I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 118 The pioneer of domestic entertainment IP movies

Ning Hao had been filming literary films before "Crazy Stone". He first filmed "Incense" and later "Green Grass". Without Andy's plan to mentor Asian rising stars, Ning Hao might have become the next Jia Zhangke.

The reason why Song Yi was willing to support Ning Hao in filming the unprofitable "Incense" was because of "Crazy Stone", "Golden Heist", "No Man's Land" and "Bliss on the Heart".

Ning Hao actually had the original idea for the script of "Crazy Stone" in 2000, but he still wanted to make one or two movies first to test the waters. And the original version of "Crazy Stone" and the final version are completely different.

Seeing that the matter with Ning Hao was settled, Li Ming started chatting with Song Yi, "The box office of "My Naughty Girlfriend" in Hong Kong should have exceeded 10 million, right?"

In late January, "My Naughty Girl" was released on Hong Kong Island, with box office sales exceeding HK$7 million in 11 days. Ever since Jun Ji-hyun went to Hong Kong Island to promote, "My Naughty Girlfriend" has become the highest-grossing Korean movie, and soon broke the Hong Kong box office record of "The Spies."

The distribution company of "My Naughty Girlfriend" on Hong Kong Island is Anle Film Co., Ltd. This film company is also a long-established film company on Hong Kong Island. The company's owner Jiang Zhiqiang later filmed "Monster Hunt".

"It hasn't been long since it broke 10 million, but it doesn't have enough stamina. I estimate that the box office will only be around 15 million Hong Kong dollars." Song Yi said.

"The mainland box office is 30 million yuan, the Hong Kong box office is 15 million Hong Kong dollars, and the Japanese box office is 5.6 billion yen. The box office in Asia except South Korea can exceed 100 million yuan, what else are you not satisfied with?" Li Ming was envious.

The box office of "My Naughty Girl" in the mainland was fixed at 30 million yuan, ranking fourth in the mainland box office in 2001. The previous three movies were "Pearl Harbor", "Who Says I Don't Care" and "Big Shot", which ranked fifth. It's Cheng Long's "The Lost City of Secret Agents". The box office of "The Lost City" in the mainland was 29 million, while the box office of "Pearl Harbor" was an astonishing 102 million.

"'My Naughty Girlfriend' is an account-sharing film. According to the 13% account-sharing ratio, only 4 million will be allocated to Xinya. No matter how much money is made, it has nothing to do with me." Song Yi told the truth. Despite the popularity of "My Naughty Girlfriend" in the mainland film market, in fact most of the profits were made by theaters and distributor China Film Group.

"Look, are you talking humanly? Only 4 million? You and Quan Zhixian flew to Yanjing and took away 4 million. What are you dissatisfied with? If you are not happy, you can transfer the 4 million Give it to me." Li Ming teased Song Yi.

Song Yi remembers that the Sino-Korean co-production took place after July 2014. The Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Mainland State Administration of Radio, Film and Television signed the "Sino-Korean Film Co-production Agreement." Films co-produced by China and South Korea enjoy the treatment of domestic films in the mainland and are not subject to restrictions on imported films.

Among them, the first Chinese-Korean co-production was "My New Sassy Girl," a collaboration between Cha Tae-hyun and Song Qian. Apart from the theme song "I Believe," this film had no outstanding parts, and there was no other explanation other than using the previous film to make money.

In order to develop the film industry, the Mainland China's State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has successively launched China-Hong Kong co-productions, Chinese-American co-productions and Chinese-Korean co-productions. However, these three types of films have all encountered acclimatization in the mainland market.

In fact, in the mid-to-late 1990s, the mainland and Hong Kong Island began to co-produce films. However, the terms at that time were unfavorable to the mainland. Basically, Hong Kong Island filmmakers "assisted" mainland film production. From the producers, directors, cameramen to the main actors, they were basically locals from Hong Kong Island. This was naturally not conducive to the healthy development of co-productions.

It was not until September 2003 that CEPA documents and their annexes were signed one after another. Co-productions between the Mainland and Hong Kong Island have entered a new era. Co-productions between China and Hong Kong also enjoy the treatment of domestic films in the Mainland film market.

Starting from 10 years later, the Mainland State Administration of Radio, Film and Television has made it a rigid standard for co-productions that "the Chinese investment ratio is generally not less than one-third, Chinese actors must play the main roles, and the filming must be done in China."

This is to prevent some Hollywood companies from deliberately asking Chinese film companies to invest a small amount of money, add a little Chinese elements, and hire Chinese actors to act for a few minutes in order to enjoy the benefits of co-productions, and then dare to claim that they are co-productions. In fact, this kind of It can only be considered as a post-film. For example, Xu Qing in "Looper" only appeared for 5 minutes, and "The Meg" starring Li Bingbing.

"My Naughty Girl" was allocated 4 million yuan as a split film in the mainland this time. If it can enjoy the treatment of a Chinese-Korean co-production, the producer + distributor can take away up to 43% of the box office, which is 12.9 million yuan. In this way, one The return will cost tens of millions of yuan more. Song Yi naturally hopes that the Sino-Korean film cooperation agreement can be signed earlier, so that films produced by New Asia Pictures can enjoy the treatment of Sino-Korean co-productions.

Although Li Ming doesn't know exactly how much money Song Yi earned from the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend", it must be more than 100 million yuan.

"Brother, you said that Galloping Pony has already filmed a lot of TV series. You said that I would also try out a movie. What do you think?" Li Ming asked.

Song Yi was very supportive, "What kind of movie do you want to make? A movie of the same name as "Love to the End"?"

Galloping Horse has been filming TV series since 1998, and its first TV series was "Love to the End". This TV series is also a star-making machine. In addition to starring Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei, Liao Fan and Wang Xuebing also starred in this TV series.

Liao Fan won the Best Actor Award at the Berlin Film Festival for "Fireworks in the Day", and Wang Xuebing is Fan Bingbing's certified boyfriend. Among the screenwriters of "Carry Love to the End" is Diao Yinan, who happens to be the director and screenwriter of "Fireworks in the Day". Look, no matter where you are, the film and television industry is so small, and going around in circles forms a closed loop.

Li Ming was not surprised that Song Yi could guess that the first movie he wanted to make was "Love to the End". "Love to the End" is the first idol drama in mainland China and has groundbreaking historical significance. With this movie, Li Yapeng became a popular niche actor in the Mainland, and with this movie, Xu Jinglei became one of the top four actors.

Let’s not talk about anything else. Song Yi’s mother Zhou Shulan and sister-in-law Liao Yu have both watched "Love". "Love" itself is a big IP. If this drama continues to star Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei, even if it is If the plot of the TV series was simplified and re-screened, it would have a box office of at least five to six million, but the appearance would be a bit ugly.

"What do you think?" Although Li Ming has filmed many TV series, he has never made a movie. Of course, he wanted to seek Song Yi's opinion.

Song Yi thought about it carefully and replied to Li Ming, "There are pros and cons of filming "Love" at this time. Let me analyze it in detail for you."

Li Ming pulled the stool closer, "It's okay, just tell me, I just have time today."

"Actually, the movie "Always Love" can be filmed anytime, not necessarily this year. With the TV series Zhuyu ahead, the audience's expectations for the movie version of "Always Love" must be very high. Everyone must want to know about Wen Hui and Yang Zheng What happened to the ending? If it's not shot well, the big IP of "Love Will Be" will be wasted, and it may even affect the box office of movies made in the future." Song Yi first talked about the disadvantages.

Li Ming first stopped Song Yi, "Wait a minute, you said that the big IP of "Jiang Ai" was wasted. What does this IP mean?"

When Song Yi heard this, he realized that there was no concept of IP in the mainland film market, and he needed to instill some knowledge into Li Ming. "The so-called IP, Intellectual Property. If directly translated, it means intellectual property. The IP of Internet companies can be understood as the collective name for all well-known cultural and creative works, such as animation, literature, film and television, games, etc."

"Among all film and television companies, the company with the most successful IP marketing is none other than Disney. How much money did "Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck" and "Winnie the Pooh" help Disney earn? Every Disney animation and movie can become a Disney An attraction in the park.”

"Disney has always been known to have the strongest legal department on the planet, and Disney has always spared no effort in protecting IP. I once heard a joke, if you are like Robinson Crusoe and survive on a desert island, don't be afraid, you can survive on the beach of the desert island Draw a Mickey Mouse avatar. Then Disney’s legal department will sue you for infringing Disney’s copyright, and then you will be saved,” Song Yi said.

Li Ming laughed from ear to ear after hearing Song Yi's joke, "I kind of understand, like the star posters of the TV series "Love", the original soundtrack of the TV series also belongs to the development of IP peripherals."

"You're right. The TV series "Carry On to the End" has high national popularity, and the leading actors Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei are also very popular. Now the mainland film market is so big. Even if you film "Carry On to Love" , the box office of Breakthrough is only 20 to 30 million, and it is less than 10 million to be divided into Galloping Pony."

"But if you make "Always Love" again in a few years, the audience who watched the movie "Always Love" will be old, and they will watch the movie version of "Always Love" with nostalgia. At that time, the mainland The scale of the movie market has also grown, and a love movie like this can earn a box office of 100 to 200 million, which is the best way to maximize profits," Song Yi said.

"Are you saying that the box office of "Will Love" can exceed that of "Pearl Harbor"?" Li Ming found it incredible.

"Brother Big Dog, when I met with the leaders of China Film Group last year, they stated that the mainland film market will implement a theater system this year, and China Film Group will not have an exclusive monopoly on film distribution rights. Private film companies such as Huayi, Bona, and Enlight Films can also be distributed and are no longer limited to agency distribution.”

"In the next twenty years, the total box office of mainland movies will grow at a rapid rate of 30%. Don't look at the total box office of mainland movies last year, which was only 890 million, which was only a quarter of the global box office of "Pearl Harbor". In another ten years of development, The mainland film market has a scale of 50 to 60 billion, and it is not uncommon for a movie to have a box office of several billion. So if Galloping Horses wants to make a movie, I will definitely support it. There is no need to get up early and catch a late set, right? Right? In my opinion, Galloping Pony is definitely not weaker than Huayi and Bona, and can at least become the top three film companies in the mainland." Song Yi said.

Song Yi's words made Li Ming's blood boil, but he still forced himself to calm down. "By the way, you just mentioned the disadvantages of filming "Love" now, so what are the advantages of filming "Love" now?"

"There are several advantages. First, it is easy to shoot. "Love" is an urban idol drama with simple scenes and no special effects. As long as the movie script is polished well, the director and actors are ready-made, and there is no need to adjust. It greatly reduces the difficulty of shooting.”

"Second, the production cost is low. Nowadays, the salaries of directors and actors are not expensive. If capital begins to enter the film and television industry, the salaries of these actors will become bigger and bigger like a bubble. In another seven or eight years, if you want to collect all the Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei can’t handle it without 10 to 20 million.”

"Third, if "Falling Love" is filmed now, then Galloping Horse will have a firm foothold in the mainland film industry and achieve a good reputation. Then it will naturally be smoother for Galloping Horse to make other movies in the future. , this is the role of a good start." Song Yi said.

After listening to Song Yi's analysis, Li Ming thought thoughtfully, "Like New Asia Pictures' "My Naughty Girlfriend"? I heard that New Asia Pictures is preparing and producing two new movies at the same time this year?"

Song Yi was surprised and joked with Li Ming, "Brother Big Dog, you are very well-informed. Isn't it possible that you have an inside job at New Asia Pictures?"

"Fuck you, didn't you introduce the TV series "Will Love" to South Korea? Our Galloping Pony and CJ Entertainment are also business partners. It's okay for me to inquire about your updates through CJ Entertainment. You guy Is it because I deliberately keep a low profile in the Mainland to avoid the Hurun Rich List?" Li Ming asked.

In October 2001, Hurun released the "Top 50 Richest People in Mainland China in 2001" in "Forbes". The Liu brothers of New Hope Group aspired to the top spot, with a family wealth of 8.3 billion yuan. The richest man in the real estate industry is Xu Guangsheng of Puhai Shimao Group, with a personal net worth of 6 billion.

Song Yi's current personal net worth is around 5 billion yuan. If Hurun included Song Yi in statistics, Song Yi would be almost seventh on the mainland rich list, and sixth would be Ms. Chen who ate Tang Monk's meat.

There are many reasons why he did not enter the rich list this year. First of all, Song Yi's personal net worth has skyrocketed, thanks to his short selling of U.S. stocks after the 9/11 incident. The Hurun Rich List was synchronized in October, and Hurun had no time to count Song Yi's personal assets.

Secondly, although there are many companies in the New Asia Group, none of them are listed, and some companies are in South Korea and some in the mainland. It is impossible for the companies under the New Asia Department to take the initiative to disclose the company's specific revenue and net profit to the outside world. Hurun's assets of the New Asia Department and Song Yi are only in the fog, and they are always separated by one layer.

But Song Yi couldn't hide it for long. When New Asia Real Estate spent 800 million yuan to acquire land in Wangjing, New Asia Group, as a capital tycoon, had gradually revealed its sharp fangs. When New Asia's backdoor listing is successful, New Asia Group, as a listed company, must disclose to the outside world the revenue and net profits of its parent company, New Asia Group, and all its subsidiaries, as well as Song Yi's shareholding in New Asia Group. etc.

"The Hurun Rich List is a joke. How many corporate bosses give gifts to Hurun just to avoid being on the list. To take the simplest example, a big boss of a coal mine in Shanxi Province can easily spend thousands Wan cash, do you think you are richer than him?" Song Yi asked back.

"Hey, why are you mentioning the coal boss? They and I are not next to each other." Li Ming felt strange.

"Today's coal mines are all under the collective name of villages and towns, but sooner or later the coal mines will open up to private capital. Once they have money, they want to enter the entertainment industry and hire a star. In a decade or so, you will You will find that everyone will actually miss Mr. Mei as the best investor in the film and television industry. They have no other requirements except for actresses, and Mr. Mei’s aesthetics are quite online." Song Yi joked.

Li Ming didn't understand Song Yi's black joke. Now he just wanted to drag Song Yi to film the movie "Love to the End". After all, New Asia Pictures is a very mature film company.

"Let's do this. After the Spring Festival, I will make an appointment with Zhang Yibai, Diao Yinan, Li Yapeng and Xu Jinglei. Let's set up a game and the brothers will get together to chat and see if they want to make a movie version of "Love to the End"? What if? Everyone is interested, so we will shoot it this year and release it next year. The release time will be Valentine's Day in 2003. What do you think?" Li Ming asked.

Song Yi didn't understand Li Ming's hint, "Brother Big Dog, whether or not Galloping Horses will make a movie version of "Will Love" can be decided by everyone sitting together, so there's no need for me to go there, right?"

"No, no, no, you must go. Just your concept of big IP has been enough for me to ponder for a long time. You also went over to give us a lesson. You are the founder of domestic entertainment IP movies. Even if you don't like us big guys We are not interested, but you are always interested in Xu Jinglei, right? Other girls have heard of your name and have long wanted to meet you, the big boss of the film industry!" Li Ming said.

Song Yi glanced at his girlfriend Kim Tae Hee and quickly denied it, "Brother Big Dog, please don't harm my reputation. I have a girlfriend."

Among the four double soldiers, Xu Jinglei's appearance is average, but she is the darling of the Beijing circle and has the aura of a talented woman. The noble man behind her is Wang Shuo, the boss of the Beijing circle.

After Wang Shuo met Xu Jinglei, he fell in love with Xu Jinglei's sassiness at first sight, and she also had the title of Sami. In order to praise Xu Jinglei, Wang Shuo sent her to the crew of "My Deskmate".

As soon as Wang Shuo met sophomore Xu Jinglei, he was so fascinated that he went out early and came back late every day, staying up all night. Later, Xu Jinglei rushed into Wang Shuo's home to show off her powers to Wang Shuo's wife. As a result, Wang Shuo left the house for love, and his wife and daughter fled to the United States.

Xu Jinglei was still obsessed with Wang Shuo's talent, so she vowed to buy Wang Shuo a villa. Later, the two broke up. Xu Jinglei and Wang Xuebing were rumored to be in love while filming "Love to the End". As a result, Li Yapeng and Wang Xuebing fought over Xu Jinglei on the set. This talented woman who is famous for her calligraphy is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Later, Xu Jinglei filmed the movie "Dad and Me", playing the role of husband and wife with actor Zhang Yadong. From time to time, the relationship between the two was ambiguous, and Xu Jinglei and Zhang Yadong were photographed shopping together. Xu Jinglei responded that she and Zhang Yadong are just friends.

As a result, Zhang Yadong's girlfriend Gao Yuanyuan later announced that she had been in a relationship with Zhang Yadong for five years, but they broke up because of other people's interference, and the relationship ended without any problems. After Zhang Yadong and Gao Yuanyuan broke up, he immediately got together with Xu Jinglei. As a result, the two broke up not long after they talked.

Perhaps for Xu Jinglei, she just wants to enjoy the feeling of being in love and does not want to be bound by a stable relationship. Song Yi feels that it is necessary to stay away from this Beijing-based beauty.

I recommend this book to a friend. If you are interested in reading about witches, you may want to read it.

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