I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 115: Turning against guests

It’s February, and the Spring Festival is just a few days away. New Asia Network launched the Lunar New Year version of "Legend of Hot Blood", "The World of Wealth", and also opened several new areas in succession.

In this update, the Taoist priest's equipment has been weakened again, and the balance of the game is better. Platinum rings, ruby ​​rings, ghost suits, and demon robes have all had their attributes reduced. The game also opens the function of packaging medicines and scrolls, and the conditions for entering the Corpse King's Palace are no longer so demanding.

However, not long after version 1.28 was updated, a casino cheat appeared in "Legend of Blood". Players only need to use WPE packets from the goblins and send commands to exchange chips for money.

Because of this plug-in, the wealth of each server was concentrated in a few people, and the prices of brand-name goods increased again and again, even reaching hundreds of millions of gold coins.

When Li Yu called Song Yi and asked how to deal with these gamers who used cheats, Song Yi did not hesitate to issue a banning order on these gamers.

Punishment measures were announced on the official website of "Legend of Hot Blood" and the 17173 forum. The game IDs of those who used casino cheats to cheat were blocked for 525,600 seconds.

New Asia Network released the penalty decision on the official website of "Legend of Hot Blood":

As the operator of "Legend of Hot Blood", we, New Asia, have always been committed to maintaining the fairness and playability of the game "Legend of Hot Blood". Regarding the cheating behavior of game cheats, I believe that the majority of players have the same position as us and deeply hate it.

We must not allow bad coins to eliminate good coins, allow legality to give way to illegality, and allow gamers who abide by the rules to suffer losses.

Now "Legend of Hot Blood" can monitor the use of plug-ins in real time. For users who use plug-ins for the first time, the official will issue a reminder and the game account will be offline for 72 hours. Users who use it for the second time will have their game accounts offline for one week. Accounts that use game cheats multiple times will be punished and permanently offline.

Because Xinya Network handled the matter in a very timely manner and blocked the studio's game account, it was able to retain some old game players who were about to leave in a timely manner.

Although some studios deliberately compete with New Asia Network, they consistent the use path of the packets with the basic attributes, and immediately became new packets, such as: Dark Palace Packet, Zuma Ultimate Guard Packet, Destiny Mission Packet, Blessing Oil Mission Packet and Old man Liu's task packets and so on.

There are endless cheats in the game "Legend of Hot Blood". Song Yi's attitude is still very firm. No matter how many cheats appear, he will block them.

Li Yu felt something was wrong. The frequency of cheats in this game was too high. It's like going against pornography. Not long after one place was closed, another place opened immediately. It feels like it's treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Song Yi knew that the studios producing these game plug-ins must have the support of other online game companies. Shanda's "Paradise" is about to begin public beta testing, and some people can't help but make some small moves.

The focus of Song Yi's career in the mainland is entirely on Yanjing, and the game plug-in studios are concentrated in Puhai City. He is indeed out of reach at the moment.

Song Yi comforted Li Yu, "Don't worry, these people are like grasshoppers after autumn, they can't jump around for a few days."

Song Yi and Li Yu also studied the online game "Paradise" carefully. Although "Paradise" defeated "Legend 2" in the Korean online game market, it was not easy for them to defeat "Legend of Hot Blood" in the mainland.

There are several reasons. First, "Legend of Hot Blood" has a first-mover advantage. Currently, the number of online players of "Legend of Hot Blood" has exceeded 500,000. "Paradise" represented by Shanda Network is a latecomer, and it is not easy to divert users of "Legend of Blood".

Second, the network configuration of Korean Internet cafes is obviously higher than that of mainland Internet cafes. All Korean Internet cafes can play the online game "Paradise" smoothly, while in the Mainland, only high-end Internet cafes in big cities such as Yanjing, Puhai, Yangcheng, and Pengcheng can. Run Lineage without stress.

Third, the timeliness of communication between players and game officials. New Asia Network is a shareholder of Wemade, the publisher of the game "Legend of Blood", and a considerable number of Wemade employees have been seconded to work at New Asia Network.

If there is a game bug in "Legend of Hot Blood", the game officials will deal with it as soon as possible and provide solutions. No online game company on the market can achieve such high efficiency.

When Chen Tianqiao couldn't get the agency rights for Legend, he set his sights on "Paradise". With the support of Samsung C\u0026T, Chen Tianqiao finally got the mainland agency rights for "Paradise".

However, NCsoft, the game developer of "Lineage", is very arrogant. It took several months to localize the game "Lineage" alone. NCsoft and Shanda Network also signed a very demanding sharing contract.

When he thought of this, Chen Tianqiao hated Song Yi. If Song Yi hadn't used money to throw money at people, he would have already obtained the right to represent Legend.

Chen Tianqiao watched "Legend of Hot Blood" make money every day, and he was extremely jealous of Xinya Network. The money should have been put into his pocket, but Song Yi, a man who could kill a thousand swords, got the first step.

He is now thinking about any way to get the source code of "Legend of Hot Blood" and then set up a private server of "Legend of Hot Blood" to make a profit.

A complete large-scale online game, mainly divided into client and server. What game players download in Internet cafes is usually the client, and the server side refers to the game company's server.

For an ideal online game, the client only functions like a player. Game players make requests through the client, and the corresponding content is fed back through calculation on the server side.

However, as the total number of players of the "Legend of Blood" game continues to increase, New Asia Network's servers are carrying huge computing pressure. In order to make the game experience smoother, Xinya also puts some simple calculations on the client to perform calculations. After the calculations are completed, they can be calibrated and verified through the data on the server side.

The current "Legend of Hot Blood" is developed in Delphi language and uses the UDP communication method. However, the Delphi language is very easy to be decompiled, resulting in endless game plug-ins.

However, the client information is still relatively small, and it is impossible to set up a private server based on the client information alone. Only after the server side is leaked, decompiled, and then the game source code is released, can private servers be spread all over the Internet.

In fact, it was the leakage of the Italian server of "Legend of Blood" that led to the popularity of private servers of Legend in the mainland. That's why Shanda Network later made "Legend of Blood" free for all players and paid for it through props. This move also caused the online game "Legend of Hot Blood" to gradually decline from its glory.

Since Song Yi is familiar with the development history of "Legend of Hot Blood", it is naturally impossible for him to let the source code of "Legend of Hot Blood" leak in Europe.

New Asia Network and Wemade jointly own the copyright of "Legend of Hot Blood", while the Italian game company only has the agency rights of "Legend of Hot Blood". If an Italian game company dares to leak the source code of the server side of "Legend of Blood", then Song Yi will definitely make the company miserable, or at least sue the company until it goes bankrupt.

Song Yi put aside the matter of game plug-ins. He was busy receiving Zheng Enxuan, Zhou Zhiyi and Chen Zaican.

Zheng Enxuan came to Yanjing this time mainly to inspect the Wangjing project of New Asia Real Estate. After all, Zhou Zhiyi will come to Yanjing to work after the Spring Festival. Chen Zaican and his wife came to Beijing this time to attend the annual meeting of New Asia Advertising.

Zheng Enxuan, accompanied by Song Yi, Zhou Xiuxian and Mao Daqing, visited the construction site of Wangjing Center.

In the end, Zaha Hadid Architects won the bid for the architectural design of Wangjing Center. Although Song Yi's requirements restricted her performance, she still delivered a stunning design work.

Song Yi requested that Wangjing Center be a twin tower, with a glass passage connecting the two tall buildings in the middle to form an H shape.

Zaha Hadid's design is even more bold. In her design, the twin towers of Wangjing Center are like two parallel sails in a sailboat.

She creates a new space in a deconstructive way, allowing visitors to roam within it. The "sense of flow" is vividly reflected in this design plan, like a magnetic field emitting huge energy. In this space, people seem to be able to feel the sense of space that escapes the gravity of the earth.

The base of the twin towers is white and shaped like the hull part of a sailboat. The Petronas Twin Towers appear black as a whole and fly together.

A glass passage will be built at the waist of the two buildings. During the day, the two buildings seem to be independent of each other. From a distance, the connecting glass passage is almost invisible. When the lights are turned on at night, the Twin Towers will appear in a bright H shape.

After Song Yi read this design plan by Zaha Hadid, he felt that the design looked familiar. After he thought about it carefully, he suddenly realized that this design plan was derived from the Jinling Youth Olympic Center Building later designed by Zaha Hadid?

The difference between the Wangjing Center and the Youth Olympic Center lies in the sailing hull base of the twin towers and the glass passage at the waist.

Zheng Enxuan looked at the complete architectural design and said to Song Yi, "Actually, Zaha feels that your idea of ​​a glass passage limits her performance, otherwise she would not have made this passage almost invisible during the day."

Song Yi shook his head helplessly, "Who asked me to be Party A? Of course Party A's father's requirements must be met as much as possible. I really like her design. The two buildings are like an ambiguous couple, inseparable. "

"This couple is like falling in love in the office. They sneak around during the day and want to break up the relationship. At night after get off work, the two dare to hold hands and walk on the road openly, refusing to let go." Song Yi expressed his feelings. .

After hearing Song Yi's description, Mao Xiaoqing felt that it was very appropriate, "President Song's idea is indeed unique, giving the cold building a warm and humanistic care."

When Zheng Enxuan heard what Song Yi said, he smiled and shook his head, "You have a very tricky way of thinking."

Wangjing Center is Ashan Group's first large-scale real estate project overseas. Zheng Enxuan couldn't help not paying attention to it. She visited the entire construction site and learned about the surrounding facilities.

Zheng Enxuan mainly praised Zhou Xiuxian and Mao Xiaoqing. At present, it seems that the duo with Zhou Xiuxian as the chairman and Mao Xiaoqing as the general manager still cooperate very well and their work efficiency is also very high.

Song Yi also introduced Zhou Zhiyi to Zhou Xiuxian and Mao Xiaoqing. After the holiday, Zhou Zhiyi will be transferred to New Asia Real Estate as deputy general manager and financial director, becoming the third in command of New Asia Real Estate. Zhou Zhiyi is also very good at life and said he would learn more from Chairman Zhou Xiuxian and General Manager Mao Xiaoqing.

Mao Xiaoqing originally thought that Zhou Zhiyi was Song Yi's lover, and that Song Yi sent Zhou Zhiyi to supervise him, and felt a little uncomfortable.

Although Zhou Xiuxian is the chairman of New Asia Real Estate, he is Korean after all and may not have as much say in the Wangjing Center project as the local Mao Xiaoqing. Zhou Xiuxian also relied heavily on Mao Xiaoqing.

After Song Yi introduced Zhou Zhiyi, he realized that he had gone astray. Zhou Zhiyi turned out to be the eldest princess of the Ashan Group and the third generation of the modern family. According to her seniority, she had to be called cousin Song Yi.

Zhou Zhiyi came to Yanjing to work this time just to gild and learn, not to replace Mao Xiaoqing in the future. After all, everyone with a discerning eye knows that Zhou Zhiyi will return to Ashan Group to take over sooner or later, and it is impossible to stay in Yanjing for a long time.

Moreover, with Zhou Zhiyi in the company, New Asia Real Estate can better communicate with Ashan and New Asia and help New Asia Real Estate strive for benefits. Therefore, Mao Xiaoqing sincerely welcomes Zhou Zhiyi's arrival this time.

After leaving Wangjing Center, Zheng Enxuan asked Song Yi, "Is General Manager Mao married?"

"We have been married for several years, and his wife is also from a military background. What's wrong?" Song Yi was a little surprised.

Zheng Enxuan was relieved, "Oh, that's good. I originally thought he was a little resistant to Zhiyi's arrival. I was worried that General Manager Mao was single at first." Zheng Enxuan had high hopes for Zhou Zhiyi, and of course he didn't want his daughter to find a Chinese son-in-law. .

"We don't need to worry about Zhiyi's life-long events. I see that Zhiyi and Guangmo have been in contact a lot recently. LG and Asan Semiconductor are jointly building a factory in Liangxi, and Guangmo will come to China to work for a period of time. LG Electronics is also preparing to work in China. When Wangjing buys land to build the LG Building, Guang Mo and Zhi Yi will have many opportunities to deal with each other. If they can succeed, won't we be relieved?" Song Yi said.

"You mean LG's Gu Guangmok? He is indeed a good boy, but Chairman Gu Guangsheng is planning to let him take over. If Zhiyi marries Guangmok, then Zhiyi will not be able to inherit the Asan Group." Zheng Eunxuan was a little distressed. , of course she hopes that her daughter can live a happy life, but she cannot agree to her daughter becoming a full-time housewife.

Song Yi thought to himself, I just have no intention of letting Zhou Zhiyi inherit the Ashan Group. Now that Ashan Group is strong and Xinya is weak, Xinya naturally has no way to annex Asan Group. But in another three to five years, Xinya will be strong and Ashan will be weak, so it will be logical for Xinya to annex Ashan.

Whether it is the Wangjing Center real estate project or Asan Semiconductor's Liangxi wafer fab project, they are all large-scale investment projects with large investment funds and long return on investment.

The two companies, New Asia and Asan, have now formed a strategic partnership and are collaborating more and more on investment projects in China and South Korea, such as New Asia Media’s backdoor listing plan and The One apartment project on the Longtoudong site. , Wangjing Center of New Asia Real Estate, and wafer fab project in Liangxi City.

Now Asan Group obviously has the dominant position in the projects, but Xinya, which bears more funds, has been firmly controlling the progress of these projects. Song Yi's plan is to gradually make Xinya become the largest creditor of Ashan Group. At that time, through debt-for-equity swap, he can take control of Ashan Group in one fell swoop.

However, Song Yi will not treat Zheng Enxuan's family badly when the time comes. Even if they only own a small amount of equity in the Asan Group, their family assets will exceed 99% of the chaebol families. In fact, when Zheng Enxuan invited Song Yi to buy the equity of Ashan Group, she should have thought that sooner or later, Song Yi would become a customer.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival, see you tomorrow. I have been adjusting the plot in the past two days, so I will update less. I will see if I can update more tomorrow.

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