I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 135 Take other people’s path and leave others with no way to go

Song Yi became extremely busy in May and could only find time to date his girlfriend Kim Tae Hee on weekends.

The Grand Bell Awards ceremony will be held on May 26. "My Naughty Girl" was nominated for three awards: Best Director, Best Actor, and Best Actress.

Jun Ji-hyun will compete for the Daejong Award for Best Actress along with Zhang Baizhi, Lee Young-ae, Lee Mi-sook, Qiu Sang-mei and others. Zhang Baizhi co-starred in "Bai Lan" with Korean national treasure actor Choi Min-sik.

"Byakuran" is adapted from the novel "Love Letter" by Japanese writer Asada Tsuguchi. The film won the Blue Dragon Award for Best Actor and Best Director.

Zhang Baizhi is indeed Jun Ji-hyun's strong opponent in winning the Best Actress Award, but the Korean film industry has always been biased against foreign actors. After all, there has only been one Tang Wei in so many years, and she almost won the Korean Best Actress Grand Slam.

On May 31, the Japan-Korea World Cup held its opening ceremony at Sangam Stadium in Seoul. Through Zhou Mengzhun's relationship, Song Yi got ten tickets for the opening ceremony. Song Yi had not yet figured out how to distribute the tickets.

Kim Jong Kook is a football fan, so he must give him a ticket. His brother-in-law Kim Hyung Soo also likes football, so he must leave a ticket for him. In addition to himself and Taixi, Song Yi could also use six tickets as a favor.

Song Yi discovered that Zhou Mengzhun had indeed turned the World Cup into a business, and his successful bid to host the World Cup won him great honor in South Korea. Zhou Mengzhun's contribution to the World Cup bid is no less than that of his father Zhou Zhengyong's bid to host the Seoul Olympics.

Ji Zhonghua, the president of New Asia Music, originally wanted to arrange for Lee Hyori to perform at the opening ceremony of the World Cup in Japan and South Korea, but this proposal was rejected by Song Yi.

On the surface, Song Yi does not want to have anything to do with the World Cup in Japan and South Korea. If artists under New Asia Music participate in the opening ceremony, then people who are interested will associate Song Yi with Zhou Mengzhun.

For this World Cup, Song Yi has mobilized about US$100 million in overseas private funds, intending to get a piece of the pie from gaming companies. For every World Cup, betting companies receive close to 100 billion U.S. dollars in betting funds, and Song Yi just wants to take a bite of the fat.

When the World Cup is over, Song Yi hopes that the US$100 million can be turned into US$1 billion, but how to do this requires careful planning.

In addition to the Grand Bell Awards and the World Cup, Song Yi is also considering the introduction of "Winter Sonata" by Japanese television.

"Winter Sonata" earned a high revenue of 100 million yen for NHK TV station. "Winter Sonata" also created the highest revenue record for foreign film and television works.

If "Winter Sonata" is released in Japan, then Bae Yong Joon and Song Hye Kyo will go to Japan to participate in Japanese promotional activities.

Bae Yongjun's appearance is very popular among Japanese nurses. Bae Yongjun won the favor of Japanese rich women through the TV series "Winter Sonata", and then returned to South Korea to set up his own business and founded Keyeast Entertainment Agency.

Before filming "Winter Sonata", Song Yi invited Bae Yongjun to join New Asia Management. Although New Asia Management has a leading male singer Kim Jong Kook, it has not signed an actor yet. No wonder some entertainment media said that Xinya's manager is actually Song Yi's harem group.

However, Song Yi is not without worries. Kim Min-sook, the representative director of Barunson Entertainment, has not relented yet and has always disagreed with making Barunson Entertainment a subsidiary of New Asia Media.

Moreover, this woman, Jin Minshu, was very vigilant and did not give Son Yejin the opportunity to have personal contact with Xinya Media. Even if Song Yi wanted to poach people, she would not be able to do so.

Song Yi couldn't help but sneer, so what if there was Zhou Rongzhen's support behind him? New World Department Store is still headed by Chen Mingxi, and Zhou Rongzhen is now only the vice president of New World Department Store.

He actually didn't believe that Zhou Rongzhen would fall out with Sun Yezhen and Xinya Media, but Song Yi was unwilling to take a gamble. Moreover, Zhou Rongzhen has not divorced Gao Xianzhen now. Doesn’t Zhou Rongzhen not want his reputation?

Although South Korea's chaebols have more fun than anyone else in private, on the surface they always have only one woman, and the chaebol's wife is like a mascot. If a chaebol is exposed to cheating on his wife and having secret meetings with female celebrities, his reputation will be bad, which may affect the company's revenue and even affect the stock price.

Song Yi remembers that during the divorce lawsuit between Zhou Rongzhen and Gao Xianzhen, the media was overwhelmingly sympathetic to Gao Xianzhen, the "Samsung abandoned concubine".

Joo Yong-jin is worth more than 100 billion won, while Ko Hyun-jung only received a measly 1.5 billion won. All stores under Shinsegae Department Store are not allowed to publish Ko Hyun-jung's advertisements.

Ko Hyun-jung starred in the Korean TV series "Hourglass" in 1995. The TV series's ratings were as high as 64.5%. Ko Hyun-jung is known to everyone in South Korea. The influence of this TV series is comparable to that of "Huan Zhu Ge Ge" broadcast in mainland China. 》.

At the peak of her career, she died for love and gave birth to a son and a daughter to her husband Zhou Rongzhen. She works hard every day to serve her mother-in-law and husband, but is always rejected and looked down upon by her mother-in-law Chen Mingxi.

Chen Mingxi uses Korean when communicating with his family. As soon as his daughter-in-law Gao Xianzhen appears, Chen Mingxi immediately switches to English and German. Obviously, Chen Mingxi looked down on his uneducated daughter-in-law, so Gao Xianzhen went to Korea University to study for a degree in English.

Song Yi remembers that Ko Hyun Jung's comeback after the divorce went very smoothly. She made a smooth comeback through "Spring Day", "The Woman on the Beach" and "Queen Seon Deok", which made Ko Hyun Jung once again become a first-line Korean actress.

Later, Gao Xianzhen also founded her own clothing company and cosmetics company, with a net worth of more than 20 billion won. She also completed the gorgeous transformation from "Samsung abandoned concubine" to "Queen of good virtue".

An idea came to Song Yi's mind. He could ignore Sun Yezhen now and contact Gao Xianzhen in advance.

Zhou Rongzhen, aren’t you unwilling to let Son Yejin join New Asia Media? How would you feel if you found out that your wife Gao Xianzhen has become an artist under New Asia Media and works under Song Yi?

By then New Asia Media can let the media know that Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen have been at odds for a long time, and the two have officially separated. Zhou Rongzhen fell in love with a young actress named S. Gao Xianzhen couldn't bear the humiliation, so she took the initiative to file for divorce.

Gao Xianzhen can also reveal the inside story of the divorce between the two to the outside media. Gao Xianzhen received 1.5 billion won in divorce alimony, but permanently lost the visitation rights of her two children. A mother can never visit her children for the rest of her life. This is so contrary to human nature.

If these two incidents are all exposed to the public, Zhou Rongzhen will immediately become the scumbag of the century and will probably be scolded to death by Korean women. Of course, the Korean woman scolded her fiercely on the surface, but in her heart she still wanted to do everything possible to marry Zhou Rongzhen.

Song Yi exposed what Zhou Rongzhen would do in the future in advance and took Zhou Rongzhen's path, leaving Zhou Rongzhen with no way to go.

When the media is exploring who the young actress named S is, Song Yi will direct public opinion to Son Ye-jin. The media can even point out that it was Barunson Entertainment’s representative Kim Min-sook who was the matchmaker and introduced Son Ye-jin to Zhou Yong-jin. Son Ye-jin is the third party who ruined the relationship between Zhou Yong-jin and Go Hyun-jung.

When things have developed to this point, Son Ye-jin's idea of ​​marrying Zhou Yong-jin can be said to be completely shattered. In order to distance himself, Zhou Yongzhen would definitely deny that he knew Kim Minsook, and Kim Minshu did not introduce Son Yejin to him.

But as long as the media is willing to dig deeper, they will find that Kim Min-sook and Zhou Yong-jin have known each other for a long time. Gao Xianzhen already knew Kim Minshu before she passed away. It was because of Jin Minshu's help that Zhou Rongzhen was able to meet Gao Xianzhen.

Ko Hyun Jung was the runner-up in the beauty pageant and starred in the hit drama "Hourglass", so I wanted to get to know Ko Hyun Jung. So Gao Xianzhen's manager Jin Minshu created an opportunity for Zhou Yongzhen to meet him at the cinema.

At that time, Gao Xianzhen could not find her seat in the movie theater because she was late. Then Zhou Rongzhen took the initiative to talk to Gao Xianzhen and successfully helped the beauty find her seat. Coincidentally, Zhou Rongzhen's seat and Gao Xianzhen's seat were not far apart.

The subsequent storyline is just like a bloody Korean drama, romantic and simple. In order to express her gratitude, Gao Xianzhen left Zhou Rongzhen’s phone number and invited Zhou Rongzhen to have dinner with him.

Ko Hyun-jung praised her husband Zhou Yong-jin on a TV show, "He has a sense of humor, a sophisticated sense of humor, and he is also a kind and handsome person."

With the help of Jin Minshu, Gao Xianzhen successfully married into a wealthy family. Kim Min-sook also received a thank-you gift from Zhou Yong-jin. With the support of Zhou Yong-jin, she founded Barunson Entertainment and became a well-known veteran agent in the 1990s.

Obviously, Jin Minshu knew that Gao Xianzhen was favored here in Zhourong Town, and Son Yejin was the new love Kim Minshu prepared for Zhourong Town.

However, before Zhou Rongzhen got his new love Sun Yizhen, Song Yi disrupted the situation in advance. As long as Zhou Yongzhen tries to distance herself from the relationship with Barunson and Son Ye-jin in front of the media, then with Kim Min-sook's personal energy, she will not be able to resist the acquisition of New Asia Media.

Song Yi remembered that Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen divorced in 2003, so New Asia Media would contact Gao Xianzhen in advance this year. If Zhou Rongzhen divorces early, Song Yi's preparations will not be needed. When Zhou Rongzhen is divorced and single, he will be free to date any actress. By then, hyping up the relationship between Joo Yong-jin and Son Ye-jin will no longer hurt the reputation of Joo Yong-jin and Shinsegae Department Store.

After marriage, Gao Xianzhen lived a very depressed life. I have to get up at five or six every morning, make breakfast for the family, and then help my husband choose clothes for going out.

After her husband goes out, Gao Xianzhen will start doing housework and tidying up everything in the house. Since her marriage, Gao Xianzhen rarely attends events.

Even if he occasionally appears on camera, his clothes are very simple, just like a passerby on the street. Fans who are familiar with her find it difficult to recognize her face to face, because she does not have the elegance of a wealthy lady at all, nor does she look like the once popular female star.

Now Gao Xianzhen basically has no way out, and she has no agent now. Song Yi is now beginning to have a headache through which channel to get acquainted with Gao Xianzhen. If Song Yi could not talk face to face with Gao Xianzhen and convince Gao Xianzhen to cooperate with his plan, then Song Yi would have no way to continue the follow-up plan.

"Samsung abandoned concubine," Song Yi tapped his fingers on his desk. If he wanted to get to know Gao Xianzhen, he still had to find a way through members of the Samsung family. Then he could only find a way through Chen Fuzhen or Cui Shanji.

Chen Fuzhen gave birth to a baby boy at the birth center of Jiahuier Hospital in Los Angeles last month. After giving birth, Chen Fuzhen reported to Song Yi that mother and child were safe. At this time, Chen Fuzhen should still be recuperating in Los Angeles, and it would be inappropriate for him to alarm Chen Fuzhen about this matter.

Since Chen Fuzhen has been ruled out, Song Yi can only seek help from Cui Shanji. Cui Shanhui is not well-liked in the Samsung family, and is often discriminated against by Chen Jianxi's family. Maybe Cui Shanhui and Gao Xianzhen have a common language between the two women?

Song Yi called Cui Shanji, and the call was quickly connected.

Cui Shanji's tone was somewhat resentful, "What day is it today? Our President Song actually took the initiative to call me for the first time?"

Song Yi felt guilty, "Sister Shan Ji, I got the tickets for the opening ceremony of the World Cup, and I'm going to invite you and Brother Zai Can to watch the opening ceremony together."

Cui Shanji has no interest in football. She is a little strange, "President Song, can't you just tell Zaichan about this kind of thing? Why do you need to call me alone?"

Her tone instantly became ambiguous, "Could it be that you want to give me tickets? Then go ahead. Zai Chan has already gone to work in the company, his children are at school, and there is no one at home."

Look what Cui Shanji said. Her husband went to work and the children went to school. She was the only one at home guarding the empty room. She needed Song Yi to fill her empty heart.

Now that New Asia Media's listing has reached a critical moment, it is certainly impossible for Song Yi to go to Chen Zaican's house to comfort his wife in such a lustful manner. If Song Yi and Cui Shanji were misbehaving in Chen Zaican and his wife's bed, and Chen Zaican suddenly came home due to something unexpected, then the fun would be huge.

Song Yi remembered that the master bedroom of Chen Zaican and his wife was on the second floor. If one day he jumped out of the window from the second floor balcony to the back garden and escaped, he would most likely break a bone.

"Sister Shan Ji, I will definitely send you the tickets, but not today. By the way, have you met Gao Xianzhen at Samsung's family gathering?" Song Yi was afraid that the content of Cui Shanji's chat would become more and more explicit, so he took the initiative to speak ask.

"Xianzhen—" Cui Shanji understood, "I've seen her, what's wrong? Are you still a fan of Gao Xianzhen?"

Cui Shanji and his wife are very familiar with Song Yi and understand Song Yi's experience in South Korea. Song Yi came to South Korea to study in 1994, when Gao Xianzhen was at the height of his power, so it was not surprising at all to know Gao Xianzhen.

Song Yi found it a bit difficult to say that you were asking one woman for another woman's contact information.

"It's like this. Our New Asia Media is planning to shoot a costume drama next year. The theme is about Queen Seondeok. I would like to invite Gao Xianzhen to play one of the roles. She does not have an agency now, so I want to contact her through you. "Song Yi explained.

Cui Shanji was doubtful. She subconsciously knew that Song Yi's purpose was not that simple. Husband Chen Zaican once evaluated Song Yi. He said that Song Yi is a person who takes one step and sees ten steps.

Song Yi would never do something without a reason. If Chen Zaican had not agreed to Song Yi going to Yanjing to establish an advertising company, then Xinhan Media would never have been able to wait until the day it went public. It is impossible for Chen Zaechan to become a rich man with a net worth of hundreds of billions of won.

"Gao Xianzhen has been away from acting for several years. It is impossible for her to appear in a TV series now, right? Her mother-in-law is notoriously difficult to get along with!" Cui Shanji said.

"I know this, but if you don't shoot this year, it doesn't mean you can't shoot next year. I heard that there is a relationship problem between Gao Xianzhen and Zhou Rongzhen, and the two are now separated. Zhou Rongzhen and Gao Xianzhen have begun to discuss the relationship after the divorce. Negotiating alimony, custody of the two children, and visitation rights.”

"Although Zhou Rongzhen is very rich, Gao Xianzhen doesn't get much money. If Gao Xianzhen really goes to the stage of divorce, maybe she will consider filming a TV series of Xinya Media." Song Yi said.

The property that can be divided during divorce under Korean law is: the property formed by the joint efforts of the husband and wife during the marriage.

The wives of Korean chaebols often become full-time housewives after marriage, with men taking care of the outside and women taking care of the house. So most of the family's property is actually earned by men. Although a full-time housewife is responsible for childcare and housework, it also falls into the category of joint efforts, but the role of the wife is nothing more than a high-level Filipino domestic helper. Therefore, when the divorce is decided, the full-time housewife often does not receive much money.

Cui Shanji felt the same way about this, but Chen Zaican was quite generous to her in this regard. Before Shinhan Media went public, Chen Jaechan also transferred part of Shinhan Media's stocks to Cui Shanhui's name for free. Cui Shanhui has now become a rich woman in the true sense. Cui Shanji will inevitably wonder, is it because Chen Zaichan doesn't want to live a married life, so he makes up for her with money?

"Well, let me mention it to Xianzhen. If she has this intention, I will tell you again, do you think it's okay?" Cui Shanji is still very concerned about Song Yi's affairs.

If New Asia goes public through a backdoor transaction with Shinhan Media, Cui Shanhui’s shares in Shinhan Media will become more valuable, and Cui Shanhui’s personal assets will be followed by multiple zeros. Song Yi is already the God of Wealth in Cui Shanji's eyes, and she must serve Song Yi well in all aspects.

Of course Song Yi was not willing to let Cui Shanji tell Gao Xianzhen. If Gao Xianzhen did not pay attention to his suggestions, then his plan would end up in vain.

"Sister Sun Ji," Song Yi and Cui Shan Ji discussed on the phone, "See if you can ask Gao Xianzhen out. I want to meet her and talk face to face. I have a way to convince her to star in Xin Asia Media's TV series. If you could do me this favor, I’d be grateful.”

Cui Shanji was a little embarrassed now. Although she has a good relationship with Gao Xianzhen, it is not easy to ask her out alone. Gao Xianzhen's mother-in-law Chen Mingxi also doesn't like her to show up in public.

Cui Shanji originally wanted to tell Song Yi Gao Xianzhen's phone number and ask Song Yi to contact Gao Xianzhen by phone, but she gave up the idea. As the daughter-in-law of the Samsung family, she had no problem asking Gao Xianzhen to meet alone. What would it be like for a grown man like Song Yi to ask Gao Xianzhen to meet alone in private? It would not be like talking about something, but like an affair.

"Let's do this. I applied for a VIP card at Sister Suying's beauty club, and I asked Gao Xianzhen to do body care together. Then I invite Gao Xianzhen to come to my house for coffee, and you wait for us at my house. When you finish talking, I Then send Gao Xianzhen back. Gao Xianzhen has a special status and is not suitable to meet outside."

After Cui Shanji made the plan, she suddenly asked Song Yi with great happiness, "President Song, are you not asking Gao Xianzhen to star in the TV series? You are actually attracted to Gao Xianzhen, right? Could it be that Zhou Rongzhen has offended this guy at some time? That’s why you want to sleep with his wife to get back at him?”

Song Yi laughed dumbly, "Cui Shanji, why do you think so? I really have something serious to do with Gao Xianzhen, and Gao Xianzhen is married."

Cui Shanji despises whether Song Yi dares to do something right or not. In her heart, she even vaguely hopes that her husband Chen Zaican will have a conflict with Song Yi, and then Song Yi will punish her severely to take revenge on Chen Zaican.

The update is over, see you tomorrow

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