As for the position of the chairman of the board, wuyunshan has been eager to sit, so once Zhongyuan Express has an accident, wuyunshan can't wait to get in trouble!

This board meeting was held at the initiative of Wuyun mountain!

Now he Qian is very passive.

"Directors, colleagues!" Wuyun mountain cleared his throat and looked at the people, "I want to say a few words!"

"Wu Laode has high expectations and is the mainstay of our Gemini group. If Wu Laode wants to speak, we are all ears!"

"Wu Lao, I support you!"

"Speak up, Mr. Wu!"

As soon as wuyunshan's words came out, there was a voice of support for wuyunshan in the board of directors.

Wuyun mountain is old, talented and powerful.

And wuyunshan's shares in Gemini group are only under Yang Jun's.

When Yang Jun was alive, wuyunshan was already the second leader of Gemini group in essence.

Now that Yang Jun has passed away, wuyunshan is actually the first person in the Gemini group. It's just that Yang Xiaotian is killed in the air. With the help of he Qian, a powerful woman, wuyunshan's name is not right and can't be promoted.

However, the directors are still very proud of wuyunshan.

In the board of directors, there was a moment of silence.

Wuyunshan is very satisfied, which shows that his face is not small.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is undeniable that Gemini group was founded by Yang Jun, the old chairman of the board. I am not only convinced of Yang Jun's talent, but you must also be convinced, right? Over the years, under the leadership of Mr. Yang Jun, our value has changed. We should thank Mr. Yang for all this. I'm a man of gratitude in Wuyun mountain. I'll never forget master Yang Jun's kindness in my whole life! " Wuyunshan first cherished the memory of Yang Jun, the old chairman of the board of directors, which attracted people's sighs.

He Qian is secretly frightened. This Wuyun mountain's words are too powerful to deal with!

After remembering Mr. Yang, wuyunshan changed his mind and said, "although Mr. Yang has made great contributions to our Gemini group, the Gemini group is definitely not Mr. Yang's own world. Gemini group is everyone's Gemini group and involves the interests of everyone, right?"

Naturally, everyone likes to hear this kind of words, and the directors quickly echo it.

"Yes, Gemini group is the Gemini group we have

"Gemini group, we all have a share!"

"Mr. Wu, what you said is in my heart!"

He Qian's face looks ugly. In this dark cloud mountain, there are some meanings of turning over one's hands to cloud and covering one's hands to rain. It's old and firm, and it's not easy to deal with!

"Yang Xiaotian is Yang Jun's grandson, but he came from a poor family. He has been working as a courier all the time. If he is rashly appointed as the chairman of the board, it is likely to screw up our Gemini group. I raised my question at that time, but I read the kindness of master Yang Jun, so I gave Yang Xiaotian a chance! " Wuyun mountain said indignantly, "Yang Xiaotian went to Zhongyuan express. What's the result? Zhongyuan express is famous now! Zhongyuan express is an important link in the industrial chain of our Gemini group. If Zhongyuan express stinks, it will be a great loss for our Gemini group! "

"What's more, if Yang Xiaotian is the chairman of the board of directors, what if our Gemini group also follows the stinky street? The event of Zhongyuan Express has reflected that Yang Xiaotian's business ability is too poor. We can't give such a person a chance! "

Now, the spearhead of Wuyun mountain is Yang Xiaotian.

Many of them have been agitated by Wuyun mountain.

He Qian cold voice way: "Wu Lao, how do you want to do?"

Wu Yunshan said: "recall Yang Xiaotian as chairman of the board! Yang Xiaotian has no talent, even a small express company is not well managed, and where is qualified to operate our Gemini group! Looking at Mr. Yang Jun's face, it's good to let this grandson be a rich man! "

"Is, is, an incompetent person, why steal high position!"

"For the future of our Gemini group, we must remove Yang Xiaotian!"

"Recall Yang Xiaotian!"

Wuyunshan is very appealing. Immediately, a group of directors responded to and supported wuyunshan.

He Qian's head is big.

Just then, with a click, the door of the office was kicked open.

speak of the devil.

Here comes Yang Xiaotian!

I saw Yang Xiaotian walking at the pace of six relatives, followed by the bodyguard Su ye, eyes higher than the top, very PA se.

Everyone's eyes fall on Yang Xiaotian.

"I just heard that you are going to remove me?" Yang Xiaotian said coldly, "which son of a bitch wants to recall me? It's you? Or you? Or you? "

Yang Xiaotian looks around the crowd.

Everyone frowned and felt that Yang xiaotianshi was too impolite.

"It's me!" Dark cloud mountain people do not do secret things, immediately said, "I want to recall you!"

Looking at Wuyun mountain, Yang Xiaotian laughed and said, "it's you son of a bitch!"

Wuyun mountain is very old. Yang Xiaotian said that he was a "tortoise son of a bitch". He couldn't hang on his face. He said angrily, "dare you scold me?"

"Dare Yang Xiaotian said, "I not only dare to scold you, but also dare to beat you! Who do you think you are? Respecting the old and loving the young is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, but it does not include those who live forever. Do you understand? "

Wuyun mountain has never seen such a low-quality person as Yang Xiaotian. He is very angry!

"You, you have no morality! No quality Wuyun mountain road.

Yang Xiaotian laughed and said: "Wuyun mountain, Wuyun mountain, you keep saying that I have no morality and no quality, but you covet my position as chairman of the board of directors, and you think of usurping the throne every day, so you have morality and quality? That's what you want to get rid of me? Are you crazy? "

Wuyunshan's careful thinking was completely broken by Yang Xiaotian, and he immediately became angry and said: "even if I am the chairman, I am better than you. You can't even manage a small Zhongyuan express company well. Why are you such a big Gemini group?"

Wuyun mountain decided not to make trouble with Yang Xiaotian. In terms of making trouble, he must not be able to play with Yang Xiaotian. But in terms of cunning, Yang Xiaotian is not as good as him.

So Wuyun mountain directly points to Yang Xiaotian's fatal place - Zhongyuan express!

"Are you a fool?" Yang Xiaotian looks at Wuyun mountain with sb's eyes, "are you brain disabled?"

"If you scold me again, I'll turn against you!" Wuyun mountain was furious and patted the table.

Yang Xiaotian said: "unfortunately, it's not that I want to scold you, but that you are too stupid! If I ask you a few questions, do you dare to answer me? "

"Just ask!" Wuyun mountain is cruel to Yang xiaotiandao.

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