Due to their reverence for Star Father, Star Vault Cult believers are spread all over the world, and people have donated a large amount of materials to Star Vault Cult.

Today, the Starry Vault Sect has the largest amount of land and the most abundant assets and materials on the entire continent.

When war rages, people are in dire straits, and starvation is everywhere, many people are left with only the instinct to survive.

Faced with the dilemma of not having enough to eat and starving to death, some people began to turn their attention to temples

Although the temple has the guards and law enforcement forces of the Inquisition, these forces are insignificant in front of the surging refugees, slaves, and warlords from all over the world.

After thousands of years of peaceful development, the power of these guards has ceased to exist in name only and has become extremely weak.

In the east of the supercontinent, in a place called Bailian Country, a temple was captured by thousands of refugees.

These hungry and murderous refugees have lost their minds and become like bloodthirsty beasts

Instigated by a leader named Xu Ze, they took that step

"We are just robbing the temple, not disrespecting Star Father."

Xu Ze's words were just lies, but they didn't matter to the slaves. All they needed was an excuse to feel at ease.

As a result, Bailian Kingdom's temple guards were defeated, the temple was robbed, and the priests and several clergy were killed.

Inside the temple, piles of food made the slaves full for the first time in a long time.

"Fuck Star Father! No matter how much I believe in Star Father, I have never had a full stomach in my life! This time when I arrived at Star Father Temple, it was the first time I experienced what it feels like to be full!"

A refugee angrily vented the negative emotions in his heart. His words stirred up many people who had eaten enough and remembered the majesty of Star Father again.

"Star Father is Star Father, and Star Vault Cult is Star Vault Cult. They cannot be confused with each other. We just robbed the food of the priests in Star Father Cult, and we don't dare to be disrespectful to Star Father..."

"Bah, how can Father Star care about little people like us? Father Star doesn't even care about the life and death of all of us!"

"Who do you think you are? Star Father is a great and omnipotent god! What qualifications do you have for Star Father to care about?"

"Star Father creates all things and does not interfere with all things. Star Father's vastness is incomprehensible. Stop talking nonsense..."

The argument continued in the temple, and the opinions quickly divided into two extreme groups. The level of belief of the people could be seen at a glance.

Shen Xing once again watched with cold eyes, just quietly watching all this happen.

This was originally part of Shen Xing's expectation. Currently, war has swept across the entire continent, and there are humans everywhere who don't have enough to eat.

Shen Xing expected that the temple was robbed and Star Father's majesty was damaged.

This time, he not only wants to promote the process of human civilization, but also once again makes everyone remember him

For Shen Xing, a thousand years is very short. In his lifetime, hundreds of thousands of thousand years have passed.

But for short-lived humans, a thousand years is a very long time, enough to make their subconscious awe of Shen Xing weaken a lot.

In Shen Xing's view, the weakening of faith also shows the weakening of human unity. Without common faith, how can the entire planet work together as one?

Shen Xing must once again eliminate some of the rebels and continue to strengthen the remaining humans' genes for fearing him.

Sky Calendar Year 4399

In the east of this continent, all that remains of a former empire is a magnificent temple and a small area surrounded by walls.

Star Vault Kingdom, the once glorious empire on Sky Vault Star, is now inevitably involved in the whirlpool of troubled times.

With wars raging and lives devastated, the fate of Stardom Kingdom seems to have reached a crossroads.

Since the war broke out, even though the Starry Kingdom is located in the far eastern region of the continent and backed by the ocean, it has not been spared.

Food production has decreased and people are struggling to make ends meet, but thanks to their proximity to the sea, fishing and hunting have become an important source of food for them.

This made the Stardom Kingdom relatively wealthy during this disaster, and since they were all old citizens of the empire, the internal crisis within the country was minimal.

However, in these troubled times, wealth often means danger. The wealth of the Starry Kingdom has attracted countless coveted eyes and has become the target of public criticism.

In the process of resisting foreign enemies, the old king of the Starry Kingdom died unfortunately, and his eldest son was also defeated and killed.

Later, the youngest son Yanhuang, who was only 18 years old, took over the authority of the old king and became the king of the Starry Kingdom.

Yan Huang, although this young king is capable and has a tenacious fighting spirit, his efforts seem insignificant in the face of absolute power.

The enemy's power was strong and combined with each other, which caused the Stardom Kingdom's territory to be continuously compressed, and in the end they could only retreat to the temple.

This magnificent building that has stood for thousands of years has now become the last territory of the most powerful empire in the past.

Today, only the temple is still resisting

Under the temple, the enemy troops were preparing to attack again. Catapults, giant crossbows and domesticated animals were dispatched to the battlefield. Huge stones were also transported from distant mountains.

In the temple, the ministers were anxious. Soon, some ministers could not bear the silence and stepped forward to report:

"Your Majesty, the enemy has dispatched a large amount of supplies and military supplies from nowhere. It seems that they are going to launch a fierce attack on the temple."

Yan Huang looked solemn. The reason why this last temple has not been breached in the past two years is because there is a huge difference in supplies between the two sides. The Star Father Temple has the most abundant supplies in the entire world.

Now that the enemy army has been replenished, the gap between strength and weakness has been instantly leveled. Except for some remaining city defense equipment in the temple and the condescending terrain, there is no advantage anymore.

Yan Huang remained silent, but the people below were about to jump up and down

"My king, what should we do!!"

Yan Huang sighed imperceptibly, and then... he shook his head helplessly and said weakly: "I don't know either."

Although the enemy is very strong, after two years of resistance, Yan Huang's ingenious ideas have helped everyone to hold on until now, and the ministers still have some confidence in Yan Huang

Now even the king doesn't know what to do, saying that the Star Dome Kingdom is really at the end of the road

"My king, why don't we... surrender?"

A highly respected minister said this with difficulty , Yan Huang said nothing, his expression was still solemn

"Yes, my king! If you don't want to surrender, we can escape from other directions of the temple separately, there will always be a glimmer of hope! We can meet in the distance and rebuild the Starry Sky!"

Just as everyone gritted their teeth and said the final choice, Yan Huang's eyes became firm instead

"We can't surrender. I won't sit and watch the Star Father Temple being looted by the enemy!"

"If the dignity of the Star Father is damaged, as a descendant of the Yan family, how can I have the face to believe in the Star Father again? Dare to face my Yan family ancestors?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was silent

"My last resort is to pull out the Starry Sky Scepter!"

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