I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 608 Chapter 610 Even if I return to reality five times

Chapter 608 610. Even if you return to reality five times

This explosion did not show a particularly exaggerated effect. It just completely swallowed up the entire settlement and failed to create a large area of ​​barren dead land like last time.

But the noise was still very loud, enough to alarm the third priest far away in the suburbs.

In the center of a luxurious manor, a dead tree more than ten meters high suddenly moved, and began to slowly turn its branches, "looking" in the direction of the settlement.

The whole body of this tree is composed of the gray stratum corneum and connective tissue like withered flesh and blood. Each branch is composed of bones, nerve bundles, tentacles, limbs and other structures, which looks particularly weird and curious.

And on the top of the branches and the surface of the dead gray trunk, you can see various human faces, both men and women, old and young, as if they were skinned alive and embedded in the trunk, or hung on the branches.

It was impossible to count how many there were. All I could hear was that they were making different sounds, which came together to form an indescribable sound, as if many different people were talking in unison.

"Oh? Invaders from the present world?"

Through the sight provided by those faces, the third priest seemed to have caught something.

But the next second, the sight in front of him suddenly blurred, and he instantly came to a beautiful lakeside with birds singing and flowers blooming.

Obviously, this was a sign of visual interference.

But the third priest was still calm and did not show any anxiety. Those faces said calmly:

"It seems that I guessed wrong. It was a sharp knife from behind... Did someone think that I am weak now, so they can't wait to replace me?"

"What a pity... too weak!"

After that, the branches composed of monster limbs suddenly extended out, turning into black arrows, piercing a group of air by the lakeside.


In the air that should have been empty, there were several muffled sounds of sharp blades piercing flesh and blood.

The third priest's sight immediately recovered, and he returned to his familiar courtyard.

And in the air that attacked earlier, a humanoid monster like a cockroach also emerged. It had been completely pierced by the tree branches and was nailed to the spot, unable to move.

"Who sent you? The fifth priest?"

The third priest asked in unison, and then controlled the branches composed of several limbs, slowly rotating them, causing the cockroach monster to emit bursts of piercing roars.

"Oh? It's still a hard bone? Then don't blame me for being cruel... Hmm? Wait! No!"

The third priest seemed to have noticed something, and several branches suddenly exerted force, first tearing the cockroach monster into pieces, and then the human face all over the body simultaneously emitted a piercing scream, forming a sharp sound wave that spread to the surroundings.

The face on the tree also showed fine cracks until it was completely broken and peeled off from the tree.

The third priest's sight was once again, and he returned to his familiar courtyard for the second time.

The faces looked at a blank corner of the wall at the same time and found something hiding there.

Several branches pierced out again, directly surrounding the entire corner.

"I got you!"


With a muffled sound of the body being pierced, a scream came from the air in the corner.

Then, a figure emerged from it, with several branches stuck on his body, and it was already scarred.

Although he was still struggling hard, he couldn't get rid of it at all, which could only increase his pain and make cold sweat appear on his face.

"It's really a human? A human who has mastered the power of [Twist]? This is really rare..."

The third priest said, taking back the branches, and even brought the person wearing it in front of him, and looked at it carefully.

The man looked like a middle-aged man with a beard. His face turned pale due to pain. Strands of blood were flowing out along the branches that penetrated his body, and a pool of blood had accumulated at his feet.

"There is no sign of alienation in the body, which means that there is no backlash and influence of [Twist]. This is really magical..."

"Let me see how you did it."

The third priest said, waving a branch composed of nerve bundles. The branch spread out into a bunch of flowers composed of fine tentacles, like a jellyfish, wrapping the man's head.

Then, the tiny tentacles split into smaller and finer forms, like strands of hair, piercing the man's skin and extending towards his brain.

The man instantly lost the ability to struggle completely, and his body could only twitch like a conditioned reflex.

But just when the tentacles were about to touch his brain, the third priest suddenly stopped.

"No... still not right..."

After saying that, the human faces on its body raised up again, and uttered a sharp scream like before, creating a sharper sound wave that swept around.

And this time, five human faces on its body became fragmented, peeled off from the tree trunk, and shattered into debris on the ground.

So the third priest's sight changed again, and he returned to his familiar courtyard for the third time.

This time, it fully learned the previous lesson and no longer used human eyes to search, but controlled them to close together, and then let the nerve bundle branches release more and finer tentacles until the naked eye was completely Invisible, quietly exploring around.

Soon, these tiny tentacles seemed to come into contact with something, and then they lost control instantly.


The branch responsible for the attack stabbed out again.

However, it was not as easy as the previous two times. Instead, a clever force deflected the direction of the attack.

"Interesting, you are the most special prey I have ever seen, and also the most powerful. If it were those other losers who only know chanting sutras and pretending, I'm afraid you would have succeeded..."

"But unfortunately, you chose the wrong opponent this time."

The third priest was talking to himself, then suddenly waved those bone tentacles and pierced them into the ground.

Huge white bones immediately rose from the ground, completely surrounding the entire courtyard and blocking all escape routes.

Then, the branches that looked like octopus tentacles began to flutter and wave, causing bursts of fire and explosions to burst out in the air around them. From time to time, there were streaks of electricity traveling through the air, and the ground underfoot began to become soft. It's thick and sticky, like a dangerous quagmire that you can't get out of once you sink into it.

Those arthropod-like branches were not idle, but stretched out violently, and began to chase the enemy according to the guidance of the tiny tentacles.

"You do have some skills and can seize the opportunity in front of me. However, how long can your spiritual power last? How long can you interfere with me?"

The face of the third priest showed a ferocious smile, and then screamed in unison again.

A total of twenty faces were shattered this time.

The third priest felt that he had returned to a familiar courtyard for the fourth time.

However, the previous offensive showed no signs of converging, and they were still attacking crazily, without giving the enemy any chance to breathe.

And it also took advantage of this gap to prepare the fifth scream.

"It's the fourth floor. Next, it's the last floor."

As another round of screams sounded, the face on it lost a hundred faces at once, but it reopened its eyes and looked at Lloyd, who was standing not far away and was breathing slightly.

"Huh~ I have to admit that you are indeed a bit more troublesome than the previous monsters. You can actually get rid of my [distortion] by constantly self-destructing yourself."

Lloyd commented pertinently.

The third priest's eyes stared at him closely, and asked with some confusion:

"You...are the descendant of that evil god's descendant, right? You can actually go so far on the [twisted] path? Even in terms of attainments and understanding alone, you are a little better than me? It seems that that descendant is right You are extremely loved.”


Lloyd just smiled disdainfully, did not answer, and disappeared directly from the other party's sight.

But the third priest said calmly:

"It's useless. You know nothing about my power, and you have very little spiritual power left. Just let it go. I'm still somewhat interested in you, so I won't kill you for the time being."

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an entire arthropod-like branch on its body shattered into pieces and was broken down into debris all over the ground.

"Oh? You know you can't interfere with my thinking, so you switch to physical attacks? Haha~ What a naive idea."

The third priest said in unison, and the branches that had just been decomposed regrown in an instant, and then continued to wave, stabbing at the place where Lloyd had just disappeared.

The tentacle that can control the power of various elements released more high-frequency attacks, which continued to consume Lloyd's spiritual energy, forcing him to consume more spiritual energy to reverse these offensives. He did not stand still at all. Another chance for mind twisting.

"How long can you hold on without interfering with my thinking and perception? I will give you one last chance to beg for mercy. Please note that my patience has its limits."

The third priest said in unison.

Lloyd's answer was a bit strange:

"That's enough..."

After saying that, several strange steel needles suddenly flew out of the air, pierced the third priest's tree trunk, and penetrated deeply.

Several faces on the tree trunks quickly looked down, showing a little surprise.

Obviously, he didn't expect that he would be physically broken by the opponent, and in such a relatively easy way.

In fact, after it completely broke free from the distortion of its thinking, it did not allocate its power to attack, but focused more attention on protecting itself.

In this way, even if Lloyd intends to attack its body, he must spend more spiritual energy to break its defense.

And its spiritual power can almost be said to be endless.

At the same time, its physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary monsters. Even the sharpest weapons cannot leave the slightest trace on the surface of the tree trunk. It has a strong defense that is almost like physical immunity.

So if you continue to consume it like this, it will definitely win.

But those few steel needles easily broke through the power it used to twist and attack, and penetrated into its body as easily as piercing tofu.

This really shocked the third priest.

It's a pity...

The steel needle is too thin and the damage intensity is basically insufficient.

This damage can be repaired in just one breath.

However, just as it was about to repair its injuries and squeeze the steel needles out of its body, it discovered that at the end of the steel needle, there was a very unique force, like a thin tentacle.

What is this?

The third priest was a little confused.

But he heard Lloyd say:

"I hope you can appreciate the art of this wave of language."

Then, there was a language that the third priest could not understand at all, and he spoke at an astonishing speed.

The third priest did not even know what language this was, but vaguely felt that the other party seemed to be scolding him and his parents?

It did not quite understand why the other party chose to scold at this time.

But the next second, it "saw" a huge wave, with a momentum that could destroy the world, sweeping towards it.

Strictly speaking, this was not what it saw, but what it felt.

The huge waves were not made of water, but a large torrent of various knowledge.

The powerful [distortion] system may be able to [distort] many things.

But the only thing that cannot be [distorted] is knowledge.

Under the impact of this huge wave, the countless human faces on the tree trunk suddenly broke into pieces like foam in the water and completely melted into it.

The entire tree trunk became bare in the blink of an eye.

The various tentacles on its body also disappeared, shrinking and withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The third priest had no sense of pain for a long time, but at this moment, it really felt the pain it had not felt for a long time.

Under the impact of this torrent of knowledge, its sight blurred again, from the familiar courtyard to a dead wasteland.

But this time, it was not an illusion caused by [distorted] vision.

It was a piece of information contained in the torrent of knowledge.

The third priest felt that he had turned back to the human form in a trance, small and fragile, standing in this dead wasteland, as if he had lost the ability to think, and could only look around helplessly.

It saw towering spiral towers supporting the gray sky above.

It saw a mountain like a throne, on which sat a noble and great being, whose figure was shrouded in the mist between the mountains and could not be seen clearly.

"What is this...?"

The third priest asked with his remaining rationality.

The next second, his eyes went dark, and he fell into eternal silence and fell into the abyss of chaos.

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