I turned into a planet and was discovered by the people on earth

Chapter 71: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

"Star-shattering spear?!"

Alibert was startled by Wei Hong's order. Even Sinter, who was always calm next to Wei Hong, changed his expression. He turned around and asked in an excited tone:

"Wei Hong, do you really want to use that weapon?"

"We are not sure that the energy core will not be exhausted after using weapons. If we lose the zero point energy, we will not be able to enter the hyperspace channel, and we will be completely trapped in this galaxy!"

"Let's not talk about whether we can find the next habitable planet. According to our current technological level, if we don't enter the hyperspace channel..."

"We can never return to our Earth!!!"

Wei Hong listened quietly to Sinter's words and replied calmly:

"We can no longer coexist peacefully with Tianqiongxing. Now that all the undercover agents have been exposed, it shows that the high priest has known everything for a long time."

"The so-called high priest and his magical abilities have exceeded expectations."

"Based on all the information I have learned so far, I have to deal with it in the safest way."

"According to my prediction, we may even be under the surveillance of the high priest at this moment."

"After using the Star Shatter Spear, if it succeeds, we can replenish resources from the planet fragments, just like we did with the ruined planet."

"We can continue trying to find a new home later."

Sinter was speechless, but his clenched fists and bulging veins showed his state of mind at this time.

He had to agree that Wei Hong had the same idea as him. If he continued to force the war at this moment, he might lose everything.

For the continuation of civilization, every step must be taken in the safest way

"Then what if the Star-Shattering Spear fails?"

"Admit defeat."

"Admit defeat?! Have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we admit defeat!"

"Then have you ever thought about how many compatriots on Earth would die if the war started!" Wei Hong turned around and yelled.

Wei Hong and Sinter have been getting along for a long time, a very long time

He knew that the other party had always wanted to return to his home planet.

He expressed regret that he could not fulfill his old friend's wish.

but he can't do anything

The continuation of civilization is greater than anything else

This sentence has been the motto of earth civilization for hundreds of years. It has long been rooted in Wei Hong's heart and in the hearts of all people on earth.

Hearing these words, Sinter seemed to have been drained of all his strength.

It's not that he is mentally fragile. As the second leader of the earth's civilization, he is not fragile, but that he did not expect that one of his wrong moves would lead the earth's civilization into the abyss.

He waved tremblingly, signaling Wei Hong to bow his head.

Wei Hong stepped forward and knelt down. Sinter trembled in his ear and said:

"They know we are here..."

The moment he heard this, Wei Hong's eyes widened slightly. He stood up and pointed at Sinter, with faint anger in his eyes.


But Wei Hong quickly controlled his anger. He knew that there was no point in blaming each other in this situation.

The Star-Shattering Spear has started to charge, and it will take about three months to charge.

Once the star-shattering spear is fully charged, the thermal energy flow emitted can continuously heat the planet's atmosphere, and finally detonate the planet's core, completely destroying the entire planet.

Facing the extremely uncertain high priest and divine magic, converting the planet into resources and making a desperate move is the last resort.

However, just when the huge star-shattering spear began to point the energy deflector towards the Sky Dome Star,

A shrill alarm sounded on the main ship of Earth's civilization.

"Warning! Warning! Organism detected!"

Wei Hong quickly came to the universe window, put his hands on the guardrail and looked ahead. An incredible scene appeared in front of him.

The high priest, who was exactly the same as in the data, was standing in the void of the universe, opposite the main ship.

Just when Wei Hong slowly opened his eyes in disbelief, a calm and unfamiliar male voice sounded in his mind.

"You have crossed a line, Earthlings."

The moment he heard the sound, Wei Hong broke out in a cold sweat. He looked at the other pilots and combatants who seemed to have heard the same sound. Many of them covered their heads and looked at the figures outside the window in disbelief.

This is not the outside of an apartment building! Outside is a cosmic space where normal creatures have no chance of long-term survival!

In the horrified eyes of the people on earth, Shen Xing, who was standing with his hands behind his back, stretched out a finger and pointed slowly above the ship, and then a huge black shadow gradually enveloped the window.

Everyone's eyes slowly looked up, and they saw a dark cosmic star floating quietly above their heads.

The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter, which is a thousand times larger than the Earth and has a mass greater than the other eight planets in the solar system combined.

When Earth civilization left the solar system, it observed Jupiter at close range, and many non-Cenozoic pilots also lamented the size of Jupiter.

That huge star impressed everyone who saw it. No matter how powerful the technology was, the sense of oppression floating on the surface was enough to make people feel suffocated.

But what is that above their ship now?

Could it be that someone in the universe covered the stars with black cloth and plunged the ship into darkness?

The almost endless stars seemed to completely cover them in the endless darkness. Just when a few people had just observed the planet, the intelligent assistant on the ship also sounded an alarm, and in the alarm, that person appeared. The male voice in my head is also mixed in

"Warning! Abnormal gravity detected!"

"Warning! Abnormal gravity detected!"

"Warning! Abnormal gravity detected!"

"Enjoy it, people of Earth."

Wei Hong came to his senses instantly and issued a series of orders very quickly.

"Start the thrusters and change direction! Stay away from this planet!"

"Connect the zero-point energy core to the Star-Shattering Spear! Force overclocking and charge! Turn the energy deflector for me! Break this planet into pieces as quickly as possible!"

"All personnel on the upper ship immediately moved to the lower ship, activated the antimatter overload, directly sacrificed the upper ship and forcibly pushed the main body away!"

"Activate the shield! Send all the ships above to the planet!"

After a series of rapid executions, the Colossus-class Titan's upper ship assembly was partially detached. The anti-matter cannon was activated due to forced overload, and collided with the Abyssal Star while releasing a huge annihilation force.

The zero-point energy core is roaring to deliver energy to the Broken Star Spear. A huge thermal energy ray is shot out from the energy deflector, concentrating on the Tianyuan Star and constantly decomposing the surface of the Tianyuan Star.

What shocked the earth's civilization was that the overclocked Star-Shattering Spear did not cause much substantial damage to Tianyuan Star.

The Colossus-class Titan battleship used its powerful propulsion to stay away from the Abyssal Star, and used all its weapons to launch a crazy output against the Abyssal Star.

Although Tianyuan Star has a strength that is far beyond the supernormal cosmic celestial bodies, it is still gradually overwhelmed and the star collapses when the earth's civilization abandons all firepower.

All the Earthlings on the ship who could observe the Abyssal Star through the windows were staring at it with splitting eyes. They just wanted to destroy this abnormal planet that should not appear in the galaxy.

When everyone saw the boundless star of Tianyuan Star gradually disintegrating, they couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of suffocation turned into strong emotions and they kept cheering.

But just when everyone was beaming with joy, the color of the entire ship changed to an extremely bright color, which made everyone stunned.

Because this is the highest alarm that will appear when there is a crisis of ship destruction.

In the ship's broadcast, the intelligent assistant announced in an emotionless mechanical voice:

"Warning! Extreme black hole gravity detected!"

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