In the test hall of the Central Temple, Ye Lian prayed silently in her heart. Only she could hear her voice.

"Omniscient and almighty Star Father, no matter what the results of today's test are, my faith in you will never waver."

"When my heart was full of doubts and the way forward was unclear, it was your light that guided me forward."

Time passed by minute by second, and finally it was Ye Lian's turn to stand in front of the crystal.

The temple priest's voice was calm and solemn, and he briefly explained the steps of the test.

"Place your hand gently on it and let the crystal witness your heart."

Ye Lian took a deep breath. There was no fluctuation in her eyes, only endless devotion to Star Father.

She gently pressed her palm on the crystal ball

At this moment, the crystal suddenly burst into light, like the dawn of dawn, illuminating the entire hall and reflecting on everyone's surprised faces.

A satisfied smile appeared on the face of the temple priest, while the surrounding students cast envious glances.

However, Ye Lian's face was still as calm as water. There was no pride in her heart, only deep gratitude to Father Xing.

"Thank you, Star Father, for your grace that allowed me to pass this test, and I will always be true to your ways."

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Lian walked out of the hall calmly.

Her father Ye Dahai was waiting outside the door, his eyes full of concern, but he did not dare to ask questions for fear of affecting his daughter's mood.

"Let's go home."

Ye Dahai tried his best to sound calmer.

However, Ye Lian's next words instantly lifted Ye Dahai's mood out of the trough.

"No, Dad, we can't go home yet."

"Tomorrow, I will take part in the next round of testing."

Ye Lian's face finally bloomed with a confident and bright smile, like the dawn of dawn, making everyone around him eclipse it.

Ye Dahai was stunned for a moment, and then uncontrollable joy appeared on his face

"My daughter, did you really pass? This is a one-in-a-thousand chance!"

"Yes, Dad, it is Star Father's blessing that allows me to stand here."

Ye Lian's voice was full of piety and strength. The excited Ye Dahai couldn't help but look up to the sky, and his heart was full of gratitude.

"Thank you Star Father for your gift. Your kindness and wisdom guide us."

The father and daughter chatted briefly, and then quickly found a hotel nearby. After all, they still needed to stay one night in the Central Division.

The curtain of the first test slowly falls

Among the applicants at the Central Temple Square, among the millions of young people with dreams, only twenty stood out and successfully passed this difficult threshold.

This cruel selection ratio makes everyone who pays attention to the trial cannot help but be in awe of the rigor of this trial and the fierce competition.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and the second test followed.

This time, the number of participants dropped sharply, with only twenty people left who passed the first level of the trial.

They gathered again in the main hall of the central temple, with desks, pens and paper placed in front of everyone, ready to face the next round of challenges.

The temple priest came to the crowd, and then his voice echoed in the hall

"You have passed the test of faith and proven your purity of heart and sense of mission."

"But this is just the beginning. If you want to win the favor of the high priest, you also need to show broader knowledge, deeper understanding, stronger will and more lasting perseverance."

The priest's words awakened the fighting spirit deep in every student's heart

The second round of trials tests knowledge and understanding, which is the written test.

The examination room is divided into four. There are only five candidates in each examination room, but there are as many as six to eight priests invigilating the examination.

In addition to one-on-one invigilation, there must also be priests guarding from other directions to ensure that no one can use evil methods to conduct the examination.

As the test papers were distributed, these twenty students were shocked by the depth and breadth of the test papers.

The content of the test paper covers the teachings, history, and classics of the Starry Vault Sect.

As well as many fields such as mathematics, astronomy, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Finally, several essays are required to express a deep understanding of science, the universe, and the Star Father.

The moment Ye Lian saw the test paper, he felt a surge of joy in his heart.

Her academic performance has always been excellent, which is why she was able to join the highest school in the Central Temple Square

Unlike other students who like to enjoy life, Ye Lian loves reading various classics

She likes to be at the beach at night, blowing the cool sea breeze, looking up at the starry night sky, meditating on the mysteries of the universe, and trying to understand the greatness of Star Father

Facing this challenging test paper, Ye Lian felt that the gap between herself and others would become even more obvious.

While other students were still worrying about how to answer, Ye Lian had already picked up his pen and started writing freely on the test paper.

She knew that the high priest would personally review these examination papers. This was not only a test, but also an opportunity to show off her talents.

The tip of her pen jumps on the paper, like waves on the sea, full of energy and rhythm

She not only has to answer every question, but also uses her unique insights and deep insights to let the high priest see her potential and talent

Ye Lian's heart is full of confidence. She believes that as long as she can maintain this focus and enthusiasm, she will be able to stand out again in this second test.

When the afterglow of the setting sun filled the earth, the second exam came to an end in silence.

The examinees walked out of the main hall of the Father Temple with mixed feelings, both relieved and uneasy.

This scene was staged in every corner of the Central Temple, and each examination room was full of expectations and uneasiness about the results.

Afterwards, the test papers carrying the dreams of many students will be sent to the top of the Central Temple.

It is the sanctuary of the Central Temple and the residence of the highest priest Shen Xing.

Shen Xing will personally review these test papers to find the disciples who best meet his expectations.

In Shen Xing's eyes, the disciples he seeks must not only have unswerving faith, but also outstanding talents and lofty ambitions.

They need to have extensive knowledge, extraordinary understanding, indomitable will and determination to move forward.

Because in the future, they will face unknown alien civilizations and the vast universe. All events that can happen

You must have the ability to deeply study and understand your opponent, and you must have the courage to devote yourself to your beliefs and ideals

As for the test questions, Shen Xing used a relatively subjective method to come up with three essay topics, involving a deep understanding of science, the universe and God the Father. This is also Shen Xing's window to understand the inner world of the candidates

After Shen Xing got these test papers, he began to look through them one by one because the workload was not large

After turning over the test papers one by one, Shen Xing was looking for answers that could show independent thinking and unique insights

However, most of the test papers failed to arouse his interest. Most of them were full of praise for God the Father, but lacked personal unique insights

Until a paper from a candidate from the Eastern Division came into view, and a glimmer of light flashed in Shen Xing's eyes

Only the name of the owner of the test paper was written on it——Ye Lian

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