Alpha dog technology may not be the best in the world, but the reputation of alpha dog is the best in the world. No matter what customers do, alpha dog will not sell customers! According to legend, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.

But the alpha dog is also very mysterious. The Central Intelligence Agency of Lighthouse once wanted to find the alpha dog, but they even found Ben Laden and killed him, but they couldn't find the alpha dog. The main reason why this alpha dog is famous is that no one can catch him!

Yang Xiaotian's ID in "the city of the sky" is called "the guide of the star", which is an old name. The advantage of the old name is that it is easy to be trusted.

All the transactions here are in bitcoin.

Yang Xiaotian doesn't have much bitcoin, which he earned from mining in the past, so he can't afford to hire alpha dogs.

So Yang Xiaotian quickly recharged a million soft coins of bitcoin, which is almost enough.

Hackers rely on technology to eat, but the price is not high, it will not be as outrageous as inviting small fresh meat.

Yang Xiaotian starts to contact alpha dog.

Apocalypse's Guide: Alpha dog, are you there?

In half a minute.

Alfa: I just came back from squatting. What can I do for you? Ask questions?

Yang Xiaotian has consulted alpha dog before, so alpha dog thinks that Yang Xiaotian has any technical problems to consult.

As the great God of the hacker world, alpha dog is approachable and never charges for pointing technology. Of course, if you want to give him money, he will not refuse.

I want to hire you.

Alpha: hire me? Do what?

Apocalypse's Guide: take advantage of a recharge vulnerability.

Alpha dog: which website's recharge vulnerability? I hope you don't go to some sensitive websites, such as Amazon.

Star's Guide: that's not so much, it's just a live website.

Alfa dog: I remember you are from China. Is it the live broadcast website of China?

Apocalypse Guide: Yes.

Alfa: that's no problem.

How much do you charge?

Alpha dog: This is relatively simple. How about giving me 55 bitcoin?

Star's Guide: deal!

Alpha dog: launch the website link and vulnerability code to my email!

Star point guide: OK, no problem. Is money the old rule?

Alfa: Yes, it's the old rule. One third down payment. My Alfa dog's reputation, in the whole hacker world, is a well-known promise!

Star's Guide: that's it!

At present, Yang Xiaotian sent the link and vulnerability code of Shark Live platform to alpha dog's email.

Then Yang Xiaotian remitted a third of bitcoin to Alfa dog's account.

Alpha dog: Roger that. Please give me a song time.

Yang Xiaotian turns on the cool cat music and starts a song.

"Nocturne" by Zhou Jielun, an Asian diva.

"Playing Chopin's nocturne for you, commemorating my lost love..."

"With the same voice as the night wind, heartbreak is very good to hear..."

Alpha dogs never boast.

After a nocturne, Alfa contacted Yang Xiaotian.

Alpha dog: I've used this vulnerability to crack their recharge system. What do you need me to do?

The guide of the star: do you mean you can charge as much as you want now?

Alfa: Yes, their shark fin is a kind of virtual currency. In other words, it's data. Now I have the GM authority of their website recharge system. How much money do I want to charge? It's just a matter of changing the data. Even if it's a trillion shark fin, it's easy.

Star's Guide: well done, your strength didn't disappoint me, but you didn't leave any trace, did you?

Alpha: their program ape is just a bunch of useless dogs for me. How can I leave any trace?

But even if you recharge one trillion, one trillion, as long as the bank has no money to their account, sooner or later they will find out the problem. So it's meaningless for you to use the recharge system. Even if you cheat, the cost is too high.

How long will it take for them to find the problem?

Alfa: I guess it will take two days?

Two days is enough for me!

Alpha dog: do you want to recharge? I give you a small program, this small program can connect my computer through your computer, you can input zero to the program at will, it is a fate to lose more and less! As long as you input the number, my computer will modify the recharge data of the other server, and you can charge as much as you want.

Star's Guide: send it to me! Mail.

Alpha: OK, just a moment.

In a minute.

"You have a new email, please check it."

Yang Xiaotian opens the email and loads the applet.

This small program is very simple, and the computer comes with mine almost.

A total of 1m, Yang Xiaotian here's network speed is 500m, the basic second under the program.

Alpha dog: did you get the program?

Star's Guide: received.

Alfa: if you have any questions, please contact me.

The guide of Star: I will! When I'm done, I'll call you the balance.

Alfa: Thank you so much for taking care of my business, yo yo.

Yang Xiaotian had a chill. He didn't expect that the alpha dog was still a whimper.

Ignoring the alpha dog, Yang Xiaotian looks at the program.

This program only has a bunch of numeric keyboards and an input port. After inputting numbers, press enter to recharge unlimited shark fins on the Shark Live platform. This can be said to be a fool to the extreme operation, it is a mentally retarded children can do.

A philosopher once said: smart people make complex problems very simple; Stupid people make simple problems complicated. Often the simplest things are the least simple, because the wisdom contained in them is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

There is no doubt that alpha dog is a smart man. In the hands of alpha dog, complex problems become very simple.

The absolute value of the money!

Yang Xiaotian showed a smile of victory!

Science and technology is the first productive force!

In the face of science and technology, what authority dog, what hypocritical female anchor, have to kneel!

Now, Yang Xiaotian is ready to kill all sides!

Entering Cui Jingxiu's studio again, Yang Xiaotian finds that the studio has been completely restored to calm, and the little waves raised by Yang Xiaotian just now have no aftereffects.

The live broadcast industry is also full of ups and downs, with rhythm, Tibetan poems and national anthem. Yang Xiaotian, a poor man who is just unfair to his position, naturally can't leave a deep impression on others!

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