I want to be a chaebol

Chapter 139 Chen Xinyu arrives at the door

Not long after the Grand Bell Awards ceremony ended, Yahoo Korea and Daum released the latest reports on the awards ceremony.

"Jun Ji-hyun makes history and becomes the youngest Best Actress to win the Daejong Award", this is the title of the Daum website.

"Seol Kyung-gu and Jun Ji-hyun win the Best Actor and Best Actress crowns at the 39th Daejong Awards", this is the title of Yahoo Korea.

"The new Best Actress of the Grand Bell Award "shows love" to her boss in public", this is the title of Naver. In contrast, Naver's report attracted more attention, and netizens who were keen on gossiping wanted to know whether Song Yi's rumored girlfriend Jun Ji-hyun and real girlfriend Kim Tae-hee had a fight at the award ceremony.

Jun Ji-hyun's acceptance speech instantly went viral on Naver. Netizens searched Naver for what Jun Ji-hyun said at the Daejong Awards ceremony.

Naver is also very good at making trouble. When Jun Ji-hyun said that Song Yi is the best boss in the world, Naver's on-site reporter also took pictures of Kim Tae-hee's expression.

After Kim Tae Hee heard Quan Ji Hyun's almost confessional words, although she kept a smile on her face, it was obvious that her expression was a little stiff. When her boyfriend Song Yi started clapping next to her, Kim Tae Hee followed suit.

In addition to Kim Tae Hee, Naver also captured the expression of New Asia Agency President Kim Hee Won at that time. She looked serious. After Jun Ji Hyun finished her acceptance speech, a smile slowly appeared on her face.

Obviously, Jun Ji-hyun's acceptance speech was an on-the-spot performance, which can also be said to be an expression of true feelings. She did not discuss the acceptance speech with her agent Kim Hee-won.

At the end of the award ceremony, a reporter asked Jun Ji-hyun to interview her, "Ms. Jun Ji-hyun, you said Song Yi is the best boss in the world. Is it because he bought you a top apartment in Seoul?"

As soon as this question came up, it immediately caused an uproar and there was a lot of discussion in the theater. If Song Yi privately buys an apartment for Quan Zhixian, wouldn't it confirm the rumors that Song Yi supports Quan Zhixian? They waited with great interest for Quan Ji-hyun's answer.

Kim Hee-won stood in front of Jun Ji-hyun, looking directly at the female reporter who just asked the question, and asked unceremoniously: "Which media reporter are you from?"

The female reporter was frightened by Kim Hee-won's momentum, "We are reporters from Chosun TV, a subsidiary of Chosun Ilbo."

Kim Hee-won smiled disdainfully, "Is that the North Korean TV station that was criticized by Blue House for reporting false news about North Korea?"

"This reporter, you just kept saying that Mr. Song Yi bought Miss Jun Ji-hyun a top-level apartment in Seoul. I hope Chosun TV can publish solid evidence in your report."

"If you, TV Chosun, can't produce evidence to prove that your question just now is just a rumor, we, Xinya Media, will complain to the Korea Broadcasting and Communications Commission about TV Chosun's inappropriate behavior and ask your TV station to apologize to the public, and your career as a journalist may be over. It will be over soon!" Jin Xiyuan said word for word.

Kim Hee-won's retort was so powerful that the female reporter from Chosun TV was almost frightened to tears. "We also asked questions based on clues provided by newspaper informants. We cannot guarantee the complete authenticity of the news source."

Jin Xiyuan's tone suddenly rose, "Although I have never been a journalist, I know the journalist's professional standards: respect the truth and respect the public's right to know the truth. Defend the principle of freedom of honest interviewing, reporting, and publishing of news at all times. .”

"You are just relying on an unconfirmed tip to maliciously slander the personal reputation of Miss Jun Ji-hyun, a national treasure actress of our New Asia agency, just to let the fake news grab the media headlines immediately and waste public resources?"

Jin Xiyuan looked at the press pass of the female reporter and said, "Ms. Jeon Ji-hyun did purchase an apartment in Seoul. The purchase price of this apartment was paid by Ms. Jeon Ji-hyun alone. Neither the agency nor Mr. Song Yi shared even one Korean won in the purchase of the apartment." payment, this information can be easily verified at the estate management office.”

"So I'm warning you TV Chosun again, don't think that with the Chosun Ilbo behind you, you can attack and smear the artists of New Asia Agency unscrupulously. If I catch you, I will make it difficult for you to walk away!" Jin Xiyuan's attitude was very rude.

Because Kim Hee-won had been protecting Jun Ji-hyun, the entertainment reporters at the scene were also very sensible and did not ask questions about Song Yi. After asking Jun Ji-hyun a few simple questions, they let Jun Ji-hyun and Kim Hee-won leave together.

After getting in the car, Jun Ji-hyun realized that if Kim Hee-won hadn't warned the female reporter from Chosun TV just now, maybe the headline in tomorrow's newspaper would be "Song Yi spent a lot of money to buy Jun Ji-hyun a Seoul apartment. Jun Ji-hyun truly confessed that Song Yi is the best boss in the world." .

"Thank you, Sister Xiyuan. Only now do I understand how much trouble my acceptance speech brought to the company and the president." Quan Zhixian was still frightened.

Jin Xiyuan's expression was very serious, "This matter will not be easy to pass. Apart from "My Naughty Girlfriend", you have no other film and television works in the past two years."

"The price of the apartment you bought will soon be revealed by the media. When they count your film remuneration and advertising endorsements, they will find that your income is not enough to buy this luxury apartment in full."

"To be on the safe side, you can tell the media that you bought a New Asia Capital fund, and New Asia Capital's professional team will help you with personal finance management. You can post the tax payment certificate issued by the National Taxation Department on the inschool homepage to prove that you All sources of income are legal." Kim Hee-won gave Jun Ji-hyun advice.

Jun Ji-hyun knows that many Korean artists evade taxes, especially when they participate in overseas activities. However, New Asia Brokerage has done a good job in this regard and has never made such a mistake.

"I understand. I will follow the company's arrangements for the following media activities." Jun Ji-hyun behaved obediently.

Kim Hee-won is very satisfied with Jun Ji-hyun's attitude. Jun Ji-hyun did not lose her position because she won the Daejong Award for Best Actress.

Jun Ji-hyun's performance in "My Naughty Girl" is certainly excellent, but she doesn't have to be awarded Best Actress. She did not contribute a performance that crushed Zhang Baizhi, Li Yingai and others.

Without Song Yi's efforts behind the scenes, Jun Ji-hyun would not have become the youngest winner of the Daejong Award for Best Actress in history. After receiving this award, Jun Ji-hyun will officially join the ranks of South Korea's first-line film actors. If she wins another Baeksang Arts Award or Blue Dragon Award, Jun Ji-hyun will be qualified to be called a Chungmuro ​​actor.

Kim Hee-won originally wanted to ask Jun Ji-hyun if he deliberately showed favor to Song Yi at the Daejong Awards ceremony, trying to force Song Yi to take the position. After all, everyone knows that Kim Tae Hee is a Catholic and it is impossible to have a relationship with Song Yi before marriage.

Let alone Jun Ji-hyun, doesn't Song Hye Kyo have any desire to become the wife of the president of New Asia? Everyone knows that becoming Song Yi's woman can quickly gain wealth and social status.

In Kim Hee-won's eyes, female stars like Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo are mid-level competitors. No matter how good-looking a woman is, she has a shelf life, and the entertainment industry will never lack younger, more beautiful, and better-figured female artists.

After Song Yi gets tired of playing with Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo, he will give Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo their freedom and let them fall in love and get married.

But Jin Xiyuan doesn't know if Song Yi will renew their relationship with Jun Ji Hyun and Song Hye Kyo after they get married. After all, Song Yi has always been interested in other people's wives. If Song Hye Kyo knew about Song Yi's hobby, in order to please Song Yi, she might find a male star in the industry to get married this year.

Compared to Jun Ji-hyun and Song Hye-kyo, Kim Hee-won is more worried about high-ranking competitors like Son Ye-jin.

Although Song Yi didn't say it explicitly, Jin Xiyuan knew that Song Yi was very interested in Sun Yizhen. She felt that Song Yi's attempt to sign Ko Hyun Jung was also to allow Barunson Entertainment's representative Kim Min Sook to merge the company into New Asia Agency.

Son Ye-jin has an unforgettable face that resembles her first love. There is a sense of clarity between her eyebrows that is not stained by the world, and a natural youthful temperament that is both pure and fairy. If you want to find an actress of the same type for comparison, she should be similar to Liu Yifei when she was young in Mainland China.

Moreover, Representative Kim Min-sook protects Son Ye-jin very well. Until now, Son Ye-jin has not been exposed to scandals or dated a boyfriend. Men all have a desire for exclusivity. Son Ye-jin has attracted the attention of many rich people just because of this. Kim Min-sook obviously has high expectations for Son Ye-jin and keeps her waiting for a price.

Son Ye-jin's innocent look on the screen makes me feel pity for her, and anyone who sees her can't help but feel excited.

Jin Xiyuan knew that Song Yi's birthday gift to Kim Tae Hee this year was a piece of land in Longshan District. Kim Tae Hee planned to build a New Asia Art Museum and a HugeDream cinema on this land. At present, Kim Tae Hee's status as the main palace is still very stable.

Originally, Kim Tae Hee's parents planned to marry Song Yi after Kim Tae Hee graduated from college. Next summer, Kim Tae Hee will officially graduate from the Fashion Design Department of Seoul National University.

It is only about a year before Tae Hee graduates from university, but Jin Xiyuan always feels that something unexpected will happen within this year. She hopes that Kim Tae Hee and Song Yi will get the certificate soon. Even if they go to the United States to get the certificate secretly, Jin Hee Won can feel at ease.

When Jun Ji-hyun won the Daejong Award for Best Actress, representative Kim Min-sook was very enthusiastic, and Son Ye-jin immediately congratulated Jun Ji-hyun. If Kim Min-sook relents and Son Ye-jin becomes an artist under New Asia Media, Kim Hee-won doesn't believe that Song Yi will let Son Ye-jin take the initiative.

That night, New Asia Management held a celebration party for Jun Ji Hyun to be crowned the Best Actress of the Grand Bell Award at New Asia Building.

The company ordered a seven-layer cake for Jun Ji-hyun. Except for the underage Moon Geun-young and the twin sisters Xu Minshan and Xu Minzhen, all the contracted artists of New Asia Agency attended the celebration party. Even Cha Tae-hyun of SidusHQ also participated. Celebration party.

Cha Tae Hyun won the Best New Actor award at the 22nd Blue Dragon Awards held in December last year. He is very satisfied to win the Popular Actor award this time.

Although Cha Tae Hyun was nominated for Best Actor at the Daejong Awards, he knew in his heart that he was destined to accompany him this time.

Choi Min-sik won the 2001 Blue Dragon Award for Best Actor for his outstanding performance in "White Orchid", and Seol Kyung-gu's outstanding performance in "Public Enemies" has already secured him the 2002 Daejong Award for Best Actor and the Blue Dragon Award for Best Actor.

Therefore, although "My Naughty Girl" was selected for the five Grand Bell Awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Best Actress, only Jun Ji Hyun won the award. This shows how hard the actress Jun Ji Hyun came to win the award. Not easy.

For the judges of South Korea's three major film festivals, although "My Naughty Girl" has achieved both box office and word-of-mouth success, this love movie is not artistic enough, so it is destined to miss out on the major awards at the film festivals.

Director Guo Zaiyong also knows this, which is why he has high hopes for the movie "If Love Has God's Will" which has not yet started filming. If there is a stellar lineup like Cho Seung-woo, Jo In-sung and Son Ye-jin, he is confident that he can make a classic romantic literary film that can sprint for the best film at the three major Korean film festivals.

After the celebration party, Jun Ji-hyun uploaded a photo of herself, Cha Tae-hyun, Kwak Jae-yong, and Song Yi on the inschool homepage.

Jun Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun stood in the middle, while Song Yi and Guo Jae-yong stood on both sides. Jun Ji-hyun wore a crown and posted a picture with a picture: "Dream come true, We are family. (Dream come true, We are family)."

Her in-school post quickly attracted likes from fans, including Chen Xinyu who was surfing the Internet at home.

1L commented: "I hope to work at New Asia Media after graduation, maybe I can touch Ji-hyun's trophy!"

2L commented: "I would rather go to work at New Asia Network than New Asia Media. I heard that the company provides delicious afternoon tea every day." Chen Xinyu couldn't help but like the 2L comment like crazy.

3L commented: "The company atmosphere of New Asia Media is very good at first glance. Even the big boss will stand aside when taking pictures and respect the efforts of the actors very much."

The phenomenon of seniority in South Korea is very serious. Logically speaking, the position of this group photo should be Song Yi and Guo Jae-yong standing in the middle, Jun Ji-hyun and Cha Tae-hyun standing next to each other, but Song Yi did the opposite.

4L commented: "Isn't Cha Tae Hyun and Oppa a signed artist at sidusHQ? When did he also join New Asia Management? Jun Ji Hyun said, 'We are a family'."

Jun Ji-hyun's news not only attracted the attention of many fans, but also caused sidusHQ representative director Cha Seung-jae to have trouble sleeping.

If Zheng Shuotuo hadn't been caught by Song Yi eavesdropping on the company's artists, Jun Ji-hyun would have still been a signed artist at sidusHQ this year.

The youngest winner of the Daejong Award for Best Actress in history, Cha Seung-jae is very aware of the gold content of this title. It's a pity that Jun Ji-hyun's success today has nothing to do with sidusHQ.

Cha Tae-hyun's Blue Dragon Award for Best New Actor and Jun Ji-hyun's Daejong Award for Best Actress are not awards of the same magnitude.

He also saw this post posted by Jun Ji-hyun in inschool and saw the comments under the post. He thought Song Yi was really planning to poach Cha Tae-hyun, so he immediately called Song Yi.

After Song Yi understood Cha Shengzai's roundabout inquiry, he laughed happily, "Representative Cha, although I do admire Taehyun, I have no intention of poaching him. The reason why Jihyun said we are a family is because During filming, director Kwak Jae-yong and Tae-hyun took great care of her, just like family, don’t get me wrong.”

Chen Xinyu usually pays close attention to the company New Asia Network Co., Ltd. New Asia Network employees will post their work benefits on the inschool homepage.

New Asia Network Co., Ltd. can take a half-day off every Friday afternoon. Breakfast and lunch in the New Asia cafeteria are also great value-for-money prices. You can have a hearty meal for 2,000 won. You can also eat Japanese, Turkish, and Sichuan Hot Pot, Yeji BBQ and more.

Korean Internet companies have a very serious overtime culture, and New Asia Network Co., Ltd. is the first Internet company in Seoul to implement a 36-hour work system.

Chen Jianxi originally wanted to arrange for Chen Xinyu to study in the United States to learn advanced management experience from European and American companies. After she graduated in the United States, he would arrange for her to join Samsung's U.S. branch as an intern. Chen Xinyu will graduate from Ewha Womans University in South Korea this year.

I heard that New Asia Network has been recruiting on a large scale recently, and New Asia Network has held special job fairs at Seoul National University and Yonsei University. New Asia Network Co., Ltd. is also the one with the fastest growth in manpower among the many subsidiaries of New Asia.

Liu Yongjun reported this problem to Song Yi. There are barely enough work places in the Xinya Building workplace this year and next year. If inschool is launched in the Japanese market and Sohan.com is officially launched, Xinya Network will prepare to move and find a new one. of office space.

Chen Xinyu looked at Quan Zhixian who was smiling brightly, and her desire to do an internship at New Asia Network began to stir again.

She clicked on the official website of Xinya Network. There was a "Join Us" button under the homepage of the official website, which contained HR's corporate email address. After browsing the job positions, she submitted her resume. This time she applied for a management trainee position in Xinya's online retail business.

However, Chen Xinyu felt a little strange. Isn't New Asia Network an Internet company? Why does it want to develop retail business? Xinya Network's current main business is the social networking site inschool. Does Song Yi plan to sell things on inschool?

She likes the current clean and simple page design of inschool very much. If inschool starts selling things, she feels that inschool is not cool enough, and then she may not be willing to do everything possible to register an inschool account.

She couldn't wait to attend the interview with Xinya Network. Chen Xinyu has begun to look forward to meeting Song Yi in the final interview. She wants to see Song Yi smile in surprise when he sees her in Xinya Building.

Chen Xinyu has already thought about it. After she passes the interview with Xinya Network, she will seek the help of her sisters Chen Fuzhen and Chen Zaiyong, let them do the work of her father Chen Jianxi, and ask her to agree to his internship at Xinya Network.

Song Yi didn't know that Chen Xinyu actually came to her door and was actually planning to come to Xinya Network for an internship. The retail business that Chen Xinyu is applying for is Xinya Network's undisclosed shopping website Sohan.com. I wonder what Song Yi will think when he knows that Chen Xinyu is planning to join the Sohan.com team?

After the celebration party, Kim Hee-won and Kim Tae-hee returned to the Seongbuk-dong villa together. Song Yi drove Quan Zhixian back to her residence.

Quan Zhixian knew that if Kim Tae Hee was in Seoul, Song Yi would not have the habit of staying at a woman's house outside, but she still wanted to give it a try.

"OPPA, Sister Xiyuan has criticized me just now. I know I shouldn't say in public that you are the best boss in the world. In fact, you are not only the best boss, but also my business teacher. I will wear it later. Wear the high school uniform you wore during the filming, and ask Teacher Song to give me, a disobedient female student, severe corporal punishment. Look at me doing this, can you calm down?" Jun Ji-hyun's tone was very coquettish, and her tone was particularly pitiful.

See you tomorrow

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