In the year 3113 of the Sky Calendar, a giant temple stood in the center of the continent.

After the destruction of the Kingdom of Star Grant, the Kingdom of Star Grace chose to surrender to the Star Vault. From then on, only one country existed on the supercontinent.

Star Empire!

The central temple of the Star Empire is hundreds of meters high. In the eyes of everyone, it is a huge miracle.

At the foot of the temple is the royal city of the Star Empire.

Yanfeng became the sole emperor of the Star Empire. He ordered the establishment of the Star Church, maintained the authority of Star Father, and wrote the "Star Scripture"

The prologue in the Sacred Scripture of the Starry Vault states:

"At the beginning of time, there was chaos outside the sky. Star Father used his will and power to create the land outside the sky from the chaos."

“Star Father created countless stars, and each star is His child, carrying His hopes and dreams.”

"Among the many stars, Star Father chose one star and gave it life. This is our home!"

The Star Dome Cult began to spread among the people. Yanfeng took the lead as the first high priest. He took Xing as his surname and changed his name to Xingfeng. This also became the tradition of the high priests in later generations.

At this time, inside the palace, Xingfeng sat high on the throne, praying devoutly with his eyes closed.

Supreme power, huge harem, endless wealth

In Xingfeng's eyes, all of these were given by Star Father, and the central temple was built to express gratitude for the gifts brought by Star Father.

Xingfeng finished his prayer, opened his eyes and said to his subordinates: "Now that the construction of the central temple has been completed, the 80,000 Star Grant old people are of no use anymore. They blasphemed Star Father. I want to kill them all. Then Burn it and throw it into the sea.”

After hearing Xingfeng's words, everyone started talking, and then one of Xingfeng's sons stood up and suggested: "Father, these are 80,000 old people. It would be a pity to kill them all, and the blood would flow like a river. It would be a bit cruel... …”

"Yes! It would be too cruel to kill them all..."

"They are sinners! These people are Lei Yun's old subordinates! They are preaching blasphemy!"

The rest of the people had their own opinions and were unable to convince each other. Xingfeng couldn't help but frown after listening to everyone's words.

"No matter what, they must be eradicated. Not only are they dissatisfied with Star Father, but they have also recently spread heretical beliefs. Keeping them will always be a disaster!"

On the other side, the leader of Xingci's old people and Leiyun's old tribe is named Leihuo, who was one of Leiyun's brothers.

They secretly promoted the doctrine of the New God, and even some soldiers of the Star Empire were bewitched and became believers of the New God.

And these soldiers revealed Xingfeng's orders to these old people, and when they heard that they were all going to be killed, these soldiers cursed Xingfeng for being inhumane, and said insulting words to Xingfu.

"We must resist! Only by resisting can we survive!"

"Yes! We are Heavenly Father's people. Heavenly Father bless us, and we will definitely be saved!"

Soon, these old men who claimed to be Heavenly Father’s people began to discuss plans for resistance and quickly made plans.

Moreover, those soldiers who were bewitched colluded with them, cooperated inside and outside, and escaped from the Star Empire when the defense was empty.

In the process of escaping from the Star Empire, the old people of Star Gift caused chaos in the royal city, igniting fires in many places in the city, and the entire night sky was illuminated by fire.

"Thank God for blessing, we escaped!!"

"Long live our Heavenly Father, we are His people!"

The old troops who escaped cheered, and then Lei Huo, who was called the Messenger of Heavenly Father, turned to everyone and said:

"We should go to the west, only there is our homeland, and there is the place where God protects us!!"

After these people fled the royal city, there was chaos in the royal city. Xingfeng ordered the arrest of several soldiers who were bewitched. Xingfeng ordered them all to be executed.

"Those damn criminals actually escaped with more than 40,000 people. What on earth did you do for food! Even some of our soldiers rebelled and fled, and you didn't even notice it?!"

Xingfeng angrily rebuked the subordinates responsible for the defense, and then ordered the criminals to be hunted down and killed without leaving any survivors.

When the Star Empire was chasing these old people of the Star, they kept leaving troops behind. When the Star Empire's army supplies were about to be exhausted, they had no choice but to let go of the last small wave.

After returning to the royal city, news about the New God reached Xingfeng. After hearing the report from his subordinates, Xingfeng slapped the armrest of the throne angrily.

"The blasphemers! These blasphemers!!"

"Only Father Star is the only true god in this world! Father Star created everything in the world! He made us humans the kings of hundreds of races! Granted us wisdom! Granted us civilization! Granted us language! Granted us everything!!"

"This group of blasphemers, what kind of bullshit Heavenly Father, actually dare to arrogantly think of themselves as an independent evil god. This is simply unforgivable!!"

Xingfeng roared angrily, and then he quickly came to the central temple, climbed up the towering stairs, came to the statue of Father Star and knelt down on the ground, lying on the ground and crying bitterly.

"Great Star Father! An evil god actually appeared under my rule! You were insulted! This is a sin that I cannot forgive! Star Father, please punish me!!!"

Xingfeng lay on the ground like a child and cried bitterly until he lost all strength. Finally, his subordinates came and confessed to Father Xing together, and then helped Xingfeng leave the temple.

"Since it was me who committed the crime, I will kill him myself!"

"As the Lord of the Star Empire and the Chief Priest of the Star Sect, I give an order to mobilize all our forces to destroy the followers of the evil god!"

"In the territory of the Xingqiong Empire, all those who believe in the evil god will be executed and thrown into the sea!"

Xingfeng gathered a force and rushed to the west. Although Xingfeng's idea was good, the reality was cruel.

After thousands of years, the appearance of the Star Father has long become a myth. In everyone's mind, it is more like a spiritual symbol of national unity.

It is possible to worship the Star Father, but it is too difficult for everyone to go on an expedition for faith and disregard life and death.

Due to Xingfeng's impatience and impulsiveness, and the sudden impulse without a plan, the vanguard troops suffered a defeat in the west, with tens of thousands of casualties and great morale damage.


Xingfeng dragged his injured body and kowtowed to the central temple at each step.

Looking at the majestic statue in front of him, Xingfeng finally couldn't bear it. Endure the grievance and pain in your heart

"Father Xing, you created human beings and gave them wisdom and knowledge."

"Then you must also know... Human beings are cunning and fickle, corrupt and ignorant."

"For their own sake, they are no longer devout to your faith."

"These people are all sinners."

When Xingfeng said this, bitter tears began to flow from his eyes. He stared at the statue of Father Xing with moist eyes, not daring to blink for a moment

"I, Xingfeng, swear in the name of faith! I will definitely restore your former glory and let your glory shine all over the earth again!"

Just when Xingfeng stood up, something strange happened

Suddenly, a portal of light opened in the starry sky, its light was soft and strong, illuminating the entire continent

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