In the depths of the vast universe, the vanguard fleet of mankind is sailing slowly.

Chief Scientific Officer Alibert is facing the vast star map, reporting the latest progress of the voyage to the captains of the three starships.

"Captains, our voyage is coming to an end."

"At present, we are only 500,000 light years away from Planet No. 2. The spacecraft has completed the deceleration and load reduction, and it is expected to arrive at the planet called the new home in a few years."

At this time, in front of Alibert, there are three virtual light screens, on which it is written

[Captain of Ship No. 1 - Wei Wensu]

[Captain of Ship No. 2 - Richard Dale]

[Captain of Ship No. 3 - Liu Xueyi]

"Very good, Alibert, when the fleet reaches a light year away from Planet No. 2, we will temporarily stop for repairs." Captain Richard of Ship No. 2 had a look on his face. With a relaxed smile, he nodded and said

"The Earth's main fleet has set off. The energy of the main fleet can support them to sail at full speed, which means that soon after we arrive at the new planet, we can rebuild the Earth civilization again."

"Although it seems that the target planet is not a threat to us at present, in order to prevent unknown risks, we still need to send reconnaissance spacecraft first."

Captain Liu Xueyi of the third ship is trying to establish a connection with the main fleet. After reporting the progress of the main fleet, she continued to be busy.

After Wei Wensu read all the known information at present, he nodded and began to arrange the reconnaissance mission: "Organize a reconnaissance team of about 50 people to conduct a detailed reconnaissance of Planet No. 2 and collect various data to provide a basis for our future construction."

"Most importantly, we need Confirm whether there is any fatal threat on Planet No. 2. "

"Received, Commander Wei." Alibert responded, and then he made some small suggestions: "I think the possibility of a fatal threat to us on the target planet is very small, but we still need to remain vigilant."

"Commander Wei, do we want the probe to land directly inside the new planet to observe it?"

Wei Wensu thought briefly, then waved his hand to express affirmation

"It's time, but we must also be careful about the possibility of being discovered by indigenous civilizations, release the probe."

After conveying Wei Wensu's order, Alibert hesitated for a moment, and then raised a difficult question

"If low-level indigenous intelligent life is discovered on the new planet, how should we respond?"

Wei Wensu did not speak, and reason Chad narrowed his eyes, a trace of coldness flashed across his face, and he answered the question first.

"If this is really the case, then all of them will be exterminated!"

"In the law of survival in the universe, the weak are eliminated and the winner is the king."

Hearing Richard's speech, Alibert showed a little bit of reluctance on his face.

"Wouldn't this be too cruel? After all, they are the natives, and we are just outsiders."

"Albert, have you forgotten? Our Earth civilization was once the natives of the Earth and the natives of the Milky Way."

"Now because of the Milky Way War, we have to abandon our home planet. Do you know why? Because there are alien civilizations eyeing the Earth! If we don't move to the new planet, when our home is invaded by other alien civilizations and our people are displaced, who will sympathize with us?"

"In this cruel battlefield of the universe, we can't have mercy on any potential threats!"

"If there are native life on the new planet, we can't be soft-hearted, otherwise once they become strong in the future, they will inevitably conflict with us Earthlings. "

Aliberte was silent. He knew that although Richard's words were cruel, they were indisputable facts in this universe.

Seeing Alibert silent, Liu Xueyi also put down the work in her hands and said with a little earnestness:

"The specific situation defines what morality is, but if you have the ability to define the situation, ethics is just clay in your hands, which can be manipulated at will."

"If our home is invaded by advanced alien civilizations, we will not sit and wait for death, but that is useless. Alien civilizations higher than us can dominate our ending at will."

"Now, we are invaders, so you have to define this matter with the thinking of invaders. If we understand them, who can understand the earth civilization?"

Aliberte obviously knew these problems in his heart, but he was still a little sad.

"I just hope that there is no advanced intelligent life on the target planet, otherwise many of us cannot accept such an ending."

Richard looked at Alibert with some dissatisfaction.

"What a woman's kindness! If we have fallen to the level of pigs, it must be because there are too many soft-hearted people like you! "

Although Wei Wensu did not speak throughout the whole process, his silent attitude has obviously leaned towards Richard and Liu Xueyi

The starship moved forward quietly, but what they did not know was that they were about to enter the star field monitored by Shen Xing

On the distant earth, humans have completely abandoned this once beautiful home

The sky is shrouded in gray fog, the earth is devastated, and the sea is turbid

Natural disasters continue, volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis sweep across this once prosperous planet

In the outer space of the earth, dozens of huge spaceships are docked together, they do not seem to belong to the earthlings' fleet

The Saivites are an alien race with gray-green skin and emerald green eyes. Their technology far exceeds that of the Earth. Their population is huge and their consumption of resources and energy is also very huge.

In order to survive and develop, they had to start expanding outwards. While conquering other planets, they also needed a large number of intelligent life forms as a labor force.

Yeslu, the captain of the Saiwei fleet, is standing in the command room of the flagship spacecraft, looking at the lifeless earth with a gloomy expression.

"Cowardly Earthlings! They actually ran away!"

Although humans have made the earth a mess, the Saiwei civilization has already possessed certain environmental transformation technologies.

A long time ago, Yeslu had observed the cosmic signal emitted by this living planet, but he could not be distracted by the battle on the main battlefield of the Milky Way.

Until now, he finally came to conquer this planet with sufficient troops. Not only did he conquer the planet in exchange for rewards from civilization, he also needed the intelligent life on the planet to serve as the fleet's logistics workers.

However, the people on Earth have fled the planet

"Look for me right away! Where did these low-level cowards escape to?"

Jeslu roared angrily. There were not many workers left in his fleet, and almost all of them died suddenly due to endless hard work.

Due to the sharp decrease in the number of workers, Yeslu's fleet can no longer support the consumption of the galaxy battlefield.

If we don't replenish the workforce, the fleet will cease to function.

If you return to the home planet of the Saiwei civilization after defeat, you will be severely punished.

"We will soon occupy the entire galaxy. The administrator has issued a death order, and no fish can slip through the net."

"Any race that escapes the galaxy must be eliminated, leaving no one behind, so as not to leave behind any future troubles!"

Jeslu's staff officer responded quickly: "Captain Jeslu, please calm down. With the technology of the people on earth, they can't run too far."

"After we obtained the cosmic signal, we established connections with some people on Earth. They were very willing to become our affiliated civilization. I immediately asked someone to contact our undercover agents among the people on Earth."

The reason why the Saiwei people were able to defeat the Milky Way Alliance not only relied on their technological and population advantages, they were also good at winning over people's hearts and buying undercover agents.

When the Milky Way was about to be controlled by the Saiwei civilization, the capitulationists who received the signal on the earth took the initiative to contact the Saiwei people and were willing to become traitors.

Yeslu nodded, with a cruel sneer on his face, and then stood in front of the space starship's window and spoke slowly:

"Find a way to contact the undercover as soon as possible and obtain the location of the people on Earth. We must immediately launch a pursuit and completely eliminate them."

"In the Milky Way, no lower civilization can stay except Sevi."

"The universe...has too many uncertainties to leave any hidden dangers!"

On this cosmic stage, survival and destruction are intertwined, and war and peace coexist.

Humanity's vanguard fleet faces unknown challenges and moral choices on its journey to its new home.

The Saiwei people continued to expand and invade on their road of conquest.

This is a battle about survival, power and the future

Every race in the universe is fighting for the future of civilization

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