrifices, of course she will not refuse, but unnecessary sacrifices, she can avoid them.

She is just rational dominant, but she is not a temperer without the concept of life, which is far from what the silver-haired man thinks. Looking at the big picture, Deep Blue did not choose to abandon any of her teammates to achieve her goals.

This is also why, obviously she is not the captain of any squad, but she is the core figure recognized by the 276 and 278 squads, not only because of Deep Blue's outstanding ability, but also because she has a personality charm that can make teammates trust for free and be called a leader.

The silver-haired man looked at the silver-white lockbox in his hand, which was somewhat similar to the silver box, but there was a logo exclusive to the white house on it.

So next... Just hand it to Navy Blue....

Although he always felt that the object he received was not the one that was really used to change the tide of the battle, maybe it was just a temptation of Deep Blue, but what could he do?

The dark blue room was not short or long from the door of the white room, and the silver-haired man quickly arrived at the door of the dark blue room and knocked on the door.

"Knock knock."

Standard three knocks on the door, but after waiting for a long time, no one opened the door.


The silver-haired man fell into deep thought, then he took out his smartphone, selected a certain number, and sent an email.

September 5, 96 A.D., 10:50

Middle-aged woman's home.

The middle-aged woman did not go out to set up a breakfast shop today because she woke up early this morning to find that her smartphone had received an email from her husband, Yu Yonghua.

The time of the delivery was in the early morning, and the content roughly stated that he is now in good condition and is gradually recovering, so don't worry too much.

At the same time, the email also mentioned that today is the birthday of a middle-aged woman, and a delivery man will deliver a birthday cake at noon.

"Hey~ I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that the dead old man still remembered my birthday during the injury, then I have to look forward to it."

Due to the influence of the mail, middle-aged women are in a state of high spirits all morning.

But what she didn't know was that Yu Yonghua's vital signs had disappeared yesterday.

"Knock knock."

Standard three-click knock on the door.

"Hello, is there anyone?" A gentleman named Yu Yonghua has ordered a cake for you. "

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