"Has Zhongyuan express closed down?" Yang Xiaotian asked.

"This... Is not." Wuyun mountain hesitated and said, "but now Zhongyuan express is full of negative news, and the situation is not optimistic!"

"Excuse me, in one day, Zhongyuan express lost 178 pieces of express for no reason." Yang Xiaotian said, "do you think it's a normal loss, or someone with ulterior motives?"

"This..." Wuyun Yamamoto wanted to say that it was normal loss, but this kind of illogical words, his big brother of Gemini group has no face to say, can only say, "it may be someone's sabotage!"

Yang Xiaotian said: "I ask you again, when did the negative news come out?"

"Today." Wuyun mountain road.

Yang Xiaotian helped his non-existent black frame glasses, looked at the crowd, and said: "well, let's analyze it!"

"Zhongyuan express was suddenly attacked by people with ulterior motives, and the express was lost. Then it was reported by the media, and the scandal haunted it!"

"But there is no hatred or love in this world for no reason

"Everything happens for a reason. Why is there someone aiming at Zhongyuan express? I couldn't figure it out, but when I saw you in wuyunshan, the old man's impatient meeting of the board of directors wanted to remove me, I figured it out! "

"If I work in Zhongyuan express and make achievements, I can stabilize the position of the chairman of the board of directors!"

"But you don't agree with me. You think I shouldn't be the chairman of the board. The position of the chairman should be yours, so you deliberately send someone to make trouble and create scandal!"

"Then you can't wait to hold a board meeting, and you can't wait to use this matter to attack me, and you want to remove my position as chairman of the board! Do you think this reasoning is wonderful? "

"There is only one truth. In this case, I suffer the most, while you gain the most, so you are behind the scenes!"

Yang Xiaotian said, pointing to Wuyun mountain, like a famous detective Conan.

The dark cloud mountain was filled with surprise and anger.

Because to some extent, Yang Xiaotian's reasoning is very close to the truth.

Although in the vein track, the difference is very big.

But Wuyun mountain can't admit it.

"You're bloody! What nonsense Do you have any evidence

"No," said Yang Xiaotian

Wuyun mountain said angrily, "if you don't have evidence, you dare to slander me?"

Yang Xiaotian said, "then why did you recall me?"

"Because you made a mess of Zhongyuan express," said Wuyun mountain

Yang Xiaotian showed his innocent eyes and said: "you clearly know that others are setting me up, and you still put the responsibility on me. You clearly know that just one day after the incident, before I make a response, you can't wait to drive me out of office. Do you have ulterior motives, or do you have ulterior motives, or do you have ulterior motives? "

Wuyun mountain is speechless.

He boasted that he was a thousand year old fox, but he was caught by Yang Xiaotian.

Yang Xiaotian almost lifted the table, but put some secret conspiracy on the surface.

Conspiracy is powerful because it is unknown.

Once the conspiracy is known to all, it is no longer a conspiracy, but a joke.

"Yes, Mr. Wu, why does he feel anxious?"

"Zhongyuan express is obviously framed. Even if Yang Xiaotian is extremely talented, he can't fight back in a day."

"Mr. Wu is obviously going too far! He's in such a hurry

Many originally neutral directors began to whisper.

Although the situation has not been completely reversed to Yang Xiaotian's side, at least it is no longer one-sided.

He Qian's eyes are full of brilliance and praise for Yang Xiaotian's means.

Su ye also thought to himself: I thought this was a dandy, but I didn't expect that there were still some means!

Xu Lili said in secret: it's true that it turns into a dragon in case of a storm!

"Well, the younger generation is formidable!" Wuyunshan gritted his teeth and said, "but now the situation of Zhongyuan express is irreparable. You are the regional manager of Zhongyuan express. You can't shirk the leadership responsibility, can you?"

Yang Xiaotian said: "Wuyun mountain, I know you don't like me, and I don't like you, so we might as well open the window and speak up!"

"What's the point?" said Wu Yun mountain

Yang Xiaotian said, "I'm sure I can solve the problem of Zhongyuan express within a week. Do you believe it?"

"Don't believe it!" said Wu Yun Shan with a sneer

Yang Xiaotian said, "let's make a bet."

"What bet?" Asked Wu Yun Shan.

"If I can't solve the problem of Zhongyuan express within a week, I'll give you the position of chairman of the board!" Yang xiaotiandao.

Wu Yun Shan's eyes lit up and said, "OK, we'll bet!"

Yang Xiaotian rolled his eyes and said, "you really lick your face and catch the cheap. I haven't finished yet. If you lose, you will give me 100 million yuan. How about that?"

Although a hundred million is a lot of money, it is not a small amount for wuyunshan.

But compared with the position of chairman of Gemini group, it is nothing at all.

"Well, I bet!" Wu Yun Shan said coldly, "it's a deal. I'll wait for you to roll down from the position of chairman in a week."

"There's no proof of what we say. We've got to make a case." Yang Xiaotian said, "lily, show the contract to Wuyun mountain!"

Xu Lili takes out a folder and hands it to Wuyun mountain.

"You're really ready for that!" Wu Yun Shan looked at the document, took out his pen and signed his name, "I'll sign it!"

"Very good!" Yang Xiaotian said, "I'm waiting for the extra money of one hundred million!"

"Don't be crazy, young man," said Wu Yun mountain

"Don't you call me a young man?" Yang Xiaotian disdains the way.

Wuyun mountain

In this way, the hasty board of directors, in the conflict between wuyunshan and Yang Xiaotian, hastily ended.

But he Qian is very angry.

"Xiaotian, you shouldn't gamble with Wuyun mountain!" He Qian hates that iron doesn't make steel for Yang Xiaotian.

"I'm sure I'll win!" Yang Xiaotian is full of confidence.

"That shouldn't be risky, either!" He Qian said, "it's too light to bet 100 million on the position of the chairman of the board."

"Ha ha, there is a loophole in the contract. Lily asked the most professional barrister to draft it. The old fox in wuyunshan didn't find it at all!" Yang Xiaotian said with a smile, "if I lose, I don't need to fulfill my responsibility. What am I afraid of?"

"All right!" He Qian said, "what are you going to do?"

Yang Xiaotian said haughtily: "smash the money! The power of money is irresistible

He Qian said, "speak to others!"

Yang Xiaotian said with a smile: "contact the media first! The influence of the media is very big. If we can persuade the media to help us wash the land, our negative news will absolutely disappear! If you win the media, you win half of the game! "

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