After all this trouble, the representatives had no objections. They hurried back to their countries to discuss the matter with the national parliament, and finally unanimously passed Shen Xing's proposal.

Under Shen Xing's promotion, the countries on the Sky Star have been reunited to form a unified country - the Star Empire.

Shen Xing, as the highest priest of the Star Church, became the only supreme ruler of this empire.

His decision affects the fate of the entire planet.

After arranging everything for the new empire, Shen Xing dealt with some of the backlog of affairs during this period.

It took about two days for Shen Xing to finally take time to come to the prison. He was going to meet the heliocentric proponent who was imprisoned due to the constraints of the times.

When Shen Xing stepped into the prison, the atmosphere of the entire prison suddenly became tense.

His arrival accelerated the heartbeats of all the guards. Breathing became rapid

They knew that the highest priest in front of them was the only ruler on the Sky Star. His power was the sacred power given by the Star Father, and it was an existence that they could not reach

It was like letting an earthling stand in front of a nuclear bomb. Although you knew it would not explode suddenly, the terrifying power would always make you a little nervous

Shen Xing's eyes were calm and deep. His eyes swept across every corner of the prison, as if he could see through every soul deep in the prison

He came not for trial, but for redemption, for the scientist who was misunderstood by the times-Wen Jing

"Priest Shen, you are here..." The guard's voice trembled. He looked at Shen Xing with awe and curiosity in his heart

"Take me to find Wen Jing."

"Wen Jing?"

The guard was stunned. The name was very unfamiliar, but they did not dare to have any questions. They just quickly Flipping through the prisoner files, looking for that name

Wen Jing, a scientist who was imprisoned for upholding the truth, his name was buried in the dust of history, but his belief and persistence left a relatively deep memory in Shen Xing's heart

In fact, Shen Xing's heart was full of complex emotions

He knew that Wen Jing's persistence was correct, his theory was the truth of science, and it was a fact that all life on the Sky Star should accept

However, the limitations of this era and the particularity of the Starry Sky Religion made Wen Jing pay a heavy price

The guards found Wen Jing's files. Although the accusation of blasphemy in it made them very concerned, they did not ask much, but just motioned Shen Xing to follow them

Shen Xing and the guards walked through the prison corridor and came to Wen Jing's cell

The guards followed closely behind, their hearts beating like drums, nervously waiting for what was about to happen

They didn't know what Priest Shen was going to do, whether to punish the blasphemer or for other reasons...

The visiting window of the cell slowly opened, and Shen Xing's eyes fell on Wen Jing.

Wen Jing was no longer as vigorous as he was in the past. The years left deep marks on his face, and his pale beard and hair made him look dying.

But Shen Xing could see that his eyes were still firm, and that his faith had never wavered.

"Wen Jing, raise your head."

"Are you here to judge me for blasphemy? Priest." Wen Jing said in a very hoarse voice.

He raised his head and saw the unique dress of the Starry Sky Church.

His eyes were not focused, as if he was thinking about something else in his mind, but he still expressed enough respect for the priest of the Starry Sky Church.

"Do you think the theory you proposed at the beginning is correct?"

"Yes, Priest."

"But no one believes it."

"Because of my incompetence, I can't answer the root cause of the sky full of stars created by the Star Father, so I know... they won't believe it. "

A trace of admiration flashed in Shen Xing's eyes, because he saw Wen Jing's heart

He did not lie, he did not question the existence of Star Father, but was constantly trying to prove why Star Father made Tianqiong Star revolve around the sun

Wen Jing's faith did not collapse, but he wanted to use scientific arguments to prove it

For a scientist, to prove the existence of an illusory god, it can be said that the souls of a firm believer and a scientist are constantly colliding

And in the past few decades, there has never been a winner

Shen Xing looked at him quietly for a while, and then a calm voice echoed in the cell: "Wen Jing, your name will be remembered forever on Tianqiong Star."

"Your theory is the truth that all life on Tianqiong Star should accept."

"You are right. "

Wen Jing's heartbeat almost stopped at that moment

How many years have passed?

He spent endless years in a dim cell. His beliefs and theories were regarded as heresy. His youth and enthusiasm slowly faded away in this place without sunlight.

However, at this moment, he heard Shen Xing's words. That calm voice, like the first ray of sunlight at dawn, illuminated every corner of his soul.

Wen Jing's eyes widened, his lips trembled slightly, trying to say something, but found that he could not make a sound.

His brain was spinning rapidly, trying to understand this sudden change.

"Priest, admit... my theory?"

This sentence echoed in his heart again and again, shock and disbelief intertwined.

As the shock gradually faded, Wen Jing felt a strong surge of emotion

His eyes began to moisten, and tears slid down his cheeks involuntarily. All the loneliness, struggle and persistence over the years, all the pain and grievances seemed to be released at this moment

The old man cried loudly in the cold cage

The cry echoed deep in the prison, and many prisoners were curious and wanted to see what happened, but were shooed back by the guards

When Wen Jing's tears were almost dry, he wiped his face with his dusty sleeves, and then he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself

He raised his head, his eyes penetrated the shadow of the cell and fixed on Shen Xing. His heart was filled with deep gratitude

"Wen Jing, in the name of the highest priest of the Starry Sky Church, I recognize your theory."

"Highest priest?!"

After expressing his gratitude, Wen Jing was deeply shocked

He clearly knew the weight of these four words, which was the top existence of the entire Starry Sky Church. This position has not appeared for many years

Since the Starry Sky Church was divided into pieces, each continent considered itself orthodox, and the believers and priests between each continent were closely connected, and no one recognized the status of anyone

Now that the highest priest has appeared, that is, the Starry Sky Church... is unified?

In addition to being shocked, Wen Jing's heart also surged with a trace of complex emotions

He thought of his previous persistence and resistance, and thought of those who were persecuted because of his doctrine. His students and teachers were all sentenced to imprisonment. It is said that some people have already died in difficult circumstances

"Is all this worth it?"

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