Chapter 220: The Widow’s Sister’s Soul Is Missing? Mephisto you don’t want to live?!!

Time freezes.

It’s silent.

The years have not left a trace. It was as if the widowed sister was sleeping soundly.

The next moment you can wake up. However.

No matter how Morgana treats her, there is still no way to revive her, like a vegetative person in the physiological sense!

Even Du Ye showed a bit of a dazed look. It is impossible to determine the cause of the widow.


“When did you fall into a coma?”

“After I separated from her?”

Du Ye said in a deep voice.


“So far, it has been nearly half a year, and the cause has not been found at all, and the right medicine cannot be prescribed, even if the panacea has no effect.”

“Cortana has shown signs of organ failure during this time.”

“I’m afraid…”

“The limit is coming!”

Morgana hugged her hands to her chest.

The beautiful eyes reveal a melancholy and compassion.

In order to wake up the widowed sister, she almost exhausted all means and went to the Dead Song Academy, but did not solve the problem.


She can only let the venom out of the horse!

After all, Venom and Cortana have an indelible close connection.

“The limit is coming?”

Du Ye’s eyes were slightly sunken.

I also sensed the strange situation of the widowed sister through seeing and hearing domineering. Cell activity has plummeted to freezing point!

It seems that it could die at any moment. The next moment!

Hiss! Hiss!! A whistling sound sounded.

The liquid pitch-black substance turned into high-temperature asphalt and slowly penetrated into the widow’s body.

Re-injected a strong vitality into her! However.

It didn’t have any decisive effect. It did not wake up the widowed sister.


“What’s going on?”

Du Ye frowned. Then.

The liquid fiber structure then condensed into an angular black rune with a lifelike flame horse pattern on the surface.

Horse Charm!

It can heal, reduce, and purify all abnormal effects caused by external forces! Even Professor X’s Alzheimer’s disease can be cured!

I will definitely be able to cure my widowed sister!

The blazing incandescent light suddenly enveloped the widow’s delicate body. Heal all the wounds and illnesses she has suffered.

But he still did not succeed in waking up the widowed sister.

At this moment, Du Ye finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

“It seems like the soul of the widow…”


Du Ye was terrified and shocked. Soul!

This is an unfamiliar territory that Du Ye has not touched. No one knows where the soul comes from.

What’s the use. However.

If there is no soul, the shell will also lose its motivation and become an ownerless thing commonly known as a vegetative person!

Who stole the widow’s soul? Du Ye couldn’t help but brainstorm.

With his understanding of the Marvel world, he naturally thinks of a notorious Hell Lord!


He is a powerful dimensional demon god! Take charge of your own dimension.

He is sinister and cunning, extremely evil, and loves to capture the souls of good people and lure the world into depravity.

Even the protective shield arranged by the first Supreme Mage could not stop this hell lord with mana power!

He incarnated as a gentleman and used exquisite words to trick the world into signing a demonic contract and pawning his precious soul!


The widow sister also pawned her own soul?!

“Hell Lord?”


“Demon Contract?”

“Are you sure you haven’t cursed me?”

Morgana’s pretty face sank slightly.

It was the first time she had heard of Mephisto’s existence! The devil recorded in Faust?

The opposite of God?

Or is it the dimensional demon god closest to Satan’s throne?!


“Mephisto’s ability is extraordinary.”

“It also needs the soul of a good person to maintain its existence.”

“He’s the first person I suspect.”

Du Ye grinned. Then. Consciousness sinks into the dark plane.

Start the Crashjade engine.

Docking with large celestial computers.

Start measuring Mephisto’s true location. Of course.

It may not be Mephisto’s ghost.

But he must know where the widow’s soul went!

“Found it…”

A thick magnetic voice sounded.

I saw a brilliant teleportation door slowly open.

A burly and powerful young man crossed the portal directly. Arrived at Mephisto’s foothold.

Quaint and gorgeous estate. Located just outside of New York.

It looks like a medieval castle in Europe. There was a faint smell of eerie foreboding.

“What is this place?”

“Mephisto’s residence?”

“I thought he lived in a hell where birds don’t.”

Morgana followed.

He looked at Mephisto’s residence with interest. A look of contempt appeared on his face.

It seems to doubt Mephisto’s taste. Squeak!

The hardwood doors are open.

Through the narrow and empty corridor, you can see a tall and majestic old figure, with crutches in his hands and white sideburns.

The cold and intimidating gaze is like an immortal star in the sky, as if it can penetrate people’s hearts and see through the essence of everything in the world!

Naturally, I also learned the intentions of the two uninvited guests!


“You kidnapped Cortana’s soul?”

Morgana grimaced.

This was followed by a loud clang. However.

Mephisto was moody.

There is not the slightest emotional fluctuation at all.

“Demon Queen.”

“You and Venom trespassed on my territory.”

“Are you going to war with me?”

“Are you sure you can afford that?”


Click! I don’t know when. Rolling clouds gathered. Day turns into night. Almost dark without fingers.

With Mephisto’s words, bursts of blazing lightning suddenly cut through the night, bringing an instant of light and heat.

Even his face has been transformed into a murderous demon who chooses to devour! Morgana’s eyes couldn’t help but freeze slightly.

Fully aware of Mephisto’s awesomeness! This hell lord.

Sure enough, there are two brushes!

Even Karl, the God of Death, is not qualified to compare with him!

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