After the arrival of Star Father, the entire Star Gift tribe erupted in fanatical belief

The primitive humans began to expand with their language, skills, and belief in Star Father, spreading Star Father's belief to almost the entire supercontinent.

"Star Father once said that the earth under our feet is called the sky. We were born on the same continent. We should all believe in Star Father!"

The day when Star Father comes is designated as the Day of God’s Advent. The knowledge given by the priest includes the division of dates.

The leader of mankind, Ancestor, designated the day of God’s descent as January 1st of the first year of the Sky, and January 1st of each year as the Star Festival.

When the unique galaxy of stars in the sky appears, it happens to be January 1. On this day believers will pray at night to ask for the guidance, protection and blessings of God the Father.

As for the stars, they are naturally the horoscopes made by Shen Xing when he came. Since humans regard the stars as his blessings and guidance, he doesn't mind having a group of his little clones arranged and combined every year.

Thanks to Shen Xing's knowledge transmission, it only took primitive humans a few thousand years to enter the Neolithic Age.

The death of Zu, the leader of the human race, caused the originally united human tribe to begin to split. Human beings had more and more various ideas, and then entered the only way for human beings - war.

Human tribes began to have conflicts, large and small, and the enemy of each tribe changed from nature to human beings themselves.

But Shen Xing did not stop their behavior. This is the only way for mankind and the catalyst for human civilization.

Only by fighting with each other can human beings break the old order and establish a new system

Although Shen Xing created the humans in the sky, he would not interfere too much in the development process of humans and could not let them become flowers in the greenhouse.

They have to experience everything they need to experience. Shen Xing is not the nanny of human civilization, but a god from the perspective of God.

Only winners can grow further

In the following hundred years, rapid development occurred. Under the guidance of the knowledge slate left by the ancestors, human society has jumped to the Bronze Age.

Human society is also divided into three huge countries, running a centralized system

They are called Star Gift, Star Vault, and Star En.

kingdom of stars

This is the eastern region of the supercontinent, with fertile soil and close to the ocean. The Star Tribe established its country here a hundred years ago and has the most prosperous development in the entire supercontinent.

Year 3111 of the Sky Calendar, the day God descends

The whole nation of Starry Dome celebrates together, waits for the coming of the stars, and performs starry night prayers

The King of the Star Vault, named Yan Feng, is currently kneeling down in the Star Father Temple. Countless tributes are placed in front of the Star Father Statue.

After the worship, Yan Feng stood up slowly and murmured: "Father Star is here."

Then he turned around, faced the few people waiting respectfully behind him, and said seriously:

"Star Father was kind and gave the fire of human civilization. Our ancestors, the Star Tribe, established their country here from scratch. It took several generations of hard work to build such a huge country."

"In recent years, the Kingdom of Stars has continuously invaded our borders. The citizens on the border have complained endlessly, and some have even been captured and used as slaves."

"We have endured it for a long time, but now on the day when God descends, how can I swallow my anger in front of Star Father and watch the people suffer from the war!"

"We are all the people of Star Father, and the Kingdom of Star Grant is the descendant of our ancestors. How could they abandon Star Father's guidance and let this continent fall into war!"

After Yanfeng finished speaking, he took the lead to leave the temple. After leaving the temple, he slowly pulled out his bronze sword and pointed in the direction of the Star-Given Kingdom.

"We have Star Father to protect us in this battle. Today, we will take Star directly to the capital!"

On the night of God's descent, the warriors of the Kingdom of Stars prayed earnestly to Star Father. Looking at the stars gradually disappearing in the sky, all the warriors began to march towards the west!

Shen Xing looked at the war between the two countries below him. The war in the Bronze Age had begun to take shape. It could be said that it could be fought with blood flowing like rivers.

"Star Father is on top! Charge with me!!!"

Yanfeng raised his arms and shouted, then led the soldiers to rush to the capital of Xingci Kingdom

Under the leadership of Yanfeng, the soldiers were encouraged and chanted together

"Star Father is on top!"

"Star Father is on top!"

"Star Father is on top!"

They charged towards the Kingdom of Stars without fear of life or death, roaring with red eyes.

In a war, victory or defeat is determined not only by simple things like numbers, but also by morale and the belief that victory is inevitable.

The balance of victory was undoubtedly tilted towards the Kingdom of the Stars. In just a few hours, the defense line of the Kingdom of Stars collapsed completely. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Stars had already rushed into the capital and entered the palace.

Yanfeng pulled out his bronze sword and placed it on the neck of the King of the Kingdom of Stars.

"You lose, Leiyun."

Lei Yun ignored Yan Feng, his face was filled with loneliness, his decadent face slowly raised, looking at the sky, murmuring in despair

"Star Father, aren't we your people? Aren't we the believers whom you have blessed?"

Shen Xing naturally saw this scene and heard Lei Yun’s desperate words.

To him, Lei Yun's questions were insignificant. He was just one of the many living beings, and he had seen everything that had happened in the past few years after the Xingji tribe was established.

The faith in the Kingdom of Star Grant has become weaker and weaker. Even the king will not go to the Star Father Temple to worship. Shen Xing is also dissatisfied with the corruption of the nobles. Even the people in the temple often behave disrespectfully. Lift

Perhaps it was due to some thoughts in his heart, but Shen Xing would not allow them to weaken in the slightest in their belief in the humans in the sky.

"It seems that I have become a little selfish."

Shen Xing smiled mockingly, then waved his hand, and a bolt from the blue shattered the top of the palace of the Kingdom of Stars. The rubble fell to the ground, and some hit Lei Yun's head.

Lei Yun's forehead began to seep blood, making his face look a bit ferocious at this time.

“How dare you say such disrespectful words, you are blaspheming!!!”

Although Shen Xing didn't take it to heart, Yan Feng's eyes widened when he heard it. Seeing the thunderbolt in the clear sky, he was even more convinced that Xing's father was angry. Yan Feng cut off Lei Yun's head with a sword, and then raised it above his head. He roared angrily at the soldiers behind him:

"The blasphemer! Hang his head at the city gate for three days! Then throw him into the sea!"

In Sky Vault Star, everyone pays attention to burying their bodies in peace. Throwing the body into the sea is regarded as an extreme insult and one of the most severe punishments.

Seeing Lei Yun's body being desecrated in this way, everyone in the God-given Kingdom who was related to Lei Yun was stunned, and they vented their incompetent anger unwillingly.

"People! Star Father has abandoned us! He is no longer worthy of our faith!!!"

Lei Yun's brother forcibly broke away from the suppression of the soldiers, ran towards the door while shouting, and was then beheaded by a sword from the Star Kingdom.

"People! Star Father has abandoned us! He is no longer worthy of our faith!!!"

After Lei Yun's brother died, her wife also shouted loudly toward the door and was then beheaded.

Leiyun's relatives continued to spread blasphemy, making Yanfeng like an angry lion. He began to investigate how many Leiyun's relatives were in the city, and he wanted to clean up these blasphemers one by one.

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