celestial galaxy, celestial star

During the time when civilization was growing barbarically, Shen Xing was constantly manipulating new laws.

During this period of exploration, Shen Xing has controlled approximately several surrounding galaxies.

In other words, Shen Xing’s body can be regarded as the consciousness of a galaxy cluster.

Sky calendar year 5540

Shen Xing once silently watched the development of civilization on his own planet

At this moment, he finally decided to intervene in the evolution of life on his planet in a new way

He created a baby's body and landed it in a peaceful place on the central continent of the Sky Vault Star.

In an ordinary village in the Starry Kingdom, a baby was born with destiny

This baby was given fragments of Shen Xing's consciousness, and his eyes shone with a distinctive light of wisdom.

In this small village, a fisherman who went out to fish found the baby. He picked up the bamboo basket containing the baby with a puzzled look on his face.

[My name is Shen Xing, my parents are dead, I would like to be adopted by kind-hearted people]

"Father Xing, you are such a poor child. Please stay in our village from now on." The fisherman sighed, and then took Shen Xing back to the village.

Benefiting from the Star Father belief spread by the Star Church from generation to generation after Shen Xing appeared several times, the crime rate on this planet is extremely low, and most people have deep-rooted belief in Star Father in their hearts.

Everyone in this small fishing village loves this little guy very much and is ready to send him to the nearest temple for a blessing ceremony.

Whenever a baby is born, the priests of the temple will hold a blessing ceremony for them, which means that another life approved by the Star Father is born.

When the baby transformed by Shen Xing received the blessing, a strange scene appeared in the sky

The stars were arranged into a strange picture, and then the silver-white starlight shone on Shen Xing's body. The light flowed, making Shen Xing seem to be emitting starlight.

The entire temple and people in the area were deeply shocked by this scene

Naturally, other continents have also observed strange phenomena, and everyone is trying to understand Star Father's guidance.

In this remote temple in the Central Continent, the priest responsible for praying shouted: "He is the son of God appointed by Star Father!"

People began to spread the story of this baby, thinking that he was the messenger chosen by the Star Father.

At the same time, at the other end of the Central Continent

A scientist named Wen Jing proposed a subversive theory: the sky star is not the center of the universe, but revolves around the sun

This knowledge should have been known for a long time, but due to the forced intervention of the Star Sect, no scientists dare to speak out until now.

And because this theory challenged the teachings of the Star Sect, Wen Jing's theory was regarded as disrespectful to Star Father.

"Star Father created the Sky Star, and all the stars should revolve around the Sky Star! You damn heretic! You actually blasphemed Star Father!"

After being arrested, an excited Wenjing kept shouting in the courtroom:

"I have believed in Star Father since I was a child! Today I am forty years old, but I still have no doubts about my faith in Star Father!"

"But Star Father is Star Father! Star Dome Cult is Star Dome Cult!"

"The teachings of the Star Vault Sect are all written by us humans after understanding and guessing the greatness of God the Father! They do not represent the absolute will of the Star Father!"

“And we humans make mistakes!!!”

"Star Father created all things and made us humans the leader of all things, but it does not mean that the planet we live in will become the center of the universe!!!"

"The sun is the center of the galaxy! I calculated this based on the knowledge I have learned throughout my life! And the knowledge I have learned is also taught by the academy run by the Star Sect!!"

"Is the knowledge taught by the Star Vault Sect false?!"

The local priest coldly pronounced Wen Jing guilty: "blasphemy!"

This is the most serious crime on Tianqiongxing. Wenjing will be sentenced to permanent imprisonment.

In today's Sky Star, people believe that only Star Father can decide life and death, so there is no death penalty, which can be regarded as allowing Wen Jing to save a small life.

"My dear Star Father...am I really wrong?"

Wenjing looked gloomy. He spent a long time in prison, but he never gave up his scientific exploration, because there was nothing to record in prison, and others could not see this "blasphemous" research. So he kept using his brain to calculate in prison

If you forget, just start over

As time goes by, the baby transformed by Shen Xing has grown into a young man.

Sky Calendar Year 5560

Twenty-year-old Shen Xing opened his eyes and woke up from the academy dormitory of Xingqiong Sect.

"It's almost time."

Shen Xing has been collecting all kinds of information for the past twenty years, and the results he obtained made his face darken.

Over the past thousands of years, with Shen Xing's many manifestations, the Star Vault Cult has purged those disloyalty and doubters, and the majesty of Star Father has become inviolable.

This has also led to the growing power and prestige of the Starry Vault Religion, and it has become more and more like a traditional religion.

Heavy bureaucracy and riddled with all kinds of ills

The Star Vault Sect around the world is unified, but the top management of the five continents is separated.

Therefore, the power of the state cannot affect the status of the Star Sect at all, nor can it fight against it.

In the past, on the stars in the sky, the division of power was obvious.

Divine power is divine power, royal power is royal power

But with the dominance of the Starry Vault Cult, this balance no longer exists.

The clergy of the Starry Vault Sect are also ordinary humans.

There is a famous saying on earth: Absolute power will lead to absolute corruption

As the Starry Vault Religion becomes more and more unconstrained around the world, the clergy are increasingly issuing various decrees unscrupulously, gradually eroding all national power.

Moreover, the Starry Vault Cult in some areas is issuing harsh policies such as forced donation and forced labor.

The entire Star Dome Sect seems to be slowly falling from the lofty temple into the abyss. It is gradually being corrupted by power and greed.

Many people in the Xingqiong Sect are working together and colluding with each other.

So over the years, the Starry Vault Sect has become more and more unbridled and unpunishable.

"The Starry Vault Sect is an institution that is supposed to manage human beings, but it has become so dirty now."

"It's time to let these people know that humans should believe in Star Father, not Star Cult."

Shen Xing was thinking as he slowly floated up and headed towards the central temple.

Middle-earth, Central Temple

Shen Xing's figure slowly descended without hesitation, and many people witnessed it with their own eyes. Then the residents near the Central Temple became agitated, and in the Central Continent Council established at the foot of the temple, those who represented the country's highest power people also came out

They looked at Shen Xing's tall figure and were a little distracted. Then they saw Shen Xing slowly raise his arms, and several fat-looking priests flew out from the central temple. They kept waving their hands in the air, and then their His neck suddenly turned, and then he was thrown to the ground at the foot of the temple.

People gathered around cautiously and found that these people were actually the senior priests of the Oracle Court and the Tribunal who had issued strict laws.

Shen Xing slowly landed in front of the door of the inner hall of the temple and spoke softly. The voice seemed to reach everyone's ears instantly.

"Starfather, I'm very disappointed."

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