I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 138 The youngest Daejong Award-winning actress Jun Ji-hyun

On May 26, the 39th Daejong Awards Ceremony was held at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts Grand Theater in Seoul.

Korean filmmakers gathered together. The actresses who stepped on the red carpet that day included Lee Young-ae, Jun Ji-hyun, Jang Baek-ji, Lee Mi-sook, Qiu Sang-mi, Ko So-young, Yoon Soo-jung, Lee Eun-joo, Son Ye-jin, etc. It can be said that the stars were brilliant.

The 22-year-old Zhang Baizhi became the most watched actress on the red carpet of the Grand Bell Awards because she was the first Chinese actor to be shortlisted for the three major film festivals in South Korea.

Zhang Baizhi had a bad start to the year. In order to raise funds for charity, she drove five cars and was injured and hospitalized.

On March 23, Xie Tingfeng was driving his black Ferrari sports car and crashed into a guardrail on Cotton Tree Road in Admiralty, Hong Kong Island. The police suspected that Xie's agency had arranged for someone to be the boss and was involved in a corruption case. The case was handed over to the Independent Commission Against Corruption for investigation. .

In late March, Zhang Baizhi and Xie Tingfeng traveled to Thailand together, and Hong Kong media alluded to Zhang Baizhi's involvement in Feng Fei's relationship. Xie Tingfeng actually wanted to travel to Thailand to relax, and Zhang Baizhi accompanied Xie Tingfeng attentively and guided him every step of the way.

Song Yi discovered that Zhang Baizhi really likes to travel to Thailand, because next year Zhang Baizhi and Chen Xiaochun will travel to Bangkok together. Chen Xiaochun applied sunscreen to Zhang Baizhi, but was photographed by the paparazzi. Zhang Baizhi said in front of the media that she and Chen Xiaochun are just good friends. Not to mention, Zhang Baizhi has many good friends in the entertainment industry.

The Korean Grand Bell Awards is actually a niche film festival for Korean filmmakers to entertain themselves. However, in order to show the so-called international influence of the Korean Film Festival, the organizer this year specially invited Chinese actress Zhang Baizhi and Japanese actor Hiroshi Nakamura. Attend this film festival.

Zhang Baizhi was nominated for Best Actress, and Nakamura Hyung was nominated for Best Supporting Actor. The three major newspapers in South Korea even announced that these two had won a lot of awards. So Zhang Baizhi flew to South Korea with high hopes, hoping to win the Best Actress Award.

She was wearing an off-white suspender slim dress today, and she looked both elegant and sexy. Her skirt is entirely supported by two thin suspenders. Zhang Baizhi, who looks thin, also has a good figure with bulging front and back.

Zhang Baizhi walked the red carpet today with her co-star Choi Min-sik. Entertainment reporters also specifically asked Zhang Baizhi whether she would watch the World Cup this year and which player she liked the most.

Zhang Baizhi was also a little unprepared when faced with reporters' questions. She was ready to answer her favorite directors, actors and actresses today, but the reporter actually asked her about her favorite football players. These Korean media are so unethical.

"I like Kaka because Kaka is very handsome, and I like handsome guys." Zhang Baizhi came up with ideas in a hurry.

So the reporter at the scene asked Zhang Baizhi again, if you choose between Kaka and Park Ji-sung at the same time, who would you prefer to be your boyfriend?

At this time, Zhang Baizhi was not afraid of anything. She moved closer to Cui Minzhi beside her and said, "Compared with Kaka and Park Ji-sung, I would rather find a boyfriend like Minzhi. He takes good care of me on the set. "

The entertainment reporters were immediately excited. They had already thought of tomorrow's news headline, "Hong Kong's beautiful female star took the initiative to express her affection for Cui Minzhi due to drama."

If Zhang Baizhi knew that there would be no success tonight, and a new scandal was exposed by Korean media, she probably would not have the idea of ​​coming to Korea to participate in a film festival in the future.

Jun Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun walked the red carpet together. As the strongest competitor for Best Actress tonight, she received no less attention than Zhang Baizhi.

Jun Ji-hyun has done her homework in advance. She is familiar with the Korean men's football team and even the resume of coach Hiddink.

"Hiddink is a very good head coach. We have Asia's top midfield lineup. Park Ji-sung and Choi Yong-soo are all-round players who can attack and defend. I believe that the Korean team will create the best results among Asian teams in this World Cup." !" Quan Zhixian said.

Previously, the best record of an Asian team in the World Cup was in the top 16, qualifying from the group. Jun Ji-hyun said with such certainty that the Korean team will break through the best record of Asian teams, so the Korean team must at least reach the quarterfinals.

When reporters asked Jun Ji-hyun to predict the final ranking of the South Korean team in the World Cup, Jun Ji-hyun smiled and said nothing.

Jun Ji-hyun didn't show any enthusiasm for football when she first debuted. Now that Jun Ji-hyun has started to pay attention to the World Cup, she is obviously influenced by the men around her. At this time, a reporter already wanted to interview Song Yi and ask him if he agreed with Jun Ji-hyun's views on the Korean men's football team.

Song Yi came to the Daejong Awards ceremony with her girlfriend Kim Tae Hee. Because Kim Tae Hee has not appeared in any movie as a main creative member, she has no idea of ​​going to the red carpet.

You can't just go to the red carpet of a film festival without any film works, ask familiar media to help take photos, and then publicize it through domestic press releases, saying that you are stunning at Cannes, making a stunning appearance in Venice, etc., right?

After Song Yi entered the theater, he sat directly in the first row of seats at the awards ceremony. Sitting next to him were Minister Zheng of the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and President Li Chunlian of the Korean Filmmakers Association.

Lee Chun-ryun is South Korea's first-generation filmmaker. He entered the film industry in 1983 and established Cine2000 Film and Television Production Company in 1994. He single-handedly produced actors such as Ha Jung-woo and is also acquainted with Kim Dong-ho, the founder of the Busan International Film Festival. intimate.

Zhang Baizhi saw that Song Yi could sit in the middle of the first row despite his young age. She couldn't help but asked Cui Minzhi if she knew Song Yi.

Cui Minzhi glanced at Song Yi and said in a strange tone, "That is Chairman Song of New Asia Media and the producer of "My Naughty Girlfriend"."

After New Asia Pictures prepared to start filming "Memories of Murder", Choi Min-sik also participated in the casting of the film. In the end, producer Song Yi and director Bong Joon-ho unanimously decided to choose Song Kang-ho as the male lead. After being eliminated, Cui Minzhi had mixed feelings about Song Yi.

Zhang Baizhi was stunned for a moment when she heard what Cui Minzhi said. When Jun Ji-hyun went to Hong Kong Island to promote "My Naughty Girlfriend", Song Yi did not accompany him. She only knew that the boss behind the movie "My Naughty Girlfriend" was a Chinese, and this was the first time she met Song Yi himself.

Zhang Baizhi's stardom is still very smooth. After she graduated from Australia and returned to Hong Kong Island, she took on the commercial of Sunshine Lemon Tea. When this different version of the commercial was aired, it quickly became popular in the Chinese world, and Star Master even more Zhang Baizhi was appointed to star in the 1999 Lunar New Year comedy "The King of Comedy" as the heroine.

"The King of Comedy" won the Hong Kong box office championship with HK$30 million. Cheung Baizhi, who continued her efforts, starred in the romantic literary film "Star Wish" produced by Golden Harvest, and sang the theme song "Star Wish" together with Simon Yam and So Yongkang.

In the entertainment circles of Hong Kong and Taiwan, it is very common to act and sing well. Zhang Baizhi, who has established a position in the film industry, signed a contract with Universal Music Group, and her first EP album "Any Weather" was certified as a platinum record.

Last year, Zhang Baizhi officially entered the international film industry and took over the filming of the movie "Bai Lan", and was nominated for the Grand Bell Award for Best Actress. If Zhang Baizhi can concentrate on learning acting and reduce off-site gossip, she actually hopes to become the next Zhang Manyu.

Zhang Baizhi has now broken up with her agent Zhu Yonglong. Zhang Baizhi became famous with "The King of Comedy", but Zhu Yonglong and Zhang Baizhi went to court because of uneven distribution of money. They only reached a settlement in 2004.

During the litigation, Zhu Yonglong was attacked by three gangsters and suffered from respiratory arrest three times on the way to the hospital. It is worth mentioning that Zhang Baizhi's biological father, Huo Yong, is a member of the Hong Kong Island community. When reporters asked whether there was any unknown truth behind Zhu Yonglong's injury, Zhang Baizhi always refused to answer.

Without the support of Zhu Yonglong, Zhang Baizhi would of course want to meet new big shots in the film industry. "My Naughty Girl" was the runner-up at the Korean box office last year, and the strength of the production company New Asia Pictures certainly cannot be underestimated.

"Then the female companion next to President Song is his girlfriend?" Zhang Baizhi continued to inquire about the situation.

Cui Minzhi felt a little uncomfortable now, and his tone was a little colder. Zhang Baizhi just kept saying on the red carpet that she wanted to find a boyfriend like Cui Minzhi, and now she is asking Cui Minzhi to inquire about Song Yi's personal situation. Which man would feel comfortable in such a situation?

"Next to President Song is his girlfriend, Miss Kim Tae-hee. She is a top student at Seoul National University and an actress in commercials and musicals. She was also selected as the most beautiful woman in Korea by some newspapers." Cui Minzhi introduced Kim Tae-hee. Condition.

Cui Minzhi felt a little disdainful in his heart. Today's young actors really don't learn well and always want to have a good relationship with the boss of the film company. How unfair is it to an actor like Choi Min-sik who is dedicated to acting if he can easily get the main role in a certain movie based on nepotism?

Song Yi didn't know that Zhang Baizhi, who was sitting two rows behind him, was inquiring about his information, but he had no interest in getting to know the head of the Jade Girl in Hong Kong. He was busy talking about business with Minister Zheng.

Minister Zheng was full of praise for the Japan-Korea World Cup tourism promotional video produced by Song Yi. In the first five months of 2002, the number of Chinese tourists visiting South Korea increased by 760% compared with the same period last year.

More and more Chinese tourists are choosing to travel and shop in South Korea, and many stores in Myeongdong have specially standardized Chinese prompts on their outside signs. If it were not for the Busan air crash in April, the World Cup month in June would have been the peak period for Chinese tourists to visit South Korea.

Song Yi told Minister Zheng: "Although no official conclusion has been given about the Busan air crash, the Busan Airport has been eager to shift the responsibility to Air China. No one wants to see such a tragedy happen."

"China and South Korea are neighboring countries separated by a strip of water. Young people from the two countries are quarreling at each other online, which is not conducive to solving the problem. I heard that Koreans beat Chinese students on the streets of Busan. After hearing this, After the incident, I was also shocked."

"If the safety of Chinese students on the streets of South Korea cannot be guaranteed, how can tourists dare to travel to South Korea? They can't travel, and they still carry bodyguards like me, right? I believe that such black sheep are just an exception. But don’t spoil the pot of soup because of a mouse dropping. Minister Zheng, I believe you are not willing to let some well-intentioned people ruin the great situation of the current tourism market before the end of your term, right?" Song Yi said very sincerely. .

Minister Zheng is one of the few female department heads in South Korea. Although she looks weak, she is vigorous and resolute in her work, and she is also Zhong Xiaotong's confidant.

"I know what you mean. I will urge the Busan police to quickly catch the suspects who assaulted the Chinese students and bring them to justice. As for the Busan air crash, after the black box is completely deciphered, the South Korean investigation team will report to The Chinese investigation team has disclosed and shared this part of the information. As for the air traffic control personnel at Busan Airport, if it is indeed confirmed that they made mistakes in their work, we will never protect the shortcomings and will get to the bottom of it," Minister Zheng said.

Song Yi refused to expose the matter easily, "According to the investigation, the air traffic controller at Busan Airport that day was working without a certificate. On the day of the incident, the weather at Busan Airport was bad and visibility was extremely low. Before Air China landed, there were eight other aircraft All the company’s flights were diverted to other airports, but the air traffic controller did not notify the Air China captain of this critical information in a timely manner.”

"Now that the final investigation conclusion has not been announced to the public, the local media in Busan have begun to publish the internal information of the investigation team in an attempt to shift all the blame to Air China. If Busan cannot handle the Busan air crash fairly and justly, Boeing will Clearing the responsibilities will most likely make the internal disputes between the Chinese and Korean investigation teams public. If CNN, Fox and the Associated Press follow up and report, it will greatly affect the international reputation of the Republic of Korea." Song Yi said unhurriedly.

The smile on Minister Zheng's face has disappeared, and she feels a little unhappy now. She felt that Song Yi was a little too strong today. Even if you, Song Yi, are a popular person next to the next president Song Woo-seok, you can't point fingers at my work, and I have already helped Jun Ji-hyun lock in the Best Actress award at the Daejong Awards in advance.

You know, since 1994, the Grand Bell Award Ceremony has been co-organized by the Korean Filmmakers Association and the Samsung Arts and Culture Foundation. The Samsung Arts and Culture Foundation provides financial support for the Grand Bell Award Ceremony.

Although the awarding of Best Actor and Best Actress, the highlight of the awards ceremony, has not yet begun, Minister Jung and Song Yi already knew in advance that Jun Ji Hyun would be elected as the Best Actress at this Daejong Awards.

As the organizer, the Samsung Arts and Culture Foundation had different opinions on Jun Ji-hyun winning the Best Actress crown. In the end, Lee Chun-ryun of the Korean Filmmakers Association came forward to persuade the Samsung Arts and Culture Foundation.

Even though the Samsung Arts and Culture Foundation stated that it might not continue to sponsor the Grand Bell Awards ceremony next year, Li Chunlian did not waver. Because Song Yi had told him a long time ago that if Samsung gave up sponsorship, New Asia was willing to take over the sponsorship of the Grand Bell Awards ceremony, and the sponsorship fee was only higher than Samsung.

It is precisely with Song Yi's financial backing and Minister Zheng's official endorsement that Li Chunlian can hold the most "fair" awards ceremony in history without interference from Samsung.

The awards ceremony was proceeding in an orderly manner. The first heavyweight award was the Best Director Award. The presenter was the veteran Korean actor Shin Young-gyun. "The winner of the 39th Daejong Awards Best Director Award is Director Song Hae-sung. Congratulations!" "

Song Haicheng smiled when he heard that he had won the award. Cui Minzhi and Zhang Baizhi hugged Song Haicheng respectively. They also hoped to get Song Haicheng's good luck.

After the awards for Best Screenwriter, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best New Actor and Best Actress were completed, the most tense awarding session for Best Actress entered.

As expected, Japanese actor Hiroshi Nakamura won the Best Supporting Actor award, and Song Yi showed a hint of disdain. Japan and South Korea jointly hosted the World Cup, and a Japanese actor won the Daejong Award for Best Supporting Actor. This is definitely another good story in the cultural and sports exchanges between South Korea and Japan.

It is a pity that China and South Korea did not jointly host the World Cup, otherwise Zhang Baizhi, the actress, would definitely not have left. This is the so-called political correctness.

The five selected films of Zhang Baizhi, Jun Ji-hyun, Lee Young-ae, Lee Mi-sook and Qiu Sang-mei were displayed on the big screen of the theater.

The award guest for the Best Actress is Jeon Do-yeon. Jeon Do-yeon is one of the few actresses in South Korea who has won the Grand Slam Award at the three major film festivals including the Blue Dragon Award, the Daejong Award and the Baeksang Arts Awards. The Filmmakers Association chose her to present the award. Of course it has a different meaning.

In 1999, 26-year-old Jeon Do-yeon won the 20th Blue Dragon Award and the 37th Daejong Award for Best Actress at the same time for her feature film "The Organ in Memory." The 28-year-old Jeon Do-yeon, who won the Best Actress in the Film category at the Arts Awards, is already leaving South Korea and competing in the three major European film festivals.

Quan Ji-hyun looked at Quan Do-yeon on the stage with a very serious expression, but Jin Xiyuan sitting next to her was very calm and held her hand, "Don't be nervous, just relax. It's yours, and you can never run away."

Jeon Do-yeon did not whet everyone's appetite, "The winner of the 39th Daejong Awards for Best Actress is Miss Jeon Ji-hyun. Congratulations to Ji-hyun!"

When Quan Ji-hyun heard her name from Quan Do-yeon, she was stunned. She already knew she might win the award before awarding the award, but when she successfully won the award, she still couldn't hide her great joy.

After Zhang Baizhi heard that Quan Zhixian won the award, she was full of disappointment. She looked at Quan Zhixian who came to the stage to receive the award unwillingly.

Quan Ji-hyun took the trophy from Quan Do-yeon. Quan Do-yeon looked at Quan Ji-hyun, who was eight years younger than herself, and inevitably felt jealous in her heart.

Jeon Do-yeon was praised by the Korean media as a talented actress at the Korean Film Festival. The 24-year-old Jeon Do-yeon won the 18th Blue Dragon Award and the 35th Daejong Award for Best New Actress with her film debut "Sad Street Corner Lovers".

The 26-year-old Jeon Do-yeon was the youngest Best Actress in the history of the 37th Daejong Awards, while the 21-year-old Jeon Ji-hyun improved this record by five years!

Of course, Jun Ji-hyun's starting point was already very high. In 1999, Jun Ji-hyun, who was under 18 years old, already won the Baeksang Arts Award for Best New Actress in the Film Category for "White Day".

Jeon Ji-hyun and Jeon Do-yeon hugged, and she began to deliver her acceptance speech, "Thank you to the Filmmakers Association for awarding such an important award to me. At the same time, I want to thank director Kwak Jae-yong and senior Cha Tae-hyun, who taught me a lot on the set. It was a rare pleasure to make a movie with you.”

"Last year I was nominated for Best Actress, and this year my dream finally came true. I feel extremely happy at this moment. Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to Mr. Song Yi, the producer of "My Naughty Girlfriend". He is the best actor in the world. The best boss! Thank you everyone!" Jun Ji-hyun finished her acceptance speech, then bowed deeply and left the stage.

Kim Tae Hee sat next to Song Yi. She listened to Quan Ji Hyun's acceptance speech and quietly asked her boyfriend, "Did you prepare Quan Ji Hyun's acceptance speech?"

Song Yi quickly denied, "How is that possible? I guess it was Quan Ji-hyun who made her own decision."

Jun Ji-hyun's acceptance speech is almost a confession. When you praised Song Yi as the best boss in the world at the Grand Bell Awards ceremony, what did the bosses of other film companies and agencies think?

Jun Ji-hyun is simply telling other Korean actresses, do you want to be my colleague? Then join New Asia Agency, maybe you will be the one to receive the award on stage next year!

At least Son Ye-jin couldn't hide the desire and envy on her face when she looked at the trophy in Jun Ji-hyun's hand. In fact, she personally does not object to signing with New Asia Agency, but she must stay in the same camp as her agent Jin Minshu.

If she leaves Kim Min-sook's Barunson Entertainment and joins New Asia Media, Son Ye-jin will leave a bad reputation as an ungrateful person in the Korean entertainment industry.

At that time, many directors, screenwriters and actors will refuse to cooperate with Son Ye-jin, and New Asia Media cannot cover the sky with one hand in the Korean film industry.

After Quan Ji-hyun stepped down, Kim Hee-won gave Quan Ji-hyun an expressionless look. Jun Ji-hyun actually dared to shout to everyone at the award ceremony that Song Yi is the best boss in the world. Who gave you the courage? Are you not provoking Song Yi's real girlfriend Kim Tae Hee's status in public? It is tolerable, but what is unbearable!

Kim Hee-won said to Jun Ji-hyun: "Song Yi was sitting next to Chairman Lee Chun-ryun of the Korean Filmmakers Association today, and you happened to say that Song Yi was the best boss in the world, and you happened to win the Best Actress award. It will be in the newspaper tomorrow Some people will say that Song Yi manipulated the Grand Bell Awards and decided that you would win the Best Actress. Do you know how much trouble your speech just caused to the company and our President Song?"

When Quan Zhixian heard what Jin Xiyuan said, she realized that the true revelation just now actually caused Song Yi to fall into the whirlpool of public opinion. There were already rumors that Quan Ji-hyun was Song Yi's lover, and Quan Ji-hyun's speech undoubtedly further confirmed this rumor.

She feels a little guilty now because the company may hold a celebration party for her later. In addition to Best Actress, she also won the Popular Actress Award, and Cha Tae-hyun also won the Popular Actor Award.

Quan Zhixian was racking her brains to think about how to coax Song Yi later. Calling daddy several times in a row obviously couldn't solve the problem.

She remembered that when she was filming "My Naughty Girlfriend", she kept the high school uniform she wore during filming. Why don't she transform into a cute high school girl tonight to soothe the injured soul of her boss Song Yi?

See you tomorrow

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