I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 129 Is New Asia preparing to build its own theater chain?

Song Yi agreed to Teacher Ma's participation in this year's West Lake Sword Discussion, and Brother Ma also agreed. Ding Sanshi originally didn't want to join in the fun, but since Song Yi decided to go, he agreed to fly to Hangzhou again.

"Actually, according to me, the West Lake swordplay is better than having a party on my yacht. Then we can experience sea fishing, snorkeling, motorboating, and eat the most authentic seafood. This is called enjoying life." Song Yi said.

Ding Sanshi heard that Song Yi had bought a private yacht and took the initiative to ask for the details of the Xinya. When he got rich, he also wanted to build one. When he heard that Song Yi spent 20 million euros to buy a 140-foot luxury yacht, he could only sigh sourly that Song Yi's grandson was really damn rich.

Since the topic of yachts was discussed, Zhang Chaoyang, who was listening in the audience, immediately became interested. Zhang Chaoyang is a man of true nature and does not hide it, "Mr. Song, I have a lot of experience with yachts, but the models on yachts now are all vulgar fans. Next time, can you organize a party for Yanjing Internet Company? When the artists signed by your company come, such as Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, the level of the party immediately rises."

The three major portal websites Sina, NetEase and Sohu are all headquartered in Yanjing. Ding Sanshi founded NetEase in Pengcheng in 1997. After NetEase went public, he moved the company's headquarters to Yanjing Shuimu Science and Technology Park.

These three major portals currently do not conflict with the business of New Asia Network. Although NetEase plans to make games this year, Ding Sanshi will not say it directly.

Not long after New Asia Advertising was established, Song Yi had dealt with Internet companies in Beijing such as Baidu, Sohu, NetEase and Sina. New Asia Advertising has placed Internet companies on Baidu and the three major portals, but the business scale is not large.

After the launch of "Legend of Hot Blood", the game has been heavily advertised on Baidu and three major portals. Song Yi actually admires Zhang Chaoyang. He has never done anything in his life. Although the scale of his company is much worse than that of Erma, he lives a much more chic life than Teacher Ma.

In fact, for the top rich people, if you have a net worth of tens of billions or a net worth of hundreds of billions, and the company has become bigger, maybe the company is not worth it. It is better to eat and have fun. We also went to a meeting. Brother Ma was concentrating on taking notes, while Zhang Chaoyang was sleeping next to him.

Of course, Song Yi actually lives a more chic life than Zhang Chaoyang. He focuses his career on South Korea and enters the mainland market more as an investor. Even if it is New Asia Real Estate's Wangjing real estate project, at least it has the status of a foreign investor.

Let's put it this way, as long as Song Yi didn't fall into a situation of betrayal and separation in Korea, he would still live a very cool life. To put it bluntly, even if Song Yi's career in South Korea is uprooted, as long as he has Penguin's shares, he can still retire early and spend his life living in debauchery.

Faced with Zhang Chaoyang's proposal, Song Yi immediately refused, "I never let the company's artists accompany me for drinks. Mr. Zhang, haven't you been very close to the Peacock Princess recently? How can this Korean star be as beautiful as our Chinese women? Ah, your face is full of technology and ruthless work. Mr. Zhang, you might as well date a Japanese girl and bring glory to the country."

When Zhang Chaoyang heard what Song Yi said, he thought it made sense at first, but later he remembered that Song Yi's girlfriend, Kim Tae Hee, was also Korean. Only then did he suddenly realize that Song Yi only wanted to eat alone! Ah, bah, it’s really not a thing!

Song Yi, who had just returned to Seoul, sneezed. Kim Tae Hee asked her boyfriend with concern: "The temperature has been relatively low these days. Did you catch a cold after returning to Yanjing?"

Song Yi asked his girlfriend: "Isn't your school in session? Why are you still free to pick me up at the airport? Is Xiyuan busy with anything today?"

Kim Tae Hee felt a strange feeling in her heart when she heard Song Yi directly call her sister's name. Song Yi used to call him sister or sister Xiyuan. When did he start calling his sister by her name?

She found that Jin Xiyuan's name for Song Yi had also changed. She used to call Song Yi by his first name, but now she basically calls him by the president's name. Kim Tae Hee asked her sister not to be so quarrelsome, but Kim Hee Won said that no matter in the company or at home, there must be respect for elders and younger ones.

"If I call Song Yi's name in the company, or call him OPPA, then others may think that I rose to the position through nepotism, which is not conducive to establishing Chairman Song's prestige." Jin Xiyuan said very reasonably.

However, Kim Tae Hee still feels that the relationship between her sister Kim Hee Won and Song Yi has undergone unknown changes, and she does not dare to explore the truth of the matter yet. Although she needs the help of her sister to fight against the alliance between Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo, she does not want her sister Jin Xiyuan to become a member of Song Yi's harem group.

Kim Tae Hee came back to her senses, "Oh, my sister is having an interview at the company today and I don't have time to come to the company to pick you up. I just don't have class in the afternoon, so I came to pick you up. OPPA, didn't you say that there are still many things to do in Puhai City? Are you busy? Why did you come back early?"

Song Yi smiled, "Fool, isn't it your birthday soon? How could I forget such an important thing? I can just go to Puhai after I celebrate your birthday." Song Yi felt more and more It became increasingly necessary to buy a private jet, and business trips had become a daily routine for him.

Gulfstream Aerospace will launch the Gulfstream G550 business jet next year, which will be the first ultra-long-range business jet in human history to fly directly from New York to Tokyo. The aircraft has a range of 11,686 kilometers and can carry 18 passengers. It is a luxury business jet with the longest range, the best performance, the most spacious cabin and the best comfort.

The G550's cabin area is 47.3 square meters, and the cabin can be transformed into a private bedroom. After the plane was delivered, Song Yi decided to take Kim Tae Hee to travel around Europe. He was so good that Kim Tae Hee knew what three thousand miles a day was.

Kim Tae Hee didn't know what her boyfriend was thinking, so she threw away the slight sadness in her heart. She smiled and said, "OPPA, actually it's okay if you don't come back to celebrate my birthday with me. As long as you remember to buy me a gift, it's okay if I celebrate it with my sister."

A woman's mouth is also a liar. The more beautiful a woman is, the better she lies. If Song Yi really doesn't come back to celebrate his girlfriend's birthday, Kim Tae Hee looks calm and doesn't mind at all. But maybe one day Kim Tae Hee will not let Song Yi go to bed because Song Yi didn't use the designated shower gel when taking a shower.

Song Yi asked, "By the way, who is Xiyuan interviewing today?" As the executive director of New Asia Media, Jin Xiyuan is interviewing at least the core executive positions of the subsidiary.

"My sister said that you valued him very much last year and wanted to recruit him. My sister has been keeping in touch with Jin Youze through a headhunting company. Now that the contract between Kim Youze and MegaBox Cinema has expired, he himself He also wanted to join a film company. So my sister asked him to come to the company to have a talk," Kim Tae Hee said.

As soon as Song Yi heard Jin Youze's name, he said to Kim Tae Hee: "Since Jin Youze is here, we won't go home. We will go to the company first. We must keep Jin Youze here today."

The listing of Shinhan Media has entered the final process. If nothing unexpected happens, Shinhan Media will be officially listed on the Korean main board KOSPI next month.

After Xinhan Media is successfully listed, Xinya will immediately launch a backdoor listing plan. In March, New Asia Media established a new subsidiary, New Asia Agency, with Kim Tae-hee as the president of New Asia Agency.

Directors, screenwriters, artists and composers signed by New Asia Agency and New Asia Media have all re-signed contracts. As soon as New Asia Agency was established, director Guo Zaiyong announced that he would join New Asia Agency.

Now Jin Xiyuan serves as the executive director of New Asia Media, the president of New Asia Agency and the president of New Asia Pictures. She is really too busy to do all the work on her own. If Jin Youze succeeds Jin Xiyuan as the new president of New Asia Pictures, not only will Jin Xiyuan's workload be much lighter, but it will also be easier for Song Yi to straighten out the equity relationships of New Asia Pictures.

Song Yi called Jin Xiyuan and asked her to keep Jin Youze. Song Yi planned to have an interview with Jin Youze.

After Jin Xiyuan hung up the phone, she said to Jin Youze: "Executive Jin, I'm very sorry. Our president just returned to Seoul today. When he heard that you came to the company for an interview, he asked me to entertain you. He will be at the company right away. I want to talk to you face to face.”

Jin Youze met Song Yi last year. Song Yi invited Jin Youze to join New Asia Pictures at that time. Jin Youze declined Song Yi's invitation because his contract with MegaBox Cinemas had not expired.

He witnessed the whole process of the publicity and distribution plan of "My Naughty Girlfriend". When he learned that this plan was all produced by Song Yi, he highly recognized Song Yi's film planning ability.

For Jin Youze, if he chooses to change jobs, salary is no longer his first consideration. He values ​​​​more whether the company can give him a space to display his personal talents in the future.

In fact, MegaBox Cinemas is still unwilling to lose Jin Youze. MegaBox proposed a salary increase + equity incentive plan for him, but Jin Youze still did not renew his contract.

Jin Youze hopes that MegaBox Cinemas can get involved in the film production industry, just like ShowBox Cinemas. ShowBox announced in 2002 that it would invest in a youth comedy film titled "Color is Empty". "Color is Emptiness" is directed by Yoon Je-gyun and stars Im Chang-jeong, Ha Ji-won and Jung Min.

MegaBox Cinemas is a joint venture formed by Orion Group and AMC Cinemas in the United States. ShowBox itself is a subsidiary of Orion Group. If MegaBox is the godson, then ShowBox is the biological son.

So how could MegaBox’s major shareholder Orion Group support MegaBox’s involvement in the film production industry to steal the job of his son ShowBox? MegaBox theater chain naturally rejected Jin Youze's proposal.

Jin Youze felt that there was no use for heroes, so he had the idea of ​​​​leaving MegaBox. Jin Youze has two choices at the moment. One is to start a business and find a partner to open a small film company. The other is to join a film company. Jin Youze remembered Song Yi's invitation to him last year, so he came to Xinya Building for an interview.

When Song Yi returned to Xinya Building, Jin Xiyuan was taking Jin Youze to visit Xinya Pictures. Jin Youze was a little surprised when he saw several Steadicam cameras in the equipment room. "New Asia Pictures currently shoots up to two movies a year. Is it necessary to buy so much professional equipment?"

For most small and medium-sized movies, they usually choose to rent venues and equipment when making a movie. Even the camera crews rent them from other movie companies.

Don't look at the fact that New Asia Pictures made 20 billion won from the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend". It seems like a lot, but buying a set of Steadicam camera equipment requires 200 million won!

Everyone knows that self-purchasing equipment is more cost-effective than renting equipment. The question is whether New Asia Pictures can produce enough movies and TV series in the future to ensure that the company's initial investment can be repaid.

At this time, the management staff of New Asia Pictures noticed Song Yi's arrival. They stood in a row and bowed to Song Yi and said hello: "Hello, President."

Jin Youze was wearing a black suit and a red tie today. He stood next to Jin Xiyuan, feeling a little uneasy and wondering whether he should greet Song Yi together with the employees of New Asia Pictures.

Song Yi saw Jin Youze's embarrassment and said to Jin Youze: "Executive Jin is right. New Asia Pictures will only produce two movies this year, but New Asia Pictures will not always produce only two movies. New Asia Pictures The future goal is to become a world-class film company. From now on, New Asia Pictures will have an average of one to two movies released in theaters every month."

One to two movies per month, then New Asia Pictures will release 16 to 24 movies a year. Hollywood movie giant Disney Pictures can only release so many movies a year. The question is whether New Asia Pictures can really do it. ?

Kim Woo-taek founded N.E.W Film Company in 2008. In 10 years, N.E.W's share of the Korean film market had reached 8.3%. Later, the market share increased year by year. In 2013, N.E.W overtook CJ Entertainment to become the film company with the highest box office share in South Korea. Kim Woo-taek's There is no need to doubt personal abilities.

South Korea only has a population of 50 million, and the local box office market potential is not high. However, Song Yi still values ​​the Korean film market because of South Korea's film classification system.

Although the mainland box office is rising, the mainland film industry has actually lagged behind Korean films. The main reason is that Korean movies are more daring to make. From "Memories of Murder" to "The Crucible", from "Sowon" to "Parasite", Korean movies can make good movies that expose the dark reality, but they cannot change the current social situation. .

The release of "My Naughty Girlfriend" in the mainland is the first attempt. Song Yi mainly wants to promote the early release of Sino-Korean co-productions so that Sino-Korean co-productions can enjoy the treatment of domestic films in the Mainland.

The Sino-Korean co-productions in the previous life were all exquisite garbage, such as "So I Married a Black Fan" and "Bounty Hunter". Mainland’s hot money + Korean idol culture = brainless face-selling movies that quickly make money.

The mainland's huge potential film market + South Korea's idol cultivation, combined with the interests, gave birth to weird movies such as "Black Fan" and "Hunter".

Can you imagine that the same director, Jang Cheol-soo, could produce "The Beginning and End of the Kim Funan Murder Incident" with a Douban score of 8.7 in South Korea, and "Honeymoon Hotel Murder" with a score of 3.7 in the Mainland.

When Korean directors, screenwriters or producers entered the mainland film market, they found that the money was so lucrative. The salary of Korean actors accounts for 20%-30% of the movie, and the salary of mainland actors accounts for 50% or even higher. In order to get more money, mainland actors often take on multiple roles. They often shoulder the responsibility of director, screenwriter, and producer. The most exaggerated example is that one actor played 21 guest positions. Song Yi feels that you can make a movie by yourself. Okay, where do I need help from others?

Therefore, after Korean filmmakers came to the mainland, the three-month shooting time was compressed into one month. They did not need to understand China and could solve the problem just by relying on routines. So everyone can see these weird movies that are not sincere enough and full of routines. By comparison, "Twenty Again" starring Lu Han can be regarded as a rare passing film among Sino-Korean co-productions.

Song Yi later thought about it. The reason why Korean filmmakers are making money in the mainland and making one bad movie after another is that they may just want to make a profit and run away. This also filled the minds of mainland movie audiences. of arrogance.

Now with Song Yi's control, it is no longer realistic for Korean filmmakers to want to make money in the mainland. For future Sino-Korean co-productions, "My Naughty Girlfriend" will be the reference standard.

In the past, South Korean directors and screenwriters acted recklessly in the mainland market, feeling that mainland film companies could not control them. If they still have this idea when it comes to Sino-Korean co-productions, then I’m sorry, just wait for the Korean film industry to ban you!

Exchanges between the Chinese and Korean film industries are a two-way process, and Song Yi's investment in Ning Hao's "Incense" is also a useful attempt. In Korean cinemas, in addition to commercial blockbusters, Korean art films also have a large market.

Mainland films such as "Suzhou River", "Lanyu", "Incense", "Green Grass" and "Blind Shaft" can be screened in Korean art theaters. But to do this, New Asia Pictures still has to have its own theater chain.

Jin Youze was previously the executive director of MegaBox cinema chain. If New Asia wants to build its own cinema chain, he is indeed a suitable candidate.

Song Yi took Jin Youze to visit Xinya Pictures, and then went to the office upstairs. Song Yi conducted the final interview with Jin Youze, while Jin Xiyuan took notes.

When Jin Youze heard that New Asia was planning to build its own cinema chain, he was a little worried, "President, if you build a small and medium-sized cinema by yourself, it will cost at least 600 million won to 1 billion won. According to your plan, New Asia Cinema Line It would take almost 100 cinemas to open across the country to cover major cities across the country. This does not include boutique cinemas like the MegaBox Cinema at COEX Mall, which is not a small sum of money."

In fact, MegaBox Cinema Line has been building cinemas in major cities in South Korea since this year, and finally built 87 small and medium-sized cinemas, excluding large cinemas like MegaBox in COEX shopping mall.

Girls' Generation's Kim Taeyeon wrote the lyrics herself in 2022. The 30-second commercial for this new song was launched in 87 MegaBox cinemas in South Korea and played on a continuous loop for a month. For Korean singers, it can be said that they are very impressive.

Song Yi remembered that CJ Group opened its first CGV cinema in Puhai City at the end of 2006. CGV is also a professional chain cinema and high-end cinema brand under CJ Group.

At present, CGV Cinemas has not yet entered the mainland market, and MegaBox Cinemas has not developed into the largest cinema chain in South Korea.

Moreover, the mainland film market only officially implemented the cinema chain system this year, and Wanda Cinema, the mainland's largest cinema chain, was only officially established in 2005. Song Yi is determined to get ahead of Wanda Cinemas and CGV and deploy mainland cinemas in advance.

Song Yi made up his mind, "It doesn't matter. Money is not a problem. I will figure it out. The key is to choose a good location. In addition to the Korean market, I also plan to build theater chains in mainland China."

Jin Youze and Jin Xiyuan heard Song Yi say this, and they were also attracted by Song Yi's grand plan. Jin Xiyuan knew some inside information. If New Asia Media's backdoor listing was successful, at least New Asia's funds to build its own cinemas would not be a problem.

Song Yi thought further. In addition to absorbing funds from the stock market through a backdoor listing, he also wanted to make a fortune from the World Cup. It was with the support of FIFA President Blatter that Zhou Mengzhun dared to control the World Cup in Japan and South Korea and let the South Korean team advance to the semi-finals.

Later, in the semi-finals, the German team quit and threatened FIFA in advance that the semi-finals must be fair and just, otherwise the German team would stop playing early. With the support of Beckerbauer behind the German team, Blatter and Zhou Mengzhun had no choice but to give in.

Zhou Mengzhun originally wanted to send the Korean team to the finals. If the Korean men's football team won the World Cup runner-up, they would even win the championship. Then the Koreans with a victorious spirit may really be able to send Zhou Mengzhun to the throne of South Korea's president.

"In 2002 and 2003, we focused on the Korean market. From 2004 onwards, we will focus on the mainland market. We want more Korean movies to be released in Xinya's own theaters. Now we must first Give Xinya’s theater chain a high-end, grand, classy and catchy name!” Song Yi said.

Is there any book lover who would like to give New Asia Cinema a catchy name? Even if it’s ready-made!

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