In the vast outer space, Shen Xing's consciousness is like a huge net, covering several small star systems

His clones are huge, reaching tens of millions, and the total mass of the clones even exceeds the total mass of dozens of large planets

Shen Xing built a spherical skynet with a diameter of tens of thousands of light years with the Sky Star as the center. This skynet is still expanding, swallowing up small celestial bodies within the scope of the skynet and bringing them into Shen Xing's perception range

If it is just to expand the scope and include it in the monitoring range, there is basically no difficulty, but if you want to control these several star systems, it is so difficult that it takes a long time

So Shen Xing's ambition does not stop here

On the periphery of the star system, he used his clones to condense into a satellite-sized planet, named Tianyuan Star

This planet named Tianyuan Star became Shen Xing's weapon to sweep the dwarf planets and asteroids in the small celestial body gathering belt

A small celestial body gathering belt located at the edge of the star system was originally filled with countless dwarf planets and asteroids

But in front of Tianyuan Star, they were swept away like dust

Each of Shen Xing's clones is connected to the laws of the universe through basic forces. Even the basic forces generated by the small celestial body clones can push the large celestial body and change its trajectory

Under Shen Xing's control, the small celestial bodies in the small celestial body gathering belt were guided to Tianyuan one by one Star, then swallowed and absorbed, becoming a part of Shen Xing

This process took only a few years, and the volume of Tianyuan Star has expanded thousands of times, becoming the largest planet outside the Tianqiong galaxy

The rapid growth of Tianyuan Star has brought Shen Xing's ability to improve

However, Shen Xing is not satisfied with this

He plans to transform all the other six planets in the Tianqiong galaxy into parts of himself

Shen Xing began to change the trajectory of Tianyuan Star to make it closer to the outermost planet No. 6 in the star system

Although the volume of Planet No. 6 is currently only half of Tianqiong Star, in Shen Xing's plan, it will become the next target of swallowing

As Tianyuan Star approaches, the gap between the two The gravity of Planet No. 6 increased sharply, and the orbit of Planet No. 6 began to change, approaching Tianyuan Star

Shen Xing did not intend to completely destroy Planet No. 6. He controlled the basic force of Tianyuan Star, and then used the laws of the universe to resist the natural gravity between the two, gradually slowing down the speed of Planet No. 6

Finally, Planet No. 6 slowly collided with Tianyuan Star

In the silent sky, a hot land appeared, and the two stars burned silently, and then continued to collapse

Shen Xing began the process of digestion, swallowing and absorption

After swallowing, Shen Xing asked Tianyuan Star to spit out Planet No. 6 intact

After swallowing and splitting, although the star The earth did not change, but the most important thing was that

Afterwards, Shen Xing moved Planet No. 6 back to its original orbit and continued to exist as a planet in the star system

Everything seemed to have returned to normal, but Planet No. 6 had completely become an incarnation of Shen Xing, just like Shen Xing's human incarnation, and now had become the third star like Tianqiong Star

Then Shen Xing set his sights on the other five planets

Tianyuan Star continued to move into the star system, preparing to continue to devour other planets

And on Tianqiong Star, some physicists who observed the universe discovered this amazing phenomenon

During their observations, they found that a super-large planet appeared in the star system Star, moving towards the inner side of the star's orbit, seems to be about to collide with another planet

This discovery shocked and disturbed the scientists on Tianqiong Star. They began to study this phenomenon urgently and tried to find a solution

Since ancient times, humans have observed this starry sky with their naked eyes, but what they see is just the tip of the iceberg of the universe's mysteries

With the prevalence of science, the birth of the new optical telescope has greatly expanded the human vision

In recent years, scientists have used telescopes to explore the universe in depth, observed six other planets in the star system, and named them one by one

However, the abnormal movement of Shenxing in the small celestial body gathering belt broke The tranquility of the universe

Shen Xing's second clone, Tianyuanxing, is a huge existence, frantically devouring other celestial bodies in the small celestial body gathering belt

Its appearance, like a bright new star, illuminates the vision of scientists and also arouses their confusion and curiosity

For billions of years, the movement of celestial bodies has followed the rules and stability. Even in the thousands of years after Shen Xing had human civilization, people have become accustomed to the movement of celestial bodies in the sky and take them for granted

Until the discovery of various scientific laws, people have a deeper understanding of the principle of stable movement of celestial bodies in the universe, that is, gravity

However, Tianyuanxing is unpredictable and violates the law of gravity. The orbit of the star broke the tranquility of the universe.

In the 5585th year of the Tianqi calendar, Tianyuan star collided with Planet No. 6, and this day became a grand event in the astronomical community.

Scientists and astronomy enthusiasts stayed up all night beside the telescope, watching this spectacle happen. However, the expected explosion scene did not appear, but the two merged into one.

Afterwards, Planet No. 6 returned to its orbit again, while Tianyuan star continued to fly to the inner side of the star. Scientists were puzzled. They tried to use various theories to explain this strange phenomenon, but they failed to come up with a satisfactory answer.

They could only continue to observe the movement of Tianyuan star and try to find the law in it.

In the 5587th year of the Sky Calendar, Tianyuan Star approached the vicinity of Planet No. 5. Planet No. 5 was also attracted, changed its orbit, and flew towards Tianyuan Star

Scientists were shocked again. They found that after the collision between Planet No. 5 and Tianyuan Star, they also separated and returned to their original orbit like Planet No. 6. Then Tianyuan Star continued to fly to the inner side of the star

In the 5589th year of the Sky Calendar, Tianyuan Star approached the vicinity of Planet No. 4

The experience of Planet No. 4 was the same as the previous two planets. Scientists were not only shocked, they began to be afraid and panicked

If Tianyuan Star continues like this, it will soon be the turn of Tianyuan Star, where humans live

It was almost observed that Tianyuan Star approached The moment it got close, Tianqiong Star suddenly became chaotic.

The regional councils of the Xingqiong Empire took action, asking scientists to calculate and predict the movement trajectory of Tianyuan Star, whether it could collide with Tianqiong Star, etc.

However, scientists had no way to accurately calculate the movement trajectory of Tianyuan Star.

In the 5591st year of the Tianqiong calendar, it was a familiar time again. Tianyuan Star came near Planet No. 3.

At this moment, scientists began to panic all day long.

Because in the inner orbit of Planet No. 3 is Tianqiong Star.

Even if it cannot be calculated, Tianqiong Star, a super-large planet, collides with other planets again and again, so a collision with Tianqiong Star is definitely inevitable.

At this moment, the end of the world is coming.

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