I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 112 It’s not good for a woman to be too smart

After a long time, Jin Xiyuan went to the bathroom to take a shower. While Song Yi was in the mainland, Jin Xiyuan arranged for someone to change the layout of Song Yi's office.

The area of ​​Song Yi's office is three times that of the secretary's room outside. Originally, Song Yi's office had two doors. One door led to the secretary's room, and the other door led to the corridor. Next to the corridor door was the bathroom that Song Yi used alone.

Now that Jin Xiyuan has another door in the direction of the bathroom, the area of ​​the living room in the middle of the office has been reduced a bit, but it does not affect the placement of the U-shaped sofa.

The separated space was divided into two, and the part by the window was used as a lounge with a bed inside. A dressing room is built on the right side near the aisle door. The dressing room is connected to the aisle door, and you can still walk out to the aisle.

The aisle was also renovated, and an L-shaped screen wall was made. The elevator on the top floor of New Asia Building closest to the president's office was directly included in the screen wall. This elevator also became the exclusive elevator for the president of New Asia Media. , Song Yi can use this elevator to directly lead to the underground parking lot of Xinya Building, or to several branches downstairs.

This L-shaped corridor area also has two separate doors, one leading to Jin Xiyuan's executive director's office, and the other leading to Jiang Xiuna's secretary's office.

So strictly speaking, Song Yi, Jin Xiyuan and Jiang Xiuna could all use the president's dedicated elevator, but Jiang Xiuna was more measured and went around to the public office area outside and used several other elevators.

The offices of Song Yi, Jin Xiyuan and Jiang Xiuna are also connected through this L-shaped area. Song Yi's office is like a master bedroom suite with a dressing room, lounge, bathroom and toilet, while Jin Xiyuan and Jiang Xiuna's offices are like a master bedroom suite. There are two small secondary bedrooms, but the entrance door to this three-bedroom apartment is the dedicated elevator.

After Song Yi visited the newly renovated office, he felt more and more that Jin Xiyuan's design was ingenious. After Jin Xiyuan improved the comfort of his office, he also ensured the privacy of Song Yi's office area.

For example, if Song Yi wants to talk to someone alone, he doesn't want company employees to see it. Then guests can go directly to the top floor office through the dedicated elevator and meet Song Yi privately.

After Song Yi finished talking to the guest, the guest could go downstairs and leave the Xinya Building through the dedicated elevator, avoiding the eyes of the entire company's employees, and it could be said that he was unaware of the situation.

The newly opened door of Jiang Xiuna's secretary room is usually closed, and no one except Jin Xiyuan knows the identity of the visitor.

Of course, in order to ensure safety, this special elevator is equipped with surveillance, and the elevator's access control rights are currently only open to Song Yi and Jin Xiyuan, as well as Song Yi's personal bodyguard Che Taizhi.

Jin Xiyuan took a bath and was wiping her hair with a towel. Song Yi skillfully picked up the hair dryer and helped Jin Xiyuan dry her hair. "Does it still hurt?" Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan.

"Fortunately, it was a little bit at first, but now it has slowed down. I was quite naughty when I was a child and liked to ride a mountain bike around, so I have good adaptability." Jin Xiyuan replied.

Before the relationship officially started, Jin Xiyuan might be entangled and withdrawn, but after she officially became Song Yi's woman, she became more calm. She knew that her relationship with Song Yi could not be exposed, but once she made the choice, she would not regret it.

"In my opinion, New Asia will expand its business to North America in the next two years. If New Asia establishes a North American branch, I will apply to be the general manager of the North American branch. If I want a child, then I will find one. Chinese fake marriage.”

"It's impossible for Taixi and I to both marry you at the same time, and I won't argue with Taixi. After all, it was me who stole her boyfriend. But at least I have to show off and pass the test of my parents. If They will be very sad if they know that I am an underground lover for someone." Jin Xiyuan said sadly.

"It's my fault, I'm too greedy in my relationship." Song Yi apologized.

"No, no, no, I didn't keep a sense of distance from you. When I flew to Tokyo to find you and spend Valentine's Day with Tae Hee, my fate was sealed."

"Song Yi, you have many advantages that attract me, and you are very similar to the male classmate I liked in college. He is also tall, handsome, and knows a lot, giving people a strong sense of security."

"But he's not as flirtatious as you, and he's not as lustful as you. Even holding hands, I have to take the initiative. Thinking about it now, if he had been braver in college, I might have had a wonderful college romance. Let's talk about it after graduation. When it comes to marriage, you won't have anything to do, and I won't take advantage of you." Jin Xiyuan is now openly talking about her love affair in college that ended without any problems.

"Aren't you jealous when I mention my ex-boyfriend?" Jin Xiyuan asked Song Yi.

Song Yi shook his head, "Everyone has their own period of white moonlight. What's there to be jealous about? Besides, you are all mine, so what's there to be jealous about?"

"After you and Taixi have children, we will have another child. I have been a sister for many years, and this time I want my child to be a brother or sister."

"But if the child grows up, he will definitely look like you or me. When the parents see it, they will definitely guess it. If there is any problem then, it will be left to you to solve! You already have me at the same time. A beautiful sister like Tae Hee is the happiest man in the Republic of Korea. Maybe this little trouble is nothing to you, President Song?"

Song Yi hugged Jin Xiyuan from behind, "You kissed me when we were riding Mickey Mouse Train at the Haunted Mansion in Disneyland. I fell in love with you at that time."

"But you were Taixi's sister at that time. I couldn't take the initiative. Maybe it was fate. In the end, we came together." Song Yi still felt extremely warm as she recalled every bit of her time with Jin Xiyuan.

"Huh? You can't take the initiative? When you said you wanted to set up an entertainment company and asked me to quit my job at Korean Air, do you remember what I said at the time?" Jin Xiyuan asked Song Yi.

"You said, Taixi is still studying, and the advertising salary is not much. Your agency will lose money at a glance. Could it be that you just see me as beautiful and deliberately want to open a company to support Taixi and me? Right? I'm your sister-in-law, and I can't hide the beauty in the golden house. Do you think you are an ancient king?" Song Yi recalled Jin Xiyuan's words and repeated them word for word.

Jin Xiyuan was pleasantly surprised. Song Yi could remember what she said, which meant that Song Yi had already taken her to heart. Jin Xiyuan feels frustrated sometimes. She is obviously very beautiful, a girl from a rich family, and graduated from a good school. How could she be so focused on Song Yi?

Jin Xiyuan summarized it. At the beginning, she wanted to compete with her sister Kim Tae Hee and interact with Song Yi with a game mentality, just like competing with her sister Kim Tae Hee for favor in front of Song Yi.

As Jin Xiyuan had more and more contact with Song Yi, she gradually discovered Song Yi's many advantages. She compared Song Yi with other boys of the same age she knew, and indeed no one could compare with Song Yi.

On Kim Tae Hee's birthday, when Song Yi gave her a Hyundai Elantra, she knew that her relationship with Song Yi had crossed the line, and the two of them tacitly understood each other without making it clear.

The biggest change that Song Yi brought to her was not her lifestyle, but the significant improvement in her social status.

Jin Xiyuan used to be a flight attendant for China Airlines. She was often approached by some powerful people at work, but you couldn't just scold them back.

After she joined New Asia Entertainment, she watched Song Yi step by step develop a small entertainment company into a large and medium-sized media group spanning music, movies, artist management, the Internet, venture capital, advertising and real estate.

New Asia Music includes Kim Jong Kook, Lee Hyori, Sung Yuri, as well as the boy band SS501, which they focus on cultivating.

New Asia Pictures produced the annual box office runner-up "My Naughty Girlfriend", and will produce two movies in 2002, "Memories of Murder" and "If Love Has a Will", as well as two large-scale TV series "Dae Jang Geum" and "Winter Love Song".

The game "Legend of Hot Blood" represented by Xinya Network currently earns more than 1.5 million yuan in daily revenue, and it will achieve a single-day turnover of more than 2 million yuan in 2002. Inshcool, the social networking site of New Asia Network Co., Ltd., is also a site that 2 million Korean college students log in to every day.

New Asia Capital Fund has raised US$1 billion in funds. New Asia Capital has attracted funds from four regions: the United States, mainland China, Hong Kong Island, and South Korea. New Asia Capital Fund has become the top five VC funds in South Korea.

New Asia Real Estate spent 800 million yuan to acquire the Wangjing land parcel in Yanjing, and will invest another 4 billion yuan in the next five years to build Wangjing landmark buildings.

If New Asia Media can complete the listing this year through a backdoor transaction with Shinhan Media, New Asia will become a media giant with assets of two to three trillion won and a market value of over one trillion won.

If Song Yi completes this step, New Asia Media will become the second largest media company in the Korean entertainment industry after CJ Entertainment.

In less than two years, Song Yi will be able to develop New Asia Media into the second largest media company in South Korea. If Song Yi is given another three to five years, New Asia may not be able to become a new chaebol like CJ Group. By then, New Asia Group It will become the youngest Fortune 500 company in South Korea.

Jin Xiyuan comes from a well-off family, and she actually doesn't care whether her partner has money or not. Kim Hee-won’s father, Kim Yoo-moon, is a relatively traditional Korean man. He has no idea of ​​letting his two daughters inherit the logistics company. He just wants to wait for his son Kim Hyung-soo to inherit the company after graduating from college.

As the daughter of the Kim family, Kim Hee-won witnessed the entire process of Kim Yu-moon starting from scratch and establishing a logistics company with a revenue of 10 billion won.

When she saw Song Yi using less time to build a huge media empire from scratch, she naturally felt an inexplicable admiration for Song Yi, not to mention that she was also a participant in the New Asia Media Empire.

That's why when the short selling of U.S. stocks ended and Song Yi raked in $500 million from the U.S. stock market, she was so happy and couldn't help herself. She almost pushed Song Yi away in the office.

In the eyes of outsiders, Song Yi's girlfriend Kim Tae Hee may be the boss lady of New Asia Media, but in Jin Xiyuan's heart, she is the boss lady of New Asia Media. Xinya Media is her and Song Yi's common child. She must protect Xinya's large family business for her sister Kim Tae Hee, and prevent little monsters like Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun from taking advantage of the opportunity to rise to power.

Unlike her mother, Kim Hee-won does not want to be a housewife. She actually inherited Jin Yuwen's business talent. In more than a year since joining Xinya, Jin Xiyuan has gradually grown into an outstanding female corporate executive.

Rather than becoming a full-time housewife, Jin Xiyuan would rather become Song Yi's business partner and the woman around her. Compared with Mrs. Kim, she prefers to hear others call her "Executive Kim". Even Jun Ji-hyun, who became famous last year, still has to bow his head and say hello to her when he sees her.

Although she needs to share Song Yi's love with her sister Taixi, how many men with successful careers are single-minded?

When my father went to socialize with clients, he would come home drunk and his suits would smell of women's perfume. Between a dedicated and useless man and a passionate and successful man, she would rather choose the latter.

Song Yi didn't know Jin Xiyuan's inner monologue. Jin Xiyuan looked at herself in the mirror, and her complexion looked better. Sure enough, women who have experienced the nourishment of love will become more beautiful.

"Now that you have captured my sister-in-law, don't you feel very proud?" Jin Xiyuan teased Song Yi.

Song Yi's thoughts were exposed by Jin Xiyuan, "There must be some pride, but more importantly, I am grateful to God for allowing me to know such a good person like you."

"Hey, your mouth today is like honey. It's all sweet talk. No wonder women love scumbags. They just talk about love." Jin Xiyuan teased Song Yi.

"You are wrong about this. Scumbags are sentimental. They fall in love with everyone they meet and are unwilling to take responsibility or pay. I am different from them. By the way, I still have an empty apartment in Seocho District. , we will go through the procedures in the next two days and transfer the house to your name." Song Yi said.

Jin Xiyuan felt inexplicably uncomfortable, "What? Do you really want to hide your beauty in the golden house and plan to support me? Do I have to move away from Chengbeidong to leave you and Taixi alone space?" The man really wanted to eat it. Jin Xiyuan felt particularly aggrieved when he said that he didn't take you seriously anymore.

Song Yi captured Jin Xiyuan's psychology, "Nonsense, how could I drive you away? Even if Taehee and I get married, our family can still live together, and Taehee won't drive you away."

"I mainly feel that if we date at home and Tae Hee sees us dating, it would be a bit uncomfortable. This apartment in Seocho-dong was originally reserved for myself. You must also understand that sometimes men also need a Space to be alone.”

"Sometimes when they come home from get off work, they would rather put the seats flat in the car, play some soft music, and think about nothing, just to get this moment of quiet time, because once they walk in the door, they have to take on the responsibilities of a father and a husband. and work." Song Yi explained.

"Now I give this house to you, just because I want you to build our separate love nest. You can decorate and decorate this house according to your personal preferences. You can buy the furniture you like. Don't you like to collect black and white furniture?" As for vinyl records, then you can design the entire wall of the study room into a vinyl record collection room.”

"Unlike Chengbei Cave, this is an independent hut that belongs only to you. If one day you and Taixi or me get into trouble, you can go back to your own house and shut me out." Song Yi said.

Jin Xiyuan stood up, faced Song Yi face to face, put her arms around Song Yi's neck, full of tenderness, "Can I shut you out?"

"Okay, but I might call you at the door, 'Wife, wife, open the door quickly. If you don't open the door, I'll go find my little wife.'" Song Yi put his arms around Jin Xiyuan's waist.

"Shameless, I am your little wife, which little wife are you looking for? Jun Ji-hyun or Song Hye Kyo? Or Jiang Souna from the secretary office outside?" Jin Xiyuan wanted to find out the details of Song Yi today.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Jiang Xiuna is my Xinhan's apprentice, and we have always been innocent." Song Yi said.

"Really? You treat her as an apprentice, but she may not regard you as a master. She probably heard what we both said just now outside the door." Jin Xiyuan said.

"Didn't you design the lounge? Why were you with me outside the lounge just now? Did you do it on purpose?" Song Yi guessed.

"Yes, I did it on purpose. I have to make this little girl Jiang Souna realize the reality. You are just playing with Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, and it is impossible to marry them. They will get married sooner or later. For me and Tae Hee The threat is not big.”

"But Jiang Xiuna is different. If she ties her heart to you and you two get along day and night, something will happen sooner or later. Don't your bosses all like secretaries to do something when they have something to do?" Jin Xiyuan didn't finish her words.

"If Jiang Xiuna only has Tae Hee as her competitor, she may still have ambitions and want to be the boss lady of Xinya. With this move of mine, I will completely cut off her thoughts. Maybe she will see the reality clearly and find a job in the company. She has a boyfriend, is in a steady relationship, and is preparing to get married. Isn’t this also a good thing for her? OPPA, you can’t bear to part with her, right?” Jin Xiyuan said.

"How could it be? It's just that Jiang Xiuna is a good secretary. When she gets married, she will have to change her job. It's just a bit unaccustomed to her." Song Yi said.

Song Yi is not blind. Of course he can see Jiang Xiuna's affection for him, but he really doesn't want to provoke women anymore. When he was working at Shinhan Media, after he got drunk, Jiang Souna took him home, helped him change his clothes, and gave him a bath.

Jin Xiyuan looked surprised, "I just said that I hope Jiang Xiuna gets married soon, and I don't mean that she will not be your secretary. What, you don't like a married woman to be your secretary? Maybe someone else's little girl heard that you like someone else's wife, so for To please you, I specially found a man to marry." Jin Xiyuan's words were so shocking that Song Yi almost spit out water.

"Don't talk nonsense. Who said I like someone else's wife? You have no proof. Don't smear my innocence out of thin air." Song Yi felt guilty.

"Really? It was your birthday that day. Sister Suying was wearing a white halterneck swimsuit, and Sister Sunhee was wearing a blue halterneck swimsuit. The other men present did not dare to take a closer look, but you did not miss them. Although I was on the yacht Swimming in the swimming pool, but I always pay attention to your expression. If you peek at Chen Zaichan's wife in front of him, aren't you afraid that he will be angry when he finds out?" Jin Xiyuan joked.

"Ah?" Song Yi didn't expect that every move he made on the yacht was actually seen by Jin Xiyuan.

"OPPA, have you ever had sex with Sister Sun Hee and Sister So Young? You can tell the truth to me, and I promise not to be angry or tell Tae Hee." Jin Xiyuan looked like a curious baby.

"No." Song Yi answered firmly.

Jin Xiyuan felt relieved now. In fact, she had been worried about this matter. It's not a problem for Song Yi to sleep with several female celebrities in his own company, but it's really troublesome to sleep with other people's wives, and their husbands are not unknown, they are powerful. This kind of extramarital relationship is like walking a tightrope. If you don't pay attention, everything will be lost.

Song Yi felt a little strange, "Why do you think something happened to me and Sister Shan Ji?"

"The last time you went to Sister Shan Ji's house for dinner, I drove to pick you up. You were drunk that day. I knocked on the door for a long time before Sister Shan Ji opened the door. The two of you stayed in the entrance hall for several minutes, but did not open the door, waiting for you. After getting in the car, I found another long woman's hair on your shoulder, which was obviously just glued on."

"President Chen obviously drank too much that day. I was worried that you stole his wife while he was sleeping. Since you said you didn't do it, I'm relieved."

"Didn't Sister Shan Ji ask you to pick up the car the next day? I was afraid that you would be alone, so I left my car outside Shan Ji's house. When I went to pick up the car that day, Shan Ji looked quite uncomfortable when she saw me. Happy, maybe she blames me for ruining her good things, OPPA, will you blame me?" Jin Xiyuan said.

"How could it be? I know you are doing it for my own good." Song Yi pecked Jin Xiyuan on the lips. The jealous Jin Xiyuan was also very cute.

"OPPA, I don't want to control you, I just want you not to mess with women you shouldn't mess with. If a man can't control his lower body, he will easily become addicted to women and have no interest in his career. You are the helmsman of our Xinya. Don't make this kind of mistake!" Jin Xiyuan advised.

Song Yi found it strange that Jin Xiyuan was like a tolerant and generous wife, but she drew a red line for Song Yi.

"OPPA, on your birthday, Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun were staying in the same room. Song Hye Kyo invited you to play three-person Landlords. How could you refuse?" Jin Xiyuan asked Song Yi.

Song Yi smiled bitterly. It turned out that Jin Xiyuan had been paying attention to him. Fortunately, he could not resist the temptation, otherwise Jin Taexi would definitely be angry.

"It was my birthday that day, and Tae Hee was my girlfriend. Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo spent the night on the yacht, which already made Tae Hee angry. If Tae Hee was there and I had fun with other women, it would be disrespectful to Tae Hee." Song Yi expressed his thoughts.

"OPPA, Tae Hee already knows that I like you. In order to compete for favor, Song Hye Kyo, a little devil, roped in Jun Ji Hyun to fight against Tae Hee. In order to consolidate her status as the queen of the palace, Tae Hee, as her sister, is naturally her most reliable Allies!"

"OPPA, if you and Tae Hee get the certificate, after you eat Tae Hee, maybe we sisters can play games with you. If we two sisters join forces, we will definitely not be weaker than Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun. If you want to do it at the same time To compete with us, OPPA, you are going to start working out now, I am optimistic about you, come on!" Jin Xiyuan blinked her cute big eyes.

When Song Yi heard what Jin Xiyuan said, his heart suddenly warmed up. He wanted to review his lessons with Jin Xiyuan. Jin Xiyuan rejected him and said pitifully: "OPPA, I'm just a beginner. I'm not feeling well right now. How about I accompany you again in a few days?"

Jin Xiyuan, this little fairy, really cared about killing and not burying her. She painted a big cake for Song Yi. Hey, it’s not good for a woman to be too smart!

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