"The Iron Curtain of the Mind has been triggered?!"

"Immediately stand by to conduct a self-inspection! After the self-inspection shows no abnormality, inspect the entire ship! If necessary, entrust the Elbana Trading Body!"

Jeslu's voice rose a little, his image slammed the table and stood up suddenly.

The Iron Curtain of the Mind is a fitness protection device of the Saiwei civilization, and it is also a belief implantation system.

This device will stimulate the thinking organ of the organism, giving them a kind of belief control that is almost mandatory.

For the Saiwei civilization, almost every soldier has been implanted with a mental iron curtain, which not only prevents attacks from competent individuals, but also has the leader's absolute control over the army.

There are three beliefs implanted in the Iron Curtain of the Soul, which are:

1. When performing tasks, the safety and interests of civilization should be placed above individuals.

2. Lawful orders must be obeyed, but these orders must not violate the First Principle

3. The second principle does not allow individuals to change, even in the face of extreme difficulties or life threats

In addition to these principles, there are also some detailed principle signals, but the operating logic of all signals follows the three major principles.

In addition to belief control, this device can also prevent some adaptive individual attacks against organisms, which involves the use of dark matter and dark energy.

In addition to the basic protection of dark matter and dark energy, there will also be some protection against ideological weapons. It can be said to be a customized protective shield for the thinking organ.

Once the Iron Curtain of the Mind is triggered, it means that they may have been attacked by competent individuals or ideological weapons.

Jeslu's order was quickly implemented, and all the Saivites in the ship began to take action and nervously conducted self-examination.

The triggering of the Iron Curtain of the Mind is not a trivial matter. If attacks by ideological weapons are excluded, it means that capable individuals have launched some strange methods against them.

In the universe, there are often many unknown trump cards hidden in the competition between civilizations, and there is only one final trump card that is unified and established by all civilizations.

able individual

When a civilization uses competent individuals at all costs, all observable civilizations will begin to tremble in fear.

The power of fit individuals comes from an unknown thing and combines the dark matter and dark energy in the universe

Any abilities of competent individuals will lead to instability in the structure of the universe, and the universe around them will likely face an extreme transformation - deep space transformation.

It tears the stability of the universe to pieces and creates an all-devouring void.

And if it is just a small part, it will have no impact on the vast universe. But unfortunately, this kind of deep space transformation is very unstable.

The deep space of the universe is like dropping a drop of ink into the water called cosmic space.

It will spread, grow, and gradually erode

The chain effects caused by deep space transformation cannot be predicted, and all known methods in the universe cannot contain it.

We can only wait quietly for the edge of deep space to encounter an area rich in dark matter, and maybe we can be temporarily "stuck"

In the deep space area, all matter, energy, and even the concepts of time and space, objectively existing things will be ruthlessly erased and turned into absolute nothingness.

Currently, there is no known method in the entire universe that can reverse this process or regain a trace of existence from this endless void.

Every time a capable individual is used, it is a big gamble

When the gamble begins, all civilizations in the entire universe will hold their breath, waiting for the unpredictable outcome.

But other things have nothing to do with Sevis at the moment. The current situation is that his inner iron curtain has been triggered, which means that there may be capable individuals nearby and use some kind of ability on them.

If winning the lottery really causes deep space to appear, everything will turn into nothingness.

"Report! Chief Severs, the individual self-inspection and ship inspection have been completed. Everything is normal now."

"Carry out secondary inspections, release detectors, and be ready to contact Baba Yaka and request their assistance if necessary."

The soldiers took the order and left. After re-examination, they came to Severus again to report.

"Sir, the second test has been completed and there is nothing abnormal."

"The data returned by the detectors released were also normal, and no abnormal accumulation of dark matter or dark energy was found."

After listening to the report, Sevis frowned. A competent individual who wants to use his abilities must be within a certain limited range. Most of them use the planetary system as the scope of action. With the detection technology of the Seve fleet, there should be no escape. shape, but for some reason nothing was found at this time

As for ideological weapons, it is even more impossible. Because of the technical limitations of ideological weapons, if you want to use individual soldier-type ideological weapons, you need an extremely close range. If you want to cover the entire fleet, you can only use colossus-level ideological weapons, and the range is It also needs to be extremely close

Weapons of that level can be seen directly with the naked eye even without the detector Sevis, so it is simply impossible

"Chief Servais, should we consider other possibilities?"

A Saiwei officer cautiously offered his opinion, but Saiweis shook his head.

"If it is not these two possibilities, it can only be that the other party's technology is far superior to the Saiwei civilization, and then there is no need for us to make any resistance."

Sevis thought for a moment, then slowly spoke: "Continue to strengthen monitoring, and prepare to activate the force field just in case."

"We don't have to change our destination, start the jump engines and keep going!"

"Sir Sirves, we are entering the planned jump route."

The navigator's voice sounded, and then the entire ship began to make a slight noise, and all the ships in the fleet also synchronized.

Sevis turned around and faced Yeslu, and reported the situation just now to Yeslu.

Jeslu thought for a moment after listening to Severs' report, and then he said seriously: "Sevis, I have a bad feeling. If you encounter anything, be sure to send me a message and I will give it to you. Give the order to retreat."

"If I don't give the retreat order, your mental iron curtain will transmit abnormal data back to the home planet, and you will be liquidated."

Sevis nodded, feeling a warm current in his heart.

In the army of Saiwei civilization, such care is rare, because every soldier is restricted to put civilization above all else

"I understand, Chief Jeslu."

"If there is anything unusual, I will notify you immediately."

Yeslu also nodded, and then hung up the interstellar communication

After the communication ended, Service returned to the command podium and looked at the stars again.

The hum of the jump engine gradually subsided, and the fleet has entered a stable jump state.

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