I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 117 Ning Hao wants to make a movie?

Song Yi suddenly felt that the room where Zheng Enxuan lived seemed to have been lived in by Song Hye Kyo. It was obvious who the owner of that pajamas was.

Seeing that Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan seemed to be having a dispute, Zhou Zhiyi quickly came over to persuade them, "Oh Mom, if you and Song Yi have any differences, you can discuss them slowly. There is no need to get red-faced."

When Song Yi saw someone coming to the rescue, he felt guilty and hurriedly went to Song Miao, "Miaomiao, my mother's company is holding an annual meeting in the hotel this afternoon. Can I take you to find your mother?"

Song Miao was playing with the puppy Pippi at the moment. She was reluctant to leave the puppy behind and wanted to go to her mother's company to watch the fun. She hugged the puppy and said, "Uncle, can we take the leash over?"

New Asia Advertising held its annual meeting at Grand Hyatt Oriental. Pets are generally not allowed in five-star hotels. Song Yi was a little embarrassed, "Miaomiao, Pippi can't be brought in. Mom may perform a show at the annual meeting. Don't you want to go and have a look?"

Song Miao hugged Pippi and was reluctant to let go, looking at Song Yi aggrievedly. Zhou Shulan also didn't want her granddaughter to go back and forth in the winter, "Forget it, you can go alone. Didn't Taixi come over today? Why don't you go to the airport to pick her up quickly? This year we will go back to Yeji for the New Year, and I have to help you pack your luggage."

After Song Miao heard Taixi's name, she put Pippi on the ground. She asked Song Yi expectantly, "Uncle, is sister Taixi coming?"

Song Yi knelt down and said, "Yes, sister Taixi will also attend the annual meeting of her mother's company, and Taixi will also go back to Yeji with us to celebrate the New Year. We can go back to our hometown to play in the snow, aren't you happy?"

Song Miao obviously had a very good impression of Taixi, "Then I'm going to pick up sister Taixi." Song Miao ran to the puppy Pippi and touched the puppy's head, "Pippi, I have to go out for a while, you have to stay at home Just wait for me and don't run around." Pippi seemed to understand and barked at Song Miao.

Zhou Shulan heard Song Miao say, "You little heartless kid, I asked you to go find your mother. If you don't go, you will make a fuss as soon as you hear Aunt Taixi. If your mother knows that she has a lower status in your heart, Taixi, your mother is so sad."

Song Miao corrected Zhou Shulan seriously, "Grandma, you are wrong. Sister Taixi and her brother-in-law are not married yet, so they are not aunts yet. And my mother can see her every day, but Sister Taixi can't see her twice a year. The teacher taught us that as hosts, we should entertain guests warmly, which is a great pleasure when friends come from afar."

Song Yi was amused by the brat-sized Song Miao. He picked up Song Miao and said, "Miaomiao is awesome. She can even recite the Analects. Let's go pick up Sister Taixi. Mom, please help entertain Aunt Enxuan." He Zhiyi, there will be a driver to take them to the airport later, please help me take them off."

Zhou Shulan just saw Song Yi and Zheng Enxuan seeming to be quarreling, "Okay, you go over first, and remember to say hello to them before going out. Enxuan and the others came all the way to China, don't let them come here in joy and fail in failure. Return."

Song Yi hugged Song Miao and was about to go out. He told Zheng Enxuan that he was going to pick up his girlfriend Taixi at the airport. Zheng Enxuan's mood has also adjusted. For her, the relationship between men and women is just a spice in life, not a necessity. There is really no need for her to be jealous.

Zheng Enxuan heard that Kim Tae Hee was going to accompany Song Yi back to her hometown Yeji City for the New Year. It was obvious that Kim Tae Hee's status as a real girlfriend was as stable as a rock, and she might start talking about marriage in the next year or two.

She couldn't help but envy Kim Tae Hee's good luck. When Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi first established their relationship, Song Yi was just an employee of Shinhan Media. Kim Tae Hee accompanies Song Yi to start a business together, and now that Song Yi has earned such a huge fortune, no matter how many women Song Yi has outside, Song Yi cannot leave behind Kim Tae Hee, a poor wife.

By the time Song Yi and Song Miao arrived at the airport, Kim Tae Hee's flight had not arrived yet. Song Yi held Song Miao's hand, and the uncle and nephew were chatting.

Song Miao had a sharp eye and immediately saw Kim Tae Hee walking out of the station. Song Miao's little hands flew up, with a sweet smile on her face, "Sister Taixi."

Kim Tae Hee wore a gray down jacket and light-colored jeans today. If the pants and down jacket are both in light colors, then the bright yellow pointed shoes on her feet add a dazzling color to her overall look, which is in line with her elegant ladylike temperament and adds a playful element.

Jin Taixi was also very surprised when she saw Song Miao coming to pick up the plane. She grabbed her suitcase and ran for two steps, then hugged Song Miao, "Miaomiao, why did you come to pick up the plane?"

Song Yi took his girlfriend's suitcase and said to Song Miao, "Okay, don't let Taixi hug you. You are already a big friend. You can't just let others hug you."

Song Miao made faces at Song Yi and reluctantly got off Jin Taexi. Song Yi held his luggage in one hand, held his girlfriend in the other, and Kim Tae Hee held Song Miao's hand. The three of them were like a family of three. Their good-looking combination also attracted the attention of others.

"Are your uncles and aunts unhappy when you come to the mainland to celebrate the New Year this time?" Song Yi asked Jin Taexi. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee were not engaged yet, and Song Yi was a little embarrassed for abducting someone else's daughter during the Chinese New Year.

"Oh, Dad knew that I wanted to travel to Bianzhou. He didn't object. He just reminded me to respect your local New Year customs and do as the locals do. This year is the first time that I am not at home to celebrate the New Year. Oh, Mom is really reluctant. If Ernie hadn't She is busy with work, and she wants to come to China with me to celebrate the New Year," Kim Tae Hee said.

Jin Xiyuan also wants to come to Bianzhou to celebrate the New Year? I don’t know if she wants to go to Bianzhou to experience the Chinese New Year in Northeast China, or if she wants to meet Song Yi’s parents like Taixi? If Jin Xiyuan comes together and spends time together every day, Song Yi feels that the matters between him and Jin Xiyuan may not be able to be hidden from the shrewd Zhou Shulan.

Song Miao didn't forget to tell Kim Tae Hee as soon as she saw him, "Sister Tae Hee, my uncle is a man of bad faith. He doesn't keep his word. Can you punish him severely for me?"

Jin Taixi heard what Song Miao said and asked curiously, "What did your uncle promise you but failed to do, making us Miaomiao so angry?"

Song Miao said: "My uncle promised me that as long as I performed well in school, he would take me to Tokyo Disneyland on my birthday. He even hooked up with me, but it turned out that he didn't keep his promise."

Jin Taixi looked at her boyfriend in confusion, and Song Yi explained with a wry smile, "I happened to be in South Korea during Miaomiao's birthday, so I didn't have time to take her to Disney. As a result, the little guy was very angry and refused to pay attention to her for several days. I."

Kim Tae Hee smiled, "Yes! Children attach great importance to promises. How can they not do what they promise? Look, not every girl is as easy to coax as me, right?"

Since Song Yi received Kim Tae Hee, everyone went directly to the Grand Hyatt Hotel to attend the annual meeting of New Asia Advertising.

At this time, Kim Tae Hee did not forget to coax Song Miao for her boyfriend, "Miaomiao, when you have summer vacation in July, can I take you to Disneyland with me? I can also take you to Ueno Zoo to see giant pandas."

"Really? My uncle said he would take me there, but he didn't go. My mother told me that my uncle was very busy at work. Sister Taixi, don't you have to work?" Song Miao was very happy.

Kim Tae Hee smiled and said, "Yes, I don't have to work. I am a student like you, and I will have winter and summer vacations like you. That's why I have time to take you out to play!"

Jin Taixi knew that Song Yi loved Song Miao as her niece and had always raised Song Miao as a daughter. Of course she wanted to have a good relationship with Song Miao as she loved the house and the family.

Song Miao was very happy at first, but immediately became worried, "Sister Taixi, you don't have a job, and you don't have money to buy air tickets and tickets. How can you take me to Disneyland?"

Jin Taixi was amused by Song Miao. She smiled from ear to ear, "OPPA, who did Miaomiao learn this from? She does the same thing again and again. It makes me laugh!"

By the time Song Yi and his party arrived at the hotel, the venue for New Asia Advertising's annual meeting had been arranged. New Asia Advertising had rented a 300-square-meter multi-functional hall at Grand Hyatt Oriental. In addition to employees from New Asia Advertising, Zheng Yiping and Liao Yu also invited representatives from advertising brands, such as Sanduoshui, Anta, Midea, Orion, Hera, etc.

In addition to these people, Consul Zhou Hao from the Korean Embassy in China, Chen Zaican and his wife from New Korea Media, and Li Ming from Galloping Horse attended the annual meeting as special guests. Song Yi met Ning Hao, who had not seen him for a long time, next to Li Ming.

As soon as Li Ming saw Song Yi, he perked up and patted Ning Hao on the shoulder, beckoning him to go and greet Song Yi. Ning Hao obviously came for Song Yi today and quickly followed him.

Seeing that Song Yi had something to discuss, Jin Taixi took Song Miao to Liao Yu. Liao Yu was chatting with Chen Zaican and his wife at this time.

Li Ming hugged Song Yi and said with envy: "Brother, your advertising company is amazing. It takes more than a year to hold an annual meeting at Grand Hyatt. It's like a shotgun exchange for a cannon." Li Ming also participated in New Asia Advertising The opening ceremony gave a clear picture of the development history of New Asia Advertising.

Zheng Yiping was recommended by Li Ming, and Song Hye Kyo's advertising director Ning Hao was also introduced by Li Ming. The relationship between Song Yi and Li Ming is still very good.

"Thanks to Brother Dagou for recommending Zheng Yiping to me. She really saved me a lot of trouble. You have contributed a lot to why New Asia Advertising is what it is today." Song Yi said with a smile.

"Don't put your hat on me. If you really want to thank me, please give me some space in the outdoor advertisement on Wangjing East Lake Pedestrian Street." Li Ming joked.

Song Yi didn't shirk, "Sure, I didn't originally intend to use the outdoor advertising on Wangjing Pedestrian Street as a private space for Xinya Advertising. I'll give you the contact information of Mao Xiaoqing, general manager of Xinya Real Estate. Brother Big Dog, you and him Let’s talk, I won’t interfere in the specific process, do you think that’s okay?”

Li Ming was quite satisfied when he heard what Song Yi said. As long as Song Yi did not outsource all the outdoor advertising on Wangjing Pedestrian Street to New Asia Advertising, then Galloping Horse could get a share of the pie.

Song Yi and Li Ming finished their greetings and greeted Ning Hao, "Haozi, long time no see." Ning Hao was a little flattered, "Mr. Song, long time no see."

Only then did Li Ming remember the business, "By the way, Haozi plans to make a movie as his graduation project, and he would like to ask for your advice."

Song Yi became interested and motioned for Ning Hao to sit down, and the three of them discussed Ning Hao's script. Ning Hao wants to make a feature film this time, called "Incense".

"Mr. Song, "Incense" actually tells the story of a monk and a ruined temple. The monk was older and guarded a ruined temple. There was a Buddha statue in the temple. A few days before the Spring Festival, the monk's shoes were torn, and he removed them from the Buddha statue. The cloth was pulled out from the base to mend the shoes. The shoes were repaired, but the Buddha statue fell over." Ning Hao introduced the movie.

Song Yi had never read "Incense" before his rebirth, but that didn't stop him from thinking "Incense" was a good story.

He first asked Ning Hao, "Does this monk have a name or a Buddhist title?"

Ning Hao thought for a moment and shook his head, "No."

Song Yi continued to ask, "Then do you think the monk pulled the cloth from the base of the Buddha statue to mend his shoes, is he respectful or disrespectful to the Buddha?"

Ning Hao knew that Song Yi was testing whether he could tell a good story, so half of his purpose of coming today was achieved.

"The monk at that time had faith. Although he guarded a ruined temple, he still had Buddha in his heart and prayed every day, never slacking off. Although his life was difficult, he had a ruined temple that could shelter him from wind and rain, and he could earn a living every month. The villagers received some incense money to maintain the most basic life. These were brought to him by the ruined temple, and he was actually very content," Ning Hao said.

Because the Buddha statue fell down, it will be the fifteenth day of the first lunar month soon. The fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year is the day when incense is at its peak in ruined temples. Naturally, monks want to go out and ask for help. He found the county's religious department and cultural relics department, hoping that they would come forward to build the temple. The monk also didn't understand the ways of the world, and was a little stupid. He could only repeat, "A monk cannot live without a temple, and there cannot be a Buddha statue in a temple."

No one in the county was willing to help him. The head of the religious department was playing cards with others. His advice to the monk was to either return to secular life or join the senior brothers in other temples.

Song Yi frowned when he saw this paragraph, "If you shoot it this way, your movie may not pass the review and be released in theaters."

Ning Hao said: "I just want to make a movie as my graduation project, and then it will be shown in our Yanying studio. I don't want to make money from the movie."

When Li Ming heard what Ning Hao said, he also felt a little resentful that iron cannot become steel. Song Yi was obviously interested in this "Incense", but you said that you didn't want to make a movie to make money, and co-author Song Yi gave you money to make a movie for fun. Woolen cloth?

When Song Yi heard what Ning Hao said, he was not angry, but continued to read the script. Obviously, although the script "Incense" has very few characters, there are many metaphors in the movie and a lot of contrasting satirical techniques, making people unable to help but continue reading.

The monk went to the religious department to ask for money to build the temple, but the religious department said there was no money. As a result, when the monk went out, he heard that the department chief wanted to build a new church.

The desperate monk was going to beg alms to raise money to build the temple. When he had just raised half of the money, he was arrested by the police station and accused of illegal alms. While being detained at the police station, the monk met several women who had lost their feet. The women who had lost their feet offered to raise money for the monk, but the monk felt it was inappropriate and declined.

The monk was pulled by a young man and asked him to help him and his girlfriend calculate their marriage. The monk was inspired and turned into a fortune teller. However, his day's income was robbed by the gangsters. Finally, the monk took out a 12-yuan Buddha statue bought from a roadside stall, lied that it was consecrated by Master Wutai Mountain, and sold it to a husband who wanted to cure his paralyzed wife for 3,000 yuan.

Song Yi saw that the script ended with the monk repairing the Buddha statue and holding a grand consecration ceremony. Someone from the county told the monk that the ruined temple would be demolished in the coming year.

"Isn't this ending a little too thin?" Song Yi said. The fallen girl offered to donate money, but the monk insisted on his faith and refused. In the end, the monk gave up his faith and easily raised money for charity.

If the monk has just repaired the Buddha statue, and someone from the county happens to tell the monk that the temple is to be demolished, it feels like a deliberate conflict. Since the county had known for a long time that the dilapidated temple was going to be demolished, why didn’t the officials from the Religious Affairs and Cultural Relics Department tell the monks? This logic doesn't match up.

Li Ming also likes to discuss scripts with people. He gave his own opinion, "Unless it's about demolishing a temple, it makes sense that the religious and cultural relics departments don't know about it. A ruined temple is not a cultural relic, and of course it doesn't need protection. However, If the temple is demolished, the county should notify the Religious Affairs Department.”

Ning Hao took the script and said to Song Yi and Song Yi: "How about changing the ending to someone from the county saying that the ruined temple is on the roadbed of the 'Getting Rich Road' that is being planned and will be demolished immediately next year. Let's write on the wall outside the ruined temple A big word 'Hai' appeared, and then the sound of 'Amitabha' came from the loudspeaker. The monk stood outside the temple, looking at the big word 'Hai', and asked the sky, how is it?"

"If you want to be rich, build roads first. If the Transportation Bureau wants to build roads, of course they don't need to contact the Religious Affairs Department. They only need to confirm with the Cultural Relics Department that the ruined temple is not a cultural relic before it can be demolished. This ending is well changed and the story becomes full at once. Quite a few." Li Ming was full of praise.

Song Yi thought for a moment and said to the beginning of the script, "Actually, there is a foreshadowing here. The road originally built by the Transportation Bureau was to pass through the new church that was to be built, but later I heard that a church was to be built on that stretch of road. How about changing the route to the monk's ruined temple, and then demolishing the monk's ruined temple to highlight a foreign monk who is good at chanting sutras?"

When Ning Hao heard what Song Yi said, he couldn't help but give Song Yi a thumbs up, "Mr. Song, it has to be you."

Li Ming smiled, "If you say so, this movie will have to hire a foreign actor to play a priest who builds a temple. In this way, the cost of this movie will be wiped out."

Song Yi asked Ning Hao: "I understand what you mean. Do you want me to sponsor you to shoot this movie? How much money do you estimate it will take to complete this movie?"

Ning Hao scratched his head, "I know this movie won't make any money. I plan to go back to my hometown in Shanxi Province to film it. The actors will find friends as guest stars, basically for zero pay. I will direct and camera myself, and it will cost about 50,000 yuan." nailed it."

Song Yi thought he heard wrongly, "How much?" 50,000 yuan can make a movie? Isn't this a joke?

Ning Hao thought he had said too much, "If the filming is fast, it may not cost 50,000 yuan, and maybe 40,000 yuan will be enough. But if you hire a foreign actor, tens of thousands yuan may not be enough."

Song Yi tapped his fingers on the table, "This film will definitely have no chance of being released in the mainland. If you want to make a profit, you have to go to Europe to participate in film festivals to see if it can be sold to European film producers. For example, France has specialized art cinemas Wire."

"In this case, I will give you 500,000 yuan. If you make this movie, the copyright of the movie will belong to New Asia Pictures. This 500,000 yuan includes the remuneration of the actors, cameramen and director. I will also help you find a producer. . This foreign priest doesn’t have many roles. He only needs to show his face. When the time comes, just ask Xinya Advertising to help you find a foreign actor." Song Yi said.

When Ning Hao heard this, he nodded repeatedly. Song Yi was indeed a big boss. He could have asked for 50,000 yuan, which would have been interesting. Who knew that Song Yi gave him 500,000 yuan at once? It was so interesting! As for Song Yi's suggestion to help Ning Hao find a producer, Ning Hao certainly had no objection. He had originally planned to work voluntarily, and now he was able to get the director's salary. It was an unexpected surprise, and he did not expect to make any money from the 500,000 production fee. gold.

Li Ming also lamented Song Yi's generosity. Apart from filming commercials, Ning Hao had never even made a short film. "Incense" is Ning Hao's first film, and Song Yi spent 500,000 at once. How much money did Song Yi make last year?

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow

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