Although Yanhuang's will is firm, his heart is very painful.

The war is cruel and ruthless, and the defeat of Stardom Kingdom seems inevitable at present.

Perhaps in a few days, the prosperous Temple of Star Father beneath our feet will be reduced to ruins, and the majesty of Star Father will also be desecrated.

In the temple, Yan Huang looked at the majestic and solemn statue of Star Father. He knelt on his knees and worshiped devoutly. His hands tightly grasped the scepter inserted in front of the statue, but he remained motionless.

Two lines of tears fell from his eyes. After the last hope was shattered, King Yanhuang finally showed his most vulnerable side.

He is just an ordinary child, but because he is in the royal family and encounters great changes, he has to carry the entire country on his shoulders and move forward alone.

He tried his best to pretend to be stronger than anyone else, but now facing his star father, whom he had respected and devoutly respected since he was a child, Yan Huang finally took off all the pretense.

"Star Father, please forgive my incompetence. I tried my best...I can't win..."

"Even if I am killed by those blasphemers, I will still not change my respect for Star Father!"

His tears fell on the scepter in front of him. The crystal on the scepter reflected a faint light.

Although he is disappointed, he is not desperate

Death is not the end, it may be another starting point to return to the arms of Star Father

The atmosphere inside the temple was unusually quiet, with only Yanhuang's breathing echoing in the empty hall.

He stared at the statue of Star Father with tears in his eyes. Those eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything seemed to be watching him silently, giving him the last comfort.

At this moment, the entire temple was suddenly enveloped in a mysterious light. Beams of light were projected from the high dome, illuminating every corner.

"Pious believer...I see your faith shining like gold."

A grand and ethereal voice echoed in the temple, like a call from ancient times, full of endless majesty and love.

Yanhuang felt an unprecedented surge of power, his heart beat faster, and a deep sense of awe arose spontaneously.

His mind was shaken, and his body was shaking involuntarily. He knew that this was the voice of Star Father, and this was the appearance of God!

"Star Father is on top!!"

Yanhuang knelt on the ground excitedly, his eyes flashing with tears, but more of them were filled with the light of firmness and faith.

“If civilization wants to move forward, it must be united and its faith cannot be shaken!”

Star Father's voice sounded again, this time clearer and more powerful.

Following Star Father's voice, the ground in front of Yan Huang suddenly glowed with dazzling light, and the ancient Star Dome Scepter slowly rose from the ground.

This scepter has not changed at all for thousands of years, and the gem on the top still exudes mysterious and powerful power.

Yanhuang slowly stood up, stretched out his hands, and held the scepter tightly.

He felt an unprecedented power flowing through his body. This was the power given by Star Father, and it was a weapon against darkness.

"The starry scepter will give you enough power." Star Father's face showed no fluctuation, as if he was telling a trivial thing: "With the blessing of the scepter, you can have the power to control the elements of the world!"

In Yanhuang's consciousness, another idea appeared out of thin air.

He knew how powerful the scepter was, that it could control the force called gravity among the stars, and that it could control all elements in the world.

He stood the scepter in front of him and knelt down excitedly on the ground to thank Star Father for his gift.

He looked up again, only to find that Star Father was no longer there, only the tall statue was left watching him quietly.

The ministers behind him were already dumbfounded. They seemed to have witnessed the arrival of the legendary Star Father with their own eyes, and their legs kissed the earth unknowingly.

Yan Huang's expression returned to calmness. He just gently raised the scepter in his hand and then said:

"Everyone, follow me to clean up the blasphemers."

When their figures appeared in front of the enemy, the enemy's catapults had all locked the entrance to the temple.

Then countless boulders came to the heads of everyone in Yanhuang. The ministers retreated with pale faces, but Yanhuang waved his scepter with a calm expression, and several thunderbolts rose out of the air, directly turning the boulders into powder.

The enemy troops below were already in chaos. The thunder shattered the boulders and also shattered their hearts.

"Those who blasphemed God must pay the price! Star Father gave me divine skills to cleanse the world!"

Yanhuang's voice spread to everyone's ears along with the wind. At this moment, all the humans in the entire continent seemed to pause, and then various thoughts appeared in people's hearts.

When the scepter is waved, the elements dance wildly

The coalition forces of various countries under the temple were submerged by the seawater pouring in from the sky in just a few seconds.

Yan Huang's performance shocked the ministers behind him. They looked at the god-like king in disbelief. He actually defeated hundreds of thousands of enemy troops by himself?

No, it’s not, it’s Star Father’s power!

The king once said that this was the magic given to him by Star Father

This is the end of the war

Yan Huang, who possesses divine magic, formed an army and swept all the way from the east of the mainland. All the refugees in Star Father's temple were wiped out. All the believers who believed in Star Father once again found their backbone and knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. Tears

In the 4400th year of the Sky Calendar, Yan Huang unified the supercontinent and reestablished the Star Empire.

All disrespectful people were liquidated one by one, and mankind's faith in Star Father reached its peak again.

And this time, humans will remember the power of Star Father more firmly and consolidate their beliefs.

Shen Xing watched the magic sweeping across the continent and felt a little bit of approval for Yan Huang.

After all, the so-called divine magic is separated from hundreds of millions of small parts from the laws of the universe. I didn’t expect that the power and variety Yanhuang exerted would be so amazing.

After the reunification of the continent, Shen Xing never appeared in front of humans again.

But he secretly met with Yanhuang alone and told him that the continent under his feet was about to be torn apart, and asked him to prepare to divide the country.

This is what Shen Xing thought after thinking about it. A unified empire is indeed powerful, but how can there be progress without competition?

Under Shen Xing's control, the supercontinent began to fall apart like the earth in the previous life, and the small dinosaur island was merged into the largest continent.

He simply and roughly divided the world into five continents-Eastern Continent, Southern Continent, Western Continent, Northern Continent, and Central Continent.

The ocean is divided into four oceans - the Eastern Ocean, the Southern Ocean, the Western Ocean, and the Northern Ocean.

Choosing names has always been a problem for Shen Xing. He had already thought of their names before dividing the continent.

After the supercontinent split into five continents, humans once again became in awe of Star Father's divine power. Therefore, the countries on the five continents did not continue to divide, but established their own countries based on continents.

Subsequently, the development of civilization also entered the highway due to competition among various continents...

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