Warning before reading: There are many negative reviews on this chapter. The technology settings of Earth's civilization are not rigorous, and the patched clothes are still ugly. The author's level is limited and I apologize here!

The earth has suffered from the early settings and was framed by the author's laxity. Please don't use your brain to check the technology settings of the earth. The author will make slight modifications in his free time.

The workload is large, this paragraph will be deleted after modification!

In the 32nd century, the earth is no longer the blue planet it used to be.

Hundreds of consecutive years of extreme climate disasters have made the earth's surface desolate and dangerous

Rising sea levels submerged coastal cities, droughts and floods alternately ravaged the land, and food shortages and the spread of disease became the norm.

The living space of human beings has been sharply compressed, social order is in danger, and the depletion of energy has intensified the crisis.

Hundreds of years ago, with the exhaustion of oil and natural gas, humans had to rely on new nuclear fission energy, but nuclear fission energy was still an unstable factor.

The ensuing nuclear leakage accident and radioactive waste disposal problems further worsened the environment.

With the depletion of various resources, human technological development seems to have come to an end. Many scientists have begun to wonder whether the ceiling of earth's civilization has been reached.

Earth's civilization has developed numerous branches of science and technology over the past few hundred years, but they do not interfere with each other, and the development of the technology tree is very distorted.

Against this background, the United Earth Government held an emergency meeting at the Central Space Station in geosynchronous orbit.

The chief astronomer of the United Earth Government, with a hint of imperceptible excitement, showed a set of shocking data and images to senior officials and military leaders.

"At the edge of the AS-996 nebula, we discovered a planet that is 98% similar to the Earth from thousands of years ago!"

The chief astronomer's voice echoed in the conference room

"We call it our 'new home'. It has a suitable climate, abundant water resources and fertile land. This is the hope for the continuation of human civilization!"

After hearing the good news, joint leader Wei Hong relaxed his frown, but then frowned again.

"How long will it take to get there with our current level of technology? Are our energy reserves sufficient to support this expedition?" Wei Hong asked

"According to our calculations, even the most efficient propulsion system currently available will take at least 300 years to arrive."

"in the case of……"

"That's how it's calculated, Chief!"

"As for the massive amounts of energy required, we need to pool our global efforts to create energy on an unprecedented scale."

"As for the threat of war, we must take every possible measure to protect our Star Ark!"

There was silence in the conference room

Everyone knows that going to a new home will be a journey full of unknowns and dangers

But the current situation of the earth can no longer be maintained, and interstellar immigration seems to be the only way out

But now the galaxy has fallen into a full-scale war. Because the earth is located in a relatively remote place, it has not been affected by the war for the time being.

People can almost observe the flames blooming in the starry sky with the naked eye

After intense discussions and careful consideration, the United Earth Government made the final decision

Start the "New Home Plan"

Global resources and manpower are mobilized to build immigration spacecraft that can carry the entire human civilization

Scientists are working day and night, hoping to complete this feat in the shortest possible time

After the news was announced, people around the world reacted in different ways

Some people feel desperate and do not want to leave their home planet

Some people are full of hope and look forward to starting a new life on a new planet.

But in any case, a long time ago, the fate of mankind has been closely linked, and everyone must work hard for a common future.

Over time, the first immigrant spacecraft gradually took shape

It is not only a spaceship, but also a symbol of human wisdom and courage.

At the farewell ceremony, joint leader Wei Hong stood in front of a huge display screen and delivered a speech to all mankind:

"Today, we stand at a turning point in history, facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities!"

"Our home planet, the Earth, was once a gift from the universe, giving us life and prosperity."

"However, after countless centuries of changes, our homeland is suffering from the ravages of extreme climate, depletion of resources, and the threat of galactic war."

"All this forces us to make a difficult decision - to leave our home planet and embark on the journey of interstellar immigration."

"On the edge of the distant AS-996 nebula, we discovered a planet that is very similar to our homeland. It is no different from the Earth it once was. It can provide us with a new living space and a new hope for the continuation of human civilization. !”

People on the earth had different expressions after hearing Wei Hong's words. Some people were smiling and their eyes were shining with excitement. They were full of expectations for a new beginning, but some people were nervous and uneasy, with their brows furrowed and their eyes filled with excitement. Reveal concerns about the future

Some people even showed sadness and tears in their eyes because they knew that they might be leaving their home planet or their relatives soon.

"I know that leaving the earth is a severe test for each of us."

“We have a deep affection for this land, where our ancestors thrived and where our history and culture are intertwined!”

"But! For our children! For the future of mankind! We must take this step bravely!"

"This will be a long and unknown journey, but I believe that as long as we unite as one, there will be no difficulties that cannot be overcome!"

"Our destination is not just a new planet, but a new beginning! An opportunity to redefine our civilization!"

“May our journey be safe and may our future be bright.”

Earth's civilization burst into warm applause at this moment. They are using this method to express their approval of the interstellar immigration plan.

Humanity is approaching its turning point

Under the rapid operation of the entire civilization, a group of high-tech talents and a group of people were quickly selected. They will serve as the vanguard of interstellar immigrants and pave the way for the entire human civilization.

As for the remaining main bodies of civilization, they will board the new starship that has not yet been completed and keep up with the pace of the vanguard between twenty-five and thirty-five years after the vanguard sets off.

When the Pioneers were preparing to land on the immigration spaceship, Wei Hong personally led the team to the Pioneers to offer condolences.

"You are our guides and the guides of Earth's civilization. I believe you will reach your new home safely."

"We will keep up with you as soon as possible. As long as we can take root and develop in our new home, as long as our technology continues to advance, we still have a chance to return to our home planet!"

"When we return to the galaxy again, we will be invincible!"

The people in the advance team couldn't help but burst into tears when they looked at the crowds whose eyes were full of blessings. They waved goodbye to the people and also waved goodbye to the earth.

As the city-like immigration spacecraft was launched, the people in the advance team began the journey of interstellar immigration with their longing for the future and fear of the unknown.

The earth, the cradle that once nurtured countless lives, can now only watch silently as its children leave.

And mankind will also write a new chapter on the new planet

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