"Father Star is a god."

"And the gods have power beyond your imagination."

"He created life." Shen Xing pointed at all the people in the tribe, and then pointed at himself and said, "Let me bring you civilization."

"Civilization is slash-and-burn farming, nest-building and clothing making."

As Shen Xing spoke and moved, a spear in the hands of a primitive man appeared out of thin air and flew out, and then the spear stuck in the ground turned into a sapling and began to grow

Then a flame suddenly burst out of the trunk and burned the small tree into ashes, and then the ashes turned into a huge thatched house, which began to shrink into a piece of clothing on Shen Xing's body, and then flew to the female leader and wrapped her up

In this series of miracles, all the primitive people had knelt on the ground without knowing when, watching all this happen with their eyes blank

Until the female leader was entangled in the clothes, she was startled, and after getting up, she found the comfort and faint warmth of the clothes, and she knew what kind of existence this man in front of her was

He He is a person sent by God.

The name of God is - Xingfu

"Then where should we start, this... God's messenger?"

The female leader was unable to express herself, but Shen Xing raised her hand and pointed at the female leader, and then a ray of light sank into her mind, and finally she said the word "God's messenger" in Chinese.

After speaking Chinese, the female leader looked at Shen Xing in confusion, and then her eyes gradually became clear.

Shen Xing used her consciousness to pass on some knowledge to the female leader, including the concepts of language and civilization, as well as some unique knowledge that transcends the current era.

"You are the ancestor of civilization. Xingfu ordered me to give you the name - Zu."

As soon as the voice fell, the female leader Zu knelt down devoutly, expressing her respect and worship for Xingfu with the gift of God she had just received.

"I will definitely live up to Xingfu's trust!"

Shen Xing nodded, and then gave the language to everyone in the tribe. They almost instantly understood what the leader had just said. Everyone knelt down and said in unison: "I will definitely live up to Xingfu's trust. "Tuo!!"

The deafening sound resounded through the rainforest, and the primitive people in several settlements not far away woke up in confusion. The small birds and beasts were startled and fled in all directions. The whole rainforest seemed to wake up.

After everyone raised their heads, they found that Shen Xing's figure had disappeared in front of them. The female leader stood up and spread her hands.

"Under the light of your love, all things grow! Star Father! You are the creator of life! The leader of civilization! Lead us through the darkness! We pay you the deepest respect!"

"Star Father! You are the origin of all things! The enlightenment of civilization! We pay you the highest respect! Praise your miracles!"

The female leader praised repeatedly, constantly praising the Star Father with the language she had just acquired.

The primitive people around all bowed their heads and knelt down, and then followed the leader to silently praise the great Star Father.


In the days that followed, Shen Xing began to pay attention to the development of this tribe. After the tribe had knowledge, the ancestors called the tribe the Star-Given Tribe. Land, means that the tribal members have the knowledge and abilities bestowed by the Star Father

In just two years, Zu has absorbed several surrounding tribes and become the largest human society in the rainforest

In the rainforest stands a huge temple, 33 meters high, and the overall look is like a huge pyramid, which makes Shen Xing dazed for a while, as if he has returned to Earth

Except for the development of human civilization, all the time is used to build this magnificent temple

And in human mythology, the Star Father created humans in his own image, so humans can become advanced creatures with wisdom and civilization

At this moment, all primitive humans gathered together and stared seriously at the female leader Zu standing at the base of the pyramid

At this moment, the female leader Zu, the leader of the tribe, stood on the altar of the temple, raised her hands above her head, and announced to all the tribesmen:

"Under the guidance of the Star Father, we explore the unknown and build the cornerstone of civilization. Your strength is the source of our courage! We praise your wisdom!"

"Great Star Father, your will travels through the stars and leads us forward! In your glory, we find the meaning of life! ”

“Under the protection of Star Father, we prosper! Your gift is like a bright star, lighting our way!”

“Star Father is the only existence in the world! The only god! From today on, those who disrespect Star Father will die!”

“From now on, wherever the human race goes, temples must be built to worship Star Father!”

“Star Father is above!”

At the foot of the temple, primitive humans gathered around the altar and shouted along with the words of the female leader Zu

“Star Father is above!”

“Star Father is above!”

“Star Father is above!” "

The roar of the mountains and seas drove away the other small tribe members who were secretly observing in the dense forest, as well as the birds and beasts.

At this moment, people saw a beam of light reflected on the altar, and then a figure slowly descended, and everyone around was instantly silent.

They opened their eyes wide and opened their mouths slightly, as if trying to understand the great existence in front of them.

He slowly appeared in the sight of this group of primitive humans. His body was not made of flesh, but of countless twinkling stars and nebulae, like a microcosm of the entire universe.

His body exuded a deep blue glow, dotted with white and silver starlight, and occasionally the golden light of supernova explosions.

His skin was covered with the texture of the Milky Way, and the rotation of the galaxy and the constellation patterns slowly flowed on the surface of his skin, like a living star map

His eyes are as deep as black holes, shining with strange light, and seem to be able to see into every corner of the universe.

His hair seemed to be made up of countless meteors and comets, floating long behind him, leaving traces of light in the night sky as he moved.

He wears a robe woven from stardust, embroidered with patterns of constellations and the universe, with tiny stars twinkling around the edges.

His breath is accompanied by the pulsation of the universe, and every breath drives the endless growth of galaxies, spraying out shining star dust.

He gently stopped beside the female leader Zu, turned to look at the temple, and then slowly walked up the stairs

As He walked, patterns of starlight were reflected on the ground beneath His feet, as if the starry sky spread out beneath His feet.

Shen Xing felt the body named "Star Father" and looked at the magnificent temple in front of him. He smiled and waved his palms. All primitive humans felt unprecedented comfort. Those humans who were disabled due to hunting actually grew regrows. Missing limbs!

Everyone suddenly felt Father Star's favor in their hearts. They fell to their knees, looked at the great figure from behind, and cried bitterly.

They also learned that the earth beneath their feet was called the Sky, and that the incomprehensible, incomprehensible, and blasphemous figure in front of them was none other than their creator—Star Father.

Among the crowd, there was a strong man holding a slate, carving history with a feverish expression.

"The leader built a temple for his ancestors to worship Star Father. Star Father felt inspired and came to the world!"

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