When Shen Xing discovered this sudden starship, his consciousness came to him in an instant.

He first looked outside the ship from a distance. The appearance of this ship was different from any civilization's creation he knew, and its surface was covered with traces of damage.

I don’t know how these marks were caused. In addition to some damage to the outer shell, there are even large holes in the cabins in some places. However, there are several strange mechanical bodies that are undergoing repairs.

Shen Xing's consciousness quietly approached the mysterious starship, and then his consciousness penetrated the outer shell of the ship and began to scan its interior in detail.

The moment his consciousness roughly swept over the ship, the first thing he noticed was a hidden compartment on the lower floor of the ship, which was full of various mechanical bodies.

Shen Xing's consciousness wandered between these mechanical bodies. The designs of these mechanical bodies were ferocious and weird. Even though he didn't know much about technology, each mechanical body revealed that they were killing machines built for war.

But it was found that these mechanical bodies did not have any energy response, as if they were deliberately isolated.

Although Shen Xing's electromagnetic force combined with his consciousness can translate certain signals, he cannot use his consciousness to control these mechanical creations.

He has also tried to find out whether he can use his consciousness to perform some complex operations that require knowledge reserves, such as intruding on the network or robots, but for some reason he has been unable to succeed.

He can use electromagnetic force to destroy the machine instantly, but he cannot fundamentally control the machine.

Perhaps idealistic power cannot directly affect materialistic existence in certain situations.

When Shen Xing thought of this, he continued to conduct in-depth investigation.

The interior of the ship is divided into several different areas, each of which runs a unique system.

These systems are intricate and complex, and the operation of the entire ship is highly automated. Presumably, the level of civilization and technology in manufacturing ships is also very advanced.

In some areas of the ship, Shen Xing observed some strange-looking creatures.

Their behavior patterns are completely different from the creatures he knows. There are many different types, but they are divided into several regions through certain classification methods, and there are also some unique ecosystem operations in these regions. Among them, The creature appears to be engaging in behaviors such as eating and cleaning

The existence of these creatures made Shen Xing feel a little novel, but at the same time, it also made him more curious about the origin of this ship.

If you want to figure out the origin of the ship, it seems you need to start with the beings who control it.

Shen Xing's consciousness quickly arrived at the upper floors and cab of the ship. The atmosphere here was completely different from the area below.

Here, he discovered several intelligent beings of different shapes, who were busy operating various instruments and controlling the navigation of the entire ship.

Shen Xing briefly observed the number of these intelligent beings. Their number was a bit unusual for a huge ship, and each person had many different jobs. They were not at all as crowded as the wheelhouse of the Earthlings.

At the same time, these beings seem to behave a little awkwardly. Some of the joints that Shen Xing thought can actually rotate 360 ​​degrees.

Shen Xing quickly restrained his consciousness and began to observe the body structure of these intelligent beings in more detail.

After scanning, he discovered that although their appearance looked the same as those creatures in ordinary cabins, apart from their appearance, their interiors were actually complex mechanical structures.

"This is……"

Shen Xing pondered for a moment, and his conscious body couldn't help but frown.

No wonder only such a small number of manpower is needed to maintain a huge ship. These things that look like organisms are completely mechanical when viewed from the inside, so they can do things that ordinary creatures cannot.

This kind of mechanical existence reminded Shen Xing of the silicon-based civilization in the data, but why did they go to the trouble of pretending to be an organism?

After thinking for a while, Shen Xing made a decision

He will try to guide this ship into the Sky Dome Galaxy as the Star Source Civilization's first active cosmic contact.

When the Sky Blue Star people came to the Sky Dome Galaxy, the Star Source Civilization was far from having the ability to discover and communicate. However, today's Star Source Civilization has made a technological leap and has the ability to actively try to contact other cosmic civilizations.

This is not only a test of diplomacy and wisdom, but more likely a test of technology and military strength.

Just when Shen Xing was thinking about how to quietly guide the starship to the Sky Dome Galaxy, a series of spatial reactions suddenly began to occur around the ship.

"Space jump?"

When the ship was about to start a space jump, Shen Xing's consciousness quietly used space force to affect the direction of the jump.

Under Shen Xing's control, the starship began to be slowly guided to this turning point.

Almost instantly, the starship disappeared from the current planetary system

When he reappeared, he was already in the cosmic space not far from the Sky Dome Galaxy.

The outermost planet of the Sky Dome Galaxy—Tianhaixing

This is the sixth planet in the Sky Dome Galaxy, and the first planet that was previously swallowed by the Abyssal Star.

After this planet was transformed into a living planet, it was managed by Qu Shixin

As the outermost planet of the Sky Dome Galaxy, Tianhaixing moves almost symmetrically with the fifth planet Tian Mars, so these two planets will also serve as outposts for star-source civilizations to conduct cosmic observations.

"Qu Shen Shi, I have detected some abnormal data here. Do I need to start star chart observation?"

In the observation station, Yao Yuan was reporting to the virtual screen in front of him.

Almost all the people on Sky Blue Star have been integrated into Star Source Civilization, and some of them have also developed a little faith in Star Father. These alien believers have the right to travel to other planets and can also help Star Source Civilization perform some work.

Yao Yuan and the other five are among them. Since the five of them have been scattered on various planets, they have not seen each other for a long time.

Only Yao Yuan is doing observation work on Tianhai Star, and Yang Kui has joined the army of Xingyuan Civilization.

"Try to communicate. We need to determine the other party's intentions first."

"The fleet is already on standby. If there is any abnormal situation, please notify me at any time. I will lead the fleet to try to solve it."

Yao Yuan nodded after listening to Qu Shixin's words, and then activated the star map and Yuanxing quantum communicator

The zero-point energy core had been overclocked once before, but there was still no big change after the overclocking. Scientists who have studied this mysterious energy core also lamented.

Because of the language barrier, I used signals to express civilized goodwill.

After all, if you have evil thoughts, what you send is not a signal but an attack.

Sure enough, some time after the signal was sent, Yao Yuan received a response from the other party, but what surprised Yao Yuan was that the other party only responded with two familiar fonts.


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