Shen Xing traveled through the galaxy and finally came to the Sky Blue Star

After his transformation and the construction of the earth's people, this planet has gradually become prosperous.

The most important thing is that it is lined with green trees and a clear river flows through the city, creating a vibrant scene.

Shen Xing slowly landed on the streets of Sky Blue Star, surrounded by bustling earthlings

They are either busy at work or enjoying the afternoon sunshine in the leisure square

Although their civilization level is a second-class race in the Star Origin Civilization, after experiencing the storm, their lives today are full of peace and contentment.

During the black hole incident, many Earth residents missed the disaster because of their slumber. When they woke up, they found that the Star Source Civilization not only protected them, but also provided them with a new home.

This gratitude took root in their hearts and then grew stronger.

But those who had experienced the Great Terror not only had no resentment, but became silent.

No one wants to destroy this peace, and the reason for all this is because of that sentence

The continuation of civilization is greater than anything else

Perhaps this sentence is just like the status of Star Father in the sky, it is the belief of people on earth today.

They just replaced the gods with civilization itself

Shen Xing came to the scientific research center of Sky Blue Star, where the most outstanding scientists from Star Source Civilization and Earth Civilization gathered. At this time, they were studying the technological legacy left by Dier Civilization.

Thanks to the support of the Star Source Civilization, more of the legacy content of the Dier Civilization has now been deciphered. Although it is only some details of the Dier Civilization, it has been very fruitful for today's Star Source Civilization and Earth Civilization.

Alibot was observing several sets of data. When he noticed that the high priest walked in, he came up to him with some fear.

"See the High Priest!"

When others heard Alibot's words, they couldn't help but stop what they were doing and expressed respect to Shen Xing.

Shen Xing responded with a smile. His eyes swept over everyone, and finally landed on Lin Luan, the person in charge of the scientific research center.

"Lin Luan, are there any new discoveries about the heritage of Dier's civilization?"

Because she was focused on the information in front of her, Lin Luan didn't hear everyone's voices. She didn't notice Shen Xing's arrival until Shen Xing's inquiry sounded.

Lin Luan today is no different from before. The advancement of divine arts has also improved the lives of the students.


Lin Luan stood up in surprise, bowed slightly in front of Shen Xing, and then reported the recent findings to Shen Xing

"We have learned a lot from the Dil civilization. Their technology, including all kinds of knowledge, is worth learning."

"And by sorting out the data on Dill's civilization, we have also glimpsed a corner of the universe that we don't know about."

"At the same time, we also discovered information about two new civilizations."

Lin Luan's words made Shen Xing nod, and then he took the light screen in Lin Luan's hand and looked at it.

The information is compiled and summarized from some data of the Dier civilization. Most of it is about trivial matters in the universe and some precautions for interstellar navigation.

And with the deepening of research, they also understood the tragedy of Dil civilization more comprehensively than before.

A once glorious civilization eventually led to its own demise due to its over-tolerance of subordinate civilizations.

A report from Dire Civilization mentioned the war that destroyed civilization.

Everything originated from a subsidiary civilization—Sapo Civilization

The Sabo civilization is a civilization at the current technological level of earth civilization. It does not even have the technology to enter the hyperspace channel of the universe, but the Dier civilization enthusiastically accepted this civilization

The development of Dire civilization has always been in a peaceful state. The people of Dire, who have long been united as one, have made several technological leaps and become a giant.

In their eyes, entering the universe is not entering a dark forest, but a bright prairie.

In this vast sea of ​​stars, all existences should coexist peacefully and develop together until they glimpse the pinnacle of technology.

And they will not use weapons to attack other civilizations unless they have to, unless they are attacked and will fight back in self-defense

The Dil civilization is very lucky. It has not suffered any dark blows in the universe until it has reached a sufficiently high level of technology.

But this luck eventually turned into misfortune

Sabo civilization took advantage of the tolerance of Dire civilization and gradually penetrated into the core of Dire civilization, and finally launched a fatal blow

An unknown silicon-based civilization allowed the Sabo civilization to launch a planet-destroying weapon against organisms on the home planet of the Dil civilization. As a result, the Dil civilization was severely damaged and forced to start a war.

In the end, Dil's civilization used unknown means to lead the entire civilization and the silicon-based civilization to destruction.

Shen Xing can feel the rise and fall of a higher civilization from these few words.

He knows that not all civilizations in the universe coexist peacefully. Some civilizations will betray and destroy them because of greed and ambition.

"Teacher, we have also observed the locations of some other civilizations in the star map left by the Dil civilization."

"But they are all in a place called the Virgo Super Galaxy Cluster by earth civilization, and also called Alpha by cosmic civilization... At least that's what we translated it to mean, which probably refers to the First Super Galaxy Cluster."

"According to the star track positions provided by Earth civilization, there is no hyperspace channel network in our galaxy, so although we can conduct hyperspace navigation, we must find the hyperspace channel breakthrough point in the universe to enter the hyperspace channel."

"As long as the breakthrough point is found, we can enter the hyperspace channel network."

Lin Luan straightened his face, as if there was some important information to say

"Regarding star tracks, from the information of the Dier civilization, we can know that the Dier civilization is one of the civilizations that built the hyperspace channel network. They are responsible for the construction of the hyperspace channel network between the first supercluster and the second supercluster."

"In the first supercluster, an organization called the Intergalactic Civilization Council is responsible for building the channel."

"The purpose of their construction of hyperspace channels is to connect cosmic civilizations, but we don't know why they do this."

"Entering the hyperspace channel network, we can gain a broader cosmic perspective and communicate and learn with other civilizations."

"But Teacher, I'm not sure if this is safe. "

Lin Luan hesitated and told Shen Xing about the hyperspace channel network. She always felt that this was an opportunity, but she couldn't ignore the dangers in the universe.

Shen Xing saw Lin Luan's hesitation. He handed the light screen to Lin Luan and said, "The development of civilization can never be timid. Hesitation will lead to defeat."

"We need to expand the Xingyuan civilization and continue to develop until we stand at the top of this universe and overlook all civilizations."

"Father Xing has always believed that humans can do it."

Hearing Shen Xing's words, everyone in the research center couldn't help but feel some blood surging.

Lin Luan's eyes lit up, and then nodded vigorously, and continued to lead everyone in the research center to get busy.

Shen Xing looked at the busy people, turned around silently and prepared to leave Tianlan Star to go to other planets to check, but the information that suddenly appeared in his consciousness made him startled slightly.

In a planetary system not far from the Tiankong Galaxy,

A strange starship entered the range of Skynet.

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