I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 121 Offshore Port Development Plan

The woman went to the man's house. Unmarried couples were not allowed to live together. Song Yi had to stay alone in the empty room at night. Fortunately, Song Mingzhe's faculty and staff room was relatively large, with four bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. Song Yi and Kim Tae Hee happened to have a room each, otherwise Song Yi would have to stay in the guest house hotel of Bianzhou University.

At six o'clock in the morning, Song Yi had already woken up, and it was already dark outside. There are no smartphones or tablets in this era, so Song Yi was too lazy to stay in bed, so he got up and went downstairs to get some fresh air.

When Song Yi was about to go out, he found that his mother Zhou Shulan had just returned from buying breakfast. Song Yi was a little surprised, "Mom, it's so cold outside. Why go out to buy breakfast? Just cook some porridge and pickles at home. Don't freeze yourself."

Zhou Shulan glared at Song Yi and said angrily, "Taixi came all the way from Ulsan to celebrate the New Year with us, and you let other girls eat porridge so early in the morning. Are you a tiger? If Taixi's mother finds out, Maybe our family has treated her daughter badly."

Liao Yu was also awake at this moment. She heard the conversation between Zhou Shulan and her son, and gave Song Yi some advice, "If you feel sorry for our mother, why don't you go buy breakfast tomorrow morning and let our mother sleep a little longer?" ”

Zhou Shulan disagreed, "That won't work. You both are very tired from work. It's hard to take a break and get some more sleep. Your dad and I are old and can't fall asleep when we wake up. If it's summer, I'll go to bed after four o'clock Get up and exercise.”

Bianzhou Autonomous Prefecture is located in the eastern part of Liaozhong Province, adjacent to the Changbai Mountain Basin. It has large temperature differences throughout the four seasons and clear time differences. Daybreak comes around three o'clock in the summer and after six o'clock in the winter. Students usually arrive at school after seven o'clock, and adults go to work after eight o'clock.

Zhou Shulan went to Bianzhou Floating Market in the morning. This floating market is built along the river. It used to be just a morning market, but now there are many more people selling breakfast. Zhou Shulan bought seaweed rice, colorful fried dough sticks, rice cakes and rice sausage according to Jin Taixi's taste.

Song Yi went to wash up first, "You buy it now. My dad, Miaomiao and Taixi haven't gotten up yet, and the breakfast will be cold in a while. Do you want me to wake them all up?"

"Your dad has woken up a long time ago. He is reading in the room. Miaomiao is still young. Children should sleep more, otherwise they will not grow taller. Let's wait for Taixi. When she wakes up, we will have breakfast together." Zhou Shulan replied.

Kim Tae Hee obviously didn't have the habit of sleeping in, and she woke up after a while. When she saw that Zhou Shulan had gotten up, she panicked and apologized repeatedly, "Sorry, Auntie, I got up late."

Liao Yu didn't understand why Kim Tae Hee wanted to apologize. Does her daughter-in-law have to get up earlier than her mother-in-law? Song Yi and Liao Yu told the secret about Zhou Zhengyong's family. Zhou Zhengyong's son and daughter-in-law went to the old house in Qingyundong to have breakfast with his parents-in-law every day. In Korea, if a daughter-in-law lives with her parents-in-law and wakes up later than her mother-in-law, she will be considered to be unfilial.

Hearing what Song Yi said, Liao Yu felt incredible, "Fortunately I am not in South Korea, otherwise I would have been scolded to death. However, mothers-in-law in the Northeast love their daughters-in-law more and are reluctant to let them get up to make breakfast."

"Well, how expensive is it to marry a daughter-in-law these days? From engagement, wedding gifts, and building a house, you don't have to spend money like that? If you don't treat other people's girls well, other girls will run away long ago. How can ordinary families have the money to find another one? ." Song Yi said.

Song Mingzhe also got up at this time, and he told Song Yi about business, "Since you are going to Principal Jin's house as a guest today, you take the silver needle you gave me with you. If you are celebrating the New Year, if you go there empty-handed, others will say You don’t know etiquette.”

Song Yi and Song Mingzhe joked, "Dad, if you had paid more attention to being an official in the early years, you would have been the school leader now. Then someone would give you silver needles now. This pound of tea costs several It’s a thousand yuan, and you just gave it away, don’t you feel bad?”

Song Mingzhe was very leisurely, "It's okay, I finished drinking it, and my son gave it to me, and I didn't have to pay for it, so why should I feel bad. If I only rely on my salary, how can I afford to drink this kind of fine white tea."

During breakfast, Song Yi said to Kim Tae Hee, "I'm going to visit Principal Jin in the morning. Tae Sik and the others should be here at noon. I'll drive you out for a walk in the afternoon."

Kim Tae Hee was very obedient, "If you have business to do, go ahead and do it without worrying about me. I came here this time with the script of "Dae Jang Geum" and plan to review it again during the Spring Festival."

Zhou Shulan was very happy when she heard that Kim Tae Hee was going to star in "Dae Jang Geum". "Will "Dae Jang Geum" starring Tae Hee be played in the mainland? If not, please send me the DVD and I will watch it at home."

"According to the company's arrangement, "Dae Jang Geum" will start broadcasting after the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. The whole drama has more than fifty episodes. Only when "Dae Jang Geum" is completely broadcast in South Korea will we introduce it to the mainland and Japanese markets. .So if "Dae Jang Geum" wants to be released in the mainland, it will be around December at the earliest." Song Yi said.

New Asia Pictures will shoot "Winter Sonata" first in the first half of the year and "Dae Jang Geum" in the second half, staggering the time for the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. Song Hye Kyo's acting skills are more mature than Kim Tae Hee's, and Song Yi still hopes that Kim Tae Hee can hone her acting skills in musicals.

Principal Jin Nanxiong lives on the third floor of another unit. When Song Yi came to the door, he was practicing calligraphy in his study. "Song Yi, please sit down for a while, I will write it right away."

Jin Nanxiong wrote a poem: Looking at the Three Kingdoms at a glance, the barking of dogs scares the three frontiers; beacon smoke rises on the border, and the homeland is separated; the people are suffering, and the country is weak and unable to prosper; the sea is far away, and it is still impossible to travel.

"Uncle Jin is getting better and better at regular calligraphy." Song Yi couldn't help but praise.

Jin Nanxiong waved his hand, "Graffiti is a work of elegance. You should know where this poem is written, right?"

"Shoutu Village, the No. 1 Dongfang Village in Jinhai City, I went there with my classmates after the Lintuping embankment was repaired in 1992. There is also the No. 1 Dongfang Outpost there. But I haven't been there in recent years." Song Song Yi said.

"Didn't you bring your girlfriend back to celebrate the New Year? If you have nothing to do, you can take her there for a walk. A national scenic spot will be built there soon, and there will be admission fees for visiting there next year. If you want to use a car, just ask Ren Zheliang , just say it was specially approved by me." Jin Nanxiong said.

Song Yi declined, "Yesterday was already very troublesome for Director Ren. Everyone is busy during the New Year. How can I continue to take advantage of the school? By the way, this is the tea my dad asked me to bring you. I usually drink it myself. Don't worry. Just dislike it."

Jin Nanxiong took the tea, put it aside, and joked with Song Yi, "Since you sent it, I'll take it first. You must be drinking good tea. Anyway, you don't work in our school, so I'm not afraid. You bribed."

"Uncle Jin, you are joking. If I really begged you, you would definitely not stand idly by." Song Yi's mentality was very peaceful. He did not ask for Jin Nanxiong, and there was no need to deliberately please.

Jin Nanxiong took apart the tea leaves and smelled the tea. "It is indeed a good white tea. I often drink your father's tea leaves. I envy him for raising a good son."

"After the year, our Byeonju University will organize a delegation of teachers to visit Yonsei University and conduct academic exchanges. Your father is tentatively appointed as the leader of the delegation, and Ren Zheliang will be the deputy leader. In Seoul, you will be the host. I hope you will do more." Jin Nanxiong talked about business first.

Byeonju University and Yonsei University will establish a sister school, and subsequent cooperation in running schools will be inseparable from Song Yi's guidance.

As Song Yi suggested before, undergraduates from the College of History and Culture at Byeonju University and undergraduates from the Department of History at Yonsei University can exchange international students. If the undergraduate study abroad results are satisfactory, a diploma from the other school will be issued.

In the eyes of Koreans, the value of Yonsei University's diploma is undoubtedly much higher than that of Byeonju University. If international students at Byeonju University want to obtain a diploma from Yonsei University, then Byeonju University will naturally have to prove their teaching level to Yonsei University, and academic visits and exchanges between the two universities will be essential.

"My dad is already the leader of the visiting delegation. Do I dare not to contribute? Uncle Jin, don't worry, I guarantee that the mission of the visiting delegation will be successfully completed." Song Yi said.

"I believe this. By the way, I heard that you are the executive director of Asan Group. You met Kim Dongshen of the North Korean Asia-Pacific Peace Committee at Zhou Zhengyong's funeral. Next month will be the first anniversary of the death of Chairman Zhou Zhengyong. North Korea Will representatives be sent to mourn President Zhou Zhengyong?" Jin Nanxiong asked.

"This year is South Korea's election year, and the candidates of each party have not yet been announced. South Korea's foreign policy towards North Korea in the future is not clear, and North Korea should only express condolences through phone calls. However, the Zhou Zhengyong Stadium will be completed next year, and the Asan Group may organize A delegation from the political and economic circles visited Pingjing to attend the opening ceremony of the gymnasium," Song Yi said.

"I remember Asan Group is responsible for developing Mount Kumgang International Tourism Special Zone. Have you ever visited Mount Kumgang?" Jin Nanxiong asked curiously.

"Currently, the Mount Kumgang tourism project is at a semi-stop state. Asan Group did not organize Korean tourists to travel to Mount Kumgang last year, and the biannual meeting of separated family members of North and South Korea has been suspended. I am currently not responsible for economic cooperation with North Korea. "Song Yi gave the final answer.

"Actually, when the Shotu Scenic Area was developed, Jinhai City originally planned to introduce Korean companies to jointly develop it, and Asan Group was an alternative. However, later Hyundai Group broke into civil strife, and the matter fell apart." Jin Nanxiong said.

Although Asan Group has only developed the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Special Zone, Asan Group can already receive inbound tour groups from North Korea.

In fact, many tourists enter the country from Andong City, Liaodong Province, China, first go to the Sinuiju Special Economic Zone on the North Korean side, then pass through Pyonggyong City, the capital of North Korea, and finally arrive at Mount Kumgang International Tourism Special Zone. This is a very mature tourist route.

If Asan Group and Jinhai City jointly develop the Shoutu Scenic Area, a new tourism route can be opened up. Tourists can first visit Shotu Scenic Area, then return to Yeji City, the capital of Bienzhou, fly to Pingjing, and then go to Mount Kumgang International Tourism Area. Finally, you can take the Asan Group's sightseeing cruise from the Mount Kumgang International Tourism Zone and enter South Korea from Sokcho Port.

"Actually, Bianzhou's tourism resources are very rich. Since the opening of direct flights between Yeji City and Seoul City the year before last year, many Korean tourists fly to Yeji City every week. As a tourist village that maintains its original ecology, Shoutu Village The Korean Folk Village is still very attractive. However, the transportation from Ye Ji to Jinhai City is not convenient. If Jinhai City can build an airport, it is really possible to develop Jinhai City." Song Yi talked eloquently .

Jin Nanxiong was startled, "As a county-level city, you really dare to think about building an airport in Jinhai City!"

Song Yi remembered that Jinhai City started building a commuter airport twenty years later, which shows that the mainland also realized the necessity of building an airport in Jinhai City. Even though Yeji City already had an international airport, Offshore City decided to build a commuter airport.

The so-called commuter flights are air transportation methods specifically designed to facilitate the daily travel and economic exchanges of residents in villages, towns, communities, mines and other remote areas. They usually use small aircraft with less than 30 seats to fly between source airports and branch or some trunk airports within 400 kilometers on regular or irregular flights at high frequencies.

Jinhai City is just over a hundred kilometers away from Yeji City, 500 kilometers away from the provincial capital Chuncheng City, 700 kilometers away from Bingcheng, the largest city in the Northeast, and 700 kilometers away from Shengjing City. If a commuter airport is built in Offshore City, commuter flights in Offshore City will mainly fly to the four cities of Yeji, Chuncheng, Bingcheng and Shengjing.

However, the Huaguo Tuman River Basin (offshore) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone has not yet been built, and the advantages of offshore city as a port city have not yet been fully utilized.

At least, the cross-border transportation project of domestic trade goods from Offshore City to Puhai City via Rajin Port on the North Korean side has not yet been implemented. The international land-sea transport project from Offshore City via Zarubino Port on the Russian side to Niigata Port in Japan and Busan Port in South Korea has not yet been implemented. The route is not open either. Then the construction plan of the commuter airport in Offshore City will definitely not be put on the agenda so soon.

"Uncle Jin, it's impossible now, and it may not be impossible in a few years. However, the cost of building an airport is relatively high. Currently, Bianzhou cannot afford to build an airport. In fact, if you want to develop tourism in offshore areas, cruise ships are the most convenient. If Tourists from Japan and South Korea can enter Tumanjiang River via cruise ship and disembark in offshore city, and all problems will be solved," Song Yi said.

"It's easy for you to say. How can a cruise ship enter the Tuman River with such a deep draft? The only place in the entire Tuman River that can pass 1,000-ton river ships is the 15-kilometer channel from the mouth of the Tuman River to Shoutu Village. With a little management, It can accommodate river and sea-type ships of 300 to 2,000 tonnage.”

"The further you go, the smaller the tonnage of ships that can pass. From Shoutu Village to Shuiwan Village, the water depth is only 1-3.5 meters in dry season. Even if equipment is used for dredging, only inland barges of 100 to 300 tons can pass. From Shuiwan Village, From the village to Tuman City, the water depth is 0.7-2 meters in dry season, and the navigation tonnage drops directly to less than 100 tons. Even if the Russia-North Korea railway bridge on the Tuman River is demolished, the most you can do is drive a small cruise ship to Shoutu Village." Jin Nanxiong Shake his head.

"Uncle Kim, I remember that before the September 18th Incident, there were still 1,400 ships going out to the offshore port every year. At that time, it only took four days for offshore ships to reach Urahai City from the Sea of ​​Japan. If it weren't for Tumanjiang River, A 10-meter-high railway bridge, the offshore port is at least the only seaside port in northern Liaoning and central Liaoning provinces." Song Yi had obviously done detailed homework before coming.

Although Jin Nanxiong is now the president of Bienju University, he is now working hard to become a scholar-type official. If he is transferred to Bianzhou Zizhou District to serve, he will at least be the second-in-command in the state. He has a very good understanding of the current economic situation in Bianzhou. If he wants to promote the economic development of Bianzhou, offshore ports are an indispensable part.

This was also the reason why he wanted to meet Song Yi through Song Mingzhe. New Asia Real Estate invested 4 billion in Yanjing to build the Wangjing Center, and he had already learned about the strength of the New Asia Department. If the New Asia Department invests hundreds of millions in Bianzhou City, it will be Jin Nanxiong's political achievement in attracting investment. When the time comes, Jin Nanxiong will naturally be more confident to take up a position in the state.

Song Yi also admitted to Jin Nanxiong that currently, there is no possibility of demolition of the Russia-North Korea railway bridge in the next three to five years.

In 2000, Jinhae City has opened a sea shipping route from Jinhae City-Zabiruno Port-Sokcho Port. This route has a total length of 361 nautical miles and is also the first maritime route in Liaozhong Province.

New Asia Group plans to cooperate with Asan Group to open a tourist route from offshore city-Zabiruno Port-Wonsan Port-Sokcho Port. By stopping at Wonsan Port, tourists from China, Japan and South Korea can directly go ashore to visit Mount Kumgang International Tourism Special Zone.

This is also the first step in the offshore port development plan, with low risk, low cost and high economic benefits. Only by first "borrowing the port to go to sea" so that all parties can obtain economic benefits and participate in it, they will not oppose this route.

In fact, the route from Offshore City - Zabiruno Port - Sokcho Port was suspended in 2010 due to various reasons. Since Song Yi is determined to develop offshore ports, he will naturally not let this kind of thing continue to happen.

If this tourist route matures, then a tourist route from Offshore City to Zabiruno Port to Niigata Port will be opened. When the tourist routes mature, New Asia Group and Ashan Group can consider opening freight routes. However, the conditions for opening freight routes are currently insufficient.

Only when Song Woo-seok can be successfully elected as the president of South Korea and through the coordination of China, Russia and South Korea can the opening of this offshore city-Zabiruno Port-Sokcho-Busan Port freight route become possible.

The distance between Zabiruno Port and offshore ports is 60 kilometers. Zabiruno Port is a natural ice-free port. If a railway is built between Kamikai City and Zabiruno Port, it can become a transnational land and sea freight route connecting the Sea of ​​Japan.

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