"Starfather, I'm very disappointed."

As Shen Xing finished speaking, the entire central temple fell into silence.

The high-ranking priests fell to the ground, groaning in pain, and soon lost their breath, but their eyes were always full of fear and confusion.

The crowd around him began to whisper. They didn't understand why this young man had such powerful power and wanted to kill these high-ranking priests on the spot.

"The original intention of the Starry Sect is to guide people towards kindness and wisdom, and to unite human civilization, rather than becoming a tool of oppression and greed."

Shen Xing stood on the steps of the temple, his eyes scanning the crowd below, and his voice sounded again, calm but full of power:

"My name is - Shen Xing."

Only then did everyone realize that this young man who fell from the sky was the Son of God who had been told by word of mouth.

Twenty years have passed since then, and many people's memories are relatively vague, but under the current circumstances, they almost instantly remembered the rumors about this person.

The priests who ran out of the temple immediately after them also heard Shen Xing's words.

They tremble, realizing that their actions over time may have angered Starfather

Some people in the crowd under the temple began to point angrily at these priests, accusing them of atrocities and injustice.

In this case, many priests who had followed the trend weakened their legs and fell to their knees directly.

"Star Father, we were wrong!" one of the priests shouted, his voice full of regret

"We have been blinded by power and have forgotten your teachings!"

Shen Xing slowly walked towards a kneeling priest.

"Son of God..."

The priest looked at Shen Xing in front of him in fear. His hands and feet became cold, as if he was about to die.

Shen Xing's gaze was profound, and the priest felt that Shen Xing seemed to have seen through his inner thoughts.

"Everyone has the opportunity to reform, but they must truly repent. I see the regret in your heart. Use actions to prove your faith."

After the priest heard what Shen Xing said, he opened his mouth in disbelief, and then he wholeheartedly bowed down in front of Shen Xing.

It turns out that the Son of God can see through people's hearts

Then what they did...didn't Starfather also see everything?

Shen Xing kept peeking into the hearts of these priests. Almost instantly, there were more than a dozen priests who sincerely wanted to forgive their sins, and their crimes were relatively minor.

Some people still have a trace of luck in their hearts. Shen Xing naturally has other time to deal with these sinful people.

A burst of cheers broke out from the crowd below the temple. They saw the power and kindness of the Son of God, and also saw the tolerance and justice of the Star Father.

Shen Xing turned around and faced everyone. His voice spread throughout Central Continent: "From today on, the Starry Vault Sect will be thoroughly cleaned up. All corrupt priests on the five continents will be eliminated, and the temple will return to its true mission. ——Become the guide and protector of human civilization!”

Shen Xing's declaration is like morning bells and evening drums, awakening mankind's faith in Star Father

He pointed to the sky, where star maps appeared. Each star map represented an important moment in the history of the Starry Vault Sect.

"These star charts are the foundation of the Starry Sky Religion and will guide us back to the right path."

In the crowd, some people began to pray in low voices, and some shed tears excitedly.

They felt Father Star's care and expectations, and their hearts were filled with hope for the future.

Shen Xing returned to the inner hall of the temple, and his figure gradually disappeared into the light and shadow.

Outside the temple, the redeemed priests stood up. They knew that the rest of their lives would be dedicated to spreading the true teachings of Star Father and contributing to the reform of Star Vault Cult.

The news spread quickly throughout the sky like a prairie fire.

People began to gather in temples across Middle-earth, demanding reform and justice.

The core leaders of the Star Dome Sect in Central Continent began to be shaken. They realized that if no changes were made, the Star Dome Sect would lose the trust of all believers.

In the following months, the Zhongzhou Starry Sect began unprecedented reforms

The finances of all temples are made public and the income and power of the priests are monitored

The temple began to actively engage in education, medical care and charity, and truly became an institution serving believers.

Shen Xing's actions in Zhongzhou caused shock to the entire planet, but he knew that the real reform had just begun.

His eyes passed through Central Continent and turned to other continents, especially those places where the Starry Vault Sect has completely decayed.

During the ongoing transformation of Zhongzhou, some high-level officials from other continents became dissatisfied.

Xizhou, a once prosperous continent, has now become chaotic due to the corruption of the Starry Sky Sect.

The high-ranking priests acted recklessly in the temple. They greedily plundered the wealth of believers and used power to satisfy their own desires.

"Where did this so-called Son of God come from? Apart from those stars, why is there not even a little bit of other news?"

"Those people in Zhongzhou still think they are orthodox. I guess they are just making things up based on the stars."

The Xingqiong Sect in Xizhou is the most decadent. At this time, in the Xizhou Temple, a group of high-ranking priests were laughing disdainfully.

"Okay, we have sent people to investigate this matter. When the results come back, we will know what happened." While everyone was arguing, a senior priest from Xizhou said.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sudden words startled the highest priest and other high-ranking priests, and then they seemed to fall into an ice cellar

"Father Star, what's going on?"

The priests were panicked. They looked at Shen Xing and felt unprecedented fear

"Can you, a bunch of worms, call out the name of Father Star?" Shen Xing's eyes were as cold as ice, and his voice echoed in the temple

The high-ranking priests of Xizhou tried to resist. They called on the temple guards to fight Shen Xing

However, their strength was like an ant in front of Shen Xing. Shen Xing waved his hand lightly, and the guards who came over disappeared

"Who... who are you?" A priest asked tremblingly

"I am Shen Xing, the guardian of the Sky Star, and the messenger of the Star Father whom you have long blasphemed."

As Shen Xing's words fell, the air in the entire temple seemed to freeze

The priests felt an unspeakable sense of oppression, and their hearts were filled with despair

Shen Xing said no more, his steps echoed in the temple, and with every step, a priest fell

They did not scream, did not struggle, and just turned into dust under Shen Xing's power

Two minutes later, only a few priests were left in the Xizhou Temple

These people were unable to resist under the oppression of the Zeng group of termites, and now they kowtowed to Shen Xing with tears of gratitude, and they were willing to fight for the reform of the Starry Sky Church

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