Chapter 211: Six Demons Break the Seal! Demonize the moon! Who paused the time?!!

Moon Demon!

Curse Blue! Return! As a match in gossip.

Spell Blue can manipulate gravity and cast powerful dark magic, even in a vacuum.

Reverse the sun and moon, reverse the stars, and destroy the earth-moon celestial system! It is also possible to change the Earth’s gravity.

Trigger a series of natural disasters, permanently change the earth’s ecological environment, and invite the arrival of the apocalypse!


“The ancient demons have gathered!”

“Curse Brother Lan!”

“It’s time to lift the confinement curse on me, right?”

A flurry of insidious and cunning words echoed.

The eyes are bright red.

The super soldier surrounded by blazing flames couldn’t help but raise his arms and shout. Holy Lord!

During this period of time, he was not idle, and released other ancient demons one after another.

Wind Demon, Earth Demon, Water Demon, Sky Demon! They all turned into human forms.

Standing beside him.

Moreover, the Holy Lord also accidentally harvested a phoenix fragment, and through the phoenix fragment, the suppression of the sacred spell was lifted!

Even if the occult mage finds the god token, he will not be able to send the ancient demon back to hell!

Phoenix Shards.

Raised his own abilities to an infinite realm.

In order to collect the Phoenix Shards, he fights with superheroes. Since there are no twelve spells, more losses are more than less!

Almost capsized in the gutter.

Fortunately, he has mastered unique escape skills!

“Holy Lord.”

“Don’t forget.”

“Bo Gang and Zhongsu are still trapped in hell!”

“To lift the spell, you must release all the demons!”

Curse Blue’s voice was low.

Immediately, he shuttled into the spaceship. Look left and right to look at it carefully.

Earth technology has reached such a point?


“This is the flagship of gluttonous civilization.”

“I have a partnership with Carl, the God of Death.”

“Also got something called the Void Engine!”

The Holy Lord grinned.

The smile is hideous and evil. Void Engine!

It can change the material and turn the reality around.

Let all the rules fail!

It can even burst out with unprecedented power, making the universe return to heat death

With the heat death engine, he successfully subdued the Phoenix Shard!

A perfect fusion of the Phoenix Fragment and the Fire Demon Qi!

“Death Karl?”

“Void Engine?”

“It seems…”

“The planet has really changed dramatically.”

Curse Blue Snake Letter confided.

I also understood the ins and outs of Karl, the god of death. Then.

His fingertips twitched slightly.

An invisible gravitational force directly reversed the trajectory of the gluttonous battleship, and drove towards the moon in an instant!

He wants to demonize the moon! Change the Earth-Moon celestial system.

Directly destroy all the military forces of Earth civilization! Airplanes!

Buzz!! The battleship gangway slipped.

All the ancient demons paced to the surface of the moon.

With their innate brute brawnness, the demons can almost walk on the surface of the moon.


“It just sucks!”

“Let’s rule the earth again!”

The earth demon with the face of a stone lion-like beast, with strong and powerful limbs, and his physique is almost not inferior to the thunder and lightning demon Zhongsu.

Kun in gossip!

It can open mountains and crack the land, cause a huge earthquake, and reclaim the sea and make land. The ability to defend and resist attacks is second only to the mountain demon Bogang!

“Big brother.”

“It’s up to you!”

“As long as you change the trajectory of the moon, you can return the earth to prehistoric times!”

The backbone figure resembling a bat, three dull hairs on the top of the head, and the flesh wings behind it fanned wildly, followed by a strange laughter.

Sky Demon! Westwood!

Can control celestial phenomena, switch between day and night, and unleash soul-shaking sonic attacks.

The power is almost comparable to a nuclear explosion! Even the level of intelligence is among the best.

It’s almost the same as the Holy Lord!

“Don’t worry.”

“Brothers and sisters.”

“No one can stop us from making a comeback!”

I saw that the demon of the moon had a hideous face.

Gave an impassioned speech. The next moment!

The endless stream of dark magic energy instantly expanded wildly in all directions!

It was as if a lunar eclipse was about to erupt.

It’s also like the ultimate darkness created by the Dark Shadow Corps!

The furious dark energy is rapidly covering the moon! Pollute the moon!



“Actually changed color?!”

“Report to the Director!”

“Tsunamis are frequent all over the world!”

There was a noise of chaos.

Washington, D.C. Tricurved Wing Building.

S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury, one-eyed wide, his face full of anxiety and nervousness Through the surveillance screen, he could clearly see that the unprecedented scale of dark energy, like thick ink, was rapidly staining the moon black!

From the degree of partial lunar eclipse…

Gradually expanding, already infinitely close to Whole Foods!

As the degree of moon blackening deepens, sharp alarms are constantly ringing in your ears!

A series of natural disasters have erupted on the earth! Typhoon.

Tsunami. Volcanic eruption!

There is not the slightest warning or warning.


“How is it good?”

“Even Avengers can’t solve this kind of thing, right?”

Melindame said worriedly.


After the promulgation of the Madrid Po Agreement, the Avengers were also divided into two.

The Avengers recognized by the Security Council, led by Tony Stark, have studied modern technology to the extreme, but they don’t know anything about magic!

“Occult mage…”

“Haven’t replied to the message yet?”

Fury’s face was solemn.


“It seems that the occult mage is in a bitter battle.”

“Guarding the Mage Temple.”

Shet! Nick Fury had a headache.

Even if he has limited astronomical knowledge, he can appreciate the importance of the moon

The displacement of the moon, the collapse of the Earth-Moon celestial system, will also detonate an unprecedented butterfly effect.

The terrifying tide of energy is enough to annihilate everything on the surface! Key Nick Fury is no longer available.


The earth will finally usher in the end of the world?!

“If Cortana is still there.”

“……… That’s it. ”

Nick Fury sighed. I don’t know why.

He still has no whereabouts of Natasha.

Without this able man, he almost felt that everything was not going well.



Melindame’s voice trembled. The next moment.

The whole moon shook violently!

The sphere is as black as jade, like a total lunar eclipse, continuously emitting a filthy light, and the shape is strange and evil.


The Earth-Moon celestial system collapsed!

All astral forces within the solar system, cosmic matter, began to compress uncontrollably!


The surface of the earth has also cracked a hideous and terrifying trace! It simply cannot withstand the negative effects of gravitational collapse.

As if it would disintegrate at any moment! However.

Right at this time. The starry sky suddenly froze! Everything stands still! A real pause!

Everything is frozen at the same moment!


“What’s going on?”

“Is the satellite stuttering?”

“It won’t!”

“This is a military satellite invented by Stark!”

Nick Fury said in surprise.

There is no realization at all what is really going on.

“Time pause!”

“It seems that someone has suspended time and space!”

Skye said suddenly.


A glittering portal hovered open. The burly man in black paced out leisurely. The liquid fibrous tissue on the body surface is crisscrossed vertically and horizontally.

The face is as holy as God.

It caught everyone’s attention at once!

Even the sun is eclipsed!

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