I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 116 Xinya Optoelectronics

Zheng Enxuan and his daughter stayed in Yanjing for two nights, and Song Yi settled them in Lijing Garden. Zhou Shulan brought her granddaughter Song Miao over to visit Zheng Enxuan and the others.

"Enxuan, are you still used to living here?" Zhou Shulan and Zheng Enxuan started to talk about their daily routine.

"It's quite comfortable. In fact, living here is more comfortable than staying in a five-star hotel. I went for a run in the morning and felt refreshed." Zheng Enxuan said.

Zhou Shulan also envies Zheng Eunxuan's living conditions, "Do you insist on running every day in Korea? No wonder you maintain such a good figure. When you and Zhiyi go out together, they don't look like mother and daughter, but more like sisters."

Zheng Enxuan was elated by Zhou Shulan's praise, "How can you say it so exaggeratedly? I have a lot of things to do at the company every day, and I need a clear mind to deal with them. Running or swimming can help me refresh myself. The environment of this community is good, and the greenery is also Very good, I even want to buy a house here for Zhiyi."

At this time, Song Yi also returned to Lijing Garden. He heard the conversation between Zheng Enxuan and Zhou Shulan and said with a smile: "The house prices in Yanjing are quite cheap at this time and have investment value. If Zhiyi comes to work in China, she can use Just buy one in your own name and sell it when you return to China.”

When Zheng Enxuan heard what Song Yi said, he immediately became interested. Although she didn't have a lot of money, she still had no problem helping Zhou Zhiyi buy a villa in Lijing Garden. Zhou Zhiyi works in Yanjing, so it will be more convenient for her to come over to visit her daughter.

After Zheng Enxuan said she wanted to buy a house in Lijing Garden, Song Yi strongly agreed, "This is a good thing. I will help you ask after the new year to see if there are any suitable houses in the community that you want to buy."

Zheng Enxuan doesn't care about the small matter of buying a house. She is more concerned about Asan Semiconductor's building a factory in Liangxi City.

"Before the matter of the Liangxi wafer fab has been completely settled, you established Xinya Optoelectronics, a chip research and development institution in Pujiang City in advance. Is this decision a little too forward-thinking?" Zheng Enxuan asked Song Yi.

"Pujiang City has Huaxin International, as well as top-ranked chip packaging and design companies in the industry. In the future, China will form a chip market worth tens of billions of yuan. It is time for New Asia to establish a chip R\u0026D institution in Pujiang City."

There are many reasons why Song Yi wanted to establish a chip research and development institution in Puhai City. The most important reason is that it is directed at the studio that produces plug-ins for the "Legend of Blood" game.

Xinya has no foundation in Puhai City, so it is not easy to directly ask the Puhai police to jointly attack these studios.

But if New Asia established a chip research and development institution in Puhai City, and then asked the Puhai police to crack down on these illegal studios, it would be justifiable.

Moreover, the core chip technology is now in the hands of European and American countries. In order to get rid of the constraints of the West, the mainland has determined to independently develop chips. At this time, the mainland basically relied on imported chips, and the self-sufficiency rate was less than 10%.

Last year, Cheng Qian, a senior electronics engineer from Motorola, chose to return to China. He was only responsible for chip testing at Motorola and had no experience in chip development.

Without money, he knows how to attract attention more easily. He lied that he worked as a "chip design manager" at Motorola, engaged in chip design, and also participated in the testing and testability design of very large-scale integrated circuits.

With this brilliant resume, Cheng Qian entered a research and development institution to participate in chip design and development. While working at Puhai Jiaotong University, Cheng Qian established the "Tangxin" laboratory to develop DSP chips.

As a result, Cheng Qian announced in 2003 that the development of "Tang Xin No. 1" was successful and passed expert acceptance. Later, the Puhai City Science and Technology Committee declared that "Tangxin No. 1" was China's first 0.18 micron DSP chip with independent intellectual property rights, which had reached the international advanced level, and applied for 6 patents for it.

Cheng Qian relied on the black technology of "Tang Xin No. 1" to successfully become the dean of microelectronics at Puhai Jiaotong University. He also established several technology companies and successfully applied for hundreds of millions of yuan in scientific research funding.

Unexpectedly, this matter took a 180-degree turn in 2006. Someone anonymously exposed Cheng Qian's Tangxin CPU fraud on the Shuimu University BBS. Cheng Qian did not develop this chip independently at all, but purchased a Motorola Freescale 56800 chip.

Cheng Qian hired a decoration engineering company in Puhai City to use new sandpaper to remove the original Motorola trademark on the surface of the chip, and then reprinted it with the logo and words "Tang Xin No. 1" to defraud huge R\u0026D funds. The most ridiculous thing is that this decoration company listed its achievements on the company's official website and wrote that it "had done decoration for Cheng Qian's chip and system research center." "

The fact that an academic liar like Cheng Qian could so easily defraud 1.1 billion in scientific research funds also shows how thirsty the mainland is for high-level foreign technical talents in the chip industry.

After experiencing the chip fraud incident, China has become more stringent in its review of chip research and development, and has put forward higher requirements for the use of scientific research funds and the evaluation of scientific research results to prevent the recurrence of "Tangxin" fraud incidents.

Some experts have assessed that the fraud of "Tang Xin No. 1" has caused huge hardships to the mainland's chip industry. The mainland's financial support for many chip projects has been completely suspended, which has affected the entire semiconductor industry. The impact was so bad that China's chip industry lagged behind for a full 13 years.

At this time, the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences was also developing a general-purpose CPU, called the "Loongson" project. General CPU chips and DPS chips are actually completely different things.

Loongson is a general-purpose CPU originated from the Institute of Computing Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. It has never been involved in fraud or money fraud. Although there is only one character difference between "Loongxin" and "Tangxin", the glyphs and pronunciations of "Tang" and "龙" are very different, and they will not be confused under normal circumstances.

However, after Tangxin's fraud was exposed, many people were saying "Loongson faked" and "Loongson cheated" under the guidance of some deliberate public opinion. Once this wrong perception was formed, it was difficult to correct it until ten years ago. A few years later, there were still people who categorically regarded "Loongson" as "Tangxin", causing "Loongson" to suffer unjust injustice.

Even though many people have now distinguished between "Loongson" and "Hanxin", the impression of "counterfeiting" and "cheating" has become deeply ingrained and difficult to reverse.

Now that Song Yi has decided to establish Xinya Microelectronics, a chip research and development institution in Puhai City, it is impossible to allow people like Cheng Qian to continue to exploit loopholes.

After the 9/11 incident, relations between China and the United States tended to ease, and China ushered in a 10-year golden period of development. It is a perfect time for Xinya Microelectronics to establish a chip research and development institution in Puhai City this year.

In addition to New Asia Microelectronics, New Asia Network, New Asia Advertising and New Asia Real Estate are preparing to set up branches in Puhai City.

New Asia Network is already testing the Chinese version of inschool, and its Chinese name is "Xiao Nei Net". This year inschool will officially enter the Chinese and Japanese markets. Facebook was established on February 4, 2004. There is not much time left for Song Yi.

Song Yi’s goal is to make inschool the largest social networking site in East and Southeast Asia. As for the North American market, Song Yi has already given up in advance.

Large technology companies in the United States can only be controlled by Anglo-Saxons and Jews. Even if inschool lands in the North American market, it will not be able to stop the rise of Facebook unless Song Yi is willing to hand over control of inschool to American capital.

After Zheng Enxuan heard Song Yi's plan, she no longer questioned Song Yi's decision. "Since you are ready to set up a chip research and development company, it is not appropriate for the parent company to be called New Asia Media. You can officially change the company's name to New Asia Group."

"This is what I plan to do. After New Korea Media is listed, New Asia Media will officially change its name to New Asia Group. At that time, a separate New Asia Agency will be established. New Asia Agency will be responsible for artist management affairs. I plan to hand over this company to Take responsibility for Kim Hee-won."

"In the future, New Asia Management will be responsible for artist management. New Asia Music will produce music for New Asia's artists. New Asia Pictures will produce movies and TV series for New Asia's artists. We will all work together and let professionals do professional work." It will be more efficient." Song Yi said.

New Asia currently has 7 artists including Kim Tae Hee, Song Hye Kyo, Jun Ji Hyun, Lee Hyori, Sung Yuri, Kim Jong Kook and Moon Geun Young, as well as screenwriter Kim Young Hyun, plus director Kwak Jae Yong who is about to sign a contract, New Asia has become a top group of directors, singers, screenwriters and actors agency.

"You really value your sister-in-law, so you can trust her to help you manage your harem?" Zheng Enxuan teased Song Yi.

Song Yi glanced in the direction of Zhou Shulan and found that she was playing with her granddaughter Song Miao. Zhou Shulan thought Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan were talking about business, so she gave them room to talk.

"Auntie, don't slap your hat on me. If my mother hears it, she will probably break my legs." Song Yi was still frightened.

Zheng Eunxuan snorted, "What? Don't you dare to act like a grown man? When Jun Ji-hyun and SidusHQ terminated their contract, you and she were on vacation abroad, right? Song Hye-kyo is not a fuel-efficient person. You are afraid that she bought an apartment in Hannam-dong. I don’t stop visiting often.”

"How can you pretend to be a gentleman in front of your family and Tae Hee, but act wild in front of other women? Now I understand why you are willing to marry Kim Tae Hee, a girlfriend with a weaker family background. It's because she can't control you at all after marriage, right? ?" Zheng Enxuan said sharply.

"That's right. Whether a man likes to go out and have fun has nothing to do with the strength of his wife's natal family. Then Cui Anyuan married the president's daughter. He shouldn't have fun. In the past, Song Shanggong didn't lose power. He restrained himself and played secretly. , now that Mr. Song has lost power, he is playing tricks. The most damning thing is that Sister Suying knows that her husband has someone outside, and now that he is in jail, she has to find a way to rescue him." Song Yi said angrily.

"Listen to what you mean, you're quite aggrieved for Suying. Speaking of which, Suying is quite beautiful. How about I create some opportunities for you to take her down in one fell swoop and take revenge on Cui Anyuan. ?" Zheng Enxuan suggested.

Song Yi secretly laughed in his heart. The only sisters who were good friends with Song Suying were Chen Fuzhen and Zheng Enxuan. In the end, both Chen Fuzhen and Zheng Enxuan suggested that he sleep with Song Suying. Is it really a tacit understanding?

"Aunt, Sister Suying has a husband, and she is my father's student. She helps me a lot. She is not that kind of woman. I still respect her." Song Yi replied.

Song Yi's words immediately touched Zheng Enxuan's troubles. She said angrily, "What do you mean by this? She is not this kind of woman. Song Suying is pure and pure, while I, Zheng Enxuan, am a promiscuous person? What's more?" Well, aren’t you just interested in other people’s wives? Meng Xian asked you to take care of our mother and daughter. Is this how you, a nephew, take care of your aunt? "

Song Yi lamented his misfortune and wanted to slap himself. Now that Zhou Shulan and Zhou Zhiyi were both in the villa, he couldn't coax Zheng Enxuan alone.

"That's not what I meant. I admit that I have a good impression of Sister Suying. But isn't New Korea Media currently cooperating with SK? Xinya will go public this year through a backdoor. If Sister Suying and I are fine, what if it affects us? Xinya's backdoor listing plan will be more costly than gain," Song Yi said.

Zheng Enxuan sneered, "You men are really realistic. You are either making money or having women. Only when you are making money can you control your lower body and give up having women. Zhong Xiaotong will step down as president this year, Meng Xian's Things have to be resolved, you can't let him stay in there all the time just to sleep with someone else's wife, right?"

Song Yi found it strange that Zheng Enxuan felt like she had taken gunpowder today, which was very different from her past style. He now regrets getting involved with this woman Zheng Enxuan.

Although she is somewhat pretty, there is still a gap compared to Chen Fuzhen. If it wasn't for Zheng Enxuan to become his puppet to control the Asan Group, he wouldn't have made this move.

"Aunt, don't worry, I have always been concerned about Uncle Mengxian's matter. As long as Song Yuxi wins the intra-party election in April and becomes the candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party. I will visit Zhong Xiaotong in person, and then Uncle Mengxian is expected to leave It’s the District Prosecutor’s Office,” Song Yi said.

Why Song Yuxi's victory is closely related to Zhou Mengxian's fate. In fact, the most important thing is whether Zhong Xiaotong will be liquidated after he steps down.

If Song Woo-seok wins the intra-party election of the New Millennium Democratic Party and becomes the candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, it means that the New Millennium Democratic Party will continue Zhong Xiaotong's sunshine policy, continue inter-Korean economic cooperation, and insist on North-South dialogue.

Then there is no need for Zhong Xiaotong to continue to hold on to Zhou Mengxian. Zhou Mengxian can be allowed to leave the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office and serve his suspended sentence at home. Because if Song Woo-seok is elected president, he will definitely not handle the case of Zhou Mengxian providing secret funds to the North, and Zhong Xiaotong can safely step down.

On the contrary, if another candidate wins the election, then Zhong Xiaotong needs to sentence Zhou Mengxian severely during his term, starting from three to five years, so that Zhou Mengxian can become a scapegoat. In this way, Zhong Xiaotong can be freed from the suspicion of providing secret funds to the North. After all, many Korean media believe that Zhong Xiaotong instructed Zhou Mengxian to do this.

Of course, if Song Woo-seok loses the presidential election, it doesn't matter. At worst, the District Prosecutor's Office can just ask Zhou Mengxian to be arrested. Then all we need to do is say that new supplementary evidence has been found.

The release of Zhou Mengxian at the end of April was Zhong Xiaotong's show of goodwill to Song Yuxi and Song Yi. After all, if Song Yuxi wanted to continue the inter-Korean economic cooperation plan, he could not avoid Zhou Mengxian, a key figure.

When Zheng Enxuan heard what Song Yi said, his expression turned from gloomy to bright, "That's more or less the same. Before Zhiyi came to Yanjing this time, she asked me when her father would be released, otherwise she wouldn't feel comfortable coming to Yanjing to work."

Seeing that Zheng Enxuan's mood had improved, Song Yi asked cautiously: "I think you seem to be in a bad mood today. Did something happen to you last night?"

When Zheng Enxuan heard this, he was furious, "There was a woman's lace pajamas in the room I stayed in last night. The style was very sexy. It looked like it was worn by a young woman. Song Yi, you actually let me sleep with your lover." Why are you so worried about your house?"

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow

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