Chapter 219: Morgana! Goodbye widowhood! It’s still so beautiful!!

Earth, water, fire, air.

Listed by the West as the four basic elements that make up the material world. And crystal can control the earth’s water and fire as it pleases!

It’s just that the power of earth, water, fire and gas is limited.

It is simply not comparable to the power of the trigram that Du Ye is in charge! Li, Zhen, Sun, Gen, Qian, Kun, Kan, Du.

Almost everything.

It covers all the changing phenomena and laws of movement in the world.

Once Du Ye thoroughly masters the gossip, he will be able to take a step further and officially step into the apex of the Almighty Heavenly Father!

Become an omnipotent cosmic god! However.

Miss Zhong’s words always made him linger. He didn’t even defeat the symbiote god?

Where did you lose? Du Ye’s eyes were deep. At the same time.

The eyelashes of the girl with a beautiful face fluttered. Slowly opened his eyes!


“Are you okay?”

Queen Medusa cried with joy.

She almost thought Crystal couldn’t wake up.

“It’s okay.”

Crystal looked dazed. Then.

She discovered the evolution and transformation of her abilities!

It seems that you can hear the sound of all things, and you can easily control the water and fire!

“This is my gift.”

Du Ye said with a smile. The next moment.

Invisible silk threads fell from his fingertips, and the gray haze and lead clouds that enveloped the earth were instantly cleansed by him!

The devastated hills and mountains have also undergone earth-shaking changes. The vicissitudes of the sea turned into mulberry fields.

Even the soil that has lost its fertility is revived! A spectacular view of the thriving.

It also stunned all the strangers.

It was shocking beyond comprehension!


“You’re finally back!”

“Your guests have been waiting for a long time!”

The curvy, tall girl with outstanding appearance suddenly slowly descended to the ground.

Red queen!

A smart professional outfit, with a sparkling yellow gemstone on his forehead. It seems to contain a huge amount of energy that is almost infinite.

“Your guest?”

“Who are you referring to?”

Du Ye’s eyes were like electricity. The next moment.

He heard an incredible name!

“The incomparable queen.”


The noise is low after red. Morgana? Demon Queen?

Hiding in Morag all the time? Du Ye couldn’t help frowning.

Pondering Morgana’s intentions and intentions. Then.

The group followed the red and walked towards the temporary safe zone. I saw ugly-looking demons and weirdos, and they were building a big construction project. Faintly has a bit of an urban outline.

The tall buildings stand majestically in a row.

The enchanting figure wearing a shape-fitting leather suit and carrying demon wings, holding his chest with both hands, makes the arc of the career line more and more shocking.

Like a conscientious foreman!


“Did you really turn into a human form?”

“You kid is not simple!”

“Play me and Divine Kesha!”

Morgana’s eyes rolled.

I also saw the arrival of uninvited guests for the first time.

Looking carefully at the burly and powerful Du Ye, his heartbeat accelerated after a long absence!

Even the power of the galaxy is not as tall and mighty as venom! Moreover, she also sensed the fluctuation of space-time genes! Venom also has space-time genes?!

Spatiotemporal genes. This is the love of her life! Almost enough to reverse her orientation.


“Are you waiting for me in Morag Star?”

“What’s the cost?”

Du Ye smiled playfully.

The nose also smells an aggressive stream of biopheromones. Of course.

This kind of carving insect skill cannot shake his heart at all, nor will it bring the slightest negative impact.

As for Black Bolt and Queen Medusa, as well as the low-caste inhuman slave laborers, there is no way to resist Morgana’s seduction!

The soul is almost lost!

Fortunately, the spiritual gemstone on the red forehead burst out a brilliant light wave. Mental suppression was quickly resolved.

It did not cause an uncontrollable situation.

“Come with me.”

“First of all.”

“Register your names and abilities.”

“Pick a place to live.”

The red queen smiled.

Lead the Inhumans away.

It also left room for Duye and Morgana to communicate. Avoid being disturbed by the outside world.

“How many months?”

“Don’t pay attention to Cortana.”

“She’s still unconscious!”

“Even the God of Death Karl can’t do anything.”

“You really don’t care about Cortana’s safety anymore?”

Morgana’s pretty face was frosty.

In the words, there was a deep helplessness and dissatisfaction. Widowed sister!

Like a vegetative person.

Neither the advanced instruments of the demon civilization nor the Death God Carl’s Void Engine could wake up this sleeping beauty!

During this time, Natasha’s health index has also continued to decline!

If you don’t wake up the widow sister in time, I’m afraid that the widow sister will die sooner or later, and she will never be able to wake up!


Du Ye’s face was complicated.

This was not expected at all. Widowed sister.

Organs on the verge of failure?

Death Karl can’t heal her?


“You have to be a master.”

“Just heal Cortana for me!”


“I will let the Demon One launch a heavenly bombardment and raze Morag Star to the ground again!”

Morgana was angry.

The spitting stars almost splashed on Du Ye’s face.

She and her widowed sister met the earliest, and also formed a deep bond and friendship. Even if another host of a space-time gene is found.

Space-Time Rose.

Nor did it change this hard-won emotion. Always looking for a way to wake up the widowed sister. However.

All methods failed! Saying goes. Whoever started the trouble should end it.

Now she can only ask Du Ye for help.

“Where’s Cortana?”

“I have to see her to judge.”

Du Ye sighed deeply.

He didn’t have any idea of hurting the widow’s sister at all.

The voice did not fall. Airplanes!

A worm door slowly opened.

Morgana took the lead and stepped into the worm gate.

“Wait for what?”

“Keep up.”

The Demon Queen said anxiously. Swish!

Crossing the worm gate.

The sight in front of me swirled.

Du Ye suddenly found himself in a spaceship. The cold and murderous aura rushed to the face!

Not far away, there is a fierce Darkspawn Great Demon standing silently! Ato!

He possesses an indestructible fourth-generation divine body.

Even his Scarlet Sword has been upgraded to a regicide martial artist!


“Who is this guy?”

“Could it be…”

“He’s Venom?”

The demonic voice echoed. Ato narrowed his eyes.

The whole body exudes a brutal aura that is not close to the living. But did not scare Du Ye.

The difference in strength between the two is like Haoyue and Firefly. There is hardly the slightest comparison!

Even the Demon One celestial computer can’t calculate Du Ye’s extreme combat power! No measure of his physique by any measure of the known universe!

Five generations of gods!

This is a whole new territory that Carl has not touched! For.


The sound of crisp footsteps echoed. The door opens.

I saw a sleeping beauty with a delicate appearance and a serene expression, lying quietly on the hospital bed like a beautiful work of art carved by God himself.

Free of fine lines and blemishes.

Simply perfect to the point of impeccable. But he didn’t wake up for a long time.

It seems to have been cursed by a vicious witch and needs the kiss of true love from the prince to awaken!

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