Warning before reading: This chapter has many negative reviews

It will be revised later, please put your brain aside for now, thank you dear readers!

In the depths of the distant universe, two human spaceships are heading towards the Sky Dome Star.

They are the pride of the pioneer fleet, carrying humanity's hopes and dreams for a new home.

These two spacecrafts, as the pioneers of human civilization, have antimatter annihilation engines at their tails that emit blue flames, like the tails of comets, drawing a bright trajectory in the darkness of the universe.

Wei Wensu, captain of the No. 1 ship and commander-in-chief of the Pioneer Fleet, is having a meeting with the core members of the ship.

"Commander Wei, we are only about 20 million light-years away from the target planet. If everything goes well, it will take about 150 to 300 years to reach the target planet."

The person who is reporting the situation is Pioneer Fleet senior technician Alibert Wade

After the new nuclear energy crisis, the countries on Earth have long since completed the integration of a community with a shared future for mankind and become a prosperous and unified United Nations of Earth.

The official languages ​​are Chinese and English, which are the most widely used. After hundreds of years of precipitation, the proportion of mixed-race children on the earth has long been higher than that of single-race people, so the language barrier of the entire civilization has been eliminated unconsciously.

"What are the details of the target planet?" Commander Wei Wensu's eyes flashed and he asked seriously

"After closer observation and analysis by the detector, the lifespan of the new home planet fluctuates around 4.3 billion years, and it is suspected that there is life on the planet."

"But there are no artificial satellites or artificial celestial bodies in the outer space of the target planet."

"So the civilization on the target planet is definitely still far behind the earth's civilization. Based on this data, I think it is unknown whether there are advanced intelligent creatures on the planet."

"And the most important thing is that the target planet's mass, diameter, and distance from the star are all almost exactly the same as the Earth!"

"This is incredible. I never thought that there would be two such similar planets in the universe! That is the most perfect new home! It is perfect for the development of our earth's civilization!"

Alibert excitedly described the data of Sky Dome Star, while talking to others, waving the report he had confirmed several times in his hand.

Commander Wei Wensu had an expression of longing on his face. He stared at the starry sky outside the window, his heart filled with hope for the future.

"As long as we are given enough time to develop a higher level of technology, we will definitely be able to counterattack the Milky Way and return to our home star, the Earth!"

Wei Wensu's voice was firm and powerful. Ever since humans have been able to observe the galactic war, the entire civilization has always had a Sword of Damocles hanging over its head.

It is worth mentioning that even after more than a hundred years of sailing, Wei Wensu looks like he is only twenty years old now.

Because this is already the second body he uses

Earth's civilization has already developed consciousness transfer technology, which can perfectly transplant the consciousness of a dying person into a newly born clone.

Some of these clones are specially configured full biological tissue clones, and some are semi-human clones - except for the brain, which is a biological organ used to carry consciousness, the rest of the tissues and organs are all machine structures.

No matter what kind of clone it is, there is one biggest disadvantage, that is, the cost is too high

Only those with power and wealth, and a select group of top scientists, can enjoy this technology

As for the civilian technology that ordinary people can enjoy, it is not that advanced. After all, the population problem is also one of the most important problems in the development of civilization.

Although the level of science and technology has developed to the point where it can have a certain degree of combat effectiveness in outer space, it is still far from enough for other civilizations.

As for the so-called moral concepts, they have long since disappeared with the development of science and technology.

The development of science and technology is accompanied by the disappearance of moral values. At the same time, an almost distorted sense of civilized honor is growing wildly.

No matter what sacrifices need to be made

No matter what the price is

As long as it allows civilization to progress, as long as it allows science and technology to develop, as long as it allows earth civilization to continue, we can accept it!

The journey of interstellar immigrants is long and lonely

Except for a small number of generals, soldiers and scientists, other ordinary humans have entered the hibernation cabin, waiting for the day they arrive at their new home.

In this process, they will experience countless consciousness transfers and physical rebirths until they reach the so-called new home location.

And on the distant star in the sky, human civilization is developing rapidly

Shen Xing hardly has to worry about any possibility of human rebellion.

There is only one thing he has to do now, and that is to upgrade the level of human civilization as soon as possible, and then improve his own abilities. Now the channels for improving abilities seem to be tied to the development process of mankind.

I don’t know when it started, maybe it was due to some strange factors.

For Shen Xing, as long as he has a human clone, he can lead all humans as the chosen son of God.

The human clone possesses all of Shen Xing's abilities so that he can use them to lead and protect the human civilization he created.

Shen Xing is working hard to promote the development of science and technology and improve human productivity. At the same time, he is also actively guiding humans to explore the mysteries of the universe and science and technology.

"Besides technology, are there other ways for civilization to develop?"

"Do the powers that humans imagined before rebirth really not exist? If my consciousness can create this route, will it lead to a new path?"

"There is no complete path for this path in my memory. Can I create a reasonable and sustainable new path?"

Shen Xing kept thinking. He tried many possibilities and even wanted to directly raise the human intelligence of Tianqiong Star to a peak.

But he failed, because his consciousness and the laws of the universe seemed to be reasonable only in a subjective cognition.

That is to say, his upper limit limits the upper limit of Tianqiong Star humans, but Tianqiong Star humans can break through the upper limit on their own. He cannot take the initiative to adjust the upper limit.

While developing technology, Shen Xing is also exploring some new possibilities.

He knows that only by continuous progress can he cope with the threats from other high-level alien civilizations.

The last visit of the metal sphere gave Shen Xing a strong sense of vigilance.

The humans on the Sky Star must speed up their development to survive in this universe full of unknowns and dangers.

The future of the Sky Star is full of infinite possibilities.

Under the guidance and transformation of Shen Xing, human civilization is moving towards a higher goal.

They will continue to explore, discover, and innovate until one day, they can stand at the pinnacle of the universe and become the true ultimate civilization.

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