After Xingfeng died, Shen Xing's heart was a little disturbed by this believer who firmly believed in him until his death. He sighed, and then continued to observe the development of civilization.

Shen Xing has been a planet for a long time, and for him, the passage of time no longer matches the previous Earth head.

Ever since, he just quietly watched the evolution of the stars in the sky

The civilization of the human race has experienced countless changes under the joint governance of royal power and divine power.

The change of royal power is like the change of seasons, but the divine power is like the eternal stars, stable and unshakable.

Over the course of thousands of years, the birth of iron marked the end of the Bronze Age

Gold, silver, and copper coins became the medium of trade, and the emergence of pottery and porcelain made human daily life more colorful.

Human beings no longer rely on clumsy stone tablets to record words, but have turned paper into a carrier of knowledge

With the exploration of nature, more animals and plants have been incorporated into human life

Knowledge in calendar, astronomy, mathematics and other fields has achieved unprecedented development

Since there are no other civilizations outside the Star Empire, and the vastness of the supercontinent almost covers the entire northern hemisphere, with the continuous development and exploration of the human race, humans have early recognized the spherical structure of the Sky Star, as well as the relationship between the sun and the moon. spherical nature

That’s right, the stars on this planet are still called the sun and the satellites are called the moon.

Shen Xing was also very curious. After that, he found out that it was because the knowledge he had transmitted was subconsciously given these two names, so the people of Tianqiong had already started to call them that.

Moreover, they also discovered pi and calculated the diameter and circumference of the sky star.

Advances in medical skills, improved nutrition, and rich products have caused the total number of humans to skyrocket, and the previously vacant land on the supercontinent has gradually become filled with humans.

This is an era of prosperity, an era of rapid development of science and technology and civilization

Benefiting from the development of civilization, Shen Xing found that his abilities seemed to have been improved.

【Sky Star】

[Level: Planet]

[Basic force: the ability to control gravity and electromagnetic force]

[Imaginary power: the ability to control consciousness and part of time]

[Laws of the Universe: You can control some of the basic laws of the universe and fundamentally change some physical laws and natural laws]

[Civilization Level: Level 1 Civilization - Age of Exploration]

Shen Xing found that his abilities seemed to be integrated. The basic power of reality and the power of fiction were separated, and all the abilities he possessed were integrated into a unified law of the universe.

Shen Xing is still exploring the scope that this so-called law of the universe can control.

What he knows so far is that after the integration, he seems to have more powerful power and a wider range of applications than before the integration, which is an unexpected surprise for him.

However, just when this peaceful era was developing steadily, a smooth metal ball the size of a football suddenly broke into Shen Xing's sight.

This metal ball emitted a strange light and flew straight towards Shen Xing's galaxy, and soon entered the control range of Shen Xing's basic power.

An ominous premonition arose in Shen Xing's heart, and he immediately mobilized his electromagnetic power to try to detect the UFO.

After all, it feels like a technological creation. In Shen Xing’s impression, electromagnetic force is very useful for technological creations.

The metal ball flew several times around the Shen star in the sky. It moved very quickly, exceeding the speed of any outer space creation on Earth in the previous life.

While the sphere was operating, Shen Xing sensed the pulse signal inside the photosphere through electromagnetic force.

Shen Xing's heart was full of vigilance, and he decided to try to read the content of this signal. After all, this light ball was definitely the product of a certain advanced technological civilization.

After concentrating on carefully detecting the ball using electromagnetic force, he discovered that the pulse signal inside the ball was a complex code, which was very obscure to him.

But obviously, this situation couldn't be simpler in front of consciousness. Almost instantly, Shen Xing decoded the content of the signal.

[Cosmic Probe Report No. 2231]

[Cosmic coordinates of the planet AS-7960 have been completely detected]

[The shortest life span is about 4.3 billion years...]

[The discovery of carbon-based advanced intelligent life forms autonomous evolution without interference from external civilizations...]

[The civilization of this planet is in the exploration stage within the planet...]

[The development of civilization is at an extremely low level...the shortest time to evolve to galactic civilization is about 10,000 years...]

[Evaluation completed, waiting for instructions...]

Shen Xing was a little surprised by the information

He knew that his lifespan was far less than 4.3 billion years, and the detector's assessment was obviously wrong.

Moreover, it did not detect Shen Xing's autonomous consciousness, which made him have a trace of doubt about this so-called advanced civilization.

Shen Xing did not relax his vigilance. He knew that this detector might be just the tip of the iceberg, and there might be a very powerful civilization hidden behind it.

He is ready, and if there is any threat signal from the detector, he will not hesitate to use electromagnetic force to destroy it

A few minutes later, a pulse wave came from the distant stars

Shen Xing immediately used electromagnetic force to analyze the fluctuation. He found that it was an instruction to order the detector to go to the BI galaxy.

After receiving the command, the detector immediately responded and then quickly flew in a certain direction until it flew into the deep space of the universe.

Shen Xing watched the spherical detector disappear from his sight. He felt a little relieved, but an inexplicable sense of urgency became stronger.

He realized the fragility of human civilization and the uncertainty of the future.

Whether it was to unlock new abilities or to regard the Sky Dome humans as his creations and people,

Shen Xing decided to take some actions to guide human civilization to a more prosperous and stable future, and to accelerate the development of science and technology so that it could have the ability to fight other alien civilizations at the fastest speed.

Putting his eyes back on the stars, the only supercontinent, once a symbol of peace and prosperity, is now The fight for resources has become turbulent.

The countries that split from the Star Empire and the new countries are constantly fighting for resources on the supercontinent.

The war is like an unstoppable plague, spreading rapidly throughout the supercontinent.

No one can escape from this world war, and all humans are involved in this disaster.

Even the Starry Sky Church, a religious organization with supreme authority, cannot stay out of it.

The Starry Sky Church has always guarded this land in the name of the Star Father and has never participated in secular wars and disputes for thousands of years.

But this time, they encountered an unprecedented challenge, and this also determined...whether the Starry Sky Church will still stand in the world!

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