I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 607 Chapter 609 You got the wrong person

Chapter 607 609. You got the wrong person

After arriving in this devil's cave-like town, or settlement, Lloyd first 'dismissed' the other idlers, and then asked the lord to 'introduce' the high-ranking survivors to him.

As for those Runren, they were left on the roadside with their muscles and ligaments severely torn and their internal organs bleeding profusely. I wish them happiness.

Lloyd followed the lord and walked towards the center of the settlement.

The architectural style here still follows the temperament of the glorious era. It should have quite a classical charm and artistic aesthetic. However, the creatures living here are all a group of monsters and monsters, and there are not even a few humanoids in sight, which makes Lloyd frown. His brows never loosened.

He also had to work hard to suppress the murderous intention in his heart, so as not to spoil the big thing.

Otherwise, the blood would have been shed long ago.

It didn't take long for Lloyd to 'receive' most of the senior officials of this settlement in a classical conference hall.

The strength of these remnants was not as good as that of the lord, and they were twisted out of their thinking and turned into obedient puppets with almost one face-to-face meeting.

Then Lloyd asked them to summon the remaining ruling class while interrogating the information.

It's a pity that the status of these remnants is not higher than that of the lord, and there is not much information available. However, they did get a map of the entire tribe, as well as some detailed information such as sphere of influence and population distribution.

For example, the current settlement where Lloyd is located belongs to the territory of the third priest. It was once the most prosperous and populated settlement.

But since that sudden divine punishment came, it suffered a very heavy blow. Not only did it lose the crucial military port, but also a large number of survivors, many of whom were engineers and technical workers.

As a result, the status of the entire settlement plummeted, and rumors began to spread that the third priest would be impeached.

Therefore, he had to purchase untouchables in this world on a large scale in order to recover as soon as possible.

As for the third priest, he did not live in the settlement. Instead, he followed the principle of asceticism and lived in the suburbs. He only controlled the operation of the settlement through his minions.

Lloyd was not in a hurry to cause trouble for it, because in the eyes of the remnants like the Lord, the third priest was extremely powerful and majestic, possessing greater power than the second priest. If it were not for the fact that it was far away from the temple, it could go further.

So Lloyd chose to be cautious and settle the settlement first, and then 'visit' the third priest.

Soon, the entire settlement's top management gathered together under his 'warm invitation'. Lloyd then ordered them to gather all the human pariahs here and come to the city hall to gather.

While waiting for the crowd to gather, Lloyd released the [Projection] again, sent it back to the school district not far away, and then controlled it remotely to clear a spacious area, and deployed some rituals and a passage there. The space passage to the present world.

For a space channel like this that connects the real world, Lloyd only needs to deploy it casually. The ancient survivors have a lot to think about. After a lot of time-consuming and laborious work, in the end they can't even find a clue.

After making these arrangements, Lloyd endured the nausea of ​​being in the same room with monsters and waited patiently.

One after another, nobles among the remnants drove the untouchables they bought and gathered, followed by some civilians who only bought one or two untouchables, and many others came to join in the fun, making the square outside the city hall Suddenly it became loud and crowded.

Lloyd looked at the humans. They were all tortured to the point of becoming emaciated and emaciated. There were also many women and children among them.

He didn't need to control everyone present. He only needed to ask the lord and the chief of the settlement to come forward and ask them to separate the untouchables below. Those who were captured should go to an open space on the left and donate their family property to those who had been raised. , go to an open space on the right.

Those Run people became excited all of a sudden, thinking that their piety and hardships had finally moved these survivors, and they were willing to grant them the status of civilians, so that they could integrate into the society here. It was finally the end of their hardships.

He immediately showed his arrogance in this world and walked to the right with his head held high.

The innocent people who were captured were either frightened or indifferent and went to the left.

A woman with a child seemed to have guessed something. She was still holding the slave owner's joints and begged:

"Please, please let my child go! You can do whatever you want to me, but please let my child go!"

The slave owner was not affected by the [distortion], and was naturally as cruel as before. He just snorted coldly, and kicked the woman far away with his arthropods, landing right in the crowd on the left.

Her child quickly screamed and rushed over, hugging his mother and crying non-stop.

"Damn it! It would be bad if it disturbed Sir Alex."

The slave owner cursed and moved towards the child, waving several tentacles on his body and stabbing the child.

At this moment, a young man covered in black, who looked like he had just crawled out of a coal mine, suddenly stood up, opened his arms, and resolutely stood in front of the mother and son.

"We were summoned here by the lord, and there must be some intention. I'm afraid it's not good if you want to kill us, right?"

A few other untouchables came over to check the mother's injuries, and covered the child's mouth to stop him from crying.


The slave owner looked at the young man who stepped forward with a pair of fly-like compound eyes. Although he was very unhappy, he really didn't dare to do anything else and retreated silently.

The young man turned around and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He signaled the other men to come closer and whispered:

"This group of monsters will probably send us to other places. This may be the opportunity we have been waiting for for a long time. When the time comes, think of a way and find an opportunity... Do you have weapons with you?"

"I have..."

A middle-aged man nodded and slightly lifted his clothes to reveal a stone dagger hidden underneath.

Another person quietly handed the young man a knife made of scrap iron, and then asked in a low voice:

"We may have a chance, but what about the women and children?"

"Try to create some chaos and see if you can divert a few monsters and give them a chance to escape? The rest... can only be left to fate."

At this time, a woman who was also dirty and looked like she had just been fished out of a quagmire squeezed in and said indignantly:

"Don't underestimate us women, we are also waiting for opportunities and have prepared weapons."

As she said, she spread out her palm, which contained a sharp blade.

The young man looked at her seriously, nodded, and whispered:

"Then we will find a way to distract the guards, and you will find a way to take the children and escape together. It is best to escape in the direction of the military port. I have secretly observed that these monsters seem to be very afraid of that area and dare not approach it."

"Got it..."

"Unfortunately, no matter whether it succeeds or not, I am afraid that only a few of us can survive?"

"So what? Anyway, we are already trapped in purgatory. What can be worse?"

The dark young man smiled and added:

"Let me die and give you a chance to escape."

These people secretly discussed their clumsy escape plan that was doomed to fail. It was naive and a little ridiculous.

But what is not ridiculous is the courage to fight back even in the deepest desperate situation.

However, before their plan was implemented, a pariah who was lingering near these people suddenly jumped up and shouted:

"Sir! These people are plotting to escape!"

After that, he rolled and crawled out of the crowd, ran to the slave owner, and then knelt down at his feet, continuing to explain:

"Sir! I actually offered all my property at the beginning, and even poisoned my parents to death in order to sell my property, just to let you feel my determination and sincerity!"

He continued to wag his tail and beg for mercy:

"And I have noticed that those people are plotting something bad, so I have been secretly mixing with them, and finally I caught them! Sir, you can search now, they are still hiding homemade weapons!"

"Oh? It's a loyal and good dog, go to the right."

The slave owner waved his tentacles.

Runren immediately kowtowed, then stood to the right with a flattering smile, and then looked at the slave owner approaching the humans on the left who dared to resist step by step with a gloating look.

The other Runren around him also had a similar gloating look, pointing at the people on the left, laughing at their stupidity and overestimation.

"Damn it, we can only fight them!"

The dark young man cursed, picked up the small iron sheet in his hand, and stood in front.

The other people also took out their own simple weapons and surrounded him.

Even though his legs were shaking instinctively because of fear, no one retreated, and no one knelt down to beg for mercy.

However, they were just ordinary people without extraordinary powers, and with only the simple homemade weapons in their hands, they couldn't even break the slave owner's defense.

But at this moment, the high-ranking lord suddenly moved a few steps, and then asked the slave owner:

"What do you want to do? Don't you understand my order?"

"Ah? No, lord, of course I will faithfully execute every one of your instructions, knowing that I must bring them here unscathed, but... these untouchables are escaping from the map..."

"Are you afraid of these little toys? Or do you think they can escape from me?"

"No, I dare not..."

"Go down, if you have nothing to do, go and confirm whether the untouchables have gathered here? The big shots above are already waiting impatiently."

"Okay, okay, I'll go now!"

Soon, with the help of the slave owner, the last two untouchables were also brought over by it, and thrown into the crowd on the left and right.

"That's almost it..."

The lord whispered, waving the whip in his hand, and a crisp sound broke through the air.

In front of the open space on the left, a dark portal suddenly appeared.

"Let them in."

The slave owner, who still had some human facial organs, smiled brightly upon seeing this, and said excitedly:

"The portal finally appeared again. It turns out that these untouchables were sent to the temple. It seems that the space barrier in the temple has also been cracked. It's really gratifying!"

These words caused the survivors at the scene to burst into cheers.

"I told you, everything will be fine! As long as we dedicate these untouchables to the temple, our settlement will be able to gain the favor of our Lord and regain its former glory!"

"Sure enough, nothing can stop our great cause, not even the descendants of the evil god!"

"These untouchables should be honored to serve our Lord with loyalty."

The group of Run people on the right were even more proud and proud than the survivors. They held their chests and heads high, as if they had regained their pride and self-esteem in this world.

The group of humans on the left were driven into the portal one by one under the pressure of the slave masters.

As soon as they landed, they instantly fell into a coma, followed by a burst of spinning, and they were sent to no one knows where.

Lloyd, who had been hiding in the city hall, stretched out his body and pressed his fingers until they made a 'clicking' sound.

"That's no problem, I can finally go on a killing spree!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the few remaining nobles closest to him immediately shattered into pieces, and their bodies were decomposed and twisted into spirals in an instant.

Then, the [Distorted Realm] spread out, covering all the survivors near the city hall.

But I specifically left out those Run people.

He didn't take action directly, but gave a new instruction to the survivors.

The next second, a series of wailings and screams came from outside, including the muffled sounds of broken bones and flesh being torn apart.

Almost in an instant, the remaining group of Run people were completely killed by the remnants to whom they were loyal.

Only the last one, the one who jumped up to tell the truth, was still alive.

He obviously hasn't figured out what happened yet. It was obviously a good situation before, everyone was cheering, and he was about to escape the sea of ​​suffering and integrate into the society here.

How come in just the blink of an eye, they turned against each other?

He was frightened at first, but then he realized that the survivors did not attack him?

Actually... I was the only one who survived?

That means I am the only one recognized by adults!

Haha, fortunately I was smart enough to report the rebels in time, otherwise...

He was rejoicing for this, but the next second, the survivors around him began to explode one by one, shattering into debris on the ground.

This ups and downs came so suddenly that he was immediately stunned on the spot. Even if his thoughts were not disturbed, he lost the ability to think.

Until he saw a handsome young man, followed by a ferocious and terrifying monster, slowly walking out of the city hall.

The man was stunned for a moment, then instinctively rushed over and knelt at Lloyd's feet.

"You...you must be the third priest, right? I am..."

He wanted to introduce himself, but was interrupted by Lloyd waving his hand.

"You have mistaken the person. I am the seventh saint of mankind, the twisted Lloyd."


"I came here to kill the gods who killed these monsters, and by the way, I saved the innocent people they captured."

The man was stunned and quickly exclaimed:

"Saint...Saint! Your Majesty! I have known for a long time that you will come to save us, so I have been lurking among these monsters. I can provide you with all their information, and..."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand to hug Lloyd's thigh.

But as soon as his hand reached out, there was a heartbreaking pain.

Under his gaze, his arm shattered and decomposed bit by bit, turning into wisps of spiral debris.

The severe pain that came from it was magnified ten times, almost making him faint.

But he couldn't faint. Although his consciousness was blurred by pain, his senses were extremely sharp and he could clearly feel the pain of his body being decomposed and torn apart bit by bit.

This process lasted for a long time. Until Lloyd deployed all the 'little surprises' he had prepared, he was still alive and could still clearly experience the severe pain all over his body.

In the end, Lloyd relented a little and sped up his rhythm, finally ending the long agony.


Lloyd spat at the pile of debris and garbage on the ground.

Then, a violent burst of fire shot into the sky and swallowed up the entire settlement in an instant.

As the flames spread, Lloyd's figure gradually became transparent and disappeared.

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