I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 130 You splash red paint, I splash dirty water

Although Jin Youze has not yet joined New Asia Pictures, he has already begun to make suggestions for the brand names of New Asia's theaters. He thought for a while, "How about HugeBox?"

Huge means huge, and Box also means a box in a theater. HugeBox literally means a big box, and it can also be extended to a VIP seat. Korean theater companies have MegaBox and ShowBox, and an additional HugeBox would be quite suitable.

Jin Xiyuan thought for a moment, "Mega also means huge. Isn't the name HugeBox too similar to MegaBox? People who don't know may think they are the same company."

Song Yi knew that Jin Xiyuan was right. He thought about it for a few seconds, "Then change it to HugeDream. When translated into Chinese, it means Big Dream."

Jin Youze repeated several times, "HugeDream, this name is well chosen. When everyone enters the cinema, it is like entering a huge dream. And the original beauty of the movie is based on the reality reflection of people's inner fantasies."

Kim Hee-won added, "The abbreviation of HugeDream is HD, and HD is also the abbreviation of High Definition, which means that we will provide higher-definition film and television works to movie audiences in the future."

"You are right. 3D movies and IMAX movies will be the mainstream in the future. When we invest in cinemas in the early stage, we must remember to leave enough space for future cinema upgrades. The floor height of the cinema can be higher, and the fire emergency passage of the cinema must be prepared in advance. Keep it well and don't leave any safety hazards." Song Yi emphasized.

After deciding on the theater brand name, the next step is the issue of Jin Youze's work and remuneration. Jin Youze's salary is divided into three parts, basic salary + bonus + equity incentives. Excluding the equity incentive part, Jin Youze's annual income is almost 200 million won, which is about 1.1 million yuan, a proper annual salary of one million.

Jin Xiyuan read Jin Youze's equity incentive plan. It was not easy for Jin Youze to get the shares rewarded by New Asia Pictures. For example, Jin Youze's incentive goal in the first year was to open 20 Dream Cinemas in South Korea.

However, Song Yi will not let Dameng Cinema go. Song Yi will take Jin Youze to visit the president of Korea Land Corporation and Zhou Zhixuan, the vice president of Hyundai Department Store. Korea Land Corporation is a state-owned real estate developer in South Korea. They have accumulated a lot of land in major cities in South Korea.

It is not easy to build your own theater chain in South Korea. Large shopping malls in South Korea belong to major chaebols. For example, Shinsegae Department Store used to belong to Samsung Group.

If major shopping malls gather together and do not rent to Dameng Cinema Line, it will be difficult for Dameng Cinema Line to find good locations to build cinemas.

Assuming that Dameng Cinema Line purchased all single-family buildings in good locations to build its own cinemas, the investment cost would be too high, and it would be difficult to guarantee the flow of people to the cinemas. Then it would be much easier to cooperate with Hyundai Department Store and open a Dream Cinema in a new Hyundai Department Store mall.

Korea Land Corporation and Asan Corporation jointly developed the Kaesong Industrial Park and Mount Kumgang International Tourism Special Zone. Korea Land Corporation is also one of the largest real estate developers in the Kaesong Industrial Park. Zhou Mengxian has a good relationship with the president of Korea Land Corporation. It seems that Zhou Mengxian must be rescued from the prosecutors as soon as possible.

However, once the emperor comes to power, once Song Woo-seok comes to power, the head of the Korean Land Commune will also have to be replaced. The position of president of the Korea Land Corporation is so lucrative that the current president, Byeon Ching-chang, is probably reluctant to leave. Maybe he also wants to make friends with Song Yi, the celebrity around Song Woo-seok, in advance.

"By the way, has the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" been produced?" Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan.

"The filming team has finished shooting all the material, and it is now being handed over to director Min Byung-cheon for editing. It should be ready in the next two days." Kim Hee-won said.

Min Byung-cheon is the director of Kim Tae-hee's Samdosu commercial. He is good at shooting documentaries, so it would be most appropriate to leave it to him to edit.

"Director Min received threats a few days ago. Someone called him and asked him to give up editing the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok". Someone wrote red letters on the outer wall of the house where he lives." Jin Xiyuan told Song Yi .

Song Yi was originally planning to go to the 63 Building to discuss the reorganization plan of the New Asia Department with Zheng Enxuan. When he heard Jin Xiyuan say that Min Bingtian had been physically threatened, he couldn't help but stop.

"Why didn't you report such an important matter to me?" Song Yi asked Jin Xiyuan.

Seeing Song Yi's serious expression, Jin Xiyuan replied carefully, "Director Min heard that you were in the Mainland and asked me not to disturb your work. He said that he had received threatening letters from pro-Japanese elements when he was filming "Ghost Submarine". Putting some red paint on it is just childish, let me not take it to heart.”

Min Byung-cheon filmed "Ghost Submarine," the first nuclear submarine-related film in Korean history in 1999. The film showed the hostility between South Korea and Japan and the tense confrontation between narrow-minded nationalists and benevolent humanitarians.

The film caused a sensation upon its release. This movie showcases the shooting technology and special effects of designing nuclear submarines under the sea, and presents the highest level of Korean science fiction movies. It is a bit like the Korean version of "The Wandering Earth".

There are many pro-Japanese elements in South Korea. After watching the entire film, they were very dissatisfied with the image of the Japanese portrayed by director Min Bingtian. They believed that he was deliberately smearing the Japanese and issued death threats to him. That's why Min Bingcai said that the red paint he encountered a few days ago was just childish.

According to Song Yi's request, the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" needs to be played on Song Woo-seok's inschool homepage before the Democratic Party's internal election in the new millennium. This documentary is likely to affect the voting results of inschool users.

The New Millennium Democratic Party has concluded three intra-party primaries in Gangwon Province, Jeollanam Province and Jeju Province. The results showed that Song Woo-seok defeated his opponent in three consecutive preliminary elections. However, the vote rate is less than 50%. The most important thing now is the key preliminary results of the Seoul metropolitan area.

If Song Woo-seok can win the pre-election within the party in the Seoul metropolitan area, then Song Woo-seok's vote rate will definitely exceed 50%, and then Song Woo-seok can be firmly nominated by the New Millennium Democratic Party to participate in the 2002 presidential election on behalf of the New Millennium Democratic Party.

Gangwon Province is the home base of the modern family. Zhou Zhengyong himself was born in Gangwon Province. His youngest son Zhou Mongil once served as the president of Gangwon Province Bank.

Jeollanam-do is Song Woo-seok's stronghold. People who have experienced the Gwangju incident will not hesitate to vote for Song Woo-seok, who served as a defense lawyer for the Burim incident.

As for Jeju Province, Jeju Development Corporation, the manufacturer of Samdasu, is the largest state-owned enterprise in Jeju Province. With Kim Hak-jeong standing up for Song Woo-seok, Song Woo-seok still won the intra-party preselection in Jeju Province with difficulty.

Song Woo-seok's campaign team originally wanted Samdasu's spokesperson Kim Tae-hee to go to Jeju Province to campaign for Song Woo-seok's intra-party election, but Song Woo-seok refused. Song Woo-seok believes that Kim Tae-hee, as a public figure, is not suitable to support him clearly. If Song Woo-seok ultimately loses the election, Kim Tae-hee may suffer revenge from her political opponents.

But Kim Hak-jeong is different. The reason why he is willing to come forward to support Song Woo-seok's election is because he is targeting the position of Jeju Province Governor.

Although Jin Xuezheng did not believe that Song Yuxi could win, he believed in Song Yi's vision. Since both the Modern Family and Song Yi have bet their money on Song Yuxi, he has no reason not to take a gamble. The governor of Jeju Province in South Korea is also the official of South Korea's frontier.

Song Woo-seok's support rate in the Seoul metropolitan area is far lower than that in Jeollanam-do, but the slogan he shouted at Dongdaemun Market a year ago, "Let young people live in their own houses," impressed many young people in the Seoul metropolitan area.

For Song Woo-seok's campaign opponents, they know that New Asia Pictures is helping Song Woo-seok produce a personal documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok."

They have been keenly aware that the release of this documentary may affect the party preliminaries in the Seoul metropolitan area, so they have tried every means to delay the release of the documentary. As long as Min Bingtian gives up editing, New Asia Pictures, which cannot find a suitable director for a while, will have no way to make the documentary available online in early April.

If Song Woo-seok loses in the crucial Seoul metropolitan area party preliminaries, it will no longer matter whether the documentary can be released.

Of course, the person who splashed red paint must be ordered by Song Woo-seok’s opponent in the party election? Not necessarily. In addition to the leaders of the New Millennium Democratic Party, it is also possible that Korean conservatives are behind the scenes.

When they saw Song Woo-seok's approval rating in the Democratic Party rising steadily in the new millennium, conservatives also feared that a representative from the progressive faction would continue to serve as South Korea's president. So it makes sense that they would take action in advance, hoping to stop Song Woo-suk from participating in the New Millennium Democratic Party's intra-party pre-election. Conservatives would rather run against other candidates than Song Woo-seok.

Song Yi immediately went to Song Yuxi's house and told him about Min Bingtian's residence being splashed with red paint. Song Woo-seok felt a little guilty, "How about I go visit director Min Bingtian at his home and express my support for him."

"Uncle Song, I think it's better for you not to visit Director Min now. If you go to Director Min's home, then what he encounters may be more than just splashing red paint." Song Yi said.

Song Yuxi was a little embarrassed when he heard what Song Yi said. He felt that Min Bingtian was implicated by him, and he would feel sorry if he did nothing.

"Uncle Song, don't worry, I will handle this matter. Since others splashed red paint on Director Min, we can also splash dirty water on them." Song Yi came up with an idea.

Song Woo-seok's daughter Song Jingyan also happened to fly back to Seoul from Puhae City for vacation. The working hours of investment managers at Sequoia Capital are different from those of ordinary office workers. You may have to work overtime for two or three months in a row. After the investment case in hand is processed, you can also take half a month off until your boss gives you a job. Assign new work tasks.

Song Jingyan used to work at the Korean Embassy in the UK, so she didn't know anything about politics. She knew that Song Yuxi's internal party election had reached a critical moment, so she wanted to return to the country to help her father.

"Now that we can't identify the perpetrator of the red paint splashing, isn't it inappropriate to directly throw dirty water on my father's political opponents?" Song Jingyan asked worriedly.

"Jingyan, you are actually wrong. Others have done this kind of thing too many times, and there is no substantive evidence at all. Even if I let the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office intervene, even if I catch the murderer who splashed red paint, he will only He said that he had a personal conflict with director Min Bingtian and there was no background behind it. The perpetrator would even be released on bail in a few days due to mental illness," Song Yi said.

"Since the perpetrator cannot reveal his behind-the-scenes instigator, there is no point in catching the murderer."

"Taking a step back, even if the suspect says that he was instigated by a candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party to splash red paint, such as Congressman Han Jinli—"

Before Song Yi finished speaking, Song Yuxi stopped him. Song Yuxi shook his head, "Xiaoyi, don't say anything that affects the unity of the party. I believe Congressman Han is not such a person."

Currently, the two candidates with the highest support rate of the New Millennium Democratic Party are Song Woo-seok and Han Jinli. If the documentary "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" cannot be released as scheduled, Han Jinli will undoubtedly be the biggest beneficiary.

"I understand, Uncle Song, I won't do it again." Song Yi replied obediently.

In 2002, Song Woo-seok was elected president as a candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party. In the new millennium, the conflicts between the old and new mainstream factions of the Democratic Party continue to deepen over the issue of political reform. Some members of the New Millennium Democratic Party announced their resignation from the party and established the Open National Assembly, with Han Jinli becoming the party representative.

Song Woo-seok immediately quit the New Millennium Democratic Party and became a nonpartisan president. Later, he was impeached by the conservative Grand National Party and the progressive New Millennium Democratic Party and almost resigned.

In 2004, the Open National Assembly became the largest party in the National Assembly. Song Woo-seok joined the Open National Assembly, and the Open National Assembly became the ruling party. However, there are still many conflicts between the current president Song Woo-seok and the leader of the ruling party Han Jinli. Song Woo-seok has become a lame president in the later stages of his administration, with his approval rating once as low as 11%.

Song Yi sighed, the reason why Song Yuxi was unwilling to target Han Jinli was because Han Jinli was Zhong Xiaotong's confidant. As a member of Congress, Song Woo-seok has not learned to betray, and he is really not a qualified politician. However, this is also Song Woo-seok's personal charm, which is why so many people came to see Song Woo-seok off after Song Woo-seok's death.

"Uncle Song, although I don't think it is necessary to arrest the perpetrators who splashed red paint, we can't do nothing. If we don't give them a little power this time, their next crime target may be Brother Jianhao or It’s on Jingyan.”

"Since their purpose of splashing red paint is to interfere with the results of the intra-party elections in the capital metropolitan area, of course we can't let them get their way. In fact, we can also use our strength to make a plan. Uncle Song, can you see if it's feasible? "Song Yi and Song Yuxi elaborated on his thoughts. Song Jingyan, who had bright eyes and good eyesight, nodded repeatedly as they listened.

On March 29, SM Entertainment announced that it will carry out more cooperation with New Asia Media Group in film and television dramas, the Internet and the Chinese music market. At the same time, New Asia Media Group has acquired a total of 4.8% of SM Entertainment shares from the SM Entertainment management team.

On the same day, MBC News Department reporter Lee Hyun-jin visited the residence of well-known director Min Byeong-cheon. She heard that director Min Byeong-cheon's residence had been splashed with red paint, and an English sentence "To live or to die" was written on it!

When Li Xianzhen heard that Min Bingtian had received death threats because she took over the editing work of a personal documentary, Li Xianzhen was very angry. She bluntly criticized the Seoul police and prosecutors for their inaction in the interview program.

Li Xianzhen’s father, Li Sangdae, is the chief prosecutor of the Seoul District Prosecutor’s Office. Li Xianzhen scolded the Seoul prosecutors for their inaction, but the prosecutors could only hold their noses and endure it. A spokesman for the Seoul District Prosecutor's Office stated that they will intervene in Min Bingtian's red paint-splashing case, and they will definitely get to the bottom of this case and give an explanation to the Korean people and Min Bingtian.

When the Korean people learned that Min Bingtian had taken over the editing work of a certain documentary and received death threats, they were eager to know which personal documentary Min Bingtian participated in the production of. Later, a small number of people in Seoul learned that the personal documentary Min Bingtian participated in the production was "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok."

However, Min Bingtian ignored the death threats and resolutely finished editing the documentary. Korean people heard that this documentary will be launched on Song Woo-seok's inschool homepage on April 1, 2002, and will be available to users across the country.

Inschool suddenly ushered in a wave of new user registration peaks in the last two or three days of March. Liu Yongjun, leader of the network operations team of New Asia Network, and his colleagues all worked overtime in the New Asia Building.

While the employees of New Asia Network were busy with their feet off the ground, Song Yi leisurely took his girlfriend to see her birthday present. Song Yi bought a piece of land in the name of Kim Tae Hee in Yongshan District at the foot of Nanshan Mountain in Seoul.

"You bought me a piece of land?" Kim Tae Hee looked at the 7,000 square meter open space under her feet and looked at the blue sky speechlessly. She never thought that Song Yi would give her such an expensive gift.

"What? You don't like it? Didn't you say that after you stop being an actress, you hope to become the director of an art museum like Sister Xiuying? Now that the land price is not high, I can buy it for you as soon as possible. We can use it in 4 to 5 years , to build this land into South Korea's first-class private art museum. I prefer to hear people call you Director Kim Tae Hee than the actor Kim Tae Hee." Song Yi said.

Song Yi remembers that the Samsung Art Museum (The Leeum) started construction in 1996 and was officially opened eight years later. The Leeum covers an area of ​​about 8,000 square meters and is located in Hannam-dong, Yongsan District.

Samsung Art Museum is divided into the Korean Traditional Art Museum (Hall 1), the Korean Modern Art Museum (Hall 2), and the Samsung Children's Education and Culture Center. Samsung Art Museum houses 36 national treasures and works by Korean and foreign artists. The Samsung Museum of Art has been operated by the Samsung Cultural Foundation since its opening.

After New Asia goes public, Song Yi also plans to establish a social welfare consortium similar to the Samsung Cultural Foundation. The Hyundai Family's Asan Social Welfare Foundation has been operating Asan Hospital. As a member of the Hyundai family, Song Yi also donated money to the Asan Social Welfare Foundation last year.

South Korea's large conglomerates all have dedicated social welfare consortiums, including Samsung, Hyundai, SK, LG and Lotte, without exception. Samsung Cultural Foundation and Asan Social Welfare Foundation are the most standardized and professional in social welfare.

If the New Asia Department establishes a charitable foundation, then Kim Tae Hee is the best person to manage the Korean Charity Foundation, and Kim Tae Hee's sister Kim Hee Won can also assist.

Now that Song Yi has bought this piece of land, Kim Tae Hee will naturally not refuse this gift pretentiously. "OPPA, if possible, I would like to build an art museum and a HugeDream cinema on this land. We can use the projection equipment in the cinema to show the history of future collections in detail. What do you think?" Jin Tai Nozomi spoke her mind.

Song Yi said dotingly, "Since this land is given to you, you can plan whatever you want. Even if you want to build a super mansion or a private cinema, it's no problem."

"Thank you OPPA, I will plan it carefully. By the way, can I ask my sister to help me refer to it?" Kim Tae Hee inspected the surrounding area of ​​this land with interest.

"Of course, you can discuss it with Xiyuan, and I will help you hire the best architectural firm. This is also your future personal career, so you can't be careless." Song Yi reminded.

"Don't worry, I will treat it with caution. I plan to visit Sister Suying and ask her about the architectural layout of the art museum." Kim Tae Hee said.

On the other side of Seoul, an old man named Li admitted his failure, "I thought Song Yi would help Min Bingtian catch the murderer who splashed red paint. Then we can say that Song Yuxi did whatever it took to win the election and deliberately slandered Han Jinli. MP.”

“If Song Woo-seok and Han Jin-ri quarrel over the red paint-splashing case, and the two are dog-eat-dog, then our Grand National Party’s chances of winning the presidential election at the end of the year will be much greater.”

"Unexpectedly, this guy Song Yi didn't play by the rules at all, and directly poured dirty water on all of Song Woo-seok's election opponents indiscriminately. Now young people in Seoul have a slogan, whoever doesn't want Song Woo-seok to win the election, just throw red paint The murderer behind the case.”

"Who wants me not to vote for Song Woo-seok? I will vote for Song Woo-seok. They said that the post-70s generation should rectify the bad atmosphere in the election. Young people who did not pay attention to Song Woo-seok before started to look forward to the movie "Hello, I am Song Woo-seok" Documentary, am I really old?" the old man surnamed Li lamented.

His assistant suggested, "Should SK Communications stop inschool's server so that inschool users cannot log in to the website on April 1?"

The old man shook his head, "Forget it, if this kind of thing is exposed, my reputation will be completely ruined. Besides, Cui Anyuan is still in prison, and I can't get him out now. What can I do to satisfy his appetite?" ?”

See you tomorrow

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