Tip before reading: This chapter is quite controversial

There may only be humans on the sky planet, and no other diverse races

The protagonist will have a humanoid body and interfere with the development of civilization. Some readers may not like this style.

It is difficult to reconcile the opinions of the public, and the author's writing skills are poor. The author bows and apologizes!

Shen Xing knows that this is just the beginning

So he chose to sleep

While he was sleeping, the miracle of life began to bloom rapidly as if he had found a breakthrough.

Bacteria... viruses... fungi... eukaryotic cells... sponges...

Jellyfish... flatworms... fish... tetrapods... reptiles... mammals!

The explosion of life begins, and the whole world begins to change

When Shen Xing woke up, the whole world had become a paradise for dinosaurs.

The overlords of the Mesozoic Era have been living on the Sky Planet for hundreds of millions of years, and have even evolved some unique species

"What...what's going on?"

Shen Xing was silent. He felt that he might have been sleeping for a long time this time. Probably because of Shen Xing's existence, the entire land was prosperous. Dinosaurs who had not experienced natural or man-made disasters almost occupied the entire continent, and even the oceans were filled with dragons. trouble

After observing carefully for a while, he first sighed about life, and then made a cruel decision.

Mass extinction!

He just checked his dashboard again. The level of civilization is still stuck in the budding era. If dinosaurs continue to flourish, although humans can still appear, the world will be far from what Shen Xing expected.

Although it is a pity, Shen Xing chose to let the dinosaurs give in for the emergence of humans.

Under the control of Shen Xing, Tianqiongxing began cleaning activities

Globally, disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis have struck simultaneously

The sky was filled with the wailing and desperate roars of dinosaurs, but Shen Xing's consciousness did not fluctuate at all, which made him a little at a loss.

Although Shen Xing is not a Holy Mother, he has never experienced the destruction of life on a planet.

Is it because he is a planet now? Or is it because of other unknown reasons?

Shen Xing didn't feel any discomfort, and even felt like he was watching a movie. Even if he created this hell drawing with his own hands, he could still judge it from a God's perspective.

For Shen Xing, it was almost an instant

In one day and one night, more than 95% of the world's dinosaurs have been destroyed, and the rest are just hanging on.

Shen Xing sighed, then casually lifted up part of the undersea continent, and drove all the remaining dinosaurs together, allowing these creatures destined to be abandoned by the times to spend their last lives.

With the control of Shen Xing's consciousness, the entire planet became tidy again, and the creatures in the supercontinent began to slowly evolve.

Finally, it only took hundreds of thousands of years for primates to make rapid progress, just as Shen Xing expected.

During this period, the last dinosaurs also died in the final paradise created by Shen Xing for them. From then on, there were no more dinosaurs in the world.

But Shen Xing left behind the Dinosaur Island, after all, it is also proof of the existence of life in the past.

When new humans appeared, Shen Xing finally discovered that his faceplate had changed.

【Sky Star】

[Level: Planet]

[Basic force: the ability to control gravity and consciousness]

[All things are unified: tangible substances and other substances that can be fused to produce contact]

[Creative power: the right and ability to create life and matter and the ability to unconditionally create existing life and matter]

[Celestial Body Transformation: The ability to transform the geology, atmosphere and other celestial environments of controlled celestial bodies]

[Existence conversion: You can transfer part of your existence to the life or substance you create, and the transfer will allow you to use the main body's abilities]

[Civilization Level: Stone Age]

"There are some more things that I can't understand..." Although Shen Xing can feel that his ability is very powerful, the methods he can use will only exist within the scope of his cognition. If it goes beyond this scope, if something happens If there are some extreme effects, then the gains outweigh the losses.

Shen Xing was thinking about it when he suddenly found that there seemed to be something strange on his panel. He could feel something similar to a cursor moving constantly, which made him a little confused.

He tried to use the cursor to click on the consciousness entry, and then the details interface appeared.

[Consciousness: It may allow individuals to influence the physical world through thinking]

"That means this cursor may also appear because I want it?"

Shen Xing probably understands the existence of consciousness, which is probably equivalent to the idealist theory that spirit comes before matter. As long as he wants to, he can affect reality to a certain extent.

For example, if Shen Xing imagines that he has a glass of water in his hand, then a glass of water will really appear in his hand.

"It's really magical..."

I played with some strange things for a while. Although the legendary control elements can also be realized through celestial transformation, they cannot be used in the universe, and the power of consciousness is unlimited.

After testing the scope of consciousness for a while, Shen Xing's eyes shifted to those new humans again.

After he thought about it, Shen Xing used his evolutionary creation power to create a new body. It looked very ordinary, just like what he looked like before his rebirth.

Then he moved his mind and transferred part of his consciousness to his new body through the transformation of existence

When he opened his eyes again, Shen Xing had already arrived in the rain forest. After waving away the rain clouds in the night sky, he created a set of clothes made of plants and put them on his naked body

He felt the grass clothes on his body, which were somewhat comfortable and had a sense of luxury that did not surpass the times

Shen Xing nodded with satisfaction, then slowly floated up and flew forward

The night in the rain forest was a bit quiet, with only the calls of some animals beating a fixed beat

Shen Xing flew for a while before finding a human settlement. At this time, everyone seemed to be sleeping. When Shen Xing appeared outside the settlement, the muffled knocking sound spread throughout the settlement, and then several primitive people holding stone weapons appeared in almost every thatched house

Looking at the thatched house they lived in, Shen Xing couldn't help but secretly admire it in his heart. In this era, it was actually possible to build a building complex of this scale. It was really a bit ingenious

"…\u0026\u0026… # …Who are you, why are you in our tribe…”

Thanks to his powerful consciousness, Shen Xing quickly understood the meaning of the primitive syllables

“You can call me the messenger of Star Father.” Shen Xing pointed to the stars in the sky, and then pointed to a man in the settlement, clearly expressing what he wanted to express

“Star Father? What is that?” A strong female primitive stood in front of everyone, seemingly the leader of the tribe, and she asked Shen Xing

“Star Father is a god.”

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