"Warning! Extreme black hole gravity detected!"

How deep is the deepest darkness?

The object from which not even light can escape its event horizon

People under the window looked up and looked into the distance, their naked eyes staring straight into the endless darkness




Everything was stretched and extended like randomly ravaged lines, and finally disappeared into the abyss.

The people on the ship seemed to have become deaf, and the things they were holding had already fallen to the ground. All operations were in vain under the current situation.

Faced with the situation at this time, Alibert was already speechless. He observed everything around him in horror, but all the data seemed to tear apart his worldview. He kept mumbling to himself: "Why is this happening?" A black hole appears... There is absolutely no possibility that this celestial body will collapse into a black hole..."

He turned his head stiffly and looked at Shen Xing, who was standing in the void. He actually ignored the abnormal curvature of time and space and walked without any change in the speed of his movements.

The power of the black hole seems to be unable to affect him in the slightest

Alibert seemed to suddenly think of something in his mind. The Titan ship would never be able to face the black hole directly. The fact that it has not been smashed yet could only be the work of the high priest, which means that there may be room for recovery.

He could no longer keep calm in the current situation. This was a time when civilization was at stake. He took a deep breath, and then shouted to Shen Xing with a slight gaffe:

"High Priest! We should not offend the Sky Vault Star! Humanity is just lost! Any decision on the Sky Vault Star is a wrong decision made by us!"

Speaking of this, Alibert couldn't help but look at Wei Hong

Wei Hong just looked at the black hole outside the window quietly. After feeling Alibert's gaze, he closed his eyes and nodded slightly.

"We are willing to hand over all the known technologies of earth civilization to the sky star! Then we will leave this galaxy immediately!"

After Alibot received Wei Hong's affirmation, he expressed his sincerity to the earth's civilization and wanted to exchange for the forgiveness of the high priest.

While speaking, he could feel his heartbeat beating violently in his chest with the nervous emotions. Every heartbeat was accompanied by the pounding sound of blood, which was clearly transmitted to his ears.

He kept praying in his heart. He prayed that Shen Xing could understand their situation. He believed that Shen Xing would be able to understand the behavior and choices of individuals on the basis of cosmic civilization.

The moment he looked at Shen Xing, he felt as if Shen Xing's eyes had penetrated his soul. Alibert felt unable to breathe for a moment. He waited for the high priest's reply.

Although the universe is silent, he believes that the high priest will be able to hear his prayers

His idea was obviously correct, and his words fell into Shen Xing's ears word for word.

Facing this scientist who has chosen peace from the beginning, Shen Xing once noticed and lamented that among the civilizations of the universe, there are indeed people who yearn for peace.

Shen Xing does not hate Alibert, but in the situation of the Sky Vault Star people, he cannot have much favorable impression of the intruder.

Shen Xing's eyes swept over the people on Earth one by one, and then his calm voice sounded in the ears of all people on Earth:

"From a civilized perspective, I can understand what you are doing."

"The entire universe is the great work of Star Father, so I also believe that you have the meaning of existence."

"I can also give you the chance of life you want."

Just when Alibert heaved a sigh of relief, Shen Xing's next words made him lose all his strength.

"But all civilizations have experienced similar developments, and I believe you all know a saying."

"If you want to be forgiven, you have to pay the price."

"The places where your mechas bombed have caused casualties to the people of the Sky Planet, and thousands of people have lost their lives."

"What you have to do is pay for the pain and harm you have caused to the people of Sky Vault Star."

“King to king, adversary to general, people to people.”

"You just have to pay a heavy enough price."

"The cost of life."

As soon as Shen Xing's cold words fell, everyone felt a little bit of discomfort.

Then they were horrified to find that the black hole had begun to affect the surrounding planets, as if some force that had previously bound the black hole suddenly disappeared.

On the sky star, the people who had already received the high priest's notice looked at the huge gravitational lens in the sky and couldn't help but close their eyes tightly and silently bless the high priest.

The choir in the central temple was also quietly singing hymns in praise of Star Father. With the voice of the choir, the scene in the sky began to change.

(You can watch it slowly with BGM: O Come O Come Emmanuel, please use your imagination to modify the lyrics QwQ)

In the universe, except for the Sky Vault Star, other planets in the Sky Vault Galaxy have begun to be touched by the tentacles of the black hole's gravity.

The other planets around the black hole seem to be pulled by an invisible thread, slowly moving towards the black hole.

Their orbits began to become unstable, and some planets even began to spin faster, and the material on the surface was thrown out, forming gorgeous star rings.

The planet began to deform under the pull of gravity, and everyone who saw it seemed to be able to hear the screams of the stars.

At the edge of a black hole, space is distorted to the extreme



Huge cracks appeared on the surface of the planet, as if torn apart by invisible giant hands, and rocks and dust were thrown into the universe

The core of the planet was exposed to the vacuum, forming a very strange shape in the weightless environment

The fragments of the planet began to revolve around the black hole, and they began to be accelerated to near the speed of light under the gravity of the black hole

The fragments formed a huge accretion disk around the black hole, emitting a dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding space

The people on the fleet could not help but indulge in the magnificent horror

But soon they began to despair, and the edge of the ship began to tear gradually, as if the inexplicable force shrouding the ship was gradually fading away bit by bit

The fragments of the ship and the planet were mixed together, and there were also a large number of sleeping cabins mixed in, which... were all human beings

Some people could no longer imagine the scene carefully, and could not help but kneel on the ground and vomit continuously, and the filth was on the smooth ship floor The face looked particularly glaring.

But fortunately, when the ship was almost half damaged, it suddenly stopped collapsing.

And the voice like the devil's whisper sounded again, but this time it brought them a glimmer of hope.

"That's it."

"The price has been paid enough, I will move you to other planets."

"All you have to do is cooperate with the scientists on the Sky Star and offer all the technology."

The people on the fleet felt that the voice in their heads disappeared, and then the starship began to disintegrate due to an inexplicable force. Several components similar to the pioneer ships on Earth went to the direction of the Sky Star.

And the main body of the ship moved on its own when the propulsion system failed.

Everyone seemed to have lost their souls.

In front of the starship's route was another blue planet in the Sky Star System.

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