When the high priest returned to the Sky Dome Star, he slowly landed on the platform of the central temple.

The people gathered in the Temple Square area couldn't help but burst into loud cheers

The high priest once again protected the Sky Star! Protected humanity!

The people in the temple square looked at Shen Xing, some worshiped, and some couldn't help but shed tears, but no one made a negative sound.

No civilization can achieve such a grand scene

Filmed by countless cameras, Shen Xing slowly walked to the stage

"Star Father! Thank you, High Priest!"

"The Star Father protects the Sky Star! The High Priest protects mankind!"

Shen Xing had a smile on his face that was very unfamiliar to the enemy. He waved to everyone, and then under the eyes of everyone, he slowly said:

"Under the light of Star Father, we successfully survived this crisis, and through this crisis, we became aware of other cosmic civilizations."

"Although we have survived this crisis, we must clearly realize that the universe is full of various dangers."

"Our civilization will gradually expand! Our territory will also begin to expand in the universe!"

"Even I can't protect you forever in the vast universe."

When people in the square heard Shen Xing's words, except for some people who showed surprise and uneasiness on their faces, others were more thoughtful.

The Star Sphere Religion has never been about controlling the existence of people through faith, but more about letting people understand the meaning of Star Father’s creation of people.

"Star Father created mankind and gave us wisdom and courage."

"Our survival and development should not only rely on Star Father's protection, but also our own efforts and wisdom!"

"Let us work together for the future of Tianqiongxing! For the future of mankind! Make unremitting efforts and move forward courageously!"

The crowd burst into even more enthusiastic cheers, and even many families watching TV stood up from the sofa with enthusiastic expressions.

The Starry Vault Sect does not deliberately provide strict faith education to newborns, but all of them spontaneously feel the brilliance of faith under the influence of their ears and eyes from childhood to adulthood.

People sensed the power of divine magic through Shen Xing, and the power of divine magic gave people a glimpse of Star Father's mighty power.

It's all natural

Su Xiaoyi's face next to Shen Xing was also full of reverence, and his heart gradually became firmer through the teacher's words.

Why Star Father Created Humanity

It is for humans to make themselves great!

Shen Xing's hands pressed down slightly, and then the wave of cheers gradually subsided.

People's hearts are filled with reverence for the high priest. In everyone's hearts, the high priest is always like the most loving elder, protecting and guiding them.

The sky star people will not disappoint the high priest, let alone the star father.

Seeing that the crowd had calmed down, Shen Xing continued: "The people on Earth have failed."

"We will completely absorb all the technology of the earth's civilization, integrate it into our civilization, and promote the leap-forward development of Tianqiong star technology."

"For this reason, I once again call on the scientists who volunteer to go and help Tianqiongxing obtain valuable science and technology!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the scientists stood up one after another and expressed their willingness to contribute their share to the development of Tianqiongxing.

Whether they are young and promising newcomers in the field of scientific research or academic authorities who have been in the field of scientific research for many years, they all showed a strong willingness to participate.

Shen Xing expressed his approval for the positive response of these scientists. His eyes swept over every enthusiastic face. The scientific and technological level of Tianqiong Star will be greatly improved due to the efforts of these scientists.

"We will set up a special scientific team to go to Sky Blue Star to be responsible for docking and researching the technology of Earth civilization."

"This team will be led by Divine Attendant Qu Shixin and will take a dozen scientific researchers on a human spacecraft to the Sky Blue Star, the fourth planet in the Sky Dome Galaxy."

The scientists were stunned when they heard about Cerulean Star. One of the old scientists couldn't help but asked: "High Priest, we have launched detectors and astronauts have brought back planet specimens. Cerulean Star is not Suitable for human survival.”

"If we want to improve the ecology of Sky Blue Star, our current technology cannot solve it for the time being..."

After the old man finished speaking, he looked a little ashamed. He felt that he was questioning the high priest by saying this. At the same time, he felt guilty for not developing science better.

"Don't worry about this problem. Star Father has given life to Sky Blue Star."

"Now Blue Star has become a new life planet. While you are going to carry out technology docking, you must also supervise the human beings of the earth's civilization to open up new planets."

"Cerulean Star will allow our civilization to take the first step in the universe!"

Hearing Shen Xing's words, all the scientists in Tianqiong and the people in the temple square showed a hint of enthusiasm.

Starfather performed a miracle again!

"The transformation of Sky Blue Star is a test and an opportunity for our civilization from Star Father."

"You must not only connect with the technology of the earth's civilization, but also build Skyblue Star into a prosperous new world, proving the ability and determination of our Skyblue Star people."

A young scholar from the Oracle Academy stood up and said with a fervent expression: "High Priest, we will do our best! We will not let down Star Father's gift! Nor will we let down your expectations!"

"We are willing to be the pioneers of civilization and open up a new world for civilization!"

The high priest's speech ended quickly, and Qu Shixin took the selected scientists on a journey to the Sky Blue Star.

Shen Xing also came to the scene in person to wave and say goodbye to the scientific team that was about to set off.

At the same time, Su Xiaoyi also began to issue a series of policies to deal with the upcoming interstellar era of Tianqiong Star.

The Sky Vault Star government has increased benefits for families with multiple children, promoted more births, filled the vacancies of the Sky Vault Star with more new lives, and provided a population base for immigrants in the interstellar era.

At the same time, a series of countermeasures and restrictions were issued for alien civilizations that were about to come into contact.

For example, according to the provisions of the "Sky Star Interstellar Law" implemented on September 9, 5645 in the Sky Calendar

Except for citizens born in the Sky Vault Star, those born outside the Sky Vault Star but whose ancestors were native citizens of the Sky Vault Star, and those recognized by the high priest, any alien species (hereinafter referred to as second-class species) cannot have the right to reside in the Sky Vault Star and have permanent residence rights. and higher rights

In addition, the civilization on the Sky Planet has once again entered an era of rapid development. It has made a great leap in science and technology through the heritage of the Dil civilization obtained by the Sky Blue Star people from the original Earth.

The interstellar era has quietly arrived without many people realizing it.

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