I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 113 Song Woo-seok’s campaign slogan

After Kim Tae Hee learned that Kim Hee Won bought an apartment in Seocho District, she was very happy for her sister.

She originally wanted to organize a housewarming party for Jin Xiyuan and invite friends from Seoul to eat, drink and play games at Jin Xiyuan's new home, but Jin Xiyuan declined.

Kim Tae Hee was a little confused and asked her boyfriend Song Yi, "My sister bought a house in Seocho District. This is obviously a happy event. Why doesn't my sister want to hold a housewarming party in her new home? I originally wanted to call Hyunjin and Ha Ni Come over and have some fun."

"The only ones who really wish you a good life are your parents. Xiyuan's friends in Seoul are either her former colleagues at Korean Air or her college classmates."

"Her friend is still working hard on the subway in Seoul, working 52 hours a week, and being scolded by her boss at every turn, but she has bought a multi-billion-won mansion and become a corporate executive. How do you make her friend feel? think?"

"I'm afraid that my friends will be miserable, and I'm even more afraid that my friends will mention Land Rover. What if Xiyuan's friends know that she is so rich now and ask her to borrow money? If she doesn't borrow, the friend will be gone. If she borrows, the money will be gone. Taehee , You must understand that Xiyuan and her original friends can no longer play together." Song Yi explained to his girlfriend.

Song Yi knew that Jin Xiyuan mainly didn't want to see Kim Tae Hee's best friend Li Xianzhen. Li Xianzhen bumped into Jin Xiyuan and took the initiative to kiss Song Yi. Jin Xiyuan promised Li Xianzhen that she would not interfere in the relationship between Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee. Jin Xiyuan, who broke her promise, naturally did not want to see her sister's best friend again.

Seoul National University has long been on vacation. If it weren't for filming inschool's Valentine's Day commercial, she would have gone back to Ulsan to spend the winter vacation.

Kim Hee-won bought a house in Seocho District, which solved Kim Tae-hee's worries. If she returns to Ulsan for the winter vacation, her sister and Song Yi will be the only ones in the villa in Seongbuk-dong, and it would not be appropriate for a man and a woman to live together.

In mid-January, Song Yi went to Song Yuxi's home. Song Yuxi called him and planned to introduce a few people to him.

Song Yuxi's wife Quan Shuliang was very happy to see Song Yi, "Song Yi, you haven't come to visit me and your Uncle Song much this year. Are you busy with things in the company? I haven't done anything about Jingyan's work last time. I have time to thank you."

Song Woo-seok has a son and a daughter. His son Song Jianhao works at LG Electronics, and his daughter Song Jingyan works at the South Korean Embassy in the UK.

Song Woo-seok officially announced his candidacy for South Korea's president in September 2001. In order to avoid suspicion, Song Jing-yeon resigned from the embassy in the UK.

The relationship between brother and sister Song Yi and Song Jianhao is good. Through Song Yi's matchmaking, Song Jianhao met Gu Guangmo of the LG family.

LG Electronics and Asan Electronics will jointly establish a semiconductor factory in Liangxi City, Suzhou Province, Mainland China. Song Jianhao has already joined LG Electronics' Liangxi semiconductor project team.

Asan Electronics' predecessor was Hyundai Electronics. Hyundai Electronics established the Hynix memory factory in 1983 and went public in South Korea in 1996.

In 1999, Hyundai Electronics acquired LG Semiconductor. In 2001, when Hyundai was divided into three parts, Hyundai Electronics, which suffered serious losses, was transferred to the newly established Asan Group and was officially renamed Asan Electronics.

After Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan spent US$120 million to gain control of Asan Group, Song Yi urged Asan Electronics to sell its profitable system IC business to Citigroup of the United States.

Asan Electronics will only retain the memory business and become a professional memory manufacturer. In January 2002, Asan Electronics officially changed its name to Asan Semiconductor.

Despite Zheng Enxuan's support, the decision to sell the system IC business and retain the memory business was opposed by many Asan Semiconductor executives.

Song Yi's attitude this time is very tough. If someone still wants to oppose the sale of the system IC business, Asan Semiconductor will accept everyone's resignation at any time.

South Korea’s domestic labor costs are high. If Asan Semiconductor wants to compete with chip giants such as Samsung, Micron, Kioxia and Intel, it is imperative to build overseas factories.

Memory chips account for 1/5 of the total output value of the semiconductor industry and 1/3 of wafer production capacity and capital expenditures. Moreover, the cyclicality of memory chips is stronger than the overall average of the entire semiconductor industry, so it has become a bellwether for the prosperity of the semiconductor industry.

Memory chips are mainly divided into DRAM chip business and NAND chip business. The commercial application of the former is the memory of computers and mobile phones, while the commercial application of the latter is U disk, SD card and SSD disk. SD card is the memory card of mobile phone, and SSD disk is SSD.

After Song Jingyan resigned from the Korean Embassy in the UK, she could not find a particularly good job in South Korea for a while. If Song Jingyan enters Hyundai, Asan or Xinya, she may be attacked by political opponents and use nepotism to find a job.

Song Yuxi and Quan Shuliang had a lot of headaches because of Song Jingyan's work issues. Finally, Song Yi learned of the situation, took the initiative to share their worries, and recommended Song Jingyan to IDG Capital as an investment manager.

Song Yi's Xinya Investment has a lot of dealings with IDG Capital. It is normal for the two investment institutions to help each other settle some related accounts. IDG Capital provided Song Jingyan with housing and a car in Puhai City, and the treatment was quite good.

Thanks to Song Yi, Quan Shuliang's son Song Jianhao was re-employed at LG Electronics, and his daughter Song Jingyan found a good job in Puhai City. Now that Quan Shuliang saw Song Yi coming to visit, he was naturally extremely enthusiastic.

"Auntie, Jingyan's ability is very outstanding, and her boss in the company also thinks highly of her. I believe that even without my recommendation, she can find a good job with her own ability." Song Yi is very humble, Quan Shu Liang is the future wife of the president, and he doesn't want to leave a bad impression on Quan Shuliang that she is arrogant and arrogant.

Song Yuxi walked out of the study, "Okay, Song Yi is here to talk business with us this time. Don't drag him around endlessly. Come in, I'm missing you now."

Song Yi walked into Song Yuxi's study. There were already two men and one woman waiting for them in the study. Song Yuxi had briefly introduced Song Yi's situation before Song Yi arrived.

Song Yuxi made the introduction first, "Song Yi, this is Congressman Zhou Dongyong. He used to be the news anchor of MBC TV station."

"Hello, Congressman Zhou." Song Yi nodded and said hello.

Zhou Dongyong wears glasses and has a slicked back hair. He is the spokesperson of the current ruling party, the New Millennium Democratic Party, and the chairman of the Extraordinary Countermeasures Committee. He is definitely a big shot in the political arena.

"This is Representative Ha Miai. She is a lawyer like me." Song Yuxi continued to introduce.

Song Yi looked at Xia Meiai carefully. Apart from Zheng Jinhui of the Grand National Party, Xia Meiai is also one of the few female congressmen in Korean politics.

Xia Meiai is also the spokesperson of the New Millennium Democratic Party. With the support of current President Zhong Xiaotong, she became a member of Congress.

Xia Meiai was the head of the lobby group when Zhong Xiaotong ran for president. Because the lobby groups of Korean presidential candidates are generally headed by men, the lobby group led by Ha Mi-ae is also known as the "Joan of Arc lobby". Like Joan of Arc, Ha Mi-ae breaks political conventions. Known as "Xia Zhende" by everyone.

Song Yi remembered Xia Meiai because of two things. Song Yuxi was impeached in 2004, and Xia Meiai, who was in the same party, voted in favor of Song Yuxi's impeachment case. After Song Woo-seok survived the impeachment case, he expelled Xia Mei-ae from the party.

After Park Dong-ho was elected President of South Korea in 2017, Justice Minister Cho Ji resigned due to fraud in his children's admission to school. Park Dong Ho appointed female general Ha Mi Ae as the new Minister of Justice.

Minister of Justice Ha Mi-ae and Chief Prosecutor Le Xi-yi fought fiercely. Ha Mi-ae was also an important promoter of Park Dong-ho's judicial reform.

Before leaving office, Park Dong-ho approved two bills to reform South Korea's judicial system, the "Amendment to the Prosecutor's Office Act" and the Amendment to the "Criminal Procedure Act". These two plans will be officially implemented in September 22.

During his tenure, Park Dong-ho vigorously promoted the reform of the judicial system, including the reform of the prosecutorial system, to weaken the prosecutorial system with excessive power.

In the past, South Korean prosecutors directly investigated major cases prescribed by the president such as anti-corruption, economy, public officials, elections, military projects, large-scale accidents, etc. The implementation of the new bill will significantly limit the direct investigative power of prosecutors, narrowing the scope of investigations to anti-corruption and economic fields. Prosecutors will have to hand over case clues involving other fields to the police for investigation.

What does that mean? Nowadays, South Korean prosecutors can investigate cases, prosecute, and arrest people. They are extremely powerful.

Zhou Mengxian is involved in the case of providing secret funds to North Korea, and is still being detained by the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office. Park Dong-ho's judicial reform has greatly weakened the power of prosecutors. They can only prosecute suspects as the public prosecutor, but they can no longer investigate cases.

Song Yi was still full of respect for such a resolute and courageous iron lady, "Hello, Congressman Xia, please give me your advice."

Xia Meiai actually looks quite similar to Zheng Jinhui, and the two were born in Daegu City and are fellow villagers. However, Xia Meiai comes from a poor family and grew up with her grandmother. She is very different from the president's daughter like Zheng Jinhui.

After Song Woo-seok introduced Zhou Dongyong and Ha Miae, he continued: "This is Representative Park Donghao, whom you have met before."

"Hello, Congressman Park, nice to see you again." Song Yi said in a respectful tone. Song Woo-seok has a very charming personality, while Park Dong-ho is capable and skillful.

Park Donghao nodded slightly, "Representative Song, we meet again." Park Donghao is not as qualified as Zhou Dongyong and Xia Meiai, but he is Song Yuxi's most trusted assistant.

Song Woo-seok, Zhou Dong-young, Ha Mi-ae and Park Dong-ho, four members of Congress, two future presidents of South Korea, and a future minister of justice gathered in this small study. It was truly a gathering of big names.

Zhou Dongyong's political experience is actually deeper than that of Song Yuxi. He has served as a member of Congress for three consecutive terms. In 2007, as a representative of the ruling party, he ran for president against conservatives Li Guanghui and Li Changhui, but ultimately lost.

Zhou Dongyong, Xia Meiai, Park Donghao and Song Yi also constitute Song Yuxi's core campaign team. Song Yi is also the representative of the modern family that supports Song Yuxi.

Although Zhou Dongyong met Song Yi for the first time, he was no stranger to Song Yi. He even did a "little favor" for Song Yi.

Song Yi used 10% of Shinhan Media's shares as collateral to apply for a US$2 million loan from the Korea Exchange Bank.

At that time, Zhou Dongyong instructed Lee Jae-yong, the executive deputy prime minister of the Korea Exchange Bank, to help ensure that the loan was guaranteed. He wanted to use this loan to catch Song Yi's sore feet.

It's a pity that Song Yi used Li Jiangyun, another vice president of the Exchange Bank, to fight. The loan materials were flawless, but Zhou Dongyong didn't know it at the moment.

After Song Yuxi introduced the councilors in the study, he began to introduce Song Yi, "This is Song Yi, a junior with whom I have a good relationship. He has great business talent and built a company worth hundreds of billions of dollars in two years." A large company with huge assets, it is also very good at publicity work.”

Zhou Dongyong and Xia Meiai looked stern. Song Yuxi has been criticized within the party for not knowing economics. Since he praises Song Yi for his high business talent, Song Yuxi will rely more on Song Yi's advice on how to deal with South Korean conglomerates and formulate economic policies.

The officials in charge of the economy in South Korea are mainly the director of the Cheong Wa Dae Policy Office and the chief economic secretary. If it were not for his young age, Zhou Dongyong would even suspect that Song Yi might be appointed as Chief Economic Secretary of Blue House after Song Woo-suk is elected president. Obviously, Song Yuxi has regarded Song Yi as his economic adviser.

"Song Yi, I invited you here today because you sent me an email suggesting that 'improving the housing conditions of residents in the Seoul metropolitan area' should be used as a campaign slogan. Do you think there is anything wrong with the current government's real estate policy?" Song Yuxi asked.

Zhou Dongyong and Xia Meiai heard Song Yuxi ask this, and they turned their attention to Song Yi, waiting for Song Yi's answer. As a person in the economic field, Song Yi criticizes the current president's real estate policy. He is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers.

Song Yi stood up and prepared detailed information for this meeting. It depends on whether Song Woo-seok can be persuaded to use "improving the housing conditions of Seoul residents" as his campaign slogan.

"When President Chung first rose to power, in order to get rid of the impact of the financial crisis, they chose to support the real estate industry and removed restrictions on investment home purchases. Although it brought about a short-term increase in GDP, the side effects were very obvious. It can be said that it was a waste of time."

"If this problem is not handled well, it will lead to the economic failure of the current government and will also become a lever for the next president. The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants will enjoy the shade. Similarly, the mistakes made by the previous government will also cause disaster for the subsequent government. "

Song Yi's words immediately aroused Song Yuxi's interest. Zhou Dongyong and Xia Meiai did not rush to refute, and listened to Song Yi continue to explain.

"Since the late 1970s, successive governments have stipulated that builders must build a certain proportion of small houses with a dedicated area of ​​18 square meters (about 60 square meters) when building residential communities."

“In January 1998, President Chung repealed this regulation as “unnecessary restriction” on the grounds that restrictions on investment home purchases would shrink the real estate industry.”

"The price of a fully rented house, which plummeted 25% in 1998, soared by 30% in 1999. After January 2000, the price of a fully rented house rose sharply. In August 2000, the price of a fully rented house rose sharply again. Seoul and the Seoul Metropolitan Area Fully rented housing has achieved double-digit growth in a single month.”

"Compared with 1998, by the end of 2000, housing prices in Gangnam increased by 60%, and new cities such as Pandang, Suwon, and Goyang also soared by 70%. In fact, housing prices in Seoul have already increased significantly compared to 1998. Twice as much.”

“It was the sudden interruption in the supply of small 18-square-foot apartments that triggered the ‘all-rental housing chaos’ during President Chung’s term.”

"Under this situation, the conditions for apartment reconstruction in the Seoul area have also been relaxed, and the surge in demand for full-rental housing and the price of full-rental housing have also increased the buying and selling prices. There are many real estate speculators who specialize in buying old apartments and then selling them to real estate Developers built new communities, triggering a frenzy of investment home buying.”

"In December 1998, real estate developers began to realize the independence of real estate sales prices that they had longed for. The housing prices that previous governments had suppressed in order to stabilize housing prices were like a wild horse running wild."

“Subsequently, the selling prices of apartments with a dedicated area of ​​25.7 square meters (approximately 85 square meters) built on public housing land used by the Seoul Metropolitan Area Government also became independent.”

"The reason why the current government proposed this policy is actually to improve the difficulty of living in Seoul for civilians. As a result, developers have launched finely decorated apartments and rushed to increase the sales price on the grounds of 'high-end interior decoration'."

"House buyers who were forced to turn their attention to second-hand houses, and the prices of second-hand houses also increased. In March 1999, President Zhong abolished the age limit on real estate transfer. You have just bought a house. You can resell it immediately and make a profit.”

"In October 1999, President Chung abolished the savings multiple for housing subscriptions and the restrictions on re-winning. In the past, those without houses were given priority to buy houses. Now, as long as they have money, they can buy a house. They feel that this is not enough; they also By reducing the deed tax on house transfers and providing low-interest residential loans to help the real estate industry, these measures have added fuel to the fire and the housing prices in Seoul can no longer stop. Now everyone has entered the era of nationwide real estate speculation. Because It's very simple, as long as you buy it, you will make money." Song Yi said.

Song Yi is actually a beneficiary of the surge in housing prices in Seoul. In the first half of 2001, Song Yi bought 10 high-end apartments in Seocho District and Mapo District.

After earning US$500 million from the US stock market, Song Yi bought multiple residences worth 180 billion won near the Cheonggyecheon Stream Viaduct.

Not only that, Song Yi also spent 71 billion won to buy a 3,000 square meter land in Yongdudong, Seoul. This land can also be used to build thousands of luxury apartments. Song Yi is definitely the leading "Uncle Fang" in Seoul.

After listening to Song Yi's data, Park Donghao looked serious, "It's shocking. In just two or three years, house prices in Seoul have doubled. No wonder the young people around me are complaining that they can't afford a house." , believing that the current government has done nothing and is just sitting back and watching housing prices rise steadily.”

Xia Meiai was also deeply touched, "I remember that Minister Song also has two children, Jianhao and Jingyan, have they bought a house in Seoul?" Korean law stipulates that civil servants who are not registered in Seoul cannot buy a house in Seoul, and the children of civil servants are not subject to this restriction. .

Song Yuxi shook his head, "Nowadays, a good apartment costs hundreds of millions of won. How can I afford it with my salary? As the head of the family, I feel very sad that I cannot provide good financial conditions for my children. Feel sorry."

South Korea’s members of Congress are paid, and their annual salary is almost 3.8 times South Korea’s per capita GDP, which is about US$50,000 a year. This includes a fixed monthly general allowance, legislative activity fees and other special activity fees.

In addition to the basic annual salary, the Korean Congress will also pay considerable allowances to members, such as business promotion fees, vehicle maintenance fees, communication and postage fees, secretarial office operating fees, etc.

It can be said that except for the fact that the four of them need to pay part of the rent (the government will subsidize part of the rent, and the excess is paid by themselves), Song Yuxi and the four of them hardly need to spend any money on their own expenses in life.

Song Yuxi and others are already considered high-income people in the Seoul area. Song Yuxi can't buy a house for Song Jianhao and Song Jingyan. This shows how outrageous the housing prices in Seoul are.

Of course, now Song Jianhao has entered LG's Liangxi Semiconductor project and received a substantial salary increase, and Song Jingyan is working as an investment manager at IDG Capital. If Song Woo-seok can stabilize housing prices after he takes office, then if they work hard for three to five years, it shouldn't be a problem to buy an apartment in Seoul.

Zhou Dongyong used to be an MBC news anchor. He has a lot of money and has already purchased real estate in Seoul. In the past two years, he has been buying low and selling high in Seoul, and has also made a lot of money in real estate. He is truly an invisible rich man.

When Zhou Dongyong heard that Song Yi was criticizing the Zhong Xiaotong government's housing policy, he couldn't help but defend him, "Anyway, President Zhong's original intention is still very good, and the hot real estate market in the past two years has indeed made South Korea's GDP has grown year after year, and to a certain extent it has escaped the impact of the financial crisis."

When Song Yi heard Zhou Dongyong say this, he glanced at Zhou Dongyong. Song Woo-seok, Ha Mi-ae and Park Dong-ho all studied law. It is understandable that the three of them do not understand the economy. As Zhou Dongyong is the former news anchor of MBC, it is impossible for him to understand the dangers of high housing prices, but he still chooses In defense of the high housing prices in Seoul, it is obvious that Zhou Dongyong, like him, is a vested interest in the high housing prices in Seoul.

"I don't object to what Senator Zhou said. I don't regard the real estate industry as a scourge. A stable and rising real estate market is also a powerful booster for the economy. I just think that the overheated real estate market needs to be curbed."

"Let me give you the most popular example. In order to stimulate the economy, President Zhong has abolished the regulations on the use of credit cards one after another because it violates the principles of market economics."

"In February 1999, the business restriction on handling more than 50% of the main business related to shopping was abolished, which allowed credit card companies to conduct incidental businesses such as cash services."

"In May 1999, the government lifted the monthly cap on cash services of 700,000 won. So credit card companies forgot about payment and settlement, which was the bulk of their business, and began to focus on cash loans."

"The interest rates of credit cards have also been further liberalized. The late payment interest rates of credit cards are 24% to 29%, and various installment and cash withdrawal fees are also as high as 19% to 29%. If the debt is overdue for more than 6 months, the debt will double. "

“Companies such as LG Credit Card, Hyundai Credit Card, and Samsung Credit Card are like bloodthirsty sharks, rushing to issue credit cards. In order to expand the number of credit card users, the government has expanded the scope of tax deductions for credit card purchases, and major shopping malls and duty-free shops have given priority to the use of credit cards. "

"In January 2000, the government also implemented a receipt lottery system. You can use your credit card to spend money, and you can also use your card receipt to win prizes. Since July last year, the government has allowed credit card companies to develop new credit card users on the street. So not only in universities Campuses, credit card companies even issue credit cards to minors and street sleepers."

"A considerable number of students have already shown off on the inshcool website that they have gotten their first credit card in life. In order to repay the credit card, these college students gave up improving their academic qualifications or interning in companies during the holidays, and instead made money by doing odd jobs. After all, they There is no source of income.”

"Now that the real estate market is so hot, the bank's loan quota has been exhausted. If they want to raise funds to buy a house, they can only focus on credit cards."

"According to statistics from inshcool, there are currently 9.88 million people in South Korea who have four credit cards, accounting for about 20% of the total population of South Korea. If these people are reduced, 1 million to 1.5 million of them will become credit defaulters. By the year, there will be more than 3.6 million people with bad credit cards.”

"If this fact becomes a reality, then this credit card crisis will be no less than the second financial crisis. Industry giants like LG Credit Card may fall into bankruptcy by then." Song Yi warned in advance.

This is the fact. On November 16, 2003, LG Credit Card Company, the largest credit card company in South Korea, asked for help from Korean bank creditors due to insufficient short-term liquidity. As a result, it caused a huge turmoil in South Korea's financial market. After experiencing chaos when cash services were interrupted twice, LG Credit Card was entrusted by a group of corporate creditors headed by Korea Development Bank.

Xia Dongyong couldn't help but frown now. According to Song Yi, thunderstorms by credit card companies such as LG Credit Card will be inevitable.

It is now 2002, and in April the New Millennium Democratic Party will officially nominate a presidential candidate. Currently, Song Woo-suk is the popular candidate within the party, but he also has strong competitors.

If Song Woo-seok wins the party primary, then with Song Woo-seok's high popularity, there is still a high possibility that Song Woo-seok will be elected as the next president.

Song Woo-seok and Zhong Xiaotong both come from the Hunan faction in South Korean politics, and the Hunan region has always been the stronghold of progressive candidates. The Hunan region of South Korea includes South Jeolla Province, North Jeolla Province and Gwangju City.

The experience of South Korean presidents after leaving office is generally not very good. In order to have a good death for himself, Zhong Xiaotong will naturally spare no effort to recommend Song Woo-suk to the position. Then the Song Woo-seok government will generally continue the foreign and economic policies of the Zhong Xiaotong government.

For Zhou Dongyong, he is not concerned about the rising housing prices in Seoul, but the possible explosion of LG Credit Card in the future may affect him. Because if Song Woo-seok is elected president, he will be nominated to serve as the top leader of the South Korean government and become the second-largest figure in South Korean politics.

If LG Credit Card really goes bankrupt in 2003, then Zhou Dongyong will definitely be responsible for this matter, and he may resign in despair.

"After hearing what Representative Song said, I now also think that it is necessary to make 'improving the housing conditions of Seoul residents' as our campaign slogan. So, do Representative Song have any specific measures to improve the housing conditions of Seoul residents?" Zhou Dongyong Ask Song Yi for his opinion.

Song Yijian persuaded Zhou Dongyong with a smile on his face, "It's very simple. I think there are two ways to improve the living conditions of Seoul residents. One is the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction plan. I have discussed this with Representative Park. The other way Just move the capital.”

In 2002, South Korea will hold a presidential election and a Seoul mayor election at the same time. Song Woo-seok is targeting the presidential throne, while Park Dong-ho is targeting the mayor of Seoul. Song Woo-seok's opponent is conservative veteran Lee Chang-hui, while Park Dong-ho needs to defeat Lee Guanghui.

"Move the capital?" Song Yuxi was a little confused.

"Yes, the Seoul metropolitan area is too crowded now. Big companies and good schools are crowded in Seoul. People from other cities in South Korea are trying their best to gain a foothold in Seoul. If the new population and new land are not high, housing prices will naturally increase every year. Higher than a year ago.”

"If we choose a place in the central region to build an administrative capital and move government agencies and universities there, it will naturally disperse the flow of people in Seoul City. And we can also attract votes from Chungcheongnam Province, Chungcheongbuk Province and Daejeon City." Song Song Yi said.

Xia Meiai listened to Song Yi's talk. She paid attention to Song Yuxi's expression. It was obvious that Song Yuxi was obviously moved. It was not important whether he could stabilize the housing prices in Seoul. Getting votes from the central region and gaining fame was Song Yuxi's biggest priority at the moment. Valued.

Current President Zhong Xiaotong had a shadow military adviser, Xu Changda, when he was running for Congress. During Zheng Puxi's dictatorship, election genius Xu Changda secretly made suggestions behind Zhong Xiaotong's back to stir up the campaign situation. Influencing the electoral process in its own way is Kingmaker, which has changed the electoral landscape in South Korea.

Before meeting Xu Changda, Zhong Xiaotong participated in four congressional elections in seven years and failed all times. Xu Changda's arrival changed everything.

Since Zhong Xiaotong was first elected as a member of Congress in 1961, with the help of Xu Changda, Zhong Xiaotong has won successive elections, and finally became the presidential candidate of the New Democratic Party in 10 years. Zhong Xiaotong was able to be elected president in 1997, which was a natural result of his accumulation over many years.

If Song Yuxi listens to Song Yi's advice and implements the Cheonggyecheon reconstruction plan and the construction of an administrative capital in the central region, then Song Yi will become the chief staff member Song Yuxi relies on most.

Assuming that Song Woo-seok successfully wins this year's presidential election with the slogan of "improving the housing conditions of Seoul residents", then Song Yi will naturally be the number one contributor to Song Woo-seok's campaign team. Xia Meiai suddenly has a sense of intertwining history into reality.

"The Making of a King" is indeed a good-looking movie. It tells the great story of Xu Chang, who assisted three generations of presidents.

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