With the stability of the jump engine, the Saiwei fleet began to gradually appear in the planetary systems near the Sky Dome System.

A navigator on the ship came to Serves, showed the data on the light screen, and said with joy:

"Sir Serves, we have conducted a rough observation of the target galaxy, and it turns out that all the target planetary systems are habitable planets! We have found traces of civilization on all planetary systems, and there are no traces of the use of ecological integration technology!"

"This is simply a treasure galaxy. No wonder those Earthlings are fleeing here."

Service looked at the data on the light screen, and there was some light in his eyes. Then he ordered: "Send out detectors and try to penetrate their network system. Obtain the data first and then prepare for action."


Following Severus's order, the detectors of the Severus fleet were quickly launched.

The detectors are like a group of invisible ghosts, quietly approaching various habitable planets in the sky galaxy.

These detectors are equipped with advanced scanning equipment and can analyze the planet's terrain, climate, resource distribution and civilization activities in detail

At the same time, the network experts of the Saiwei civilization also began to try to penetrate the network system of the Star Source Civilization.

They use highly complex algorithms and artificial intelligence to try to crack the earth's network security measures to obtain more information about earth civilization.

While the Sevi fleet was conducting pre-war detection in full swing, a small metal ball detector quietly jumped away in the universe without causing any ripples.

Just as the experts from Saiwei Network kept trying to invade, their faces became increasingly ugly.

The defenses of the Sky Dome Galaxy are far more complex than they expected, and the network security measures therein are extremely advanced. Their intrusion attempts have been repeatedly frustrated.

Moreover, the network system is not only tightly protected, but also seems to have some ability to learn and adapt on its own, and can quickly identify and block external intrusions.

"Sir Sirves, the situation is not good."

A network expert from the Saiwei civilization changed his face after sensing the anomaly, and quickly reported to Saiweis: "The other party's information network is extremely advanced, and even far exceeds our level in some technical aspects. The other party is likely to become A pro-mechanical civilization.”

"It is impossible for people on earth to possess this kind of technology, it can only be the work of some omnic civilization!"

"Once the technology of the omnic civilization is applied, they are likely to be ready to overthrow the control of the organism, and the other party is likely to be controlled by the omnic civilization."

After hearing the report from the Internet expert, Service's face became extremely serious. The concept of omnic civilization is well known to all civilizations in the universe.

Omnic civilization refers to a civilization composed of highly developed artificial intelligence or mechanical life forms. They have self-awareness, the ability to learn and evolve independently, and may even surpass the organic civilization that created them.

Omnic civilization has always been the common enemy of organic civilization in the universe. If the earth's civilization has been controlled by omnic civilization, then they will no longer face an inferior cosmic civilization, but one that may have unlimited potential and unknown abilities. opponent

Servais knew very well that a confrontation with the omnic civilization could be very dangerous, because they may have technological and strategic capabilities that far exceed those of the Saivi civilization.

At the same time, the behavioral patterns and decision-making logic of omnic civilizations may be completely different from those of organic civilizations, making it more difficult to predict and respond to their actions.

"Stop all network intrusion attempts immediately!"

"We cannot risk contacting a system that may be occupied by omnics. We need to reassess the situation and develop new strategies."

Service ordered an emergency meeting of his staff and began formulating a solid action plan.

Azure Star, Wanderer

This place has become Xu's only exclusive scientific research center. Except for Xu Yiyi and his sub-individuals, it is empty. Only the cold mechanical bodies are left working here.

"Mr. Xu, it's time for you to have lunch."

"Yiyi, you should know that I don't need to eat."

"Does Mr. Xu need to take a nap? I'll help you organize the dormitory bin."

Xu Weiwei turned around helplessly and looked at Xu Yiyi, whose eyes seemed to be twinkling with stars. He silently canceled his organic simulation program and exposed his mechanical body.

"Yiyi, I really don't need..."

While Xu Weiwei was speaking, he suddenly received a malicious intrusion signal. He immediately connected his mechanical body to the network of Star Source Civilization and began to search for the source of the signal.

Seeing this, Xu Yiyi stopped joking, sat aside and began to operate the information network from the outside, assisting Xu Weiwei to infiltrate deeply.

With Xu Weiwei's in-depth investigation, he found that the complexity of this malicious signal far exceeded conventional network attacks. Its encoding method and intrusion logic showed a high degree of intelligence and adaptability, which means that this is some kind of advanced civilization. Try to invade the information network of Star Source Civilization

Xu Weiwei's eyes flashed with data flow, and he commanded calmly: "Yiyi, activate our defense protocol. I need you to monitor all network nodes and report any abnormalities to me immediately."

"Understood, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yiyi responded quickly. As Xu Yiyi's hands danced on the keyboard, instructions were input into the network defense system of Star Source Civilization.

"Mr. Xu, the first layer of defense network has been activated, and all unauthorized access attempts have been intercepted."

"Well, I have locked on to several suspicious signal sources, and they seem to be trying to bypass our defenses."

There was no emotion in Xu Weiyi's voice. He was unimpeded in the data network, and almost no intrusion could stop him.

"The intrusion has been contained. Now try to track the other party's position."

At this time, his consciousness has penetrated deeper into the network, tracking the source of those malicious signals. On his mechanical body, various indicator lights flashed rapidly. It was obvious that he was processing data at high speed.

"Yiyi, notify the high priest immediately, as well as Qu Shenshi and other Shenshi."

"Okay, Mr. Xu."

Xu Yiyi immediately sent an encrypted message to Shen Xing and other Shenshi through the emergency communication channel of Xingyuan Civilization, reporting the abnormal situation encountered by the current network.

Shen Xing simply expressed his knowledge of the matter, and other Shenshi almost at the same time began to mobilize the planets they were responsible for into combat readiness.

The moment the message was sent, Xu Weiyi was already trying to capture the source of the intrusion signal, and soon the location was locked at a planetary system away from the Tianqiong Galaxy.

"Here, they are found."

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