I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 133 New Korea Media goes public

Not long after Song Yi picked up Xu Zhuxian, Zhuo Yingjun called Li Xiuman to report Song Yi's proposal.

Lee Soo Man was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of his Cheongdam-dong apartment, admiring the bright night view of Cheongdam-dong. After New Asia bought 3% of SM Entertainment shares from him, he purchased this 196.42-square-meter high-end apartment in Cheongdam-dong.

The S apartment where he lives is currently the most expensive apartment in Seoul. Actors Han Chae-young and Choi Ji-woo have purchased properties here, so this apartment is also known as the "actress' high-end apartment."

The day Lee Soo Man moved into the apartment, he met Choi Ji Woo in the elevator. He originally wanted to say hello and get to know Choi Ji Woo, but Cui Ji Woo was very cold throughout the whole process.

When Li Xiuman heard that Song Yi introduced Jin Xiaoyuan to Asan Hospital for plastic surgery and was willing to provide the hospital with Song Hye Kyo's facial shape data, he felt something was unusual, "Handsome, Kim Hyoyeon, could this girl have followed Song Yi's path from somewhere? , so Song Yi is willing to help her?" Shang Hai has struggled for more than ten years, and Li Xiuman has never believed in good things like pie in the sky.

Zhuo Yingjun was a little hesitant, "This is the second time President Song has come to the SM building. He has never seen Kim Hyo-yeon before. Besides, Kim Hyo-yeon wants money but not money, and looks but not looks. What can President Song see in her?"

Li Xiuman smiled. He knew that he was suspicious. It was true that Jin Xiaoyuan had no conditions to impress Song Yi. If Jin Xiaoyuan had known a big shot like Song Yi before, she would not be stupid enough to hide it from the company.

Zhuo Yingjun said: "President, President Song was not interested in Kim Hyo-yeon's plastic surgery at first, but when he heard that our company was planning to use Song Hye-kyo as Kim Hyo-yeon's plastic surgery model, he suggested that we change to another plastic surgery hospital. Maybe. He only values ​​Kim Hyoyeon’s title of ‘Little Song Hye Kyo’?”

Li Xiuman thought to herself, is it really Aiwujiwu? From this perspective, Song Yi really attaches great importance to Xu Zhuxian. Even Xu Zhuxian's teammate Song Yi is willing to take care of him.

"Okay, I understand. I will contact Song Yi and express my gratitude to him. I will arrange the surgery according to his suggestions."

"Handsome, although Seo Joo Hyun is a trainee of SM Entertainment, her first priority is to study. Keep an eye on those guys in the boy band and tell them to stay away from Seo Joo Hyun and the others. If Seo Joo Hyun is hurt at all in the company , no one can bear Song Yi's revengeful anger, do you understand?" Li Xiuman said.

The male trainees of SM Entertainment are all sixteen or seventeen years old, which is the age when they develop feelings for the opposite sex. They will pay more attention to female trainees with outstanding looks like Lee Yeon-hee and Jung Soo-yeon.

Zhuo Yingjun understands what Lee Soo Man means. Maybe Song Yi is paying attention to her teammates through Seo Joo Hyun. Before Song Yi's thoughts are confirmed, members of Seo Joo Hyun's girl group cannot fall in love for the time being.

"I understand, I will tell Li Te and the others." Zhuo Yingjun said.

Li Xiuman hung up the phone and looked at the sign of COEX Mall downstairs in the apartment, thoughtfully.

Little Song Hye Kyo? This guy Song Yi has already slept with the older Song Hye Kyo, does he still care about a "little Song Hye Kyo"?

Lee Soo Man heard that Choi Ji Woo wanted to replace Song Hye Kyo in the TV series "Winter Sonata" produced by New Asia Pictures, and even offered herself to Song Yi but was rejected.

And he just wanted to ask Cui Zhiyou for his contact information, but he was ignored by Cui Zhiyou. Lee Soo Man was envious of Song Yi's power to influence everything in the film and television industry, and he thought in his heart that there will be a day when Choi Ji Woo will kneel down and beg me.

On April 28, Shinhan Media was listed on the main board of the Seoul Stock Exchange. Shinhan Media issued 2.5 million new shares, raising a total of 30 billion won, with an issue price of 12,000 won per share.

Not long after Shinhan Media opened, its stock price rose sharply, then fell slightly. Finally, the stock price stabilized at 18,000 won per share. Shinhan Media's total market value is 180 billion won.

Shinhan Media President Chen Jaechan said that the 30 billion won raised will be mainly used to develop media business in the Chinese market, including cooperating with Joongang Daily M\u0026amp;amp;b Publishing Company and Yanqing Media to publish the fashion magazine "Ceci Sisters".

After the listing, Chen Zaechan and his wife held a total of 55% of Shinhan Media's shares and were the largest shareholders. Song Suying held 7.5% of the shares and was the second largest individual shareholder. Investment companies under Hyundai Group, Asan Group, LG Group and SK Group are also important shareholders of Shinhan Media.

If based on the current market value, the shares held by Chen Zaechan and his wife are worth 99 billion won, and Song Suying's shares are also worth 13.5 billion won.

Asan Group Chairman Jung Eun-seon, SK Chairman’s wife Song So-young, LG Electronics Koo Kwang-mok, Hyundai Group Joo Ki-sun and New Asia Media Chairman Song Yi all appeared in the hall of the Korea Stock Exchange and participated in the drum-beating ceremony for the listing of New Korea Media.

There is no bell-ringing ceremony for listing on the Korean Stock Exchange, only a drum-beating ceremony. A double-sided drum with a diameter of one meter and two meters will be placed in the hall, with a colorful dragon pattern tattooed on the waist of the drum. Chen Zaican held up a drumstick wrapped in red cloth and beat the big drum to announce the successful listing of the company.

After Shinhan Media completed its listing, relevant personnel who participated in the drum beating ceremony took a group photo together in the hall of the stock exchange.

Chen Jae-chan and his wife are standing in the middle, with Song Yi and Kim Tae-hee on the left. Next to Kim Tae-hee is Kang Soo-na, a former employee of Shinhan Media. On Chen Jaechan’s right are Song Suying, Zheng Eunxuan, Gu Guangmo and Zhou Jixuan.

The prospectus of Xinhan Media shows that Song Yi serves as the creative director of Xinhan Media. However, he does not hold any shares in Xinhan Media. The team leader and above managers of Xinhan Media all hold certain shares. Only Song Yi holds The shares are zero.

Both Chen Zaiyong and Chen Fuzhen noticed the news that Shinhan Media was listed on KOSPI. Chen Zaiyong looked at the photo of Chen Zaican playing drums in the financial news and found it particularly dazzling.

He could not have imagined that Shinhan Media, which was on the verge of bankruptcy the year before last, could now be listed on the main board of the Korean Stock Exchange. Chen Zaican's wealth on his books has almost caught up with his.

Chen Zaiyong has read the prospectus of Shinhan Media. Shinhan Media's revenue in 2001 is mainly divided into three parts. The main source of income is Yanjing New Asia Advertising. Shinhan Media holds 35% of New Asia Advertising. Equity, it is the second largest shareholder after New Asia Media.

The secondary source of income is the huge five-year 260 billion won advertising contract signed by Shinhan Media and Hyundai Group, SK Group, LG Group and Asan Group.

Shinhan Media is also among the top five advertising companies in the Korean advertising market. However, this company's advertising revenue in the Korean market has been officially overtaken by the Chinese market in the fourth quarter of 2001.

Why Shinhan Media's stock price rose sharply after the market opened is because the market is optimistic about Shinhan Media's plan to develop the Chinese media market.

"CECI" is South Korea's number one fashion magazine, and "Ceci Sisters", as the first Korean fashion magazine to enter the Chinese market, has undoubtedly given investors a lot of room for imagination.

If it weren't for the worry that Shinhan Media's revenue is too dependent on major customers such as New Asia Advertising and SK Group, Shinhan Media's market value will definitely exceed 200 billion won on the day it goes public.

The Samsung Group has 15 listed companies, including three among the Fortune 500 companies: Samsung Electronics, Samsung C\u0026T and Samsung Life Insurance. Samsung Life Insurance is South Korea's largest life insurance company, accounting for 56.8% of the South Korean life insurance market, which is twice the combined market share of the second and third largest life insurance companies.

It stands to reason that since the Samsung family has so many listed companies, Samsung Crown Prince Chen Zaiyong should not care about Shinhan Media's listing. However, Chen Zaiyong just feels unhappy because he knows that Song Yi is the largest listed company of Shinhan Media. Push hands.

He didn't understand that Song Yi worked so hard to list the operation of Shinhan Media, but he himself did not hold shares in Shinhan Media, so what on earth was he planning?

Chen Zaiyong knew that his business vision was far inferior to that of his father Chen Jianxi, so he entered Chen Jianxi's chairman's office.

Chen Zaiyong stood in front of Chen Jianxi's desk and greeted his father respectfully. Chen Jianxi put down the newspaper in his hand, "Zai Rong, is there anything urgent?"

Although Chen Jianxi and Chen Zaiyong both work in the Samsung Electronics headquarters building, Chen Zaiyong rarely reports to him in the company. After all, Chen Jianxi does not need to decide the content of the work that Chen Jae-yong is currently responsible for.

Chen Zaiyong remembered that Chen Jianxi asked him to come forward and teach Song Yi a lesson, "Father, Shinhan Media went public today, but the prospectus shows that Song Yi does not hold shares in Shinhan Media."

"I remember Jin Nanyong said that in order to thank Song Yi for saving the bankrupt Shinhan Media, Jaechan gave Song Yi 10% of Shinhan Media's shares. According to the data disclosed in the prospectus, Song Yi apparently transferred this part of the shares to Director Song Suying , and this share is now worth 13.5 billion won. This is not a small amount of money, and Song Yi has no reason to give it up." Chen Zaiyong said.

Chen Jianxi knew that Chen Zaiyong's analysis was very reasonable. He was usually very busy with work and would not pay attention to such trivial matters as the listing of Shinhan Media.

If Song Yi had not had a verbal conflict with Chen Fuzhen at Zhou Zhengyong's funeral, he would not have asked Chen Zaiyong to deal with Song Yi's company and try to bankrupt Song Yi's company.

But it is a pity that the development momentum of Song Yi's companies is getting better and better, and several companies have the potential to be listed in South Korea. Song Yuxi, who was supported by Song Yi, has now officially become the candidate of the New Millennium Democratic Party, and Chen Zaiyong does not dare to openly attack the New Asia Department directly.

Chen Jianxi knew that Samsung C\u0026T had invested in a company called Shanda Network, which operates the online game "Paradise" as an agent in the mainland market. However, Shanda cannot even beat Lianzhong in the mainland game market, let alone New Asia Network, the leading company in the online game market.

"Legend of Hot Blood" now earns more than 1 million in revenue a day, and anyone with a discerning eye can see how profitable New Asia Network is. If New Asia Network had not been established for a short period of time and did not meet the mainland's A-share listing requirements, New Asia Network might have been listed on the A-share market long ago.

Chen Jianxi's mind suddenly opened up. His eyes flashed and he asked Chen Jae-yong, "Is Shinhan Media listed on KOSPI or KOSDAQ?"

Chen Jae-yong didn’t know why, “Shinhan Media is listed on KOSPI.”

Chen Jianxi suddenly understood, "That's right. Why did Song Yi transfer his shares before Shinhan went public? It wasn't because he looked down on the 13.5 billion won, but because he was plotting more. He was prepared to Use New Asia Network to fully acquire the shares of New Korea Media, and then realize the listing of New Asia Network on a curve, and raise funds through the stock market to help inschool further expand. If my guess is correct, the next market that inschool will explore is Japan."

"Father, what you mean is that Song Yi is going to go public through a backdoor scheme? That's why he put all his efforts into helping Shinhan Media go public, but he doesn't hold shares in Shinhan Media?" Chen Zaiyong was startled by Chen Jianxi's words.

"This probability is very high, and New Asia's backdoor listing is most likely this year. If Song Woo-seok wins the presidential election in December, Song Yi will not be able to list New Asia in South Korea in order to avoid suspicion, unless it is listed on the US stock market or Hong Kong stock market. .”

"The total market value of Shinhan Media is only over 100 billion won. If it chooses to be listed on KOSDAQ, Shinhan Media as a media company can obtain a higher valuation, which can help Shinhan Media raise more funds."

"Isn't Chen Zaichan voluntarily abandoning KOSDAQ and choosing to be listed on KOSPI just to allow New Asia Network, which has successfully backdoored itself, to raise more funds on the main board market? According to my estimate, the funds raised by New Asia Network on KOSPI will be in the trillions of won level "Yes." Chen Jianxi made an accurate judgment.

Song Yi could not have imagined that Chen Jianxi, an old fox, would actually speculate about his intention to go public through a backdoor listing through Xinhan Media. However, what Chen Jianxi did not expect was that Song Yi planned to let New Asia Media complete the backdoor transaction, not New Asia Network as Chen Jianxi guessed.

When Chen Zaiyong learned that Song Yi was planning to raise trillions of won in funds through the stock market, he immediately decided to block Xinya's backdoor listing plan. He returned to his office and carefully studied the shareholder list of Xinhan Media to see if he could find a way to stop Song Yi.

Samsung C\u0026T is the major shareholder of Shanda Network, and Shanda Network is the main competitor of New Asia Network in the mainland online game market.

If New Asia Network successfully raises trillions of won through the Korean stock market, New Asia Network, which has a huge amount of capital, will be able to completely defeat Shanda Network through its financial advantage, and Samsung C\u0026T will also suffer considerable losses.

So Chen Zaiyong, who originally led Samsung C\u0026T to invest in Shanda Network, must bear responsibility for this failed investment case. After all, Samsung C\u0026T is also a listed Fortune 500 company. Even if Samsung C\u0026T executives took the initiative to become a scapegoat for Chen Jae-yong, Chen Zai-yong’s prestige among Samsung C\u0026T executives was completely lost.

Although Chen Jae-yong is the only son of Samsung Chairman Chen Jianxi, Chen Jianxi does not only have one child. Chen Fuzhen did a great job at the Shilla Hotel. If it weren't for the pregnancy, Chen Fuzhen almost took over Samsung Everland.

Chen Fuzhen has always advocated the introduction of giant pandas from China, and has always suggested building a panda pavilion in Samsung Everland.

The management of Samsung Everland hopes to finalize the construction of a panda pavilion with the China Forestry Bureau after introducing giant pandas, but Chen Fuzhen strongly takes the lead in preparing the site for the construction of a panda pavilion and shows his sincerity to the Chinese government's approval department for leasing giant pandas.

2002 was the tenth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea. Chen Fuzhen believed that if the panda pavilion was not prepared in advance, it would be a panda pavilion. Even if South Korea successfully introduces giant pandas, they may not settle in Samsung Everland. Chen Fuzhen said, "Plant a sycamore tree and a phoenix will come."

Of course Chen Jae-yong does not want Chen Fuzhen to take over Samsung Everland. Chen Fuzhen is already the president of Shilla Hotel. If she is allowed to take control of Everland again.

The Shilla Hotel and Samsung Everland have cross-shareholdings in Samsung Electronics. If Chen Fuzhen becomes the actual controller of Samsung Everland, the number of Samsung Electronics stocks held by Chen Fuzhen will exceed Chen Jae-yong, second only to his father Chen Kunxi and mother Na Hongxi.

Chen Zaiyong looked at the list of shareholders of Shinhan Media. Chen Zaichan and his wife, Song Suying, SK, LG, Hyundai and Asan are all important shareholders of Shinhan Media.

He first crossed out Hyundai and Ashan. Song Yi was a member of the Hyundai family, and it was impossible for these two companies to hinder Song Yi.

Chen Zaiyong looked at Song Suying again. Song Suying took Song Yi to visit former President Song Shanggong. Song Yi and Song Suying seemed to have a bit of a brother-sister relationship. Song Suying received tens of billions of Korean won from Song Yi, so the probability of betraying Song Yi is not high.

He felt it was a pity. If SK Chairman Cui Anyuan was not in jail now, he would be confident in persuading Cui Anyuan to stab Song Yi in the back and let SK Group help block Xinya's backdoor listing plan.

inshcool and CYworld are the first and second-ranked social networking sites in South Korea. If Xinya Network's backdoor listing plan goes bankrupt, CYworld can seize the opportunity to expand its market share.

Chen Zaiyong knew that Song Yi had several large investment projects in the mainland, such as New Asia Real Estate's Wangjing project. New Asia Department was also currently hungry for funds. If New Asia Network's backdoor listing plan goes bankrupt, Song Yi will have no choice but to choose between the Wangjing real estate project and inschool's Japanese promotion plan. CYworld may even acquire inschool in turn.

After he crossed out these names, Chen Zaiyong suddenly realized that he could only find a solution between Chen Zaican and LG Group. Only Chen Zaecan, the main shareholder of Shinhan Media, or LG Group strongly opposed New Asia Network's backdoor listing plan. Song Yi will not be able to make money through the stock market this year.

Chen Zaiyong felt that he was a bit whimsical. Song Yi helped Shinhan Media go public. Chen Zaican and his wife suddenly turned around and directly entered the top 100 of South Korea's rich list.

Song Yi is now Chen Zaican's reincarnated parent. Song Yi asked Chen Zaican to go east, but Chen Zaican will never go west. Song Yi and Chen Zaican are good at wearing a pair of pants now. Even if Chen Zaican is asked to dedicate his wife to Song Yi, Chen Zaican may not hesitate.

Chen Zaiyong met Chen Zaican's wife, Cui Shanhui. Cui Shanhui was considered a beautiful woman among wealthy wives. Chen Zaiyong was deeply impressed by Cui Shanhui, who was petite and pretty.

When Shinhan Media was on the verge of bankruptcy, Chen Jae-yong was actually waiting for Chen Jae-chan to bring his wife Choi Sun-hee to him for help. In fact, he didn't intend to help Chen Zaican, he just wanted to see his cousin Cui Shanji's pitiful and helpless expression. It's a pity that Cui Shanji had already returned to her parents' house with her children at that time. The most annoying thing was that Chen Zaican, who he despised the most in the entire Samsung family, had now made a wonderful turnaround.

I heard that Song Yi is greedy for beauty, and he has already taken possession of two beautiful Korean stars, Song Hye Kyo and Jun Ji Hyun. "If I find a way for Chen Zaican to bump into Song Yi and Cui Shanji showing up in the room disheveled, I wonder if Chen Zaican, who is wearing a hat, is still willing to help Song Yi implement a backdoor listing plan?" Chen Zaiyong already has an idea.

Thank you all for your monthly votes, see you tomorrow

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