I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 120 Kim Tae Hee’s Meeting Gift

On February 8th, the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics opened. Song Yi and his girlfriend Kim Tae Hee flew back to their hometown Yeji to celebrate the New Year and meet their parents. Zhou Shulan had already brought her granddaughter Song Miao back to Yeji in advance. Song Yi was two days late because she had to attend the annual meeting of New Asia Network.

Before the plane landed, Kim Tae Hee was still worried, "OPPA, do you have many relatives in your family? Like seven aunts and eight aunts. I'm afraid I'll call the wrong person."

Song Yi felt funny and held his girlfriend's hand, "It's okay. Young people nowadays don't move around as much as they did before. Some of my relatives wouldn't have known me if my parents hadn't reminded me. As a prospective wife, you can follow Just call me. It’s your first time coming to the door, so our parents will definitely give you a red envelope.”

"Does the bigger the red envelope mean the more they like me?" Kim Tae Hee asked curiously.

"Here in the Northeast, when a woman comes to a man's home, the amount of the red envelope is usually not too large, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand. The amount is usually 666, 888, 999 or 1001, mainly to seek good luck. , 1001 means one in a thousand." Song Yi said.

"Yeah, OPPA came to my house as a guest, but my parents didn't prepare a red envelope for you." Kim Tae Hee was very upset.

"The cultural customs of China and South Korea are different, and your mother specially prepared a sumptuous dinner. It is the highest courtesy for the whole family to receive me at home." Song Yi comforted his girlfriend.

After the Spring Festival, Song Yi will also visit Kim Tae Hee's house in the name of her prospective son-in-law. However, if Taixi's parents knew that Song Yi slept with their eldest daughter and visited him in the name of their younger son-in-law, I wonder if they would break his legs.

When Song Yi and others walked out of the departure passage, Liao Yu was outside preparing to pick up the plane. Next to her stood a middle-aged man in his thirties. Both of them were wearing thick down jackets, velvet trousers and thick cotton shoes.

This man was obviously waiting for Song Yi and the others. When he saw Song Yi, he enthusiastically walked forward and waved hello to Song Yi.

Liao Yu first introduced the man's identity, "Xiao Yi, this is Director Ren Zheliang of the Foreign Affairs Office of Bianzhou University. President Jin happened to be a guest at our house today. I heard that you were back and was worried that it would be difficult for you to call a taxi, so I specially asked Director Ren and I’ll pick you and Tae Hee up together.”

When Song Yi heard what Liao Yu said, he understood in his heart and smiled politely, "Thank you, Director Ren, for bothering you today. It's really inconvenient to take a taxi at this point."

Ren Zheliang was very knowledgeable and was already preparing to help Song Yi carry his luggage. "Where are you? Come back to Ye Ji after a long time. Dean Song and I are colleagues, so it's appropriate to help. By the way, Director Zhou asked me We have brought cotton shoes for you two. You can change into them in the hall first. It’s cold outside, so keeping warm is the most important thing.”

The temperature in Bianzhou is more than ten degrees below zero during the day, so the work of keeping warm must not be careless. Kim Tae Hee was already wearing snow boots today, but she still put on cotton shoes like Song Yi.

Song Yi helped Jin Taixi put on a red scarf and a down jacket hat. After making sure that her girlfriend was not leaking, she finally showed a satisfied smile, "Well, the way she looks now, she looks a bit like our Northeastern wives, quite down-to-earth." Liao Yu Standing next to Song Yi, smiling and saying nothing.

The reception car of Bianzhou University was a black Volkswagen Santana. Ren Zheliang joked with Song Yi, "I have wronged Mr. Song today. This Santana in our school cannot compare with Mr. Song's BMW 7 Series."

Song Yi smiled and said, "A car is just a means of transportation. If it were not to entertain customers, I would not be willing to spend this wasted money. Now that FAW Audi has made it in China, the Audi A6 will be included in the official car list in two years. Your Santana will soon be replaced by an A6."

Ren Zheliang also smiled and did not refute. Nowadays, a joint venture Audi A6 costs more than 400 yuan, which is the ceiling for domestic joint venture cars. Even if Bianzhou University purchases an A6, it will not be able to sit in it according to its level. However, the Foreign Affairs Office is responsible for external cooperation and exchanges, and often receives foreign guests, so there are indeed opportunities to borrow it to fill the stage.

After Song Yi and his party returned to the teachers' dormitory building at Yeji Campus of Bianzhou University, the entire unit building suddenly became lively. The teachers' families upstairs and downstairs all wanted to see what Song Yi's girlfriend looked like.

Song Yi held hands with his girlfriend Kim Tae Hee. Both of them had their hands full of gifts, and Liao Yu also helped carry a lot of things.

When Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee walked into the house arm in arm, they found that the house was also full of people. They immediately set their sights on Kim Tae Hee next to Song Yi.

"Xiao Yi, this is your girlfriend. This little girl is so handsome. There is no such outstanding girl in dozens of miles around."

"That's right, others are big stars, the kind who are often on TV. I think only Dong Jie, who attended the Spring Festival Gala the year before last, can compare to her."

"Xiao Yi, have you met the girl's parents? We must understand etiquette and don't let the Koreans look down on us."

Although Kim Tae Hee has been working hard to learn Chinese, simple Chinese communication is no longer a problem, but when faced with these enthusiastic neighbor aunts, she suddenly felt confused. She stood at the door and didn't know who to say hello to.

Principal Jin came forward, "Okay, now you have met the new daughter-in-law, and the excitement has been enough. Let's go back to our homes. Dean Song and Director Zhou are very busy today, so everyone should go home quickly and prepare to cook!" When these neighbors heard what Principal Jin said, they left the Song family one after another.

After all, Song Yi is a junior. He first said hello to Principal Jin and then introduced Kim Tae Hee to Principal Jin. Kim Tae Hee is also very sensible, "Hello, Principal Kim."

As the only provincial 211 university in Liaozhong Province, Bianzhou University has a precedent for its secretary and principal to be directly promoted to provincial leaders.

Principal Jin's attitude was very gentle, "Song Yi, today is your family's reunion day, so I won't interrupt you too much. If you have free time these two days, you might as well come and sit at my house."

Song Yi quickly expressed his position, "Definitely, definitely. I will visit you again tomorrow!" Song Mingzhe and Song Yi sent Principal Jin and Ren Zheliang outside the house together.

When Song Mingzhe returned to the house, he asked Kim Tae Hee, "Tae Hee, this is your first time seeing this kind of scene. Are you not scared? In China, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Neighbors often move around and interact with each other." I often do you a favor, and when they heard that you were visiting today and that you are Korean, they all wanted to come over and have a look."

There are 7.8 million Koreans in Bianzhou, accounting for two-fifths of the state's population. Many people from Bianzhou go to South Korea to work, but they rarely marry Koreans. Song Yi is definitely the only one who opens a company in South Korea and has a Korean celebrity girlfriend.

Kim Tae Hee shook her head, "It doesn't matter. If my brother brings his girlfriend home, I guess our aunt next door can't help but come over to watch the fun."

After saying this, Kim Tae Hee began to distribute gifts. She prepared two bottles of Maotai, two Chinese brands, and tea for Song Mingzhe, Sulwhasoo skin care products and Korean red ginseng from Zhengguanzhuang for Zhou Shulan, a pair of pearl earrings for Liao Yu, and one for Song Miao. Winnie the Pooh stuffed toy.

Zhou Shulan liked Kim Tae Hee very much. She took Kim Tae Hee's hand and said, "It's enough for people to come here. Why buy so many things? It's hard to lift and take."

"That's right. He went to our house to pick up a lot more things than I did." After all, Kim Tae Hee had dealt with Zhou Shulan several times, and she was no longer so reserved in front of her future mother-in-law.

Zhou Shulan and Jin Taixi were chatting, Song Mingzhe went to the kitchen to cook, and Song Yi stood beside to help serve the dishes.

"Principal Jin is very well-informed. I just came back today and he happened to be a guest at home. I originally wanted to visit his home after the holidays." Song Yi was helpless. After finally taking a vacation, he also wanted to take his girlfriend to experience the Northeastern New Year customs.

"This can only be blamed on your mother. She went to the market to buy some vegetables and asked someone to order a pair of Eastern Star Spots, saying she would use them today. Others were not fools and they guessed it right away." Song Mingzhe said.

The Song family’s dinner was quite sumptuous, including garlic vermicelli shrimp, pan-fried yellow croaker, sauerkraut and bell pepper beef, stewed sea cucumbers with matsutake mushrooms, braised pork vermicelli, seaweed and oyster soup, braised goose, and steamed Eastern star spot.

When Kim Tae Hee saw the table full of dishes, she remembered the first time her boyfriend visited her home as a guest. The contrast should not be too strong. She whispered in Song Yi's ear: "OPPA, last time you went to my house for dinner, I really wronged you."

Song Yi was amused by his girlfriend, "Our Bianzhou is close to the sea, so it is easy to eat fresh seafood. Bianzhou is also very famous for its seafood and barbecue. When Taizhi and the others arrive tomorrow, I will take you out to try it."

Song Yi and Jin Taixi flew back to Ye Ji first, and the bodyguards drove back to Bianzhou from Yanjing to meet Song Yi. Yanjing is more than 1,300 kilometers away from Bianzhou, and it should be almost there tomorrow.

During the Spring Festival, Song Yi planned to take his girlfriend to have fun in the Northeast for a few days. It would be more convenient to travel by car. The North is not at peace these days. A few years ago, New Oriental's boss Yu was kidnapped. Without a bodyguard team by his side, he really wouldn't dare to take risks.

Song Yi brought Dong Xingban to the table, and all the dishes were ready. Song Yi greeted his family, "Mom, sister-in-law, Miaomiao, and Taixi, are ready to eat."

Song Mingzhe was about to get Lingta Baijiu, but Song Yi directly opened a bottle of Maotai brought by Jin Taixi, "Dad, today is a good day for our family, we have to drink some good wine."

Zhou Shulan also agreed, "Xiao Yi is right. Today Taixi is a guest at home. Let's drink some good wine as a family. Come on, give it to mom too. Xiaoyu, are you drinking white or red? There are still some at home. A few bottles of wine.”

Liao Yu first asked Jin Taixi, "Taixi, do you want to drink some wine? Drinking some wine in winter will make your stomach feel better."

Zhou Shulan felt sorry for Jin Taixi, "Forget it, Taixi shouldn't drink. Just drink some coconut juice like Miaomiao. I've been on the road for a long time today, so I'm probably tired."

Liao Yu and Zhou Shulan joked, "Mom, are you a little bit favoritistic about one? Let me drink wine, let Taixi drink coconut milk, and you two daughters-in-law, you have to drink a bowl of water."

Song Yi poured a cup of coconut juice for Jin Taixi, and then filled Liao Yu's cup, "Mom, sister-in-law is right. You have to be like me, no matter how big or small, we are all equal."

Liao Yu understood Song Yi's hint. Even if Kim Tae Hee married into the Song family, Song Yi would not treat her badly. She and Kim Tae Hee were equal in size.

Zhou Shulan knew that Liao Yu was just joking. Her eldest daughter-in-law, Liao Yu, had always been sensible and very sensible.

"Go, go, Taixi is a guest today, and we treat her as a guest. If you want to drink coconut juice, mom won't tell you." Zhou Shulan said quickly.

Song Miao understood it all at once and said sensibly, "Grandma, can only guests drink coconut milk? Then I won't drink it. I will leave it all to sister Taixi." Song Miao's words directly made everyone in the family laugh. .

Song Yi was confused for a moment, Song Miao, which teacher did you learn this reading comprehension from? "Miaomiao, I bought several boxes of coconut juice at home. There is no need to leave it for Taixi. By the way, you can no longer call Taixi sister, you have to call aunt."

Song Miao's mind was spinning very fast, "If I don't call her Sister Taixi, then I should also call her Auntie. Ask Sister Taixi, do you think she would be happy if I called her Auntie?" Beifang? Call the wife of the youngest uncle Auntie.

Liao Yu glared at Song Miao. Of course she knew why her daughter insisted on calling her sister Jin Taixi. Jin Taixi understood the conversation between Song Miao and Song Yi, and she found it very interesting, "Why is it an old aunt? Isn't old the most important thing? Isn't an old aunt an aunt?"

Zhou Shulan was also amused by Song Miao and Jin Taixi. She motioned to Jin Taixi to eat more vegetables, "Where can there be such a beautiful aunt? An old lady like me is the aunt. Miaomiao, you will be called Aunt Taixi from now on." .Taixi is my uncle’s girlfriend, and they are getting married soon. How can you still call Taixi sister, how impolite it is.”

Song Yi peeled off a few shrimps and put them into Song Miao's bowl, "Miaomiao, if Taixi and I get married, there will be one more person in the family to care about you, protect you and love you. How wonderful it will be." It's something. Have you forgotten? Aunt Taixi also promised to take you to Tokyo Disneyland during the summer vacation."

Song Miao saw that her grandmother and uncle's opinions were very firm, and she was very aware of current affairs. Song Miao raised the cup and said to Jin Taixi: "Aunt Taixi, I wish you and your uncle will grow old together, have a happy marriage for a hundred years, and give me a lovely brother!"

When Jin Taixi heard what Song Miao said, she was so happy that her eyebrows almost flew up. She had a smile on her face, "Thank you Miaomiao, I also wish you success in your studies and happiness every day."

Liao Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. She was really worried that her daughter Song Miao would be resistant to Kim Tae Hee. Don't look at Song Miao and Tae Hee's sister being taller and Tae Hee's sister being shorter all day long. That's because Kim Tae Hee hasn't passed the test yet. If Kim Tae Hee really gets married, Song Miao's attitude will not be so good.

Zhou Shulan was also very happy when she heard what Song Miao said. She now hopes that Song Yi and Jin Taixi will get married as soon as possible and expand the branches of the Song family. The eldest son Song Bo left behind an only daughter, Song Miao. Naturally, her younger son Song Yi could have more children to inherit the family business.

Song Yi has also considered this issue. He and Chen Fuzhen already have a child. If an accident occurs and he dies suddenly, wouldn't all his wealth fall into the hands of Chen Fuzhen and his son? If he wants another child, he will definitely want Kim Tae Hee to get pregnant first.

After dinner, Song Mingzhe and Zhou Shulan were about to give their soon-to-be daughter-in-law Kim Tae Hee a meeting gift. Song Mingzhe prepared a 10001 red envelope, which means choosing one in a million. Zhou Shulan also prepared a pair of gold bracelets separately. Jin Taixi was embarrassed to accept them, so she looked at Song Yi in embarrassment.

Song Yi nodded and asked Jin Taixi to accept it, "Okay, this is also my parents' wish, accept it. If I am busy in the future, you can just take care of them for me."

Zhou Shulan was not happy, "Raising children for old age. It is your responsibility as a son to take care of your parents. What does it have to do with your daughter-in-law? Taixi is willing to help because she is filial. As a son, you can't shirk the responsibility of taking care of the elderly." On your wife?"

Song Yi didn't expect that this would lead to anger, so he quickly apologized, "It's my fault. In this way, I will take you all to live in Seoul this year, lest you say that I live alone in a big villa in Seoul and leave you in the country. Unfilial."

Zhou Shulan is now quite adapted to life in Yanjing, and has become familiar with the retired old ladies in Everbright Garden Community, so she is unwilling to move to Seoul. "It doesn't matter where you live. Now that the children don't live with their parents, it's fine for me to live with your sister-in-law and Miaomiao. If you are willing, just come back and visit me and your dad often when you have time."

Song Yi repeatedly agreed, "That's no problem. When your son makes money this year, he will buy a private jet. It will be convenient to fly to Yanjing or Yeji by then. You can apply to air traffic control in advance and you can fly at any time, unlike flights." Same, still have to wait.”

When Song Mingzhe heard what Song Yi said, his face looked unhappy, "You are a plane and a yacht, are you too high-profile? Why do I feel that even the three eastern provinces can't accommodate you, so you can't be here Can the state invest some money to contribute to the construction of my hometown and improve the income level of the people in the border state?"

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes. My thoughts have been straightened out. I will try to make more updates tomorrow. By the way, I would also like to thank Time 1979 for the reward.

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