I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 134 Song Yi’s thunderous counterattack! (6000 words long chapter)

He Yongsheng is the owner of an underground game studio. He also has a public identity. He is also a junior student at Donghua University of Science and Technology.

In the eyes of students at Donghua University of Science and Technology, He Yongsheng is a relatively capable student. Although he comes from a certain province in central China and his family background is average, he bought a second-hand Santana 2000 during college, making him one of the few students who owns a car.

Moreover, He Yongsheng is relatively mature in his behavior in school and has a relatively good relationship with the counselor. Although he often misses classes, he has never been punished by the school. Classmates often see He Yongsheng taking several boys to restaurants together, and there are always two or three pieces of Chinese on the back seat of the car.

In the past two years, college students have been relatively honest. There are only a few students who go out to rent a house, and He Yongsheng is one of them.

He Yongsheng did not rent a house just to live with his girlfriend. He rented an entire private house outside the school and installed seven or eight computers specifically for his team members to play the online game "Legend of Blood" together.

Yes, He Yongsheng made his fortune by playing the online game "Legend of Blood". At first, he was just an ordinary player of "Legend of Blood". In order to play the game, he skipped classes and spent all day in Internet cafes.

Later, he met a great master in the game. The great master said that he had a way to make money using cheats, and asked He Yongsheng if he would like to work with him. This great master was also one of the first gamers to use "wax-free plug-ins", and He Yongsheng enjoyed a lot of benefits following him.

In December 2001, the master discovered a system bug in the blessing necklace. Players could repeatedly click on the NPC to obtain 3,000 gold coins. This was also the first money-grabbing incident in the history of "Legend of Hot Blood".

He Yongsheng became a wealthy man in Mengzhong City. He advertised on public screens to purchase any high-end equipment, and then sold the high-end equipment to make a profit.

He got a taste of the game for the first time because he saw money coming back. In order to play games and recharge "Legend of Blood", he had already borrowed it from his college roommates.

Later, He Yongsheng couldn't borrow money, so he had to make up various names to ask his parents for money in his hometown. Although He Yongsheng's parents didn't understand why their son spent so much money on school, they still gritted their teeth and helped him raise enough money. For peasant parents who have faced the loess and turned their backs on the sky all their lives, a son studying in a key university is their last hope in this life.

He Yongsheng felt a little guilty when he lied for the first time, but his guilt did not last for a few days. In the end, he walked into the Internet cafe without hesitation and continued playing games. He knew that his grades were not good. If he continued to play like this, he would probably be expelled from the school because he failed too many subjects.

However, he is addicted to the happiness of online games, because his friends in the game will not comment on his rustic clothes, nor will they look at him strangely because he applied for a scholarship. The teammates in "Legend of Hot Blood" will only envy him for buying more high-end equipment, and reply on the screen, "Brother is so awesome, double-click for 666!"

Under the guidance of a master, He Yongsheng also felt that it was too slow for one person to make money, so he gathered a group of like-minded friends to set up a simple game studio. At first, they all sat in a row in an Internet cafe to play games.

After "Legend of Hot Blood" was updated to version 1.28, casino cheats appeared in "Legend of Hot Blood", and He Yongsheng's team is still the first player to get the casino cheat.

He Yongsheng's team uses WPE packets in Goblin and sends win commands to continuously get chips in exchange for money. He Yongsheng's team has become the leading tycoon in every server. The price of brand-name equipment has doubled again and again. The price of some top-quality equipment has reached hundreds of millions of gold coins. The price system of "Legend of Blood" almost collapsed.

The official "Legend of Hot Blood" issued a ban on game players who use casino cheats. Game IDs that use casino cheats cannot log into "Legend of Hot Blood" for 525,600 seconds, which is a full year.

However, there seem to be endless game plug-ins, such as the Dark Palace Packet, the Zuma Ultimate Guard Packet, the Destiny Mission Packet, the Blessing Oil Mission Packet, and the Old Man Liu Mission Packet.

Although some accounts of He Yongsheng's team have been blocked, they still use game cheats to continue to make profits from "Legend of Hot Blood".

The savvy He Yongsheng found that there was no need to play "Legend of Legend" in an Internet cafe, so he rented a private house, which became the base camp for his team to play games. He Yongsheng's team has also officially established an underground game studio. Team members have also developed downlines. Their studio will sell the latest plug-ins to downlines across the country to make profits.

He Yongsheng finally met the master who introduced him. It turned out that the master himself was a programmer at a game company in Puhai City. He Yongsheng now finally understands why the great master was able to come up with the latest plug-in of "Legend of Hot Blood" in the first time.

The reason why this great master agreed to meet with He Yongsheng is because He Yongsheng's studio has begun to take shape, and he wants to have in-depth cooperation with He Yongsheng. He has a way to multiply He Yongsheng's monthly income by at least 10, as long as He Yongsheng is willing to cooperate with his work.

He Yongsheng had some concerns at first. He felt that going to the official website of "Legend of Hot Blood" with such a big fanfare felt like walking on the road of crime. He might become a negative teaching material for "Today's Statement".

The great god comforted him and said that everyone did this, and the law does not punish everyone. Moreover, it is a common practice for game studios to use plug-ins to make money from games. This is a gray area where the people do not investigate and officials do not investigate.

Although the official "Legend of Blood" has vowed to crack down on game studios that use plug-ins, the thunder has always been loud and the raindrops have been light. The master said that he has already cooperated in depth with several studios in Puhai City. We can make money together, whether you are good or not. These days, the brave are exhausted and the timid are starved to death.

The master hinted to He Yongsheng, "Do you think the money you turn in every month is handed over to me? These studios add up to dozens or millions a month, and I don't dare to take it all by myself. I also have a boss behind me. , and my boss is very energetic. Even if the superiors want to investigate and deal with the studio, we will get the news. If there is any trouble, they can stop for a few days at most."

He Yongsheng couldn't resist the temptation, so he agreed to the cooperation plan. In March 2002, a large-scale incident of border copying equipment occurred in "Legend of Hot Blood".

Game players can quickly trade equipment to friends to achieve the effect of copying equipment the moment they enter Alliance City from Viper Valley. After Xinya Network blocked this BUG, ​​the shrewd He Yongsheng discovered that after logging into the game on one computer, the moment the character entered the League of Legends from the Viper Valley, the second computer immediately logged in to the character. At this time, the League of Legends would A duplicate of the same character appears.

Since the copied equipment is different from the equipment brushed out from the package, the equipment brushed out from the package has a completely new ID, and the system default is legal. However, the copied equipment has the same ID as the old equipment, so when the server is restarted, the copied equipment will disappear.

He Yongsheng Studio took advantage of the information gap to sell copied equipment on various servers. The master also appreciated He Yongsheng's research spirit and shared this BUG with other studios, so more game players were deceived.

At this time, there was a rumor in "Legend of Hot Blood" that the studio selling copied equipment was actually a programmer from New Asia Network. They knew about this BUG in the game, but deliberately did not solve it, and used this game loophole to deceive gamers and make profits. This rumor is very popular among the players of "Legend of Hot Blood", and some game players have left "Legend of Hot Blood" and switched to the online game "Paradise" represented by Shanda Network.

The reason why this rumor spread so widely is because someone shared a photo of him working at New Asia Network in the Penguin group, as well as his work badge. Although he hid his name, job number, and department, players still knew clearly that this gamer was indeed a programmer in New Asia Network, and he also showed off the equipment in his "Legend of Hot Blood" account.

Although He Yongsheng's studio blocked another batch of accounts, He Yongsheng did make a lot of money this time. He generously distributed a bonus of 2,000 yuan to every partner in the studio. He Yongsheng even bought a second-hand Santana 2000.

As the saying goes, money makes a hero bold. Once he had money, He Yongsheng's demeanor immediately changed. He first found the counselor, ate, smoked and drank, and soon became good friends with the counselor.

When He Yongsheng got a car, he became a popular figure in school, and the long-legged senior sister he had been pursuing during his freshman year also became his girlfriend half-heartedly.

He took his senior sister to go shopping on Nanjing West Road and bought her famous brand bags and clothes. That night, He Yongsheng checked into the "world's highest hotel" Jinmao Grand Hyatt Hotel with his senior sister. Although he didn't get first blood from the senior, the senior wearing black stockings still taught his first brother He Yongsheng a lot of knowledge.

During the Qingming Festival, He Yongsheng drove his second-hand Santana back to the village to worship his ancestors. He Yongsheng, who returned home in fine clothes, enjoyed the envious looks of his fellow villagers. They didn't know anything else, they only knew that He Yongsheng was a well-off kid, and even the one who smoked was a Huazi.

He Yongsheng's parents looked at their son's Santana. When they saw the name on the vehicle's driving license, they finally believed that his son had earned money to buy this car worth tens of thousands.

The parents of the He family are very honest and are worried that their son will go astray. Last semester, his son was still asking them for money, and next semester, his son bought a car. This strong psychological contrast is really unacceptable to the honest parents of Badajiao.

He Yongsheng gave his parents 5,000 yuan. He was originally going to get 10,000 yuan. However, his girlfriend said that she wanted to buy some Puhai specialties for her parents, and her girlfriend had no money, so He Yongsheng, as an ATM, naturally had to do it.

Because the long-legged senior said that He Yongsheng should be filial to his future father-in-law and mother-in-law in advance, so He Yongsheng transferred another three thousand yuan to the senior.

He Yongsheng comforted his parents and said that he had started his internship in advance. Because his computer skills are relatively high, he is now interning with his classmates for an Internet company. This Santana was also bought with the project bonus awarded to him by the company.

He Yongsheng said that he plans to work hard for more than half a year this year and plans to save 200,000. Our family will rebuild our old house this year and build a three-story villa. When my girlfriend comes to visit us next year, we will look better.

Mother He didn't expect her son to have a girlfriend at school. When she heard that her son's girlfriend was tall and beautiful, she was a little worried that her son wouldn't be able to keep such a beautiful woman. However, when she thought that her son was the first young man in the village to buy a car, she put this concern to the back of her mind. She now really believes in the saying "knowledge changes destiny", and she also hopes that her family will be better and better.

After the Qingming Festival holiday, He Yongsheng returned to Puhai City. You don’t have to go to class, but you have to play games. There was major news in mid-April. An Air China Boeing passenger plane crashed in Busan, South Korea.

This hostility gradually spread to the Internet. From time to time on the public screen of the "Legend of Hot Blood" game, there were "Boycott Korean garbage online game "Legend of Hot Blood"", "Let the Korean-loving New Asia Network get out of mainland China", "The big boss of New Asia Network" Shareholder Song Yi has become a Korean citizen" and other negative news.

Some newspapers in the southern part of the mainland also concentrated on reports criticizing the online game "Legend of Legend". Experts believe that online games are electronic opium, and young people who are addicted to online games are prone to becoming demoralized by playing with things. However, what is strange is that the experts only criticized New Asia Network, the leading company in the online game market, but tacitly ignored Shanda Network, which operates the online game "Lineage".

Li Yu felt that something was wrong with the trend in the media, so he called Song Yi and asked Song Yi how to deal with it and whether he needed to refute certain reports.

Song Yi didn't panic. This was the so-called big tree attracting the wind, and all sorts of monsters and ghosts appeared. The foundation of the New Asia Department in mainland China is in Yanjing, and the advertising of the New Asia Department is basically concentrated on CCTV, Yanjing TV Station, Yanjing Youth Daily, etc.

"What most experts say is like fart, don't take them seriously. They are just jealous of the money made by "Legend of Blood" and want to extort a fortune from our company so that we can spend money to keep ourselves safe. . Of course, some game companies are indispensable in this process, trying to draw chestnuts from the fire."

"I've always been a soft-spoken person, but if you talk to me carefully, I might agree to cooperate in advertising. If you come up with the American carrot and stick, give me a stick first, and then give me a sweet treat. Zao, if you expect me to be grateful, that is to dream of their Spring and Autumn Dream! My grandfather has passed away a long time ago, and I have no habit of being a grandson to others!" Song Yi said fiercely.

On May 8, 2002, Xinya Optoelectronics (Puhai) Co., Ltd. was established in Puhai City. The company's registered address is located in Phase I of Zhangjiang Power Collection Port, Puhai City, with a capital injection of 200 million yuan. Xinya Optoelectronics is the largest high-tech enterprise in chip packaging, testing and design based in Zhangjiang Power Collection Port.

On the day Xinya Optoelectronics was established, relevant leaders from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Puhai City, Pujiang New Area and Zhangjiang Science and Technology Park attended the company's opening ceremony.

The top five largest shareholders of New Asia Optoelectronics are New Asia Network, Asan Electronics, Puhai Industrial Group, New Asia Capital Fund and Shining Investment Partnership. The shareholding ratios are 30%, 20%, 20%, 18% and 12% respectively, and the total shareholding ratio of the New Asia Department is 60%.

As the actual controller of Xinya Optoelectronics, Song Yi announced at the opening ceremony that Xinya Optoelectronics will simultaneously set up global R\u0026D centers in four cities: Santa Clara, Tokyo, Seoul, and Puhai. The R\u0026D center in Santa Clara is owned by the former AMD company Chief architect Jim Keller is in charge. Jim Keller presided over the design of the K7 and K8 processors at AMD and designed the x86-x64 architecture.

The president of New Asia Optoelectronics is Dr. Zheng Jingang. Zheng Jingang previously worked at the Industrial Technology Research Institute of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of Japan and is also a high-end talent in the chip field.

In fact, Song Yi planned to establish Xinya Optoelectronics last year. The reason why it was delayed until May was to find a suitable helmsman for Xinya Optoelectronics. Jim Keller later joined Apple and developed the A4 and A5 processors for Apple. Zheng Jingang later served as the vice president of research and development of Huaxin International. There is no doubt about the scientific research level of the two, and they are not the same as Cheng Qian, the scammer who developed DSP chips. .

Song Yi stated that in the next five years, Xinya will invest at least 500 million yuan in Xinya Optoelectronics R\u0026D every year. New Asia Optoelectronics is the scientific research aircraft carrier invested by New Asia in the mainland. Puhai City will also become the second largest investment destination in the mainland after Yanjing. New Asia Optoelectronics will also introduce more high-tech talents in the chip field from overseas. .

Li Yiji, president of New Asia Capital Fund, also attended the opening ceremony. As the CEO of a well-known Korean venture capital, he also expressed his support for New Asia Optoelectronics' technology expansion route in the chip field in the next five years.

Puhai city leaders admired Song Yi's determination in technological expansion and asked if Song Yi needed help from the city or district in introducing overseas talents. Zhangjiang Science and Technology Park could provide policy support for high-tech enterprises like Xinya Optoelectronics.

Song Yi hopes that the district can provide convenient policies for Xinya Optoelectronics’ technical team in terms of employee residence, children’s schooling and social security.

As a result, the leaders of Pujiang New District considered that New Asia Optoelectronics would have a R\u0026D team of between 150 and 200 people in the future, and the district leaders approved a piece of land for New Asia Optoelectronics in the Hanzhen plot of Pujiang New District. A staff community will be built on the ground.

For Song Yi, this was truly an unexpected surprise. Xinya Optoelectronics Staff Community is also the first real estate project of Xinya Real Estate in Puhai City.

Song Yi knew that Puhai City Line 2 would set up a subway station in Hanzhen. The average price of the residential areas near the Hanzhen subway station later exceeded 70,000 per square meter. Although the construction scale of the Xinya Optoelectronics employee community is not comparable to that of Yanjing's Wangjing project, it is more than enough to build seven or eight buildings and twenty or thirty villas in the community.

Puhai City officially implemented the land auction system in 2003, and real estate giants from all walks of life poured into the Puhai real estate market. At present, all high-quality plots of land in Puhai City are in the hands of state-owned enterprises affiliated to each district of Puhai City. If New Asia Real Estate wants to enter the Puhai real estate market in the future, it will still have to deal with local real estate companies in Puhai City.

Song Yi has no intention of pursuing land plots in core areas such as Huangpu, Xuhui and Jing'an. The current situation of New Asia Real Estate does not support it to compete with Hong Kong-funded real estate companies that are heading north. Although urban land parcels are not considered, Song Yi is familiar with the popular land parcels in the middle and outer ring roads of Pujiang New District. Even if New Asia Real Estate is deeply involved in these sectors, it can grow into a first-class real estate company in the country.

In addition to New Asia Optoelectronics, New Asia Network, New Asia Advertising, New Asia Real Estate and New Asia Investment have all set up branches in Puhai City. The general manager of New Asia Network Puhai Branch is Guo Haibin, the general manager of New Asia Advertising Puhai Branch is Zheng Yiping, and the general manager of New Asia Real Estate Puhai Branch is Zhou Zhiyi.

Zhou Zhiyi had actually just been working in Yanjing for three months, and not long after he became familiar with the Wangjing real estate project, he was transferred to Puhai City by Song Yi to take charge of the Xinya Optoelectronics employee community project.

"Brother Song Yi, you'd better give me a reason to convince me, otherwise I will definitely complain to my mother. You must be reluctant to rent the villa in Lijing Garden to me, so you deliberately transferred me from Yanjing Going to Puhai?" Zhou Zhiyi doubted.

"What nonsense are you talking about? The dust in Yanjing is relatively heavy. I'm afraid that working outdoors all year round will be bad for your health. LG Electronics, Asan Electronics, New Asia Optoelectronics and New Asia Capital will jointly invest in the semiconductor factory in Liangxi City."

"I suggested to Chairman Koo Kwang-sung that Koo Kwang-mok-rae be in charge of the Yangxi semiconductor factory project. He will basically stay in Yangxi City for the next two to three years. It is only 130 miles from Puhai City to Yangxi City. Kilometers, it only takes two hours to drive there, and it will be more convenient for you and Guang Mo to go on a weekend date." Song Yi teased his cousin Zhou Zhiyi.

"Oh my God, we haven't confirmed our relationship yet." Zhou Zhiyi was still a little shy.

"Really? I heard that this guy Gu Guangmo flew to Yanjing several times this year in the name of inspecting the Chinese market. Isn't someone dating him?"

"I originally wanted to give you a large flat-floor mansion with river view in Puhai City as a love nest for you and Gu Guangmo in the mainland. It seems that this gift is no longer needed." Song Yi said.

When Zhou Zhiyi heard what Song Yi said, he suddenly smiled and said, "You have some conscience. For the sake of buying me a house, I won't complain to my mother."

Song Yi laughed in his heart, your mother sometimes calls me daddy, what's the use of complaining to her. She criticized me on the surface, but when she waited for others, I would spank her to vent her anger.

The series of big moves made by New Asia in Puhai City in May obviously shocked Chen Tianqiao. He said sourly, "New Asia is making such a big move in Puhai City. Is this guy Song Yi trying to give me a blow?"

On May 16, Huaguo Telecom and Huaguo Netcom were established, and the three major telecom operators stood side by side.

On May 17, the Puhai Municipal Public Security Bureau deployed a special crackdown on “infringement of online game copyrights”. Puhai police launched a thunderous attack and destroyed many local underground game studios in Puhai City, including the criminal gang headed by He Yongsheng.

He Yongsheng and 11 other people were taken compulsory measures by the Puhai police on suspicion of copyright infringement. In order to escape guilt, He Yongsheng, a junior student, confessed to his online "master". Chen, a Chinese employee of Shanda Network in Puhai City, and Jin, a Korean employee, were also arrested immediately.

Because this was a special operation deployed by the city, Chen Tianqiao was unprepared for the arrest of Chen and Jin. The anxious Chen Tianqiao quickly called Chen Zaiyong in Seoul, hoping to let him rescue the two Shanda employees through diplomatic means. Song Yi's thunderous counterattack made Chen Tianqiao finally understand what it means to not be a Raptor but not a river.

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