Chapter 210: Miss Clock! Venom must die?! Moon Demon Out of Hell!!


Du Ye couldn’t help but gasp!

The system actually rewarded itself with this kind of thing? Simply incredible!

[The Power of Magic]: The ultimate demon power that can destroy time and space and create time and space!

(Note: The host needs to explore it by himself): the power of magic!

The most evil power wielded by the Demon King of Time! Metaphysical sayings from Dongying’s native language. When sealing the demon.

Refers to dusk and dawn. Ghosts like to haunt the time!

“The King of the Demon Times…”

“Be able to control time, destroy time and space, observe the past, create the future, and be unaffected by historical changes.”

“Even in the face of those who are left behind, I have some certainty!”

“There is no need to be afraid of the time attack at all!”

Du Ye clenched his fists violently. Simply ecstatic.

I was able to get this kind of power! It seems that he really did not come in vain! Calm down slightly. Shout! Woohoo!!

One shadow after another is like a living creature, rushing from all directions.

Then he transformed into a black ninja with different forms! Standing in silence.

He officially took over the Time Change Administration! Because the Shadow Ninja, from the parasitic system.

Therefore, even if he is in the quantum realm, he can be summoned and work for him.

“This is the cutting device?”

Du Ye’s eyes condensed slightly.

Carefully examine a slender bastar. The head of the baton lights up orange.

Once it touches the target, it will be burned on the spot. Cut out of your timeline!

The next moment. A whistling sound sounded.

The liquid black substance immediately devoured the cutting device.

Turning the ability to cut into a talent for the Venom Symbiote!


“When did the venom symbiote change taste?”

“You can eat the machine!”

The well-behaved and cute laughter echoed.

I saw Miss Clock, pacing above the void, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

There is not the slightest warning at all. Out of thin air!

It almost startled Du Ye. Of course.

He didn’t show it. Mood is not visible. Miss Clock.

Like a cartoon character, the orange dial has anthropomorphic facial features and can make vivid expressions to fully express your thoughts and emotions.

It is also a supercomputer invented by Eternal Kang. Responsible for maintaining the operation of the entire Time Change Authority. Even Judge Lavona had to obey her.

And she follows the instructions of those who leave behind. Waiting for the arrival of the weak gods Loki and Sylvie! However.

The weak gods Loki and Sylvie did not appear, but welcomed another uninvited guest!

Venom symbiote!

She has observed the lifetime of the venom symbiote. It’s just that………

She still doesn’t understand how Venom turned into a human form, and she also discovered the existence of the Time Change Administration, and even successfully captured TVA!

Even the immortal Kang is puzzled!

“Are you finally willing to show up?”

“Miss Clock.”

“Thanos and the Soul Gem… Where did you take it? ”

“Why stop me from taking down Thanos?”

Du Ye’s eyes narrowed slightly.

There was a ruthless color.

Letting the tiger return to the mountain and leaving endless calamities is naturally familiar to him. Therefore, it will kill the Time Change Administration non-stop.

“Mr. Venom.”

“Do you know what a terrible disaster you almost caused?”

“The sacred timeline almost collapsed!”

“You should thank those who left behind.”

“He saved the multiverse that almost collapsed.”

Miss Clock has a sweet voice.

But it is full of old-fashioned taste.

Her presence runs through the entire Time Change Administration. It’s not too much to call her omniscient and omnipotent!

“Sacred timeline?”



Hope Dayne, Darren Klaus, Hank Pym, listening to one professional term after another, couldn’t help but look suspicious.

Why is the thing mentioned by Miss Clock so similar to the research direction of Pym Technology?

Those left behind……… What’s the point?


“Thanos is the key to the survival of the multiverse?”

“Then I have to kill him?”

“What will be done to those who remain behind?”

A meaningful smile appeared at the corner of Du Ye’s mouth. I’m also testing the thoughts of those who leave behind!

After all, capturing the Time Change Authority doesn’t mean everything is all right. The people who are entrenched in the castle at the end of time are the final bosses in the true sense!

The final boss is not solved. How is it a one-life clearance?


“He has to snap his fingers.”

“Without snapping your fingers, the sacred timeline is gone.”

“There will also be a big war in the multiverse, are you sure you can afford the cost?”

Miss Clock was honest.

Sacred timeline.

It refers to the timeline experienced by the immortal Kang!

In the timeline he was in, Thanos snapped his fingers and reversed through time and space, successfully saving half of Shuo’s life before making time and space travel a reality.

It also allowed him to invent the time controller! No snapping fingers.

Avengers will not travel through time and space…

Then he could not invent the time controller.

Winning the multiverse war has become a joke! Fear………

The evil version of yourself will become the master of the Time Change Authority! Any disaster is possible!

“Snap your fingers?”

“I can fight too.”

“You don’t have to let Thanos fight.”

Du Ye said with a smile.

In fact, it’s just words.

He didn’t care about Kang the Conqueror at all.

With six infinity stones in hand, he seems to be an invincible existence, and the conqueror Kang is no threat at all!

“You can’t hit it!”

“The god of symbiotes is about to be revived.”

“He’ll eat you!”

Miss Clock’s face was serious. A few words.

But it made Du Ye’s pupils contract violently! The chest cavity also set off a terrifying wave!

What the?

The god of symbiotes……… Will eat yourself? How can it be!

Du Ye couldn’t believe his ears. Also refuse to accept this fact!

“Even if you take human form, you are still a symbiote.”

“It doesn’t change the essence of life at all.”

“Isn’t it?”

Miss Clock shrugged.

“The essence of life…”

“What do you mean?”

Du Ye’s mind turned sharply. I also panicked. After all.

The Time Change Authority has footage of all major events. There is no need for Miss Clock to deceive herself.


There is a high probability that he really lost to the god of symbiotes!

“Let’s go back.”


“It’s your battlefield.”

Miss Clock was kind to persuade. The next moment.

A translucent door of time and space opens. Straight to Earth!

At the same time. Outer space.

A surging tidal wave of energy spread. The galaxy trembled, and the deep space collapsed.

A simple and atmospheric gate to hell slowly opens! Then.

I saw a tall figure dressed as an oriental monk pacing out. He has two pairs of arthropod arms.

Wearing a purple and red Confucian robe. Long hair coiled into a bun. The snake letter swings.

Between the gestures, there was a strange feeling! It’s hard to look away!

Airplanes! Buzz!

It was as if invisible threads had fallen from the fingertips.

The entire orbit of the Earth and Moon erupted with an unprecedented strong gravitational force! Manipulate the movement of everything.

Even the moon almost got out of its established orbit!

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