"It's good to be forbidden! Such people should be forbidden to speak for 365 days! Brother Tianming has done a good job. I'll give you some 3600 compliments with a posture of 365 degree rotation without underwear! "

"Why don't you just shut it down permanently?"

"You are stupid! Brother Tianming's move is so powerful that he can't speak. It's like a lump in the throat. It's even more painful! "

"High, really high! Brother Tianming is taller than Yao Ming

One by one, the barracks are licking "flying head master Yun Tianming" crazily, licking "flying head master Yun Tianming" very comfortably.

Cui Jingxiu had already adjusted and said with a smile, "something happened in the studio just now. I hope you don't take it to heart. I'll sing you a song, our Korean folk song!"

"There are three bears living together, baby bear, mother bear and Father Bear!"

"Baby bear, very cute..."

Cui Jingxiu began to sing children's songs.

The atmosphere in the studio was restored to its original state, very harmonious, as if nothing had happened just now.

Yang Xiaotian is not angry either. He has met many dogs. If he is angry, won't he have a heart attack?

However, at this time, Yang Xiaotian received a private letter.

The private letter was sent by "flying head master Yun Tianming".

The content is very arrogant, as follows:

"HAC is boring,

You are so poor that you dare to offend my family Jingjing. You are looking for death. What are you doing? Are you dead? I'll give you a lesson today. If you dare to be arrogant in the future, I have a hundred ways to make you unable to get along with sharks! "

From this passage, Yang Xiaotian can distinguish the high air and high tone of "flying head master Yun Tianming". Yang Xiaotian was infuriated. How unreasonable! How unreasonable! This "flying head master Yun Tianming" dares to say something about Yang Xiaotian's family. Although Yang Xiaotian has no family, Yang Xiaotian is very angry, very angry!

Yang Xiaotian is very angry, the consequence is very serious!

Yang Xiaotian immediately wrote back:

"I'm the flying head master of your mother, Yun Tianming. Your wild father, I missed the target to make you such a villain. You wait and see, I'll give you a color to see!"

Flying head master Yun Tianming replied, second reply:

"Die, wise! I'm waiting for you

Yang Xiaotian has calmed down and stopped abusing. Abusing can't solve any problem. If you want to solve the problem, you have to rely on effective actions.

Yang Xiaotian silently took out his hacker tool from the cloud disk.

Yes, Yang Xiaotian is a hacker.

Although not the top hackers, they are also entry-level hackers.

It can be said that every student at MIT is a technology house, and Yang Xiaotian is no exception. At MIT,

Some students study artificial intelligence in dormitories, some make silicone robots to make their own girlfriends, and some design space drones. Anyway, they are all big touch and gods. The so-called "close to Zhu zhe Chi, close to Mo zhe Hei", living in such an environment, Yang Xiaotian's hands-on ability and technical reserves are also first-class.

Unfortunately, because of song Wanjun, Yang Xiaotian didn't get his diploma, otherwise he didn't have to send express.

When Yang Xiaotian was a keyboard man before, in order to fight with the permission dog, he practiced 72 changes. No, he practiced hacker technology. Yang Xiaotian is talented and hardworking. At last, Huangtian is worthy of the people who want to be. Yang Xiaotian has become a powerful hacker.

Like the top hackers, Yang Xiaotian can't capture the FBI's confidential documents, but it's easy to deal with some ordinary permission dogs. Even when playing games, Yang Xiaotian often writes some script plug-ins, anyway, this advantage is not in vain!

You have authority, I have technology!

Yang Xiaotian calls out the hacker tool. After some operation, he quickly unsealed himself, and Yang Xiaotian improves his authority in shark live broadcasting platform. Now no one can seal Yang Xiaotian, even the super administrator of shark.

It's so powerful!

However, Yang Xiaotian is also keen to find that there is a technical loophole in the recharge of Shark Live system platform. This technical loophole is very difficult to find, but when Yang Xiaotian was at MIT, he had a lot to do with the code. He had some sensitivity and found this loophole at a glance.

It is said that the loophole is just as strong as it can be, but it is indeed a loophole that can be exploited.

It's just that this loophole is very small, and it's difficult for ordinary hackers to exploit it. After studying for a while, Yang Xiaotian found that with his own technical level, it's not impossible to exploit this loophole, but it will certainly leave clues, which will be found by shark's technical personnel, and he will follow the clues and catch himself.

Only the top hackers can make use of this loophole without leaving any trace, making it impossible for people to trace.

Yang Xiaotian knows that this is an opportunity, an opportunity to fight against shark live broadcasting platform!

Yang Xiaotian is not a top hacker himself, but Yang Xiaotian has the contact information of top hackers. As long as he spends money, top hackers are willing to serve Yang Xiaotian. After all, although the top hackers sound mysterious and invincible, they are human after all. If they are human, they always have to have a meal!

The world of the Internet is vast. In addition to the things that can be searched on the surface, there is actually a mysterious dark net. For example, the strange websites such as XX community, which are very familiar to the otaku, can't be accessed by direct search. They have to go in by some small means, which is the simplest dark net!

The reason why the dark net is a dark net is that it hides in the dark. The reason why it hides in the dark is that it cannot see light.

The dark net is a kind of feedback from the Internet to the dark side of human beings.

Yang Xiaotian knows that there are slave trading, selling illegal goods and even killing people on some dark networks. In a word, many invisible things are on the dark network. In human society, only when there is demand, there will be corresponding services. In lighthouse country's movie "hurricane rescue", gangsters kidnap young girls and sell them as slaves. One way to inform customers is to publish them on the dark Internet.

Of course, not all dark nets are evil. For example, the dark net named "city of the sky" that Yang Xiaotian often landed on has nothing to do with evil.

"Sky city" can be said to be the largest concentration of hackers in the world. Hackers discuss technology, trade and resell bitcoin here. These behaviors can't be seen, so "sky city" is the dark net.

Not to be shown to the public.

When Yang Xiaotian was studying hacker technology in "sky city", he also met several top hackers.

Yang Xiaotian thought about it and decided to contact "Alpha dog".

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