Take Huayi for example.

With the inside information of Huayi film and television, even if the big movie "played in your whole world" failed completely, it is not a fatal wound for Huayi film and television. At the most serious level, it is just a bone breaking injury. After a year or two of breathing, it will recover.

In fact, Huayi film and television has put forward an emergency plan, that is, to retain the special effects lens, delete all the lenses with he Zhendong, and ask another little fresh meat to remake, and then submit it for trial. In this way, it can recover the loss, even operate well, and make a lot of money!

However, as soon as he Zhendong's drug abuse broke out, the stock of Huayi film and television fell.

It's because investors have lost confidence in China!

Another example is tyrant shampoo, which is the endorsement of the famous international movie star dragon. Just because of a poisonous rumor, a huge enterprise will die immediately. Even though Bawang shampoo won the lawsuit and refuted the rumor later, it was useless at all. One rumor can destroy an enterprise. Human confidence is so strong and so fragile.

If the reputation of Zhongyuan express stinks, consumers no longer trust Zhongyuan express, then Zhongyuan express will die without a burial place!

Yang Xiaotian is a top student of MIT. Although he didn't attend Wharton Business School, he also knows many classic business cases. Almost in an instant, Yang Xiaotian understood the seriousness of the matter!

If this matter is not handled properly, I'm afraid most of the board of directors will be completely disappointed with Yang Xiaotian!

Once the board of directors is completely disappointed with Yang Xiaotian, there will be great doubt about Yang Xiaotian's succession.

"How many couriers have you lost?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"178!" Weekly channel.

"How did you lose the express?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"The courier doesn't know." Zhou channel, "the courier is baffled. In the blink of an eye, the express will disappear, just like hell!"

"It's someone doing me!" Yang Xiaotian said, "lost so many express, this can not be an accident, it must be man-made! Do you know what's the most important thing now? "

"Investigate the truth of the matter?" Weekly channel.

Yang Xiaotian shook his head and said, "no, it's a good media for public relations! If the media doesn't report this kind of thing, it's easy to deal with it. Once the media reports it, its influence will increase geometrically. At that time, it will be too late for us to do crisis public relations again! "

"Manager Yang, you are so far sighted!" Zhou channel, "I'm going to contact the media!"

"Your network is too weak. Let Miss Xu come to contact the media." Yang xiaotiandao.

Miss Xu is Lily Xu.

Xu Lili's ability is ten times that of Zhou Tong!

Of course, this kind of thing is left to Xu Lili.

Zhou Tong is just a little talented.

But what Yang Xiaotian didn't expect happened, and his public relations was still a step late!

The media have already heard about it and reported it!

And the press release without exception, are for the Central Plains express smear!

Incompetence! Zhongyuan express lost express who's fault, all of this, is the loss of morality, or the distortion of human nature. It's all in the singularity interview at 8 o'clock tonight

Zhongyuan express: an express company with negative business capability

Zhongyuan express: who is responsible for the loss of precious gold

"Shocking, insane, cancer of the industry, Zhongyuan express!"

Journalists claim to be the uncrowned king.

But in fact, journalists are just the headline party.

Their ability to write titles can be called insanity. Any kind of distorted titles can come from their hands.

But now is an age of impetuous, most readers only read the headlines, for the lengthy news, ten people are very rare. Most readers don't even read the content of the news. They just read a headline and dare to talk about it.

Almost overnight, Zhongyuan express became infamous.

Fortunately, Zhongyuan express is not a listed company, otherwise, the stock will have to plunge.

However, due to the negative news, the business volume of Zhongyuan Express has also dropped sharply. Many businesses who signed contracts with Zhongyuan express have doubts about Zhongyuan express.

Yang Xiaotian is generally calm.

But he Qian is already in a mess.


Gemini group, board of directors.

He Qian is now acting as the chairman of the board of directors. However, she is not the chairman in the true sense. As the saying goes, "the name is not right and the words are not right". There are many people in the company who do not agree with Yang Xiaotian, and there are many people who do not agree with he Qian.

He Qian is purely relying on excellent personal ability and Yang Jun's legacy, reluctantly controlled the Gemini group.

However, the struggle within the Gemini group is becoming increasingly fierce.

Everyone covets the position of chairman.

If Yang Xiaotian is the old man of Yang Jun, and has been training with him all the time, paving the way and giving him a ride, Yang Xiaotian is absolutely as stable as a chairman. However, Mr. Yang Jun is in a hurry, and Mr. Yang Xiaotian is also in a hurry to become the chairman of the board of directors, because his position is very frivolous.

In the group, some big men who own shares have the idea of "Replacing" the position of the chairman of the board.

A great man once said that there is no party in the party, no monarchy in the party, no faction in the party.

Any organization is full of different mountains and forces, which have different demands. The most important thing for a leader is to be able to balance the interests of these mountains and forces, suppress the ambitions of various mountain forces, and play the art of balance, so that he can take over power. It's the same for companies, it's the same for countries. Take the emperor as an example, the demands of the imperial clan, nobility, civil servants, military generals, eunuchs, landlords and gentry need to be balanced by the emperor. The emperor's good balance is the emperor's autocratic rule. If the balance is not good, he will gradually become a virtual monarch.

Up to now, there are still a few people who recognize Yang Xiaotian in the board of directors, and almost all the directors are paying attention to Yang Xiaotian's every move. Yang Xiaotian's acquisition of KangBo Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a small victory, which makes many people think that Yang Xiaotian really has some skills. However, in a flash, something big happened to Zhongyuan express, and Yang Xiaotian's ability was questioned again.

This board meeting is the attack of the opposition.

Led by the opposition is wuyunshan, director of the Gemini group. Wuyunshan is about 50 years old and close to 60 years old. He started his business with Yang Jun from his youth. The success of Gemini group is still due to wuyunshan's contribution. When Yang Jun was alive, wuyunshan never had a second heart, but as soon as Yang Jun's father died, wuyunshan's ambition expanded!

"Yang Xiaotian is just a suckling child, not enough to lead the Gemini group! Gemini group falls into Yang Xiaotian's hands, and it's not far from failure! "

"I have made great contributions to Gemini group. I have excellent ability and high prestige. I should be the chairman of the board of directors!"

This is the most real idea in the heart of Wuyun mountain!

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