Shen Xing did not stay in Xizhou for too long. His figure was like a ghost, shuttling between temples in other continents.

In Nanzhou, Beizhou, and Dongzhou, Shen Xing's actions were exactly the same.

His arrival is like the day of judgment. Those greedy and corrupt priests have nowhere to hide under Shen Xing's power.

With the purge of Shen Xing, the entire Xingqiong Sect of Xingqingxing began a self-reform.

Believers began to re-examine their faith, and they realized that true faith is not based on power and greed, but on kindness, wisdom, and pure respect for Star Father

Although Shen Xing's actions were fierce, they ushered in a new life for Xingqiongxing.

Under the guidance of Shen Xing, the Xingqiong Sect began a real reform

The temple is no longer a symbol of power, but a palace for spreading knowledge and wisdom.

Priests are no longer superior rulers, but have become guides and friends of believers

Sky calendar year 5578

Shen Xing was thirty-eight years old this year. After cleaning up the Starry Sky Sect, Shen Xing became the highest priest of the Starry Sky Sect and was unanimously recognized by the five central temples.

After reading through the Xingqiong Cult's information over the years, Shen Xing found that the cultural development of Tianqiong Star seemed to have become very strange because of the emergence of the Xingqiong Cult.

Now that we are in the industrial age, some theories that should have been proven long ago have not been developed, and some inventions that should have been born have not appeared.

"This man named Wen Jing proposed the heliocentric theory, but was sentenced to permanent imprisonment? The charge was blasphemy..." Shen Xing was flipping through the information and constantly sifting through it in his mind.

He must find a way to complete some missing developments, and he must unite the entire civilization of Tianqiong Star into one body.

"Someone is coming."

"See Priest Shen!"

The senior priest thanked Hui Zhi and quickly walked into the round table hall and bowed slightly to Shen Xing.

"Let the congressmen from the five continents come to see me."

After receiving the order, Xie Huizhi sent letters to all the councils using special messengers from the Starry Vault Sect from all continents.

After receiving the news, the representative of Zhongzhou Councilor immediately hurried to the round table hall. After paying a visit to Shen Xing, he sat quietly next to Shen Xing.

As time passes, the sun gradually sets

Apart from the representatives from Zhongzhou, only the representatives from Dongzhou arrived. As for the representatives from other countries, Shen Xing had their whereabouts from beginning to end.

The distances between the five continents are not too far, and it would take several hours to travel one way by big ship.

Over the past decade or so, due to the changes in the nature of the Starry Vault Sect, it has gradually faded away from the center of power and the state power has become more authoritative. Therefore, these people are still dragging their feet until this time for the sake of so-called face.

It wasn't until the sky darkened that representatives from several countries slowly gathered in the Round Table Hall.

"Everyone is here, let me get straight to the point." Shen Xing glanced at the top leadership representatives on the Sky Dome Star, and then said slowly: "On behalf of the top priest of the Star Dome Sect, I order the five major countries to merge into one The top leadership of the country belongs directly to the Starry Sky Sect, and each of the five continents is a city, belonging to the Starry Sky Empire.”

"Priest Shen, we have been separate countries for thousands of years. If we want to merge now, I'm afraid there will be many problems..."

The Nanzhou representative said with a smile on his face, full of rejection overtly and covertly.

"Nowadays, the five continents are separated by four oceans. If they are merged, it will be difficult to implement this national policy!"

"Yes, Priest Shen, it's not that we don't agree with the merger, we really need to discuss it."

"Aren't you just rejecting Priest Shen's proposal? Do you really think so? I don't even believe it."

The representative from Central Continent sneered and bluntly attacked the representatives from the four continents. The expressions of the other representatives changed, and then continued:

"We are indeed considering this matter. There are many difficulties involved. No one has a better way. How can we say that we are rejecting Priest Shen?"

"That's right, Representative of Central Continent, your statement really misunderstood us."

Shen Xing quietly watched these people perform in front of him. He could see what these people were thinking in their hearts.

There are various political trades between the four continents. If they are merged, they will lose a lot of benefits.

Moreover, the power of the country has finally reached its peak, and the status of the management has also risen, and they have gained more rights and interests. Who knows how much money will be left after the merger?

Just for the sake of the influence of the Starry Vault Sect, I’m just trying to be conceited here.

"Priest Shen's words are naturally for the sake of mankind. How dare you question Priest Shen? He is the son of God appointed by Star Father!"

"I have no doubts about Priest Shen's intentions. It's just that we didn't see Father Star's vision with our own eyes. Maybe it was just a celestial phenomenon similar to the Star Festival..."

"Yes, only you people in Central Continent saw the miracle. We didn't. It's really a pity..."

The representatives at the round table were all expressing their opinions, overtly and covertly testing whether Shen Xing really had the so-called magical power.

When the Star Sect was being purged, Shen Xing did not reveal his magical skills in other continents except Central Continent. At first, it was just word of mouth among the people of Central Continent, and there was no evidence in other continents.

And what I did back then was just for this moment.

Shen Xing, who had never spoken once from beginning to end, stood up in front of everyone's astonished gazes, then snorted coldly and looked at these representatives with sharp eyes.

"The fact that Sky Vault Star has reached this point is inextricably linked to a bunch of rabble like you."

"Human civilization is now like leaves disturbed by a storm, fragile and disordered, and you are still succumbing to your petty gains."

"Since you said that if the merger is carried out, the national policy will be difficult to implement, then I will let you see the true power of the magic."

Shen Xing's expression did not change, but he raised his right hand horizontally, and the Starry Sky Scepter broke free from the ground and came to his hand

Everyone saw that the Starry Sky Scepter actually appeared again, and before they had time to be surprised, Shen Xing just put it aside and floated

Then Shen Xing teleported in front of each representative and threw them out of the temple

After the representatives of various countries felt the weightlessness, they kept waving their hands and feet, and their faces showed panic

Then they were shocked to find that they were actually floating in the sky, and under their feet were the ten thousand feet of void and five continents

Shen Xing's figure instantly appeared in front of everyone, and then he stretched out his right hand, and then slowly closed his five fingers. Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the five continents below were constantly moving!

He used the most basic laws of the universe to control the stability of the geology, ensuring that humans would not suffer from unexpected disasters, and then made the continent move rapidly.

Finally, Shen Xing formed a fist with his five fingers, and the continent under their feet became a whole, just like the supercontinent in history.

"This is the magic."

"So at this moment, tell me..."

"Who agrees? Who disagrees?"

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